NatTable HoverStylingCommandHandler not being triggered by HoverStylingCommand - nattable

The issue that I am having is that I am attempting to execute a HoverStylingCommand by calling:
natTable.doCommand(new HoverStylingCommand(natTable, columnIndex, rowIndex, hoverLayer);
and the HoverStylingCommandHandler that is registered by the HoverLayer is never being triggered when the command is executed. However the handler does get hit when the exact same command is triggered from the SimpleHoverStylingBinding.

It doesn't make sense to execute the HoverStylingCommand programmatically. It is intended to operate in combination with the mouse cursor position. IIRC the command handler performs a check on the mouse cursor position. So from the functional point of view it is correct that the command handler is not triggered.


Event handler for nrf_pwr_mgmt->shutdown_process()

I would like to install an event handler to execute some code before the nRF52 board goes into deep sleep initiated by the NRF_PWR_MGMT_CONFIG_STANDBY_TIMEOUT_S. Is there a way to call a function either from the shutdown_process() or sd_power_system_off() without modifying the nrf_pwr_mgmt.c file?

gtk_window_is_active() not working as expected

I call gtk_window_is_active(wnd) and always receive 0, even when I know for sure that wnd is active and receiving keyboard input. What is the cause and where is the remedy for this?
In fact, I run gtk_window_list_toplevels() and iterate over the list - and gtk_window_is_active() returns 0 for each of them!
When you create a GtkWindow it is still in the 'unrealized' state. You have to call show() on it and let the main loop run, then the window gets realized. So if you call gtk_window_is_active after creating the windows, but before the main loop has chances to run, you will get false.
Thanks to Emmanuele Bassi, Gnome Foundation staff, I figured it out: the problem is that my focus-in-event handler returned 1 (TRUE), and thus prevented the default GTK behaviour. It turned out (something not obvious) that keeping track of the active window is part of that default behavior that i unknowingly overrode.
So, I changed focus-in-event handler of my windows to return FALSE (0), and ever since gtk_window_is_active() works like a clock.
I came to realize an unhelpful (to my task) detail: gtk_window_is_active() only works AFTER all focus-in-event handlers have completed working. Well, I have a mouse click handler that activates some other window, and then needs to check if a certain window is active (these things belong to different objects and different modules, yet are executed within one click hadler invocation). In my case gtk_window_is_active() is useless: it returs FALSE for the active window until after my click handler has finished and the focus-in-handlers (mine and the default) have finished, too.

flink streaming window trigger

I have flink stream and I am calucating few things on some time window say 30 seconds.
here what happens it is giving me result my aggregating previous windows as well.
say for first 30 seconds I get result 10.
next thiry seconds I want fresh result, instead I get last window result + new
and so on.
so my question is how I get fresh result for each window.
You need to use a purging trigger. What you want is FIRE_AND_PURGE (emit and remove window content), what the default flink trigger does is FIRE (emit and keep window content).
// The important part: Replace the default non-purging ProcessingTimeTrigger
.trigger(new PurgingTrigger[..., TimeWindow](ProcessingTimeTrigger))
For a more in depth explanation have a look into Triggers and FIRE vs FIRE_AND_PURGE.
A Trigger determines when a window (as formed by the window assigner) is ready to be processed by the window function. Each WindowAssigner comes with a default Trigger. If the default trigger does not fit your needs, you can specify a custom trigger using trigger(...).
When a trigger fires, it can either FIRE or FIRE_AND_PURGE. While FIRE keeps the contents of the window, FIRE_AND_PURGE removes its content. By default, the pre-implemented triggers simply FIRE without purging the window state.
The functionality you describe can be found in Tumbling Windows:
A bit more detail and/or code would help :)
I'm little late into this question but I encountered the same issue with OP's. What I found out later was a bug in my own code. FYI my mistake could be good reference for your problem.
// Old code (modified to be an example):
val tenSecondGrouping: DataStream[MyCustomGrouping] = userIdsStream
.window(TumblingProcessingTimeWindows.of(Time.of(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)))
.aggregate(new MyCustomAggregateFunc(new MyCustomGrouping()))
Bug happened at new MyCustomGrouping: I unintentionally created a singleton MyCustomGrouping object and reusing it in MyCustomAggregateFunc. As more tumbling windows created, the later aggregation results grow crazy! The fix was to create new MyCustomGrouping each time MyCustomAggregateFunc is triggered. So:
// New code, problem solved
.aggregate(new MyCustomAggregateFunc(() => new MyCustomGrouping()))
// passing in a func to create new object per trigger

