syntax error on .foreach statement - windbg

I have a .dmp for a pool leak case and I've identified the tag that is causing the problem but there are a lot of modules loaded for that tag. I'm trying to script using eb in WinDBG to edit the module names so that I can identify which is which. I've tried a bunch of different takes on this statement and I cannot get it to do exactly what I want which is to iterate through all modules related to the pool tag and rename them by replacing the last letter of the tag with a number.
.block {r #$t0=0x31; !for_each_module .foreach( obj {s -[1]a ##Base ##End "FMfn"}){r #$t0 = #$t0+1; eb ${obj}+3 #$t0}}
This is the latest error I'm receiving
^ Syntax error in '.foreach( obj {s -[1]a fffff96000925000 fffff9600095f000 "FMfn"}){r #$t0 = #$t0+1'
Couldn't resolve error at '${obj}+3 $t0}'
Can anyone help me identify where I'm going wrong?

According the documentation, !for_each_module needs quotation marks around the command string:
!for_each_module ["CommandString"]
and according to my tests they don't seem to be optional, so add the quotation marks and escape existing quotation marks like this:
.block {r #$t0=0x31; !for_each_module ".foreach( obj {s -[1]a ##Base ##End \"FMfn\"}){r #$t0 = #$t0+1; eb ${obj}+3 #$t0}"}


implicit __source__ argument to julia macro can't be used within quote block

I'll start with my code:
macro example(args...)
local s = __source__
println(s) # This part works, showing macro is called on line 9
println(s) # Julia tells me this variable "s" is not defined
println(__source__) # Likewise, "__source__" is not defined here either
#example 42 # Line 9 of my file
In my macro above I want to record the line number that is calling the macro and use it within my quote block. Both capturing it in a variable outside the quote block and using it within, or using it directly in the quote block don't work. My understanding is the code outside the quote block runs at parse-time, and the expression returned from the quote block is evaluated at run-time.
I feel like there must be a way to capture that variable and inject it right into the expression that will be evaluated later, but I haven't figured out how to do that. Any help here is appreciated. If there is a better way to do this let me know.
I ended up finding out an answer on my own. In the second line if I changed __source__ to __source__.line or __source__.file it worked fine as long as I then used $ to interpolate the result into the expression the macro returned. I'm still not sure why __source__ on its own didn't work, but using either .line or .file methods is working for me now.
I'm experiencing a similar problem trying to use __source__.
I think I can offer insight into why source.line, etc worked though.
The value of source.line is an integer. The value of source.fike is a string. Numbers and strings evaluate to themselves.
A symbol, on the other hand, evaluates to whatever value it has in the environment.

Ocaml error unbound Value

When i try to evaluate line 2 or 5 of this program, i get "Unbound value carre" or "Unbound value bis".
To evaluate it i use emacs with tuareg, could it be related ?
let carre x = x*x;;
let bis y = y^y;;
For example, here is what i get for line 2 :
# Characters 0-5:
Error: Unbound value carre
The code is very simple so i feel like the problem comes from emacs.
I've tried to change function names, variables names, but nothing worked.
Does anybody see what's wrong here ?
You need to evaluate the first line of your program before the second.
The interpretor doesn't know the definition of carre or bis until you've evaluated it.

Error in Linkdatagen : Use of uninitiated value $chr in concatenation (.) or string

Hi I was trying to use linkdatagen, which is a perl based tool. It requires a vcf file (using mpileup from SAMtools) and a hapmap annotation file (provided). I have followed the instructions but the moment I use the perl script provided, I get this error.
The codes I used are:
samtools mpileup -d10000 -q13 -Q13 -gf hg19.fa -l annotHapMap2U.txt samplex.bam | bcftools view -cg -t0.5 - > samplex.HM.vcf
Perl -variantCaller mpileup -annotfile annotHapMap2U.txt -pop CEU -mindepth 10 -missingness 0 samplex.HM.vcf > samplex.brlmm
Use of uninitiated value $chr in concatenation (.) or string at line 487, <IN> line 1.... it goes on and on.. I have mailed the authors, and haven't heard from them yet. Can anyone here please help me? What am I doing wrong?
The perl script is :
The HapMap file can be downloaded from the website mentioned below.
Thanks so much
Ignoring lines starting with #, expects the first field of the first line of the VCF to contain something of the form "chrsomething", and your file doesn't meet that expectation. Examples from a comment in the code:
chr1 888659 . T C 226 . DP=26;AF1=1;CI95=1,1;DP4=0,0,9,17;MQ=49;FQ=-81 GT:PL:GQ 1/1:234,78,0:99
chr1 990380 . C . 44.4 . DP=13;AF1=7.924e-09;CI95=1.5,0;DP4=3,10,0,0;MQ=49;FQ=-42 PL 0
The warning means that a variable used in a string is not initialized (undefined). It is an indication that something might be wrong. The line in question can be traced to this statement
my $chr = $1 if ($tmp[0] =~ /chr([\S]+)/);
It is bad practice to use postfix if statements on a my statement.
As ikegami notes a workaround for this might be
my ($chr) = $tmp[0] =~ /chr([\S])/;
But since the match failed, it will likely return the same error. The only way to solve is to know more about the purpose of this variable, if the error should be fatal or not. The author has not handled this case, so we do not know.
If you want to know more about the problem, you might add a debug line such as this:
warn "'chr' value not found in the string '$tmp[0]'" unless defined $chr;
Typically, an error like this occurs when someone gives input to a program that the author did not expect. So if you see which lines give this warning, you might find out what to do about it.

