How to use Page Transition in NativeScript - angular2-nativescript

I'm trying to use page transition from routerExtensions without success. (2.3.0)
I tried in js:
animated: true,
name: 'flip',
duration: 2000,
curve: 'linear'
and I tried in the xml:
<Button text="Goto myPage" [nsRouterLink]="['/myPage']" pageTransition="flip"></Button>
Both ways works as I navigate to "myPage" but without animations.
Is there a setting I need to change to "enable" the animations or am I missing something obvious?

With the provided context it's difficult to say exactly why it's not working.
All you should really need to do is:
Setup the components you're routing to:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', redirectTo: '/home' },
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
{ path: 'about', component: AboutComponent },
{ path: 'contact', component: ContactComponent },
Inject the native router extensions in the component with your router-outlet
import { RouterExtensions } from "#nativescript/angular/router";
selector: "ns-app",
templateUrl: "./app.component.html"
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private routerExtensions: RouterExtensions) {}
public navigate(link: string): void {
this.routerExtensions.navigate([link], {
animated: true,
transition: { name: 'slide' }
And of course have a way to call this method
<Button text="Home" (tap)="navigate('home')"></Button>
<Button text="About" (tap)="navigate('about')"></Button>
<Button text="Contact" (tap)="navigate('contact')"></Button>
<page-router-outlet actionBarVisibility="never"></page-router-outlet>
I've setup a working repo demonstrating this here These are also possible to achieve in angular not using nativescript native routing APIs.
let me know if there are further questions.

Have a look at the Groceries app by nativescript and its a great resource for all nativescript component - You can find the transition animation they have given in it.
Good Luck. If need any help ask.


I can't redirect ionic page using tab forms

I can't redirect a ionic 4 tab page to other tab page using parameters.
I'm using tabs-routing.module.ts with this code:
path: 'tab2/:id',
outlet: 'tab3',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: () =>
import('../tab2/tab2.module').then(m => m.Tab2PageModule)
/* {
path: 'tab2/:id',
component: Tab2PageModule
}, */
The view contains:
ion-button size="small" href="/tabs/tab2/{{f}}/"...
ion-button size="small" href="/tab2/{{f}}/" ...
The browser says:
core.js:9110 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: 'tabs/tab2/1/'
When I use:
ion-button size="small" href="/tabs/(tab3:tab2/{{ f }})" ...
The url in browser is
The content in the browser disappears and only shows the tabs.
To navigate within your app you should use routerLink directive like the following:
<ion-button size="small" [routerLink]="['/tabs/tab2/', id]">
routerLink directive documentation
It seems there is an other issue. Your declared routes are: tab2/:id and tab2/:id. Yet you're routing to /tabs/tab2/1 while you should be routing to /tab2/1
Like this:
<ion-button size="small" [routerLink]="['/tab2/', id]">
Thanks for your help, now it works correctly. However, now the controller does not get the parameter correctly.
In this screen I will call the details module
main module
But the module that receives the parameters does not get the data sent
This is how the screen looks without parameters
second module
When I add the complete code (using the parameter)
ion-button size=small routerLink=/tabs/tab2/{{f}}
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes.
URL Segment: 'tabs/tab2/3' Error: Cannot match any routes. URL
Segment: 'tabs/tab2/3'
The content of file tabs.routing.module.ts is
path: 'tab2/:id',
outlet: 'tab3',
children: [
path: '',
loadChildren: () =>
import('../tab2/tab2.module').then(m => m.Tab2PageModule)
path: 'tab2/:id',
outlet: 'tab3',
component: Tab2PageModule
the content of file is
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute } from '#angular/router';
import { ListadoPokemonService } from '../servicio/listado-pokemon.service';
selector: 'app-tab2',
templateUrl: '',
styleUrls: ['']
export class Tab2Page implements OnInit{
idPokemon: string;
nombrePokemon: string;
constructor(private activatedroute: ActivatedRoute, private servicio: ListadoPokemonService) { }
this.idPokemon = this.activatedroute.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
// this.nombrePokemon = this.activatedroute.snapshot.paramMap.get('nombre');
ngOnInit() {
Thanks in advance for your help i'm php & visual studio developer but new in angular & ionic issues.
I could solve it, just add the following code
path: 'tab2/:id',
//component: Tab2PageModule
loadChildren: () =>
import('../tab2/tab2.module').then(m => m.Tab2PageModule)
in tabs-routing.module.ts
I solved this problem by placing the redirect object above the empty path. like this example:
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
redirectTo: '/user/profile-u',
pathMatch: 'full'
path: '',
component: UserPage,
children: [
path: 'job-applying',
loadChildren: () => import('./job-applying/job-applying.module').then(m => m.JobApplyingPageModule)
}, ...
I hope this helps you. I realize this seems like a trivial solution, but some things in this framework are just a little finicky.

Vue-router push to Named View

I can't find solution to go to named view. My routes ,
routes: [
path: '/',
component: App,
children : [
path: '/',
redirect: 'home'
path: 'home',
components: {
home : Home,
contact : Contact,
geo : Geo,
shake : Shake,
camera : Camera
This is my app.vue
<ion-fab vertical="bottom" horizontal="center" slot="fixed">
<ion-fab-button #click="page()">
<ion-icon name="camera"></ion-icon>
export default {
name : 'App',
methods: {
page() {
I want to go to the Camera component when I click camera icon/button. How can I achieve this?
You have to define multiple router views for each name in named views. There should be one default, and multiple others for each name. Like this.
<router-view name="home"></router-view>
<router-view name="contact"></router-view>
All respective components will all be loaded in router-view when a url is hit.
You can read more about it in this doc. An see a working example here
if you want to redirect using the script you can try this to change the route.
this.$router.push({ name: 'your_route_name' })
in addition, you can also send params to that route by enabling props: true while defining routes,
this.$router.push({name: 'your_route_name', params: { var_name: data } })

Ionic 4: ionic serve reloads app on every page

I'm new to Ionic 4 and I'm trying to figure out if I'm doing something wrong, or if Ionic 4 just acts differently in this area. I have a very simple app that just has a few Ionic pages, and in the app.component.ts file I trigger some init logic in the platform.ready() call. I noticed this init code was fired on every page load when testing via ionic serve. Some code is below. I assume ionic serve is supposed to only reload the app when the code changes (and not on every navigation to a new page)? Maybe my navigation approach is causing the app to reload?
private platform: Platform,
private splashScreen: SplashScreen,
private statusBar: StatusBar
) {
initializeApp() {
this.platform.ready().then(async () => {
let time = new Date().toLocaleString();
console.log(`${time}: Platform is ready...dude`);
Simple navigation that loads various empty pages (and seems to trigger an app reload on every nav).
<ion-content padding>
<h1>Home Page</h1>
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'home', loadChildren: './pages/home/home.module#HomePageModule' },
{ path: 'login', loadChildren: './pages/login/login.module#LoginPageModule' },
{ path: 'profile', loadChildren: './pages/profile/profile.module#ProfilePageModule' },
{ path: 'account-detail/:id', loadChildren: './pages/account-detail/account-detail.module#AccountDetailPageModule' },
{ path: 'account', loadChildren: './pages/account/account.module#AccountPageModule' },
{ path: 'settlement', loadChildren: './pages/settlement/settlement.module#SettlementPageModule' },
{ path: 'signup', loadChildren: './pages/signup/signup.module#SignupPageModule' },
{ path: 'admin', loadChildren: './pages/admin/admin.module#AdminPageModule' },
Rookie mistake. I'm posting an answer in case anyone else stumbles into this.
My issue was the anchor tags. Obviously I'm unfamiliar with the angular router. Looks like if you provide a routerLink it will do what we'd expect from a "normal" SPA link (as opposed to reloading the app).
Updated Home Page
<ion-content padding>
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/home']" routerDirection="root">HOME</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/login']" routerDirection="root">login</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/profile']" routerDirection="root">profile</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/signup']" routerDirection="root">signup</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/account']" routerDirection="forward">accounts</a></li>
<li><a [routerLink]="['/admin']" routerDirection="forward">admin</a></li>

ionic - subview not showing proper content

I'm facing a strange issue with ionic.
I'm trying to create a page (setup.html) with two subviews (roomContent and settingsContent).
My ui-router look like the following:
.state('setup', {
url: '/setup',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'setup/setup.html',
controller: 'setupCtrl',
.state('', {
url: '/:roomID',
views: {
'roomContent': {
templateUrl: 'setup/room/roomSetup.html',
controller: 'roomSetupCtrl'
.state('', {
url: '/settings',
views: {
'settingsContent': {
templateUrl: 'setup/menu/menuSetup.html'
and setup.htmltemplate like this:
// This should display content for roomContent (state:
<ion-nav-view name="roomContent">
// ionic tabs here - don't want them on settings subview!
// This should display content for settingsContent (state:
<ion-nav-view name="settingsContent"></ion-nav-view>
But is not working like expected.
Basically, if I go to roomSetup, the content is not displayed. If I change the order of ion-nav-view in the html (settings before setup), then settings content is not displayed. It seams like it is displaying only the latest ion-nav-view.
Any suggestion?
At the end I solved this.
I changed a bit the folder structure and created a setup state and a new settings state, as I realized that I have only one setup state but multiple settings. This is the new structure, if it helps:
.state('setupRoom', {
url: '/setup/:roomID',
templateUrl: './sections/roomSetup/roomSetup.tpl.html',
controller: 'roomSetupCtrl',
data: {
requireLogin: false
}).state('settings', {
url: '/settings',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: './sections/settings/settings.tpl.html',
data: {
requireLogin: false
}).state('', {
views: {
settingsContent: {
templateUrl: './sections/settings/menu/menuSettings.tpl.html'
}).state('settings.system', {
url: '/system',
views: {
settingsContent: {
templateUrl: './sections/settings/system/systemSettings.tpl.html',
controller: 'settingsSystemCtrl'
This should be defined not as multiple states, but with a single state with multiple views. The way you did, you would need two separate URLs to show at same time. As in UIRouter the URL is attached to the state, this wouldn't be possible.
views: {
'filters': {
templateUrl: 'report-filters.html',
controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff just for filters view ... }
'tabledata': {
templateUrl: 'report-table.html',
controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff just for tabledata view ... }
'graph': {
templateUrl: 'report-graph.html',
controller: function($scope){ ... controller stuff just for graph view ... }
See UI-Router docs about multiple views
You need nested views :
In setup state configuration
views: {
'setup#': {
templateUrl: 'setup/setup.html',
controller: 'setupCtrl'
and now you use roomContent#setup and settingsContent2#setup
If this still does not work you can still try to replace <ion-nav-view> by <div ui-view>.
See for more details

Ionic setting up subpages

I am trying to set up an app with multiple screens and some screens should have sub screens. the tabs are working fine and linking up with the correct template but the subpages are not working. i cant even browse to the set urls. when i click on the icons it goes to the default i have set in the otherwise method.
// setup an abstract state for the tabs directive
.state('tab', {
url: '/tab',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: 'templates/tabs.html'
// Each tab has its own nav history stack:
.state('tab.home', {
url: '/home',
views: {
'tab-home': {
templateUrl: 'templates/tab-home.html',
controller: 'HomeCtrl'
.state('tab.aboutApps', {
url: '/aboutApps',
views: {
'tab-aboutApps': {
templateUrl: 'templates/tab-aboutApps.html'
.state('tab.aboutApps.pricing', {
url: '/aboutApps/pricing',
views: {
'detail-pricing': {
templateUrl: 'templates/detail-pricing.html'
.state('tab.aboutApps.features', {
url: '/features',
views: {
'detail-features': {
templateUrl: 'templates/detail-features.html'
<ion-item class="text-wrap" href="#/tab/aboutApps/features">
<ion-nav-view title="Features" name="detail-features" class="text-wrap"</ion-nav-view>
<ion-item class="text-wrap" href="#/tab/aboutApps/pricing">
<ion-nav-view title="Pricing" name="detail-priceing" class="text-wrap"></ion-nav-view>
i am new to ionic and dont see why this wont work. i am thinking that there is a problem in creating the path or url
Where you are using:
on your ion-item,
change this to:
This is a directive that binds a link to a state.
You can read more about it here: