Removing Try failures in collection using flatMap - scala

I have a Map[String, String]
How can I simply this expression using flatMap?
val carNumbers = => Try(k.stripPrefix("car_number_").toInt)).toList.filter(_.isSuccess)
Note: I want to remove the Failure/Success wrapper and just have a List[Int].

It looks like you just want to convert Try to Option:
for {
key <- carMap.keys
t <- Try(key.stripPrefix("car_number_").toInt).toOption
} yield t
this will result Iterable and you can convert it to list with .toList method.
Also you can go with oneliner like this:
carMap.keys.flatMap(k => Try(k.stripPrefix("car_number_").toInt).toOption)

Consider using collect() with a partial function:
.collect( k =>
Try(k.stripPrefix("car_number_").toInt) match {
case Success(num) => num
This will return an Iterable[Int] with the values that could be stripped and converted to an Int (assuming this is what you were looking for).


Scala: Use map function tuples in a subsequent flatMap

I want to use a tuple of a map function in a subsequent flatMap.
Like this:
val list = => (, ord.quantity))
.zipWithIndex flatMap {
case (variable, index) =>
createSchedules(variable._1.size * variable._2, ord, null)
Is there a way in which I can use it or do you think that I have to change the way that I'm thinking about the solution?
I want to use a tuple of a map function in a subsequent flatMap.
Here's a working example of using tuples in a subsequent flatMap
val input = List("a", "b", "c")
val list = => (i + "A", i + "B")).zipWithIndex flatMap{ case (variable, index)=> variable._1 + variable._2}
Issue with original code
val list = => (, ord.quantity)).zipWithIndex flatMap{case (variable, index)=>createSchedules(variable._1.size * variable._2, ord, null)}
One issue is that ord is out of scope in the 'createSchedules' call.
ord will only be visible in the initial '' scope.
First of all, judging from the parameters that you're passing to createSchedules, it looks as if that function can be simplified to (I'm ignoring the null parameter for now):
def createSchedules(order: Order): List[Schedule] = {
val num = * order.quantity
// do stuff
Also, the initial map is unnecessary. list can be simplified to:
val list = orders.zipWithIndex
.flatMap {
case (order, index) =>
It's unclear what you need the index for, though.

Loop and create list in Scala

I am getting empty list when I am trying to create the list with :: operator. My code looks like this:
def getAllInfo(locks: List[String]): List[LockBundle] = DB.withTransaction { implicit s =>
val myList = List[LockBundle]()
l => findForLock(l) :: myList
def findForLock(lock: String): Option[LockBundle] = { ... }
Any suggestion?
Use flatMap
locks.flatMap(l => findForLock(l))
Your code becomes
def getAllInfo(locks: List[String]): List[LockBundle] = DB.withTransaction { implicit s =>
locks.flatMap(l => findForLock(l))
Alternatively you could use map and flatten. Something like this => findForLock(l)).flatten
Functional programming is all about transformations. You just have to transform your existing list into another list using a transformation which is your function findForLock.
Problem with your code
val myList = List[LockBundle]()
l => findForLock(l) :: myList
First of all foreach returns Unit so, you use foreach for side effecting operations and not transformations. As you need transformation so do not use foreach.
Next, findForLock(l) :: myList gives you a value but this gets ignored as there is no one who is storing the value generated. So, in order to store the value use accumulator and pass it as a function parameter in case of recursion.
Correcting your code
If you want to do in your way. You need to use the accumulator.
First fix your types findForLock(l) returns Option, You list is of type List[LockBundle] so change the list type to List[Option[LockBundle]].
In order to get List[LockBundle] from List[Option[LockBundle]] Just do flatten on List[Option[LockBundle]] list. See below code snippet
var myList = List[Option[LockBundle]]()
l => myList = findForLock(l) :: myList
The above way is not functional and is not recommended.
Your code doesn't work, because foreach combinator calls given closure for each element, but all you do here is to return expression findForLock(l) :: myList which is discarded.
As pamu suggested, you can use flatMap on a function to map each element to values returned by findForLock and flatten that list, which turns Option into element of the list if it's Some or nothing if it's None.
Keep in mind that this works only because there is an implicit conversion from Option to Seq, in general flatMap works only if you return the same type as given monad (that in this case is List or Option).

How to get a result from Enumerator/Iteratee?