How to use command line arguments in Fortran?

GCC version 4.6
The Problem: To find a way to feed in parameters to the executable, say a.out, from the command line - more specifically feed in an array of double precision numbers.
Attempt: Using the READ(*,*) command, which is older in the standard:
Program test.f -
REAL(8) :: A,B
READ(*,*) A,B
The execution -
$ gfortran test.f
$ ./a.out 3.D0 1.D0
This did not work. On a bit of soul-searching, found that
4.0000000000000000 0
does work, but the second line is an input prompt, and the objective of getting this done in one-line is not achieved. Also the COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() shows that the numbers fed into the input prompt don't really count as 'command line arguments', unlike PERL.
If you want to get the arguments fed to your program on the command line, use the (since Fortran 2003) standard intrinsic subroutine GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT. Something like this might work
REAL(8) :: A,B
integer :: num_args, ix
character(len=12), dimension(:), allocatable :: args
num_args = command_argument_count()
allocate(args(num_args)) ! I've omitted checking the return status of the allocation
do ix = 1, num_args
call get_command_argument(ix,args(ix))
! now parse the argument as you wish
end do
The second argument to the subroutine get_command_argument is a character variable which you'll have to parse to turn into a real (or whatever). Note also that I've allowed only 12 characters in each element of the args array, you may want to fiddle around with that.
As you've already figured out read isn't used for reading command line arguments in Fortran programs.
Since you want to read an array of real numbers, you might be better off using the approach you've already figured out, that is reading them from the terminal after the program has started, it's up to you.
The easiest way is to use a library. There is FLAP or f90getopt available. Both are open source and licensed under free licenses.
The latter is written by Mark Gates and me, just one module and can be learned in minutes but contains all what is needed to parse GNU- and POSIX-like command-line options. The first is more sophisticated and can be used even in closed-source projects. Check them out.
Furthermore libraries at
What READ (*,*) does is that it reads from the standard input. For example, the characters entered using the keyboard.
As the question shows COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT() can be used to get the number of the command line arguments.
The accepted answer by High Performance Mark show how to retrieve the individual command line arguments separated by blanks as individual character strings using GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT(). One can also get the whole command line using GET_COMMAND(). One then has to somehow parse that character-based information into the data in your program.
I very simple cases you just need the program requires, for example, two numbers, so you read one number from arg 1 and another form arg 2. That is simple. Or you can read a triplet of numbers from a single argument if they are comma-separated like 1,2,3 using a simple read(arg,*) nums(1:3).
For general complicated command line parsing one uses libraries such as those mentioned in the answer by Hani. You have set them up so that the library knows the expected syntax of the command line arguments and the data it should fill with the values.
There is a middle ground, that is still relatively simple, but one already have multiple arguments, that correspond to Fortran variables in the program, that may or may not be present. In that case one can use the namelist for the syntax and for the parsing.
Here is an example, the man point is the namelist /cmd/ name, point, flag:
implicit none
real :: point(3)
logical :: flag
character(256) :: name
character(1024) :: command_line
call read_command_line
call parse_command_line
print *, point
print *, "'",trim(name),"'"
print *, flag
subroutine read_command_line
integer :: exenamelength
integer :: io, io2
command_line = ""
call get_command(command = command_line,status = io)
if (io==0) then
call get_command_argument(0,length = exenamelength,status = io2)
if (io2==0) then
command_line = "&cmd "//adjustl(trim(command_line(exenamelength+1:)))//" /"
command_line = "&cmd "//adjustl(trim(command_line))//" /"
end if
write(*,*) io,"Error getting command line."
end if
end subroutine
subroutine parse_command_line
character(256) :: msg
namelist /cmd/ name, point, flag
integer :: io
if (len_trim(command_line)>0) then
msg = ''
read(command_line,nml = cmd,iostat = io,iomsg = msg)
if (io/=0) then
error stop "Error parsing the command line or cmd.conf " // msg
end if
end if
end subroutine
Usage in bash:
> ./command flag=T name=\"data.txt\" point=1.0,2.0,3.0
1.00000000 2.00000000 3.00000000
> ./command flag=T name='"data.txt"' point=1.0,2.0,3.0
1.00000000 2.00000000 3.00000000
Escaping the quotes for the string is unfortunately necessary, because bash eats the first quotes.