WindowKeyPressFcn stops being called

I am working on some modifications to EEGlab's eegplot function (things like vim-style navigation etc.) that need to work through WindowKeyPressFcn.
However, the callback is not being called for some reason. I have been debugging the issue for some time and am a bit lost. I am looking for suggestions on what might be wrong. Unfortunatelly the eegplot function is big, complex and somewhat convoluted and I was unable to reproduce the issue in a simple example. Therefore I am looking for general suggestions on why a function handle that is clearly present in WindowKeyPressFcn might stop being used at some point.
Here is what I have learned so far:
If I go to debug mode in eegplot (set a breakpoint near the end of the setup function [the first half of eegplot]) I am able to run the WindowKeyPressFcn at least once.
However - the function stops being called at some point during debug (sometimes even after being called only once).
If I run eegplot without debug (that is wait for it to finish and return control to me) I am unable to call WindowKeyPressFcn by pressing a key. The function handle is still present in WindowKeyPressFcn property of the figure.
Whener the WindowKeyPressFcn is not being used when I press a key, I can still call it with:
figh = gcf;
fun = get(figh, 'WindowKeyPressFcn');
ev.Key = 'rightarrow';
ev.Character = ' ';
ev.Modifier = [];
feval(fun, figh, ev);
So the function handle is 'healthy' so to speak, but for some reason it is not being used any more when a key is pressed and the figure has focus. When and why something like this could happen? Any ideas on things I should check to understand this issue?
I found out that WindowKeyPressFcn callback can sometimes be blocked by some window listeners, and tried out the following solution:
hManager = uigetmodemanager(gcf);
It doesn't work - WindowKeyPressFcn is still not called when I press a key. :(
Update 2:
Another thing that does not work:
chld = get(gcf, 'Children');
tp = get(chld, 'type');
chld = chld(strcmp(tp, 'uicontrol'));
set(chld, 'KeyPressFcn', #eegplot_readkey_new)
(eegplot_readkey_new is the function I use for reacting to keypresses)
Update 3:
And another one not working:
addlistener(gcf, 'WindowKeyPress', #eegplot_readkey_new);
Ok - I fiugred it out, although the solution is weird to say the least.
For some mysterious reason using linesmoothing undocummented property prevents WindowKeyPressFcn from being called. I have absolutely no idea why...

Why Seting the SetMode to orbit disables custom KeyPressFcn event handlers, the callback

1-The code below displays the properties of the pressed key.Try it by pressing a key and observe the results.
figure('Name','Press keys to put event data in Command Window',...
you will see outputs like this( e.g upon pressing space bar)
Character: ' '
Modifier: {1x0 cell}
Key: 'space'
2-Now simply add the following line of code to above ( or simply execute it before clearing the workspace)
Now press any key and nothing happens! the control will no longer be transferred to your costume call back function! ( here:#(obj,evt)disp(evt)).
same thing happens for WindowButtonDownFcn, WindowButtonUpFcn too.
How can I get around this? I wanna be able to handle KeyPressFcn or WindowButtonDownFcn after executing cameratoolbar('SetMode','orbit').
I found the answer: Once the cameratoolbar('SetMode','orbit') is called one of these two happens:the handle to the figure is lost or the event handler gets its default value. I am not sure which one though. Therefore we can add the following code to re-assign the lost handler back to our own call back function: