Import existing web application into Bluemix - ibm-cloud

I've existing Web application developed and would like to import the entire repo into Bluemix. This web application required Web Server, Node.js and Bootstrap. Which is the most appropriate buildpack under CloundFoundry should I use?
I've uploaded my application to Github

use following steps to add your git repository for Deploying app on Bluemix.
1) Create an app on bluemix by clicking on "Cloud Foundry app "and then
Then on Web -
and Then choose SDK for Node.js-
2) Give you App a name. You can see your App staging and started on Bluemix.
3) Click on the App and you will be redirected to App overview page. There you will find ADD GIT option at top right corner.
4) A pop will appear asking you to create git Repository. Click on "Create" option to create one.
5) Now you can see a git repository created for you. The link is given at top right corner. But the Git repository created will be in not GITHUB.
6) To Sync your app with Github account, click on the Git url, a new tab will open with Git Repository shown to you. Click on the button at right top corner.
7) A pop will come up. Select Change repository and link you Git hub account with Bluemix.
8) Clicking on Authorise with Github will take you to github page, where you can authorise Bluemix to access your Repository. Once, its done. It will be easy for you to use your existing Repository with Bluemix.
In case, you can also go through the Bluemix Documentation for further clarity. Following is the link -
Hope this helps you, Let me know if you face any issue.


Connect GitHub repo with AppCenter for CI/CD

First of all I would like to mention that this repo is not created by me, it is owned by another team which I was given admin privilege. Here is the image:
What I'm trying to do is to connect this repo to MS App Center. However I don't see this repo in the list of available repos to connect. Here is the image:
Go to Marketplace
Search for App Center and click on it (It is already downloaded)
Click on configure access (redirected to
Press on configure
Go to Repository access section and select Only select repositories to add my new repo
Here on the last step on trying to search for frontend keyword of my repo I was granted access to, however I don't see it in the list.
How can I find and connect it to App Center?

Ionic Appflow and GitHub Connection List is incomplete and entry to Repo missing

I am currently trying to connect a GitHub Repo to Ionic App Flow.
Therefore, I have set up everything as proposed.
Install ionic CLI as suggested by npm install -g #ionic/cli
Created local App
Created App in App Flow dashboard
Set up SSH Key to GitHub
Additionally, I am admin in the GitHub Repo, yet I am not the owner of it.
If i want to connect the App Flow App to my GitHub Repo i do the following as instructed:
I link the ionic app by ionic link XXXXX
Following the instructions
Which git host would you like to use? >> GitHub.
Does the repository exist on GitHub? (Y/n) >> Y.
This is when the trouble kicks in. I am asked to auth to Github and get
back a list of all Repos I have access too. However, the one I am admin at
and want to connect the Repo to is not listed.
Same case in the dashboard under AppName > Settings > Git
All my personal repos and to I am Collaborater at are shown, but not the
one I am looking for. Can someone help and tell my why this is the case
and how to resolve this issue?
Constructive help appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I just ran into this myself. Go to the Github organization's settings page, and on the Third-party access tab - turn off the application access restrictions. Then on the Ionic dashboard your organization should appear in the dropdown.

Why does a git push on any Project trigger a build in Google Cloud Build (GitHub Apps)?

I want to enable the Google Cloud Build Github App in several Github projects.
So on the Google Cloud Build Github App, I click on grant this app access to your GitHub account
Then on the following screen, I install Google Cloud Build on All repositories.
Then I'm redirecting to a couple of Google Authorization screens.
Then I endup on the Google following screen, where I select an existing Google project-id then accept the consent screen.
The issue is: a git push on any of my Github repo triggers a build in this google project-id (and not on his related Google project-id)
Of course I want
a push in Github project#1 to trigger a build in Google Cloud Build project#1
a push in Github project#2 to trigger a build in Google Cloud Build project#2
There is now an "Add another project" button that allows you to connect repositories directly to different projects when setting up the Google Cloud Build connection.
See this screenshot:
I believe that's because the app works on the Account level and not on the project level.

How to link GitHub repository with JIRA project?

I have a software project in JIRA and want to link that project with a GitHub repository so that when I create tasks in the JIRA project I can branch out in the corresponding GitHub repository, etc. I was able to link my GitHub account with my JIRA account ( but I don't know how to connect one of my JIRA projects with a specific GitHub repository.
For example, when I create a task in my JIRA project I expect to see a link on the task page to create a branch. There's no such links because the project is not linked to a repository.
EDIT: I don't see the Development panel on the issue page in JIRA. If I were able to see that panel that would solve this problem (likely).
EDIT: I am trying to see this panel on the issue page. This is from JIRA's help pages.
EDIT: Instead I see this (notice no Development panel on the right side that allows me to create a branch)
Step 1. Create an OAuth access token for your GitHub account
Log in to GitHub as a user with admin permissions on the account.
Choose Edit Your Profile.
Select OAuth Applications.
Select the Developer Applications tab.
Choose Register new OAuth application.
Enter a name for Application Name.
Enter the JIRA Software URL for both the URL and Callback URL fields. Press Register Application.
Keep your browser open at your GitHub account while you go on with the next step.
Step 2. Add the OAuth token in JIRA Software
Log in to JIRA Software as a user with admin permissions.
From the JIRA Software dashboard click the cog (settings) icon.
Choose Applications.
From the Integrations section on the left, choose DVCS accounts.
Click Link Bitbucket Cloud or GitHub account.
Choose 'GitHub' as the Host value.
Enter a Team or User Account name.
Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values from your GitHub site into the dialog.
Leave the default auto link and Smart Commits (recommended) as is or change them
Click Add.
Grant access when prompted
When JIRA connects successfully, you'll see your account on the 'DVCS accounts' page.

Deploy meanjs based application hosted in Github to Bluemix

My application using meanjs framework is hosted in Github repository. How do I integrate Bluemix and Git to deploy my application to Bluemix?
Your best option for using Git to deploy to Bluemix from a Github repository is to use this link:
This will grab your repository, launch a Bluemix application with it and create a Bluemix DevOps project that allows you to push changes to your application with Git instead of the Cloud Foundry CLI tool.
You can also manually perform this process by starting here ( On this setup page, be sure to select 'Make this a Bluemix Project' so you can deploy your code to Bluemix.
FYI - Just deploying a repository to Bluemix does not mean that it will run on the platform. See here for more info on getting your code to work on Bluemix.
Deploy the project into Bluemix as below:
download meanjs from Github at:
install dependency packages by npm -install
check and see if the project can run at local by command grunt as meansjs project describes
create a mongolab service in Bluemix with named mean-mongo
check .cfignore file contains below items;
List of files and directories to ignore when deploying to Bluemix (.DS_Store, .nodemonignore, .sass-cache/, npm-debug.log, node_modules/, public/lib, app/tests/coverage/, .bower-*/, .idea/)
push the application by cf push <appname> -p .
Integrate the app to Git
make sure that step 1 completes successfully, and the application is upload to Bluemix successfully
add the app deployed to Bluemix in step 1 to jazz hub by (click the app -> click "ADD GIT" at upper right of the app - > then it will create url to the jazz hub project
login onto jazz hub by clicking "GIT URL" or "EDIT" button at the app page
it will open jazz hub page
further reference