Displaying List of AutoHotkey Hotkeys

I’ve written script that contains numerous hotkeys (general structure is as below). I would like to create another one that when pressed displays a list of all of the hotkeys and their corresponding descriptions that the script contains in a nice, formatted table.
The formatting and display are tenuous since AutoHotkey’s output is limited to message-boxes, but possible. More problematic is getting the hotkeys and corresponding descriptions.
The hotkeys all call the same function with different arguments. I considered adding a variable to the function so that depending on the value, the function either performs the normal function when triggered by the normal hotkeys, or builds a string or something when triggered from the special display hotkey.
I cannot figure out a way to programmatically access the script’s hotkeys at all. I checked the docs and there don’t seem to be any A_ variables that can be used for this purpose, nor does the Hotkey command lend itself well (it can be used to test if a hotkey exists, but looping through the innumerable combinations is, at best, tedious).
Failed attempts:
I tried using Elliot’s suggestion of parsing the script itself (replacing the path with %A_ScriptFullPath%, and while it does work for a raw script, it does not when the script is compiled
I tried assigning the entire hotkey section of the script to a variable as a continuation section and then parsing the variable and creating hotkeys using the Hotkey command. This worked well right up until the last part because the Hotkey command cannot take arbitrary commands as the destination and requires existing labels.
The ListHotkeys command is not applicable because it only displays the hotkeys as plain text in the control window.
Does anyone know how I can display a list of the hotkeys and either their corresponding arguments or comments?
Example script:
MsgBox %foobar%
!^#A::SomeFunc("a") ; blah
^+NumpadMult::SomeFunc("c") ; blivet
^+!#`::SomeFunc("b") ; baz
^#Space::SomeFunc("d") ; ermahgerd
Example desired “outputs”:
C+A+ W+ A a | C+ S+ NumpadMult b
C+A+S+W+ ` c | C+ W+ Space d
Ctrl Alt Shift Win Key Action
× × × A blah
× × NumpadMult baz
× × × × ` blivet
× × Space ermahgerd
The only thing I can think of is to read each line of your script individually and parse it. This code reads your script (script.ahk) one line at a time and parses it. This should get you started. Additionally, you could parse the line to check for the modifiers as well.
FileReadLine, line, C:\script.ahk, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
If Instr(line, "::")
StringSplit, linearray, line, ::,
key := linearray1
StringSplit, commandarray, linearray3, `;
action := commandarray2
hotkeyline := "key: " . key . "`tAction: " . action
final .= hotkeyline . "`r"
msgbox % final
I found a solution. It is not perfect (or ideal), and hopefully a proper, built-in method will become available in the future, but it works well (enough) and for raw and compiled scripts.
What I did was to use the FileInstall command which tells the compiler to add a file to the executable (and extract it when run).
Sadly, the FileInstall command will not allow the use of variables for the source file, so I cannot simply include the script itself (FileInstall, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %A_Temp%\%A_ScriptName%, 1).
As a work-around, I ended up extracting all of the desired hotkeys to a second file which I then parse as Elliot suggested, then delete, and #Include at the end of my script (it must be at the end since hotkeys will terminate the autoexecute section).
;;;;; Test.ahk ;;;;;
; Add hotkey file to executable and extract to Temp directory at runtime
FileInstall, Hotkeys.ahk, %A_Temp%\Hotkeys.ahk, 1
;Read a line from the extracted hotkey script and quit if error
FileReadLine, line, %A_Temp%\Hotkeys.ahk, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
;Trim whitespace
; Parse the line as in Elliot’s answer, but with tweaks as necessary
FileDelete, %A_Temp%\Hotkeys.ahk ; Delete the extracted script
DisplayHotkeys() ; I ended up bulding and using a GUI instead
#Include, Hotkeys.ahk ; It is included at compile-time, so no A_Temp
;;;;; Hotkeys.ahk ;;;;;
z::MsgBox foo
y::MsgBox bar