Access to VISU elements on Codesys 3.5.8 - visualization

I need to access to a "combo box array" object's properties from my Main (PRG) on Codesys 3.5.8.
How can I do this?

Unfortunately you can't access the combo box array properties directly. You are going to access them through the visualization. Since a visualization is like a FB (or class if you're from the object oriented world) you are going to have to create a visualization with input and output variables. Do this in the Interface Editor for the visualization. Use the input and output variables in the visualization for the properties you want to access (such as combo box arry properties). You then create another visualization and drag in the previous visualization (creating an instance of the visualization). You can then assign variables that are available to the Main program.
For example

This depends on the property. If it is something like position for example, you may create variable in your program and set that variable in the property directly, just like you bind other properties. Thus you can work with that variable directly in the programm.


Anylogic: Declare parameter of type ArrayList

I'm building a class (sorry - Agent) that will work with a set of Tank objects (Fluid Library) - doing things like monitoring individual levels or total level of all tanks, reporting on levels and initiating actions based on levels - things of that nature. For argument's sake let's call it a "TankMonitor" agent.
Ideally I'd like to be able to define a Parameter in my "TankMonitor" agent that allows me to define the tanks of interest when I place a TankMonitor in main. I have tried to define the type of the parameter as Other - ArrayList<Tank> however I don't know how to set up the next step to allow me to populate the ArrayList of Tanks when I put an instance of this agent in main. My preference would be to have a list type control to populate the ArrayList - much like the way the AnyLogic Seize block allows you to specify multiple resource pools to choose from.
Has anyone attempted this before and been successful?
This is possible as follows:
Change the type to "Other" and then 'Tank[]' , i.e. an Array of Tanks
Change the control type to "one-dimensional array"
Example below. Now you have the same UI to pre-define tanks at design time for your agent instance.
In addition to Benjamin's perfect answer, I'd just add the manual workaround, which is not needed here but can be useful when the parameter in question has a more complicated structure than covered by the pre-made controls, say a list of lists, a map, or similar.
In such a case, the Control Type is still Text, and populating it in an instance happens by pointing it to a new object of the parameter's type. E.g. for an ArrayList<Tank> parameter, you might instantiate a new ArrayList object, which you fill with a list of objects like so:
new ArrayList<Tank>(Arrays.asList(tankA, tankB))
In the Java code, whatever is written into that text box will end up on the right side of a parameter assignment statement in the embedded Agent instance's auto-generated parameter setup function. Therefore, multi-statement code won't work in this spot. Instead, if the process of building the parameter value doesn't fit neatly into a single expression, you can hide the code in a function which returns the desired object, and call that from the parameter's text box.

When does Inspector in unity assign variable?

Say i have a public list of integers then of course I will see the list in unity inspector and i can assign multiple values inside it. My question is when the list will actually assign the values to the variables in the game?? Does it assign values in "OnEnable()", "OnAwake()", "OnStart()".
During deserialization
Which occurs before any method of that script's code is called.
If you want to run code at that point in time, you need an ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Note that the intended use of this interface is to serialize/deserialize certain complex Types (such as dictionaries) for use in the Inspector; I have not attempted to use this in a runtime capacity even though the interface does appear to be in UnityEngine not UnityEditor.

MATLAB member function suggestion

If for example you have acquired a object of type handleplot with expression like below:
handle = plot(t,functoin1 , t , function2 ) ;
Now handle will be an array that contains two elements, handle(1) and handle(2). Now suppose you want to change some properties of one of these objects, like set a LineWidth, change the Color, or the like.
Is there any way in which you can activate auto-completion or suggestions when you type handle(1). (note the memebership operator .)? I am looking for the automatic suggestions that MATLAB provides for member functions in a combobox near the blinking cursor, similar to the way other IDEs provide this feature:
MATLAB's objects support tab completion. After typing handle(1). simply hit tab and you will receive a list of available methods and properties of the graphics object.
If you want more help on a method, you will also get a popup dialog of the method and the accepted input arguments.
If you want to programmatically get a list of properties of an object, you can use properties
If you want a listing of all properties and their values, just use get
i use this method ...
for example i'm writing a program in matlab editor and when im want to know the properties of an object just stop coding and run the program , know it's have my object (for example handle) and know i can write the properties(handle) in command window to know the exact properties of handle . as Suever says .

MATLAB GUI to set Object Constructor

I'm currently designing a GUI to open a MAT file(s) to store the time-series variables in it as properties in a class, and do things to the data within the class. The Class is pretty well defined, however, it is the I/O portion of it that I need guidance on.
The constructor of the class currently is written to set the properties to empty if there are no inputs. However, I have a method that has a UIOPEN to get the file and set the properties of the class.
I have created a GUIDE GUI, where I pass the empty object of the class to the handles of the GUI and store it using guidata. The GUI has a button (along with other elements) called "Get File" that will call the property setter method when clicked to populate the properties and a listbox with those properties.
The uncertainty is in the whole architecture of what I have done. I'd like to know if there is a better way to accomplish this. It seems like it's kind of a mickey mouse way of doing it. Thanks!
I can point out a few things:
GUIDE is old, weird and it is generally better to create GUIs programmatically
once you have gotten rid of GUIDE you can have the object govern the GUI behavior easily - the object could have methods to spawn and refresh the gui, hold handles to gui elements in private properties etc.
Creating object-manged guis can also save you some problems with syncing workspace with the gui without using global, assignin or evalin. Since the object holds the data and it also governs the gui - the problem is no longer present.
Mathworks disencourages using guidata for things other than handles to graphical objects, and advices the user to use appdata

How to set global variables for different GUIs in Matlab?

I want to do something like this: a program where at the beginning some data is initialized. Then I open other GUIs where I show some graphics from these data.
Is there any possible way to set some global variables for different GUIs? If not, how could I do it?
As long as you pass the handle of the first GUI to the second, you can access all the properties of GUI#1 from GUI#2 (and vice versa, since the GUI creation method returns the handle to GUI#2).
Alternatively, you can collect the data you want to visualize (as well as the handles of the GUIs) in a handle object, which means it is passed by reference and thus available everywhere.
Finally, you can, of course, create global variables - at the beginning of any function that would like to access these variables you have to declare them as global var1, var2, var3.