I have a main file that has toggle button, on clicking one of the button I launch a new FXMLLoader that has about 10 SVGs, 15 Textfield and 6 spinners. Additionally it has CSS to render nodes accordingly... It loads fine with no error or any issues but takes a sec or two before the scene is displayed.
I guess it's to due to the number of nodes getting initialized at the same time. Is there a way to get scene displayed before the nodes start to be initialized?
NOTE: My project requires me to navigate to different scene on click.
ToggleButton from where it is selected
Stage stage = (Stage) mainWrapper.getScene().getWindow();
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/fxmlFiles/settings.fxml"));
stage.setScene(new Scene(root, Screen.getPrimary().getVisualBounds().getWidth(),
<FlowPane xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"
<VBox fx:id="mainWrapper">
<VBox fx:id="validationWrapper">
<Label fx:id="validationLabel" visible="false"/>
<VBox fx:id="generalInfo">
<HBox> <!--First Row-->
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelName" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miName" promptText="Motel Name"/>
<TextField fx:id="miFranchiseName" promptText="Franchise Name"/>
<HBox> <!--Second Row-->
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelAddress" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miAddress" promptText="Street Name"/>
<TextField fx:id="miCity" promptText="City/Town Name"/>
<HBox><!--Third Row-->
<HBox style="-fx-spacing: 25px;">
<Label></Label> <!--Empty label for purpose of leaving icon gap since N/A here-->
<TextField fx:id="miState" promptText="State"/>
<TextField fx:id="miZipCode" promptText="Zip Code"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelContact" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miContact" promptText="Contact no."/>
<HBox> <!--Fourth Row-->
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelFax" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miFax" promptText="Fax no."/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelEmail" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miEmail" promptText="Email id"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelNoOfRooms" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miNOR" promptText="No. of Rooms"/>
<HBox style="-fx-spacing: 50px"> <!--Fifth Row-->
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelCheckInTime" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<Spinner fx:id="hourSpinnerCIT"/>
<Spinner fx:id="minSpinnerCIT"/>
<Spinner fx:id="secSpinnerCIT"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelCheckOutTime" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<Spinner fx:id="hourSpinnerCOT"/>
<Spinner fx:id="minSpinnerCOT"/>
<Spinner fx:id="secSpinnerCOT"/>
<VBox fx:id="roomOccupancy">
<HBox> <!--First Row-->
<Label fx:id="labelMaxGuestSelection"
text="Maximum Allowed Guest in individual Rooms. Please state the max count in adjacent cells"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelSingleBed" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miSB" promptText="Single Bed"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelTwoBeds" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miTB" promptText="Two Beds"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelfamilyRoom" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miFR" promptText="Family Room"/>
<HBox> <!--Second Row-->
<Label fx:id="labelMaxGuestCharged"
text="Rate Charged per Guest after max. allowed guest exceeds in a room"/>
<SVGPath fx:id="iconMotelGuestExceedRate" scaleX="0.05" scaleY="0.05" fill="white"/>
<TextField fx:id="miGER" promptText="Rate/Guest Exceeded"/>
<VBox fx:id="submissionWrapper">
<Button fx:id="submit" text="UPDATE" onAction="#saveData"/>
Controller for FXML
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
//Load the data if the motelInfo file exist
File checkTemp = new File("motelDetails.ser");
//Getting Values for the spinner
for(int i=0;i<24;i++){
hourList.add(String.format("%02d", i));
final SpinnerValueFactory<String> hourValuesCIT = new SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory<>(hourList);
final SpinnerValueFactory<String> hourValuesCOT = new SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory<>(hourList);
for(int i=0; i<60; i++){
minList.add(String.format("%02d", i));
secList.add(String.format("%02d", i));
final SpinnerValueFactory<String> minValuesCIT = new SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory<>(minList);
final SpinnerValueFactory<String> minValuesCOT = new SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory<>(minList);
final SpinnerValueFactory<String> secValuesCIT = new SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory<>(secList);
final SpinnerValueFactory<String> secValuesCOT = new SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory<>(secList);
styleSpinner(hourSpinnerCIT, hourValuesCIT);
styleSpinner(hourSpinnerCOT, hourValuesCOT);
styleSpinner(minSpinnerCIT, minValuesCIT);
styleSpinner(minSpinnerCOT, minValuesCOT);
styleSpinner(secSpinnerCIT, secValuesCIT);
styleSpinner(secSpinnerCOT, secValuesCOT);
It seems you have two problems:
running long operation (readDataFromFile()) on a UI Thread which blocks updates
doing it all in FXMLoader.load() which doesn't allow to draw anything until it finished
I suggest to fix both things by running load in a different thread and showing load screen while it happens. See next example:
public class Main extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
StackPane loadingRoot = new StackPane();
loadingRoot.getChildren().setAll(new ProgressIndicator());
final Scene scene = new Scene(loadingRoot);
new Thread(() -> {
// we need to wrap UI code in Platform
Platform.runLater(() -> {
Parent root;
try {
root = FXMLLoader.load(Main.class.getResource("FXMLDocument.fxml"));
} catch (IOException ex) {
public static void veryLongOperation() {
try {
// long-long operation
} catch (Exception ex) {
We've been asked to migrate some very old legacy projects (i.e. from TFS 2010 days) onto Azure Devops Services. These very old projects have almost nothing in their Process Configuration and only have one error line in the logs from the migration tool for all project types (Scrum, Agile, Basic etc...).