I am using play2 and reactivemongo to fetch a result from mongodb. Each item of the result needs to be transformed to add some metadata. Afterwards I need to apply some sorting to it.
To deal with the transformation step I use enumerate():
def ideasEnumerator = collection.find(query)
.options(QueryOpts(skipN = page))
.sort(Json.obj(sortField -> -1))
Then I create an Iteratee as follows:
val processIdeas: Iteratee[Idea, Unit] =
Iteratee.foreach[Idea] { idea =>
resolveCrossLinks(idea) flatMap { idea =>
addMetaInfo(idea.copy(history = None))
Finally I feed the Iteratee:
And now I'm stuck. Every example I saw does some println inside foreach, but seems not to care about a final result.
So when all documents are returned and transformed how do I get a Sequence, a List or some other datatype I can further deal with?
Change the signature of your Iteratee from Iteratee[Idea, Unit] to Iteratee[Idea, Seq[A]] where A is the type. Basically the first param of Iteratee is Input type and second param is Output type. In your case you gave the Output type as Unit.
Take a look at the below code. It may not compile but it gives you the basic usage.
Iteratee.fold(List.empty[MyObject]) { (accumulator, next) =>
accumulator + resolveCrossLinks(next) flatMap { next =>
addMetaInfo(next.copy(history = None))
) // returns Future[List[MyObject]]
As you can see, Iteratee is a simply a state machine. Just extract that Iteratee part and assign it to a val:
val iteratee = Iteratee.fold(List.empty[MyObject]) { (accumulator, next) =>
accumulator + resolveCrossLinks(next) flatMap { next =>
addMetaInfo(next.copy(history = None))
and feel free to use it where ever you need to convert from your Idea to List[MyObject]
With the help of your answers I ended up with
val processIdeas: Iteratee[Idea, Future[Vector[Idea]]] =
Iteratee.fold(Future(Vector.empty[Idea])) { (accumulator: Future[Vector[Idea]], next:Idea) =>
resolveCrossLinks(next) flatMap { next =>
addMetaInfo(next.copy(history = None))
} flatMap (ideaWithMeta => accumulator map (acc => acc :+ ideaWithMeta))
val ideas = collection.find(query)
.options(QueryOpts(page, perPage))
.sort(Json.obj(sortField -> -1))
This later needs a ideas.flatMap(identity) to remove the returning Future of Futures but I'm fine with it and everything looks idiomatic and elegant I think.
The performance gained compared to creating a list and iterate over it afterwards is negligible though.

Convert Scala foreach to .map

I'm new to Scala and I'm trying to convert code of the form
val series: ListBuffer[Seq[Seq[Any]]] = ListBuffer[Seq[Seq[Any]]]()
points.foreach(point => {
if( conditionA )
series += doA(...) // returns a ListBuffer[Seq[Any]]
series += doB(...) // returns a ListBuffer[Seq[Any]]
to use .map(). I'm thinking its something like:
val series: ListBuffer[Seq[Seq[Any]]] = => {
case conditionA => doA(...)
case _ => doB(...)
but this doesn't compile because (I believe) the mapped sequences get appended as a single Seq[Any] instead of Seq[Seq[Any]], so I get the error
Expression of type Seq[Any] doesn't conform to expected type ListBuffer[Seq[Seq[Any]]]
Any ideas? Is there something wrong with syntax?
Let me suppose a few things, you have some function def doA(arg1: A): ListBuffer[Seq[Any]] such that you ultimately want to arrive at a List[Seq[Any]] as the final result type after mapping this function over your collection. Then what you want is flatMap instead of map:
val series = points flatMap{
case point if conditionA(point) => doA(point) result ()
case point => doB(point) result ()
The reason I make such a supposition is that the only reason you'd ever want to use a ListBuffer[A] in the general form is to create a List[A] through some side-effecting expression. Hence, you ultimately want a List[Seq[A]] as your final output.

Iterate Over a tuple

I need to implement a generic method that takes a tuple and returns a Map
Example :
val tuple=((1,2),(("A","B"),("C",3)),4)
I have been trying to break this tuple into a list :
val list=tuple.productIterator.toList
Scala>list: List[Any] = List((1,2), ((A,B),(C,3)), 4)
But this way returns List[Any] .
I am trying now to find out how to iterate over the following tuple ,for example :
in order to loop over each element 1,2,"A",B",...etc. How could I do this kind of iteration over the tuple
What about? :
def flatProduct(t: Product): Iterator[Any] = t.productIterator.flatMap {
case p: Product => flatProduct(p)
case x => Iterator(x)
val tuple = ((1,2),(("A","B"),("C",3)),4)
flatProduct(tuple).mkString(",") // 1,2,A,B,C,3,4
Ok, the Any-problem remains. At least that´s due to the return type of productIterator.
Instead of tuples, use Shapeless data structures like HList. You can have generic processing, and also don't lose type information.
The only problem is that documentation isn't very comprehensive.
tuple.productIterator map {
case (a,b) => println(a,b)
case (a) => println(a)
This works for me. tranform is a tuple consists of dataframes
def apply_function(a: DataFrame) = a.write.format("parquet").save("..." + a + ".parquet")[DataFrame]).foreach(a => apply_function(a))