Getting attendance of an employee with a date series in a particular range in Postgres - postgresql

I have a attendance table with employee_id, date and punch-in time.
Emp_Id PunchTime
101 10/10/2016 07:15
101 10/10/2016 12:20
101 10/10/2016 12:50
101 10/10/2016 16:31
102 10/10/2016 07:15
Here I have the date only for the working days. I want to get the attendance list of a employee with series of given date period. I need the day also. Result should look like as follows
date | day |employee_id | Intime | outtime |
2016-10-09 | sunday | 101 | | |
2016-10-10 | monday | 101 | 2016-10-10 7:15AM |2016-10-10 4:31 PM |

You can generate a list of dates and then do an outer join on them:
The following displays all days in October:
select, a.emp_id,
min(punchtime) as intime,
max(punchtime) as outtime
from generate_series(date '2016-10-01', date '2016-11-01' - 1, interval '1' day) as d (date)
left join attendance a on = a.punchtime::date
group by, a.emp_id;
order by, a.emp_id;
As you want the first and last timestamp from each day this can be done using a simple group by query.
This will however not repeat the emp_id for the non_existing days.

Something like the following will generate a list of the range of dates (starting and ending with whatever range is found in your punchtime table), with employees and intime, outtime for each. Check the SQL fiddle here:!15/d93bd/1
SELECT MIN(CAST(time AS DATE)) AS min, MAX(CAST(time as DATE)) AS max
FROM emp_time
dates AS
SELECT m.min as datepart
FROM minmax m
RIGHT JOIN emp_time e ON m.min = CAST(e.time as DATE)
SELECT d.datepart + 1 FROM dates d, minmax mm
WHERE d.datepart + 1 <= mm.max
SELECT d.datepart as date, e.emp, MIN(e.time) as intime, MAX(e.time) as outtime FROM dates d
LEFT JOIN emp_time e ON d.datepart = CAST(e.time as DATE)
GROUP BY d.datepart, e.emp
ORDER BY d.datepart;


Combine generate series and count into one query

Postgres version 9.4.18, PostGIS Version 2.2.
I removed some of the details about the tables from this question because I doubt it's needed to answer the question. I can add those details back if necessary.
Desired result:
I want a total count for each week of year and hour of day (0100 to 5223). I'm able to successfully generate a series of 0100 to 5223 (actually up to 5300), and I'm able to get a total count for each week of year and hour of day individually, but i'm unable to combine the queries so that weeks of year/hours of day with a zero county still show up. I want to combine the count result with the generate_series (and ideally divide that result by 30) to get something like below.
MM-DD | count_not_zero | count_not_zero_divided_by_30
0100 | 10 | 33.3
0101 | 0 | 0
0102 | 0 | 0
0123 | 0 | 0
0200 | 3 | 10
0201 | 10 | 33.3
5223 | 20 | 66.6
Here are my individual queries that work...that I want to combine:
SELECT DISTINCT f_woyhh(d::timestamp) as woyhh
FROM generate_series(timestamp '2018-01-01', timestamp '2018-12-31', interval '1 hour') d
GROUP BY woyhh
ORDER by woyhh asc;
SELECT dt, count(*) FROM
(SELECT f_woyhh((time)::timestamp at time zone 'utc' at time zone 'america/chicago')
AS dt,
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM time) AS ctYear, count(*)
AS ct
FROM counties c
INNER JOIN ltg_data d ON ST_contains(c.the_geom, d.ltg_geom)
WHERE countyname = 'Milwaukee' AND state = 'WI' AND EXTRACT(YEAR from time) > '1987' GROUP BY dt, EXTRACT(YEAR from time))
AS count group by dt;
The result from the second query above is (and skips zero count dt, which I don't want):
dt | count
0100 | 10
0104 | 5
0108 | 4
I'm trying to combine the above working individual queries into a single query that provides a three a three column result--woyhh, count, and count divided by 30. And I want to include woyhh that have zero in the county, so that I have a complete set of woyhh.
Thanks for any help!!
I found the answer. I'll be posting it tomorrow, but I wanted to put this on today so no one unnecessarily works on this question. I apologize for the formatting.
WITH CTE_Dates AS (SELECT DISTINCT f_woyhh(d::timestamp) as dt
FROM generate_series(timestamp '2018-01-01', timestamp '2018-12-31', interval '1 hour') d),
CTE_WeeklyHourlyCounts AS (SELECT dt, count(*) as ct
FROM (SELECT f_woyhh((time)::timestamp at time zone 'utc' at time zone 'america/chicago') as dt,
EXTRACT(YEAR FROM time) as ctYear, count(*) as ct
FROM counties c
INNER JOIN ltg_data d on ST_contains(c.the_geom, d.ltg_geom)
WHERE countyname = 'Milwaukee' AND state = 'WI' AND EXTRACT(YEAR from time) > '1987'
EXTRACT(YEAR from time)) as count group by dt),
CTE_FullSTats AS (SELECT CTE_Dates.dt as dt, CAST(CTE_WeeklyHourlyCounts.ct as decimal) as ct
FROM CTE_Dates LEFT JOIN CTE_WeeklyHourlyCounts ON CTE_WeeklyHourlyCounts.dt = CTE_Dates.dt
GROUP BY CTE_Dates.dt, CTE_WeeklyHourlyCounts.ct, CTE_WeeklyHourlyCounts.dt) SELECT dt, COALESCE(ct, 0)
AS count, round(((COALESCE(ct,0) * 100) / 30),0) as percent FROM CTE_FullStats
GROUP BY dt, ct ORDER BY dt;

Break into multiple rows based on date range of a single row

I have a table which captures appointments, some are single day appointments and some are multi day appointments, so the data looks like
AppointmentId StartDate EndDate
9 2017-04-12 2017-04-12
10 2017-05-01 2017-05-03
11 2017-06-01 2017-06-01
I want to split the multi day appointment as single days, so the result I am trying to achieve is like
AppointmentId StartDate EndDate
9 2017-04-12 2017-04-12
10 2017-05-01 2017-05-01
10 2017-05-02 2017-05-02
10 2017-05-03 2017-05-03
11 2017-06-01 2017-06-01
So I have split the appointment id 10 into multiple rows. I checked a few other questions like
here but those are to split just based on a single start date and end date and not based on table data
You can use a Calendar or dates table for this sort of thing.
For only 152kb in memory, you can have 30 years of dates in a table with this:
/* dates table */
declare #fromdate date = '20000101';
declare #years int = 30;
/* 30 years, 19 used data pages ~152kb in memory, ~264kb on disk */
;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
select top (datediff(day, #fromdate,dateadd(year,#years,#fromdate)))
[Date]=convert(date,dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1,#fromdate))
into dbo.Dates
from n as deka cross join n as hecto cross join n as kilo
cross join n as tenK cross join n as hundredK
order by [Date];
create unique clustered index ix_dbo_Dates_date
on dbo.Dates([Date]);
Without taking the actual step of creating a table, you can use it inside a common table expression with just this:
declare #fromdate date = '20161229';
declare #thrudate date = '20170103';
;with n as (select n from (values(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)) t(n))
, dates as (
select top (datediff(day, #fromdate, #thrudate)+1)
[Date]=convert(date,dateadd(day,row_number() over(order by (select 1))-1,#fromdate))
from n as deka cross join n as hecto cross join n as kilo
cross join n as tenK cross join n as hundredK
order by [Date]
select [Date]
from dates;
Use either like so:
, StartDate =
, EndDate =
from dates d
inner join appointments t
on >= t.StartDate
and <= t.EndDate
rextester demo:
| AppointmentId | StartDate | EndDate |
| 9 | 2017-04-12 | 2017-04-12 |
| 10 | 2017-05-01 | 2017-05-01 |
| 10 | 2017-05-02 | 2017-05-02 |
| 10 | 2017-05-03 | 2017-05-03 |
| 11 | 2017-06-01 | 2017-06-01 |
Number and Calendar table reference:
Generate a set or sequence without loops - 1 - Aaron Bertrand
Generate a set or sequence without loops - 2 - Aaron Bertrand
Generate a set or sequence without loops - 3 - Aaron Bertrand
The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop - Jeff Moden
Creating a Date Table/Dimension in sql Server 2008 - David Stein
Calendar Tables - Why You Need One - David Stein
Creating a date dimension or calendar table in sql Server - Aaron Bertrand
tsql Function to Determine Holidays in sql Server - Aaron Bertrand
F_table_date - Michael Valentine Jones
Clearly a Calendar/Tally table would be the way to go as SqlZim illustrated (+1), however you can use an ad-hoc tally table with a CROSS APPLY.
Select A.AppointmentId
,StartDate = B.D
,EndDate = B.D
From YourTable A
Cross Apply (
Select Top (DateDiff(DD,A.StartDate,A.EndDate)+1) D=DateAdd(DD,-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By Number),A.StartDate)
From master..spt_values
) B
AppointmentId StartDate EndDate
9 2017-04-12 2017-04-12
10 2017-05-01 2017-05-01
10 2017-05-02 2017-05-02
10 2017-05-03 2017-05-03
11 2017-06-01 2017-06-01

Getting data from postgres weekly (according to date)

user timespent(in sec) date(in timestamp)
u1 10 t1(2015-08-15)
u1 20 t2(2015-08-19)
u1 15 t3(2015-08-28)
u1 16 t4(2015-09-06)
Above is the format of my table, which represents timespent by user on a course and it is ordered by timestamp. I want to get sum of timespent by a particular user, say u1 weekly in the format :
start_date end_date sum
2015-08-15 2015-08-21 30
2015-08-22 2015-08-28 15
2015-08-29 2015-09-04 0
2015-09-05 2015-09-11 16
The difficulty lies in the fact that the seven-day periods that you want to get are not regular weeks starting with Monday.
You can not therefore use standard functions to get the week number based on the date, and have to use your own weeks generator using generate_series().
Example data:
create table sessions (user_name text, time_spent int, session_date timestamp);
insert into sessions values
('u1', 10, '2015-08-15'),
('u1', 20, '2015-08-19'),
('u1', 15, '2015-08-28'),
('u1', 16, '2015-09-06');
The query for an arbitrary chosen period from 2015-08-15 to 2015-09-06:
with weeks as (
select d::date start_date, d::date+ 6 end_date
from generate_series('2015-08-15', '2015-09-06', '7d'::interval) d
select w.start_date, w.end_date, coalesce(sum(time_spent), 0) total
from weeks w
left join (
select start_date, end_date, coalesce(time_spent, 0) time_spent
from weeks
join sessions
on session_date between start_date and end_date
where user_name = 'u1'
) s
on w.start_date = s.start_date and w.end_date = s.end_date
group by 1, 2
order by 1;
start_date | end_date | total
2015-08-15 | 2015-08-21 | 30
2015-08-22 | 2015-08-28 | 15
2015-08-29 | 2015-09-04 | 0
2015-09-05 | 2015-09-11 | 16
(4 rows)
date_trunc('week', the_date)::date as start_date,
date_trunc('week', the_date)::date + 6 as end_date,
sum(timespent) as "sum"
from t
group by 1, 2, 3
order by 1,2
Something like this (assuming that by timestamp you mean the data type timestamp).
In order to make the 1st day of the week to be Sunday, I added and extra day to "date" in the group by.
select (start_date - date_part('dow', start_date) * interval '1 day')::date start_date,
(start_date + (6 - date_part('dow', start_date)) * interval '1 day')::date end_date,
from (
select min("date") start_date, sum(timespent) total_time_spent
from mytable
where user=u1
group by date_part('year', "date"), date_part('week', "date" + interval '1 day')) "tmp"
order by start_date
This is a more generic approach, for any date interval.

Creating sequence of dates and inserting each date into query

I need to find certain data within first day of current month to the last day of current month.
select count(*) from q_aggr_data as a
where a.filial_='fil1'
and a.operator_ like 'unit%'
and date_trunc('day',a.s_end_)='"+ date_to_search+ "'
group by a.s_name_,date_trunc('day',a.s_end_)
date_to_searh here is 01.09.2014,02.09.2014, 03.09.2014,...,30.09.2014
I've tried to loop through i=0...30 and make 30 queries, but that takes too long and extremely naive. Also to the days where there is no entry it should return 0. I've seen how to generate date sequences, but can't get my head around on how to inject those days one by one into the query
By creating not only a series, but a set of 1 day ranges, any timestamp data can be joined to the range using >= with <
Note in particular that this approach avoids functions on the data (such as truncating to date) and because of this it permits the use indexes to assist query performance.
If some data looked like this:
("data_dt" timestamp)
('2014-09-01 08:24:00'),
('2014-09-01 22:48:00'),
('2014-09-02 13:12:00'),
('2014-09-03 03:36:00'),
('2014-09-03 18:00:00'),
Then that can be joined, using an outer join so unmatched ranges are still reported to a generated set of ranges (dt_start & dt_end pairs)
, count(d.data_dt)
, dt_start + INTERVAL '1 Day' dt_end
generate_series('2014-09-01 00:00'::timestamp,
'2014-09-30 00:00', '1 Day') AS dt_start
) AS r
LEFT OUTER JOIN my_data d ON d.data_dt >= r.dt_start
AND d.data_dt < r.dt_end
and a result such as this is produced:
| September, 01 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 2 |
| September, 02 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 1 |
| September, 03 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 2 |
| September, 04 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 2 |
| September, 29 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 0 |
| September, 30 2014 00:00:00+0000 | 0 |
See this SQLFiddle demo
One way to solve this problem is to group by truncated date.
select count(*)
from q_aggr_data as a
where a.filial_='fil1'
and a.operator_ like 'unit%'
group by date_trunc('day',a.s_end_), a.s_name_;
The other way is to use a window function, for getting the count over truncated date for example.
Please check if this query satisfies your requirements:
select sum(matched) -- include s_name_, s_end_ if you want to verify the results
(select a.filial_
, a.operator_
, a.s_name_
, generate_series s_end_
, (case when a.filial_ = 'fil1' then 1 else 0 end) as matched
from q_aggr_data as a
right join generate_series('2014-09-01', '2014-09-30', interval '1 day')
on a.s_end_ = generate_series
and a.filial_ = 'fil1'
and a.operator_ like 'unit%') aa
group by s_name_, s_end_
order by s_end_, s_name_!15/e8edf/3

Compare interval date by row

I am trying to group dates within a 1 year interval given an identifier by labeling which is the earliest date and which is the latest date. If there are no dates within a 1 year interval from that date, then it will record it's own date as the first and last date. For example originally the data is:
id | date
a | 1/1/2000
a | 1/2/2001
a | 1/6/2000
b | 1/3/2001
b | 1/3/2000
b | 1/3/1999
c | 1/1/2000
c | 1/1/2002
c | 1/1/2003
And the output I want is:
id | first_date | last_date
a | 1/1/2000 | 1/2/2001
b | 1/3/1999 | 1/3/2001
c | 1/1/2000 | 1/1/2000
c | 1/1/2002 | 1/1/2003
I have been trying to figure this out the whole day and can't figure it out. I can do it for cases id's with only 2 duplicates, but can't for greater values. Any help would be great.
, min(min_date) AS min_date
, max(max_date) AS max_date
, sum(row_ct) AS row_ct
SELECT id, year, min_date, max_date, row_ct
, year - row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY year) AS grp
, extract(year FROM the_date)::int AS year
, min(the_date) AS min_date
, max(the_date) AS max_date
, count(*) AS row_ct
FROM tbl
GROUP BY id, year
) sub1
) sub2
GROUP BY id, grp
ORDER BY id, grp;
1) Group all rows per (id, year), in subquery sub1. Record min and max of the date. I added a count of rows (row_ct) for demonstration.
2) Subtract the row_number() from the year in the second subquery sub2. Thus, all rows in succession end up in the same group (grp). A gap in the years starts a new group.
3) In the final SELECT, group a second time, this time by (id, grp) and record min, max and row count again. Voilá. Produces exactly the result you are looking for.
-> SQLfiddle demo.
Related answers:
Return array of years as year ranges
Group by repeating attribute
select id, min ([date]) first_date, max([date]) last_date
from <yourTbl> group by id
Use this (SQLFiddle Demo):
min(date) AS first_date,
max(date) AS last_date
FROM mytable