iPhone test flight xcode7 xcode8 - iphone

I have built a application in Xcode 7 with Push Notification using test- flight in development. I also have a created a script to push notification to the devices using the token of the devices that I stored in a database.
I simple flag the devices in the database and my scripts read the tables and send a notification to the device(s). Works!
All was well until xcode8.
Now The only way the scripts work is if I "attach" the devices to the mac and build and install the app using the attached cable. I then detached the devices and the scripts works.
If I "archive" the app to iTunes and then using test flight as an external user, i then install the app from test flight, I never get a notification when I run the scripts.
So basically, If I attached the device locally and build, install using a cable it works great. but if uploaded to iTunes and using test flight it does not.
below is as much screen shots
/Users/webcastman/Desktop/Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 1.55.39 PM.png
/Users/webcastman/Desktop/Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 2.14.20 PM.png
/Users/webcastman/Desktop/Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 2.15.12 PM.png
/Users/webcastman/Desktop/Screen Shot 2016-10-26 at 2.16.13 PM.png

The first step in sending a remote notification is to establish a connection with the appropriate APNs server link:
•Development server: api.development.push.apple.com:443
•Production server: api.push.apple.com:443
When you are installing app in your device through Xcode, I think its build using development provision profile if you have selected Automatic in codesign settings. and when you are archiving and uploading on testflight its build using Distribution profile.
You need to customize your script to send notification for development and distribution(Production) app.
When you are installing app in your device through Xcode, I think its build using development provision profile.
if you are using gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com, port 2195, change it with production url.
•Sandbox: gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com, port 2195. (for development)
•Production: gateway.push.apple.com, port 2195. (for production)
you also need different APNS certificate (.p12 or .pem- whatever you are using in your script) for Development and production build.
After changing this, you will start getting notification for builds installed through test flight too.


AWS Pinpoint: How to get notification when app install/run directly from Xcode into device?

We have created project in Mobile Hub and manage AWS Pinpoint to send push notification in iOS devices and setup AWS Pinpoint console for push notification. We have uploaded development certificate .p12 and download the demo app from our application(project) which is created using 'AWS Mobile Hub' web service(Screen shot attached). We are getting notification while installing it from adhoc IPA. But, We are unable to get notification when we are installing directly from Xcode into my device.
So, how to get notification when app install/run directly from Xcode ?
Previously, the Pinpoint console didn't support sending push notifications via the APNs Sandbox development environment.
Note: This feature was supported earlier only by invoking the API (not through the console). You can make a call to the API to do the following:
To register the APNs Sandbox Channel.
Register a device as an APNs Sandbox endpoint.
Send messages/campaign pushes to it.
As of yesterday (10/03/2017) Pinpoint fully supports APNs Sandbox environment through the console as well. In order to register a device as an APNs Sandbox endpoint, use the latest version of the AWS iOS SDK (v2.6.2 or above) and enable the debug flag. This corresponds to the Sandbox development environment.
You can enable the debug flag by using the following code snippet
AWSPinpointConfiguration *config = [AWSPinpointConfiguration defaultPinpointConfigurationWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
[config setDebug:YES];
AWSPinpoint *_pinpoint = [AWSPinpoint pinpointWithConfiguration:config];

Deploying .xap file to non registered windows phone device?

Hello everyone I have my app successfully deployed on windows device, we already have a windows developer account. Now the client needs to test the app, how can we send him the app like ( apk files Android?)
One option would be to unlock your clients device as developer device and then install it via the Application Deployment tool. You would have to send him only the XAP file which you can find in your bin folder.
If this is no option you could create a beta test, here you would need the live ID of your customer. The app would run through the certification process so it isn't quite as easy as under Android.

Get iPhone app to iPod from remote machine for testing

My problem is - I work on a remote mac through Remote Desktop Connection - from a windows host.
I have my app ready on remote mac.
I have my iPod with me, connected to my windows host.
How do I get this app onto my device for testing purpose?
My access to the mac is through RDP.
I edited the rdp connection to allow local usb access to my remote mac, (remotely) hoping that my mac would see it as a device. But it didn't.
Is there any way it would see my iPod?
(I already read this and it requires mac-to-ipod direct connection.)
Or is there any other path I can get my app package on my device for testing through windows machine?
Firstly you will have to add your iPod to the developer portal if you haven't already. Next you can do a build and archive which will export your app into organiser. Click on the app version in organiser and click the distribute button and make sure you select ad-hoc distribution. This will give you a .app packaged version of your app which can then be sent across to your windows machine from your remote desktop where you can then drag it into iTunes and install it on your iPod.
If you are testing lots of different builds of your app over a short space of time then i would suggest using test flight, which can be found easily when googled. It allows you to upload versions of your app through and ad-hoc .app package which ca then be installed across all your devices using the test flight app on your phone. I would only recommend doing this if you are doing lots of builds and testing on lots of devices though.
Hope this helps

IPhone Ad-hoc distribution sync error

I am working on an iPhone application for a customer. After the development will be finished the application will be on the Apple Store, but meanwhile during its development, on a regular basis the customer wants to see and install the application on his own phone to check the current status of the development.
-I went to the provisioning portal registered my customer's device udid and added to my application's provisioning profile.
-I downloaded the provisioning profile and installed it.
-I then built the ipa and sent it to my customer.
SHouldn't this be enough?
The customer is experimenting a sync error. He can import the ipa inside itunes but at the end of the sync he receive this error alert on his iphone.I tested this ipa file on two other iphones and is working (both registered and one is ios 5.1 and the other 5.0.1)..Where should I check for misconfigurations?
I'm running the latest xcode version 4.3.1
Make sure you build with the distribution provision. I use a new Xcode build configuration for this (called Ad Hoc) and I make sure my archive build uses this new build configuration. The customer will need a copy of this distribution provision (which he double clicks), and you send him the ipa file. He drags this into his iTunes library and he is then able to install the app to his device.
Sometimes the provisioning profile needs to be installed on the device separately. I encountered this problem once with my team member who had Windows.
Just send your customer the profile and ask to install it on the device.
You may need iPhone Configuration Utility to install the profile on the device.

How to add adhoc application on multiple iphone on the same computer in itunes?

How to install my app in adhoc release on multiple device with the same computer/itunes, when i try to do it, itunes sync the devices..so i clean them up ...
Apple has solved your problem with an Enterprise Utility called the "iPhone Configuration Utility" which you may freely download from their information webpage here: http://support.apple.com/downloads/iPhone_Configuration_Utility_2_0_for_Mac_OS_X
Once you install this and connect a device and close iTunes (which typically launches in response to the device connection) you can easily use its simple interface to manage your adhoc provision profiles, add the device and install or remove adhoc apps directly.
I used this app months ago to put the Crash Landing demo I'd built with the SDK directly on my wife's 2.1 iPhone 3G from my desktop dev Mac without messing up her own laptop Mac iTunes sync management of her apps, music, etc. FYI: I've not tried this since the June update to v2.0 of the Utility which accompanied the release of OS 3.0. edit: I couldn't resist testing this (yes, it still works)
The only downside I noticed to this method is that the iPhone/Touch user will have to later delete the app manually on their device, as their iTunes management won't list the app in the device applications tab to be unchecked.
it should just work, as long as the mobileprovision file that you're using includes all of the devices that you're trying to use. (also assuming that all of the devices are set to sync to that one computer's iTunes library.)
If the device is jailbroken you can install sshd and copy the application directly.