[Info #15:27:48.998] === Found 1 error(s) when compared against process TFS 2019 Update 1 Scrum ===
[Error #15:27:48.998] Custom processConfiguration typeField count '0' is different than system '8'.
[Info #15:27:48.998] === End of error(s) when compared against process TFS 2019 Update 1 Scrum ===
When looking at their Process Configuation it is only a few lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<RequirementBacklog workItemCountLimit="1000">
<AddPanel />
<TaskBacklog workItemCountLimit="1000">
<AddPanel />
<Property name="BugsBehavior" value="Off" />
The only project that has no errors was a project added much later on TFS 2015:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<BugWorkItems category="Microsoft.BugCategory" pluralName="Bugs" singularName="Bug">
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<State type="Resolved" value="Resolved" />
<FeedbackRequestWorkItems category="Microsoft.FeedbackRequestCategory" pluralName="Feedback Requests" singularName="Feedback Request">
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<FeedbackResponseWorkItems category="Microsoft.FeedbackResponseCategory" pluralName="Feedback Responses" singularName="Feedback Response">
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<PortfolioBacklog category="Microsoft.EpicCategory" pluralName="Epics" singularName="Epic" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.WorkItemType" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BusinessValue" />
<Column width="100" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.Tags" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Resolved" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<PortfolioBacklog category="Microsoft.FeatureCategory" parent="Microsoft.EpicCategory" pluralName="Features" singularName="Feature" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.WorkItemType" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BusinessValue" />
<Column width="100" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.Tags" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Resolved" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<RequirementBacklog category="Microsoft.RequirementCategory" parent="Microsoft.FeatureCategory" pluralName="Stories" singularName="User Story" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.WorkItemType" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints" />
<Column width="100" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.IterationPath" />
<Column width="200" refname="System.Tags" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Resolved" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<TaskBacklog category="Microsoft.TaskCategory" parent="Microsoft.RequirementCategory" pluralName="Tasks" singularName="Task" workItemCountLimit="1000">
<Field refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="400" refname="System.Title" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.State" />
<Column width="100" refname="System.AssignedTo" />
<Column width="50" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" />
<State type="Proposed" value="New" />
<State type="InProgress" value="Active" />
<State type="Complete" value="Closed" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity" type="Activity" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank" type="Order" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationLaunchInstructions" type="ApplicationLaunchInstructions" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationStartInformation" type="ApplicationStartInformation" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationType" type="ApplicationType">
<TypeFieldValue type="ClientApp" value="Client application" />
<TypeFieldValue type="RemoteMachine" value="Remote machine" />
<TypeFieldValue type="WebApp" value="Web application" />
<TypeField format="{0} h" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork" type="RemainingWork" />
<TypeField refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints" type="Effort" />
<TypeField refname="System.AreaPath" type="Team" />
<Property name="HiddenBacklogs" value="Microsoft.EpicCategory" />
<Property name="BugsBehavior" value="AsTasks" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFCC293D" secondary="FFFAEAE5" name="Bug" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Code Review Request" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Code Review Response" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF7B00" secondary="FFFFD7B5" name="Epic" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FF773B93" secondary="FFEEE2F2" name="Feature" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Feedback Request" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Feedback Response" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Issue" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Shared Parameter" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Shared Steps" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFF2CB1D" secondary="FFF6F5D2" name="Task" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Test Case" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Test Plan" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FFFF9D00" secondary="FFFCEECF" name="Test Suite" />
<WorkItemColor primary="FF009CCC" secondary="FFD6ECF2" name="User Story" />
Anyone know of a easy way to fix the older projects? We want to import the code with changeset histories into Azure Devop Services and none of them have actually have work items (was managed externally on JIRA), build and release configs etc... We just want to get them onto the cloud to retire the legacy onpremise TFS servers (which are now running Azure Devops Server 2020.1.1 as per the migration suggestions).
