How to get handle to active object MATLAB GUI - matlab

Im trying to create a calendar using MATLAB GUI.
I have two Edit Text objects - edittext1 and edittext2.
I want to do this one:
I put cursor at edittext1 then select date at calendar and it pits into text field of edittext1.
And the same for edittext2: if I put cursor into edittext2 and select date it puts into edittext2 Edit Text.
I know I can use callback for calendar this way.
How can I put into Callback function handler to ACTIVE edit text object?
How to get handle to object where cursor is now?

About the focus question, there is no active text box when you click a date on the java calendar, because the active component at this time is the java calendar.
To know which text box was active last, you simply need to keep track of it. One way is to add a callback to the edit box, which will update a variable (stored in the appdata) with the handle of the latest active text box.
Armed with that, the callback of the calendar will just retrieve the date, then place it in the last active text box.
Note: The ButtonDownFcn event of the text box will only fire on left and right click if the text box 'enable' property is 'off' or 'inactive'. (if it is 'on', then only the right click is detected). That is why I declared the text boxes as inactive. That does not prevent you to update the text programmatically so I didn't think it was a problem.
Code for testcalendar.m:
function testcalendar
handles.f = figure;
commonEditProperties = {'Style', 'edit', 'String', '', ...
'Units', 'Normalized', ...
'Enable','inactive' , ...
'callback',#EditBoxFcn , ...
'ButtonDownFcn',#EditBoxFcn } ;
handles.ledit = uicontrol( commonEditProperties{:}, 'Position', [0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1], 'Tag','ledit' );
handles.redit = uicontrol( commonEditProperties{:}, 'Position', [0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1], 'Tag','redit' );
% preallocate a variable to hold the active text box handle
setappdata(handles.f,'activeTextBox',[]) ;
% Put calendar to my figure
handles.jPanel = com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel;
[handles.hPanel,handles.hContainer] = javacomponent(handles.jPanel,[100,100,200,200], handles.f);
juiFunHandle = handle(handles.jPanel, 'CallbackProperties');
set(juiFunHandle, 'MousePressedCallback', ...
#(src, evnt)CellSelectionCallback(src, evnt, handles));
set(juiFunHandle, 'KeyPressedCallback', ...
#(src, evnt)CellSelectionCallback(src, evnt, handles));
% store gui handles in application data
guidata(handles.f , handles)
function EditBoxFcn(hobj,~)
handles = guidata(hobj) ;
ActiveTextBox = get(hobj,'Tag') ;
setappdata( handles.f , 'activeTextBox', handles.(ActiveTextBox) ) ;
function CellSelectionCallback(~, ~, handles)
% retrieve the handle of the active text box
ActiveTextBox = getappdata(handles.f,'activeTextBox') ;
% assign a default active text box if none was selected before
if isempty(ActiveTextBox) ; ActiveTextBox = handles.ledit ; end
numRetry = 10 ;
for k=1:numRetry
dateString = char( javaMethodEDT('getSelectedDate', handles.jPanel) ) ;
if ~isempty(dateString) ; break ; end
set(ActiveTextBox , 'String' , dateString ) ;
See it in action:
There is no pure Matlab way to have your Matlab edit box fully editable an reacting (firing an event) to a single click of any mouse button.
You can get this functionality by using the text box underlying java object. This java object exposes a lot of events and you can just pick the one you need.
The catch:
To get the handle of the underlying java object, you need to use the almighty findjobj utility by Yair Altman. You can download the latest version from the file exchange here: findjobj
Once you have that saved in your Matlab path, just replace the few first line of code defining the edit boxes given in the example above by:
commonEditProperties = {'Style', 'edit', 'String', '', 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Enable','on' } ;
handles.ledit = uicontrol( commonEditProperties{:}, 'Position', [0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1] );
handles.redit = uicontrol( commonEditProperties{:}, 'Position', [0.5 0.1 0.3 0.1] );
% preallocate a variable to hold the active text box handle
setappdata(handles.f,'activeTextBox',[]) ;
% Find the java underlying object for the text boxes
ledit = findjobj(handles.ledit) ;
redit = findjobj(handles.redit) ;
% assign a callback to the java object (which CAN detect single click)
set(ledit,'MouseClickedCallback',#(h,e) setappdata( handles.f , 'activeTextBox', handles.ledit ) ) ;
set(redit,'MouseClickedCallback',#(h,e) setappdata( handles.f , 'activeTextBox', handles.redit ) ) ;
And you can completely comment or remove the sub-function EditBoxFcn as the callback action is done directly.


How to reset the default values in a graphical user interface

I'm creating a graphic interface (manually) and I would like to have a reset button which reset the default values.
I already code this
H.but(3) = uicontrol('Units','normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor',[1 0.7 1], ...
'Callback','MyFunction(''Reset'');', ...
'FontSize',12, ...
'Position',[0.04 0.54 0.1 0.05 ], ...
case 'Reset'
clear all % Is not working and I think that isn't that I expect
set(findobj(H.fig,'style','edit', '-or','style','text'),'string','') % H is a global variable. This trial don't give the default value, it just clear certain boxes
I usually prefer to create a specific reset_gui function for my GUIs that resets all the relevant control properties (like checkbox states, strings in editable text boxes, etc.) to appropriate default values, as well as setting all relevant variable values to their defaults, clearing plots, etc..
If you'd prefer a generic option for resetting all UI control properties to their initial state, here's an example of one possible solution:
function example_reset_gui
% Initialize GUI:
hFigure = figure();
uicontrol('Style', 'edit', 'Position', [20 100 100 25]);
uicontrol('Style', 'edit', 'Position', [20 65 100 25]);
uicontrol('Style', 'push', 'Position', [20 20 60 30], ...
'String', 'Reset', 'Callback', #reset_fcn);
% Collect default states:
[defaultState{1:3}] = get_default_state(hFigure);
% Nested reset function:
function reset_fcn(~, ~)
% Local function:
function [hArray, propArray, valueArray] = get_default_state(hFigure)
hArray = findall(hFigure, 'Type', 'uicontrol');
propArray = fieldnames(set(hArray(1)));
valueArray = get(hArray, propArray);
This creates a figure with 2 editable text boxes and a reset button. You can type whatever you want into the text boxes, and when you push the reset button it will clear them (i.e. set them to the default empty string they first contained).
The local function get_default_state will find all the uicontrol objects in the figure, then get all of their set-able properties (i.e. all properties that are not read-only), then get all the initial values for those properties. The three outputs are stored in the 1-by-3 cell array defaultState, which is accessible by the nested function reset_fcn. When the reset button is pressed, all of the set-able UI control properties are set to the values they had when first created.
It should be noted that any changes made to the Position property (such as due to resizing of the figure) could be undone by this approach. Using 'normalized' units would avoid this.
If you truly want to start your GUI over from scratch the easiest way would be to just close it open it again. You can do that from your button's callback. Which I pointed at a new function restartGUI. That could be a subfunction of your main gui or its own m-file, your choice.
Your question is pretty light on details so I can't help with some of the specifics but this should give you the general idea.
IF closing and opening isn't what your want then in the restartGUI function you would have to just manually reset the state of each of your uicontrols, etc. (whatever else is in your GUI that we can't see).
H.but(3) = uicontrol('Units','normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor',[1 0.7 1], ...
'Callback',#restartGUI, ...
'FontSize',12, ...
'Position',[0.04 0.54 0.1 0.05 ], ...
% <<<< THE rest of your code >>>
function restartGUI(hObject,varargin)
global H
close(H.fig) %Assuming H.fig the main GUI window.
%Call the GUI again which will restart it.
Edit: added the use of the global H to close.

Make a panel with values visible when I press a radiobutton

I have a uibuttongroup with radio buttons defined in it. I have uipanels defined with their corresponding properties. What I want to do is to be able to click one radio button and have one uipanel appear, and then click my other radio button to have the other uipanel appear. Here are snippets of my code:
operation_type_1 = uibuttongroup(S.Test, 'Title', 'Operation Type', 'position', [0 0.3 panel_w/2 0.15]);
uicontrol('Parent',operation_type_1, 'Style', 'radiobutton',...
'String', 'invisible',...
'position', [0 0 0 0], 'Tag', 'invisibutton');
'String', 'Time Operation',...
'Position', 100*[0.1 flooring(3.5, 'tp') 1.2 0.15], 'Tag', 'timeop1');
'String', 'Volume Operation',...
'Position', 100*[0.1 flooring(2.5, 'tp') 1.2 0.15], 'Tag', 'volumeop1');
This defines my button group and the two radio buttons.
Then I have code which creates a volume panel:
As well as a Time Panel:
These are in the same position. What I want is to be able to click on the "Time Operation" radio button and have the time panel be visible, and when I click on the "Volume Operation" radio button, the volume panel is visible.
I've tried doing switch case statements. I don't get errors, but I don't get results either. For example, my case statements for the time and volume panels are:
switch str
case 'timeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'Off';
case 'volumeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'Off';
How do I get this to work? I'm not using GUIDE, just coding a MATLAB GUI.
I've tried implementing the callback suggested below, but I get a "Function definition is misplaced or improperly nested." error. I use the following function:
function button_callback(U, varargin{2})
switch get(get(operation_type_1, 'SelectedObject'), 'Tag')
case 'timeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_time1.Visible = 'Off';
case 'volumeop1'
if U.Value; S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'On';
else S.result_panel_volume1.Visible = 'Off';
And I've added the callbacks "...'callback', {#pb_call, S}" to my timeop1 and volumeop1. (Because all of the other function I have are in a .m file called pb_call.m). The function appears to be nested fine but the error points at the exact one.
It seems to me you did not define callback for your RadioButton. For example, set callback for volumeop1:
'String', 'Volume Operation',...
'Position', 100*[0.1 0.3 1.2 0.15], 'Tag', 'volumeop1', ...
'Callback', #switchPanel);
Then in function switchPanel, you will set corresponding panel visible, while set others invisible.
This is trying to answer your questions, but it seems to me what you want is uitab.
My partner ended up fixing it:
The callback was {callback, S} and S, U, and str were:
S = varargin{3}; %main figure handle
U = varargin{1}; %current uicontrol
str = char(U.String);
The problem occurred in the radiobutton creation, since the result panels were being created after the radiobuttons could be triggered, thus nothing was made invisible/visible and an error would occur.
However, it would be highly convenient if callbacks could affect all GUI parts, not just previously defined ones. I've tried using guidata in the past, but I had to use other, less straighforward methods to accomplish my goals. I'll try using working samples and building upon those in the future, but currently I am working on another part of the project and will get back to that later.
But using either guidata/setappdata or something related would work here as well as my own solution, which is making sure that the objects you are trying to change are already defined before the button triggering the callback.
(He also posted this answer to where I asked this same question in MATLAB Answers.)

Numeric entry only in edit text MATLAB GUI

I have an edit text in a MATLAB GUI. I want the user to be able to write only numerals and whenever they write a text character, this last character is immediately deleted. Moreover, I don't know in which kind of function to put this code(callback, keypress, etc.).
This is impossible without resorting to Java. That is because MATLAB has no way to access a uicontrol's typed string; you can only access its current string (i.e., after pressing Enter or changing focus).
Below is an imperfect workaround. It uses two identical edit boxes, one on top of the other, but the topmost box is initially hidden. The KeyPressFcn of the visible edit box:
filters the keypresses on numeric-only
accumulates valid keypresses in a string with global storage
sets that string to the current string of the invisible edit box
Makes that invisible edit box visible, so that it occludes the one you're typing in
Its CallBack function then
Takes the string of the normally-invisible box
Sets the always-visible box' string equal to that string
Hides the normally-invisible box again
Here's the implementation (liberally borrowed from here):
function GUI_tst
% Create new GUI
G.fh = figure('menubar' , 'none',...
'units' , 'normalized', ...
'position', [.4 .4 .2 .2]);
% The actual edit box
G.eh1 = uicontrol('style' , 'edit',...
'units' , 'normalized', ...
'position' , [.1 .4 .8 .2],...
'string' , '',...
'KeyPressFcn', #kpr,...
'Callback' , #cll);
% The "fake" edit box
G.eh2 = copyobj(G.eh1, G.fh);
set(G.eh2, 'Visible', 'off');
% Its string (global)
G.eh_str = '';
guidata(G.fh, G);
% "Real" edit box' KeyPressFcn()
function kpr(~, evt)
if isempty(evt.Character)
return; end
G = guidata(gcbf);
% Occlude the "real" editbox with the "fake" one
set(G.eh2, 'visible', 'on');
% Accumulate global string if keys are numeric
if strcmp(evt.Key,'backspace')
G.eh_str = G.eh_str(1:end-1);
elseif isempty(evt.Modifier) && ...
any(evt.Character == char((0:9)+'0') )
G.eh_str = [G.eh_str evt.Character];
% Set & save new string
set(G.eh2, 'string', G.eh_str);
% "Real" edit box' CallBack()
function cll(~,~)
G = guidata(gcbf);
% Set the "real" box' string equal to the "fake" one's,
% and make the "fake" one invisible again
set(G.eh1, 'String', get(G.eh2, 'String'));
set(G.eh2, 'visible', 'off');
This works reasonably well, but it has some drawbacks:
because you're typing somewhere you can't see, the cursor is hidden
selecting text and pressing backspace/delete does not work
it's not very resource efficient
Although it is possible using Java (see this post by MATLAB-god Yair Altman), the simpler and more common way to do it is to just accept that the user is typing invalid input, and only check/correct it in the Callback function (i.e., after pressing Enter).

Creating 0-100 percent object in Matlab GUI

I am currently creating a GUI(Graphical User Interface) for my Matlab programs and in one of the programs, one of the arguments is a percentage from a whole.
What I want to do is, create some form of object that presents numbers from 0-100 and the user increases the number by 1 or decrease by -1 with every press of the arrow buttons.
Is there such an object that will help me do that? And how do I create it?
Is this what you are looking for:
function test_perc
figh = figure();
% create a text control that will display the 0 - 100 text
texth = uicontrol('Style', 'text', 'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position', [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], 'FontSize', 56, ...
'String', '0');
% set a function that handles key presses (uses handle to the text object)
set(figh, 'WindowKeyPressFcn', #(hobj, ev) percfun(ev, texth));
function percfun(ev, texth)
% check if leftarrow or rightarrow has been
% pressed and modify text accordingly
if strcmp(ev.Key, 'leftarrow')
val = max(0, str2num(get(texth, 'String')) - 1);
set(texth, 'String', num2str(val));
elseif strcmp(ev.Key, 'rightarrow')
val = min(100, str2num(get(texth, 'String')) + 1);
set(texth, 'String', num2str(val));
The code above creates a figure and a uicontrol of style 'text'. The figure is then set to respond to keypresses (WindowKeyPressFcn) with a specific function (percfun) that responds to arrows by setting the text of the uicontrol.
If you have any questions - ask, I will elucidate.

Is it possible to prevent an uitable popup menu from popping up? Or: How to get a callback by clicking a cell, returning the row & column index?

For an user interface I'm programming an uitable. The user chooses an option A,B or C in the first column and the suboption in the second column depends on what was chosen in the first, either A.1,A.2 or A.3 or B.1,B.2 or B.3 or the same for C
The code for the table can be found in Appendix A.
When the user first defines the main option, then automatically the suboptions are reduced accordingly to only valid choices. This is realized by evalulating the CellEditCallback for column 1 and resetting the ColumnFormat for column 2. (function modifySelection in Appendix B)
If the user now realizes he made a mistake and needs to edit a suboption another time, then the ColumnFormat is still set according to the previous edited main option and the valid choices are not available unless he re-chooes the main option another time. (see the blue highlighting in picture).
To resolve this, I also implemented the CellSelectionCallback calling the function justifySelection (in Appendix B), which is checking by selection, which option was chosen in column 1 to offer again the right suboptions for column 2. But as this callback reacts on selection, I need to select twice, one time to trigger the CellSelectionCallback and another to actually get my choices. For large tables, this can be very annoying!
So my question is:
Is there a way to prevent the popup menu in column 2 from popping up, until it found out what's the content of the according column 1, so it immediately offers the valid choices?
How could I detect a mouse click on a cell and get the row and column-index? But without invoking the following selection and popping up action?
I was already raking all available properties but didn't found anything which could be useful.
Maybe one could do something using the ButtonDownFcn, but how to get the cell indices? What about the BusyAction property, how can that be used for my purpose?
Any ideas?
I'm sorry in advance to bomb you with so much code, it's already the most minimal example, but fully executable, so you can try it out.
Appendix A/B
function fancyUitable
selector_1 = { 'A'; 'B' ; 'C' };
selector_2 = { 'first select first row!' };
h = figure('Position',[200 100 268 120],'numbertitle','off','MenuBar','none');
defaultData = repmat( {'select main option...', 'select suboption...'} ,5,1);
columnname = {'Option ',...
'Suboption '};
columnformat = { {selector_1{:}}, selector_2 };
columneditable = [true true];
t = uitable(h,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1],...
'Data', defaultData,...
'ColumnName', columnname,...
'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
% **Appendix B**
% (part of the same function file)
function modifySelection(~,evt_edit)
if evt_edit.Indices(2) == 1
modifyPopup( evt_edit.Indices(1) );
function justifySelection(~,evt_select)
try %to surpress an unimportant error
if evt_select.Indices(2) == 2
modifyPopup( evt_select.Indices(1) );
and finally the single function modifyPopup which rewrites the Columnformat:
function modifyPopup( row )
id_group_1 = {'A.1';'A.2';'A.3'};
id_group_2 = {'B.1';'B.2';'B.3'};
id_group_3 = {'C.1';'C.2';'C.3'};
id_default = {'select main option first'};
myfigure = findobj('Tag','Config_figure');
config_data = get(findobj(myfigure,'Tag','Config_table'),'Data');
selector = config_data(row,1);
selector = selector{1};
config_format = get(findobj(myfigure,'Tag','Config_table'),'ColumnFormat');
switch selector
case 'A'
config_format{2} = id_group_1';
case 'B'
config_format{2} = id_group_2';
case 'C'
config_format{2} = id_group_3';
config_format{2} = id_default;
Bounty: Why just +50? - I guess it's either not possible or the answer is easy, once one had the right initial idea. I'm not looking a for a complex workaround using java object properties etc. Thank you in advance!
I include the discussion from the comments here to keep the overview:
If you want to try it out, you can copy the code and follow these steps to reproduce the undesired behaviour:
select main option A in the first row.
the suboption in the first row then contains the choices A.1, A.2 and
select main option B in the second row, therefore the choices for
the suboption in the second row are B.1, B.2 and B.3
BUT NOW you want to change the suboption in the first row (directly); you would expect to get the choices A.1, A.2 and A.3; but you don't. You get offered B.1, B.2 & B.3; - Because the last main option you selected was B (though in a diffrent row).
It seems that instead of looking for the last option, you should look at the relevant option. So either make sure that clicking on a
suboption does a 'lookup' to see which main option there is,
Thats exactly what I'm looking for! But how could I do that? How to
detect the click, get the column&row indices, set the right
ColumnFormat and then finally let the cell pop up. The only
possibility I see until now is the CellSelectionCallback, but it is
executed after the cell already popped up with the invalid choices.
I'd need a kind of ClickedCallback, like there is for pushbuttons
or make sure that selecting a main option only sets the suboptions for that row.
That's not possible, you can't set a suboption for a certain row as you need to modify ColumnFormat, which affects the whole table and not just one row.
I would not use a uitable; it's just not suited for this sort of thing.
Here's how I would do it:
function GUIdemo
%%// Construct GUI
%// Main figure
mainFig = figure;
set(mainFig, 'Color', get(0, 'DefaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'));
%// Create as many blocks as needed. The only thing you have to do is
%// figure out the "right" positions for each block
popupHandles = create_ui_blocks([
0.00 0.50 1.00 0.35
0.00 0.15 1.00 0.35]);
%// This OK button gathers all selected options, and just prints them.
'style' , 'pushbutton',...
'units' , 'normalized',...
'parent' , mainFig,...
'position', [0.4 0.01 0.2 0.1],...
'callback', #(~,~)getData(popupHandles),...
'string' , 'OK'...
%%// Helper functions
%// Create control blocks. Each block is composed of:
%// - a uipanel as container
%// - three radio buttons for the main selection
%// - a corresponding popup or the secondary selection
function popupHandles = create_ui_blocks(positions)
%// initialize
numBlocks = size(positions,1);
panels = zeros(numBlocks,1);
groups = zeros(numBlocks,1);
radios = zeros(numBlocks,3);
popups = zeros(numBlocks,1);
%// Build each block
for ii = 1:numBlocks
%// The container
panels(ii) = uipanel(...
'parent' , mainFig,...
'position', positions(ii,:)...
%// The radio buttons
groups(ii) = uibuttongroup(...
'parent' , panels(ii),...
'position', [0.05 0.05 0.45 0.9]...
radios(ii,1) = uicontrol(...
'style' , 'radio',...
'units' , 'normalized',...
'string' , 'A',...
'parent' , groups(ii),...
'position', [0.05 0.66 0.9 0.25]...
radios(ii,2) = uicontrol(...
'style' , 'radio',...
'units' , 'normalized',...
'string' , 'B',...
'parent' , groups(ii),...
'position', [0.05 0.33 0.9 0.25]...
radios(ii,3) = uicontrol(...
'style' , 'radio',...
'units' , 'normalized',...
'string' , 'C',...
'parent' , groups(ii),...
'position', [0.05 0.0 0.9 0.25]...
%// Initially, nothing's selected
set(groups(ii), 'SelectedObject',[]);
%// The popups
popups(ii) = uicontrol(...
'style' , 'popup',...
'units' , 'normalized',...
'parent' , panels(ii),...
'position', [0.55 0.4 0.4 0.2],...
'string' , 'Select main option',...
'enable' , 'off'...
%// On changing radiobutton, correct the string list of the popups
set(groups(ii),'SelectionChangeFcn', #(~,~)selectionChangeCallback(ii));
%// This is needed by the OK button callback
popupHandles = popups;
%// What happens when clicking a radio button?
%// NOTE: this is a doubly-nested function
function selectionChangeCallback(num)
switch get(groups(num), 'SelectedObject')
case radios(num,1)
set(popups(num), 'string', {'A.1', 'A.2', 'A.3'}, 'enable', 'on');
case radios(num,2)
set(popups(num), 'string', {'B.1', 'B.2', 'B.3'}, 'enable', 'on');
case radios(num,3)
set(popups(num), 'string', {'C.1', 'C.2', 'C.3'}, 'enable', 'on');
%// ...
%// What happens when pressing the OK button?
function data = getData(popupHandles)
data = char(cellfun(#(x,y)x{y}, ...
get(popupHandles, 'String'),...
get(popupHandles, 'Value'),...
'UniformOutput', false)) %#ok<NOPRT> //
Output in the MATLAB command window when pressing "OK":
data =
The layout is of course still crude, but you get the idea. Of course, the radio buttons can also be replaced by a popup (more compact), three pushbuttons, or whatever else you like.
The contents of the popups are not related to each other, which is exactly the problem with the uitable approach. In this GUI, changes in the popup's contents can be instantaneous when changing a radio button, simply because you have better control over how to deal with changes.
A programming note: I personally don't like it when handles of individual components in what I treat as a "block" are floating around in the top-level function, which is why I use doubly-nested functions -- it's kind of like encapsulation. Now, when used outside of classes, this is not everyone's cup of tea, so you might want to convert them. Of course, all nested functions are trivially converted to subfunctions; you just have to manually pass a lot more information around.
With this approach, you lose some functionality (the ability to re-size your UI elements), but you gain intuitive behavior of the GUI controls. When these are the choices, I've been trained to develop towards the latter option. The nice bells and whistles will only impress the end-user the first few times round, but the program's basic functionality will become more and more important with increased usage. As you noted yourself, this buggy behavior gets annoying when you have to use the tool a lot; I'd say, drop the resizability in favor of improved control behavior.
Though I highly appreciate the effort and the solution of Rody Oldenhuis and he definetely deserved the award, his solution would have required a lot of changes in my code, so I kept trying to find a simpler solution. Here it is, finally 99% bug-free.
(all code parts within on function script)
function fancyUitable
close all
%basic properties
line_height = 21.32;
table_height = 6*line_height;
lh = line_height/table_height;
cw = 200; %columnwidth
h = figure('Position',[200 100 2*cw+2 table_height],...
uitable(h,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 1-lh 1 lh],...
'ColumnWidth', {cw cw},...
'ColumnName', {'Option','Suboption'},...
%button (currently no icon) to store table
tbar = uitoolbar(h);
% addrow(figurehandle,number of row, percentage lineheight)
% every function call creates a new row, later dynamically
function edit(src,evt)
if evt.Indices(2) == 1
modifyPopup( src,evt.Indices(1) );
% disables cell selection highlighting, when one jumps to next table,
% a bit laggy though
fh = get(src,'parent');
function modifyPopup( src,row )
id_group_1 = {'A.1';'A.2';'A.3'};
id_group_2 = {'B.1';'B.2';'B.3'};
id_group_3 = {'C.1';'C.2';'C.3'};
id_default = {'select output file first'};
config_data = get(src,'Data');
selector = config_data(row,1);
selector = selector{1};
config_format = get(src,'ColumnFormat');
switch selector
case 'A'
config_format{2} = id_group_1';
case 'B'
config_format{2} = id_group_2';
case 'C'
config_format{2} = id_group_3';
config_format{2} = id_default;
config_data = { selector , 'select suboption...' }; %reset column 2
function addRow(fh,k,lhp)
selector_1 = { 'A'; 'B' ; 'C' };
selector_2 = { 'first select first row!' };
defaultData = {'select main option...', 'select suboption...'};
columnformat = { {selector_1{:}}, selector_2};
columneditable = [true true];
th = uitable(fh,'Units','normalized','Position',[0 1-(k+1)*lhp 1 lhp],...
'Data', defaultData,...
'ColumnName', [],...
'ColumnWidth', {200 200},...
'ColumnEditable', columneditable,...
'ColumnFormat', columnformat,...
function store(~,~)
ui = findobj(0,'Type','uitable','Tag','value');
L = numel(ui);
output = cell(L,2);
order = zeros(L,1);
for ii=1:L;
output(ii,:) = get(ui(ii),'Data');
order(ii) = get(ui(ii),'UserData');
[~,idx] = sort(order); %as order of handles unequals displayed order
brings up:
The solution is to use the Cell Selection Callback with two UITables in your GUI. Make the first table hold the data of {'a','b','c'} then in the cell selection callback, make the second UITable visible and set its data based on the cell selection properties of the first UITable. This link should have everything you need if you look down at the line 'A little hack not needing findjobj'