Thanks for any help.
Edit: we're using TFS Team Project Manager from Jelle Druyts to help do some of the analysis, and am wondering if we can use the Transform function under Process Configuration to import the working projects config into the other projects.
Sorry for the late reply on this. Since we didn't need to preserve templates and work items/ task history, we ended up abandoning full migrations. Ended up using the git-tfs (https://git-tfs.com/) tool to convert the TFS projects to a local git repository, then attaching that to a new Azure git project. Preserved all our history which was great.
I got a problem with hirarchy grid, i am following this zk live demo,so i am using grid for header data and listbox for detail data, but when i am using the selectedItem property in listbox detail the second row detail become selected too,Here is my UI design
This is my code i am using mvvm
<grid model="#load(vm.headers )">
<column width="40px" />
<column label="Nomor Part" sort="auto(name)" style="color:black"/>
<column label="Description" sort="auto(averageHigh)" align="center" style="color:black"/>
<column label="Hotline" sort="auto(averageVolume)" align="center" style="color:black"/>
<template name="model" var="item" >
<custom-attributes details="${item.details}" hotline="${item.hotline}" partNumber="${item.partNumber}"/>
<detail open="false" fulfill="onOpen">
<!--<include src="/widgets/grid/hierarchy/season.zul" details="${details}" hotline="${item.hotline}"/>-->
<include src="/widgets/grid/hierarchy/season.zul" details="#bind(item.details)" hotline="#bind(item.hotline)" partNumber="#bind(item.partNumber)"/>
<label value="${item.partNumber}" />
<label value="${item.partDescription}"/>
<checkbox checked="#bind(item.hotline)" onCheck="#command('checkHotline',hotline=item.hotline)"></checkbox>
And here is my list detail code :
<listbox width="100%" height="300px" model="#load(details)" mold="paging" pageSize="5"
emptyMessage="no data found" >
<listhead style = "text-align: center">
<listheader label="Kode Dealer"/>
<listheader label="Nama Dealer"/>
<listheader label="Alamat"/>
<listheader label="Jarak"/>
<listheader label="Aksi"/>
<template name="model" var="dtl">
<listitem style = "text-align: center" >
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.dealerCode)"/>
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.dealerName)"/>
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.address)"/>
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.distance)"/>
<checkbox checked="#bind(dtl.selectedDealer)" oncheck="#command('onSelectDealer',partNumber)" visible="#load(not hotline)"/>
<div align="right">
<button label="Cancel" onClick="#command('onSelectDealer',partNumber=partNumber)"/>
It's hard to provide advice without seeing your code. I would pay careful attention to the row expander code (from the demo)
<!-- use custom-attributes to store quarters and stock in row,
so it can be accessed later when detail onOpen -->
<custom-attributes quarters="${each.quarters}" stock="${each}" />
<detail open="false" fulfill="onOpen">
<include src="/widgets/grid/hierarchy/season.zul"
stock="${stock}" quarters="${quarters}" />
I am creating a login form and registration form in eclipse using javafx ... when application run it is showing default size for login and registration form.. both forms have different size.. how to update it ?
code is as follows
public void signin() {
AnchorPane pane2;
try {
pane2 = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Login.fxml"))
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
<AnchorPane prefHeight="435.0" prefWidth="655.0" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml/1" xmlns="http://javafx.com/javafx/8">
<ImageView fitHeight="435.0" fitWidth="655.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true">
<Image url="#../image/reg1.jpeg" />
<Label layoutX="278.0" layoutY="72.0" prefHeight="22.0" prefWidth="212.0" text="Login" textFill="#f8f7f7">
<Font name="Arial Bold Italic" size="39.0" />
<Label layoutX="38.0" layoutY="229.0" text="Email id" textFill="#19f236">
<Font name="System Bold" size="28.0" />
<Label layoutX="38.0" layoutY="309.0" text="Login id" textFill="#19f236">
<Font name="System Bold" size="22.0" />
<TextField layoutX="204.0" layoutY="237.0" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="326.0" />
<TextField layoutX="209.0" layoutY="313.0" prefHeight="25.0" prefWidth="326.0" />
<Button layoutX="252.0" layoutY="374.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Login" />
<Button layoutX="428.0" layoutY="374.0" mnemonicParsing="false" text="Cancel" />
<Label layoutX="52.0" layoutY="357.0" textFill="#ee1111">
<Font size="28.0" />
and in main class
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
try {
AnchorPane root = (AnchorPane)FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Sample.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root,300,300);
} catch(Exception e) {
As in the main class you are setting the scene width and height by 300 it will override the height and width set in the fxml file while launching.
So i suggest you to set only the root to the scene
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
This will allow to take the height and width from the fxml file
I can't find the problem in my code. The number of rows is always correct, but it only shows the values of the last object in the array of the binding. I'm using the correct aggregation <items> so that's not the issue. Maybe (I hope) I'm just overlooking something.
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core">
<Dialog title="{i18n>selectionTitle}" horizontalScrolling="false">
<Button text="{i18n>closeSelectionButton}" press="handleCloseSelectedTrainings"/>
<Button type="Accept" text="{i18n>submitSelectionButton}" press="handleSubmitSelectedTrainings"/>
<List noDataText="Empty" items="{selectedTrainings>/}" mode="Delete" delete="handleDeleteSelectionItem">
<CustomListItem >
<core:Icon size="2rem" src="{icon}" class="sapUiSmallMarginBegin sapUiSmallMarginTopBottom"/>
<VBox class="sapUiSmallMarginBegin sapUiSmallMarginTopBottom">
<Text text="{Title}" />
<Label text="{Type} {= ${Begda} ? ${Begda}.toLocaleDateString() : '' }"/>
<CheckBox text="{i18n>selectionMgrApproved}" selected="{Approved}" />
You are using named model selectedTrainings for items bindings and you forgot to put a model name into CustomListItem elements. Put a model name into bindings like this:
<Text text="{selectedTrainings>Title}" />
I am creating a watch app and I have a problem with my pickers.
I want have some pickers side by side horizontal like this :
<scene sceneID="db6-OT-aHK">
<controller identifier="Page1" id="U48-q0-PUn" customClass="Page1" customModule="swiftTest_WatchKit_Extension">
<group width="1" alignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" id="tfC-gp-OjA">
<picker width="0.33000000000000002" height="100" alignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" id="5k4-Oj-Imh"/>
<picker width="0.33000000000000002" height="100" alignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" id="CWU-iM-QA5"/>
<picker width="0.33000000000000002" height="100" alignment="center" verticalAlignment="center" id="7EB-A5-pKO"/>
<group width="1" alignment="left" verticalAlignment="bottom" id="nmP-yl-udb">
<button width="1" alignment="left" title="Button" id="rSf-z8-JuU"/>
<outlet property="goButton" destination="rSf-z8-JuU" id="FMh-MS-VME"/>
<outlet property="picker1" destination="5k4-Oj-Imh" id="Y6q-wM-MPf"/>
<outlet property="picker2" destination="CWU-iM-QA5" id="X2S-hS-XfV"/>
<outlet property="picker3" destination="7EB-A5-pKO" id="V3z-ek-cGw"/>
<point key="canvasLocation" x="463" y="61"/>
But, my WKPickerItem vary in size. With my method which fix the size of each picker, I have big white space for short WKPickerItem and some others WKPickerItem are cut because they are too long..
Is it possible to have variable size for these pickers ?
I can adapt size of picker dynamically with setWidth/Height but there is not possibilities to adapt automatically the size of pickers.
I think that pickers are not thought to do this in the watch