Perl DBI 2 dynamic arrays in 1 query - perl

I currently have a webpage with 2 multiselect boxes that returns 2 different strings, which will be used in my SQL queries.
I am currently only using 1 string in my queries, but wish to add another and am unsure of where to go from here.
I have the string being created into an array
#sitetemp = split ',', $siteselect;
my $params = join ', ' => ('?') x #sitetemp;
and am able to use a query with $params
$mysql_inquire = "SELECT starttime, SUM(duration) FROM DB WHERE feature = \"$key\" and starttime >= $start and starttime <= $end and site IN ($params) group by starttime order by starttime";
$sth = $DBH->prepare($mysql_inquire);
Essentially my question is how could I do the same thing, using 2 different arrays?
I assume the line $sth->execute(#sitetemp, #otherarray); would not work.

Your approach will work.
You can pass as many arrays into a function as you want. Arrays are just lists of values.
Consider the following example:
sub foo {
print Dumper \#_;
my #a = ( 1, 2, 3 );
my #b = ( 4, 5, 6 );
foo( #a, #b, ( 7, (8), 9, ( ( (10) ) ) ) );
This will print:
$VAR1 = [
When you say foo(#a, #b) it will just evaluate each array into a list. And you can combine as many lists as you want, they will always be flattened.


Return multiple output from stored proc in perl DBI returns extra 0 value [duplicate]

I'm beginner in sql. I have created the procedure as follows
create procedure testprocedure2 as
select 'one'
select 'three'
select 'five'
When I execute query into the database It shows the three result one three five. sql query is exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2
When I run the same query into the Perl it gives only one record which is one
$sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2");
while (#row= $sth->fetchrow_array())
print $row[0]."\t";
print "\n";
I don't know what is the problem. How can I fix it? I hope this answer will help in yesterday's question
Through the driver (e.g. DBD::ODBC)
Since you're using DBD::ODBC, you can use more_results provided by that driver to get the results of multiple queries in one execute.
This is the example they show in the documentation.
do {
my #row;
while (#row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# do stuff here
} while ($sth->{odbc_more_results});
If we want to do this with your example queries, it's pretty much the same. You run your stored procedure, and then proceed with the do {} while construct (note that this is not a block, you cannot next out of it!).
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure2");
do {
while (my #row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
print $row[0]."\t";
print "\n";
} while ($sth->{odbc_more_results});
This should print your expected result.
Some other drivers also provide this. If they do, you can call $sth->more_results instead of using the internals as described below.
Workaround if your driver doesn't support this
There is no way for DBI itself to return the result of multiple queries at once. You can run them, but you cannot get the results.
If you really need three separate queries in your procedure and want all of the results, the answers by Shakheer and Shahzad to use a UNION are spot on.
However, your example is probably contrived. You probably don't have the same amount of columns in each of those queries, and you need to distinguish the results of each of the queries.
We have to change SQL and Perl code for this.
To get that to work, you can insert additional rows that you can later use to map each stack of results to each query.
Let's say the procedure looks like this:
create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one'
select 'three', 'three', 'three'
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'
This is still just one row per query, but it should do as an example. With the UNION approach, it first becomes this:
create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one'
union all
select 'three', 'three', 'three'
union all
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'
If you run this, it might fail. In ANSI SQL a UNION needs to have the same number of columns in all its queries, so I assume SQLServer also wants this. We need to fill them up with NULLs. Add them to all the queries so they match the number of columns in the one with the largest number of columns.
create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
union all
select 'three', 'three', 'three', NULL, NULL
union all
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'
If we now loop over it in Perl with the following code, we'll get something back.
use Data::Dumper;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure3");
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
print Dumper $row;
We'll see output similar to this (I didn't run the code, but wrote the output manually):
$VAR1 = [ 'one', undef, undef, undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ 'three', 'three', 'three', undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five' ];
We have no way of knowing which line belongs to which part of the query. So let's insert a delimiter.
create procedure testprocedure3 as
select 'one', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
union all
select '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'
union all
select 'three', 'three', 'three', NULL, NULL
union all
select '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'
union all
select 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five'
Now the result of the Perl code will look as follows:
$VAR1 = [ 'one', undef, undef, undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-' ];
$VAR1 = [ 'three', 'three', 'three', undef, undef ];
$VAR1 = [ '-', '-', '-', '-', '-' ];
$VAR1 = [ 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five' ];
This might not be the best choice of delimiter, but it nicely illustrates what I am planning to do. All we have to do now is split this into separate results.
use Data::Dumper;
my #query_results;
my $query_index = 0;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("exec TEST_ABC_DB.dbo.testprocedure3");
while ( my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref ) {
# move to the next query if we hit the delimiter
if ( join( q{}, #$row ) eq q{-----} ) {
push #{ $query_results[$query_index] }, $row;
print Dumper \#query_results;
I've defined two new variables. #query_results holds all the results, sorted by query number. $query_index is the index for that array. It starts with 0.
We iterate all the resulting rows. It's important that $row is lexical here. It must be created with my in the loop head. (You are using use strict, right?) If we see the delimiter, we increment the $query_index and move on. If we don't we have a regular result line, so we stick that into our #query_results array within the current query's index.
The overall result is an array with arrays of arrays in it.
$VAR1 = [
[ 'one', undef, undef, undef, undef ]
[ 'three', 'three', 'three', undef, undef ]
[ 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five', 'five' ]
If you have actual queries that return many rows this starts making a lot of sense.
Of course you don't have to store all the results. You can also just work with the results of each query directly in your loop.
Disclaimer: I've run none of the code in this answer as I don't have access to an SQLServer. It might contain syntax errors in the Perl as well as the SQL. But it does demonstrate the approach.
The procedure you created is returning 3 result sets. And you are capturing only 1 result. If you are not bother about sets, make them as single result with UNION ALL
create procedure testprocedure2 as
select 'one'
union all
select 'three'
union all
select 'five'
If you want to capture multiple resultsets returned from stored procedure, here is a good example explained with MySQL database Multiple data sets in MySQL stored procedures
simple use union all like this then only one table is shown with data.

Logical solution for nested for loop

I have a bit of logic drain. I hope I can explain what I am missing and what I want in a coherent manner. Let me know if I have to add a bit more data or information.
I have an Excel spreadsheet which I am trying to load to a database. I have slurped the data into an array of hashes. The data in the array looks like this
$hash_of_excel = [
col1 => 'value1',
col2 => 'value2',
col3 => 'value3|value4',
col4 => 'value5|value6|value7',
col1 => 'value8',
col2 => 'value9',
col3 => 'value10|value11|value12',
col4 => 'value13|value14|value15',
col1 => 'value16|value17',
col2 => 'value19|value18',
col3 => 'value20',
col4 => 'value21',
I have a piece of code that walks this data structure to get the values
foreach my $results ( #$hash_of_excel ) {
for my $colname ( sort keys %$results ) {
my #array = split /\|/, $results->{$colname};
foreach my $value ( #array ) {
warn $results->{'col1'}, $results->{'col2'}, $results->{'col3'};
last if $counter++ == 2;
This would result in the same value printing over and over for the number of columns present in each hash (ie 4 in our case).
How can I access different columns for the DBI insert but without having to go through lot of for loops?
Is there a way to check if the value has more than one value and pushing them to array instead of having to get all of them in an array?
Or is this good to hand the database inserts to a subroutine and pass just the required column values in an array?
It's not clear what exactly you want, but your innermost loop is weird: it iterates over #array with $value, but $value isn't used in it - that's why you're getting the same output for all the iterations.
The following loop outputs all the values instead:
foreach my $value (#array){
warn $value;
i.e. no $results, no last.

How to use placeholders with "in (...)" clause?

I know I can do this with interpolation. Can I do it using placeholders?
I am getting this error:
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "{"22,23"}" at ./ line 20.
For this script:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
# Connect to database.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=somedb;host=localhost;port=5432", "somedb", "somedb");
my $typeStr = "22,23";
my #sqlParms = [ $typeStr ];
my $sqlStr = << "__SQL_END";
FROM states
WHERE typeId in (?)
my $query = $dbh->prepare($sqlStr);
my $id;
# Process rows
while ($query->fetch())
print "Id: $id\n";
Is there a way around it besides interpolation?
DBD::PG has support for PostgreSQL arrays, so you can simply write a query like this:
WHERE typeid = ANY( ARRAY[1,2,3] )
or, with a parameter...
WHERE typeid = ANY(?)
Then just use the array support
my #targets = (1,2,3);
# ...
Posting comment as answer, as requested.
Generate your own placeholder string. Like so:
my #nums = (22,23);
my $placeholder = join ",", ("?") x #nums;
Yes. You must use placeholders for each value, such as IN (?, ?, ?). You can however generate the correct number of question marks using something like this (untested):
my #values = (22, 23, ...);
# will produce "?, ?, ..."
my $in = join ", ", ("?") x #values;
my $sqlStr = "SELECT id FROM states WHERE typeId in ($in) ORDER BY id;";
my $query = $dbh->prepare($sqlStr);
Note that if you use an ORM such as DBIx::Class instead, this sort of ugly hack gets abstracted away.
You have to build the SQL statement with the correct number of question marks and then set the parameter values. There is no way to bind a list to a single question mark.

DBI: selectall_arrayref and columnnames

When I fetch the data this way is it possible then to access the column names and the column types or do I need an explicit prepare to reach this?
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( ... );
my $select = "...";
my #arguments = ( ... );
my $ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( $select, {}, #arguments, );
With prepare I would do it this way:
my $sth = $dbh->prepare( $select );
$sth->execute( #arguments );
my $col_names = $sth->{NAME};
my $col_types = $sth->{TYPE};
my $ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
unshift #$ref, $col_names;
The best solution is to use prepare to get a statement handle, as you describe in the second part of your question. If you use selectall_hashref or selectall_arrayref, you don't get a statement handle, and have to query the column type information yourself via $dbh->column_info (docs):
my $sth = $dbh->column_info('','',$table,$column); # or $column='' for all
my $info = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($info);
(specifically, the COLUMN_NAME and TYPE_NAME attributes).
However, this introduces a race condition if the table changes schema between the two queries.
Also, you may use selectall_arrayref with the Slice parameter to fetch all the columns into a hash ref, it needs no prepared statement and will return an array ref of the result set rows, with each rows columns the key's to a hash and the values are the column values. ie:
my $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( qq{
SELECT * FROM table WHERE condition = value
}, { Slice => {} }) or die "Error: ".$dbh->errstr;
$result = [
[0] = { column1 => 'column1Value', column2 => 'column2Value', etc...},
[1] = { column1 => 'column1Value', column2 => 'column2Value', etc...},
Making it easy to iterate over results.. ie:
for my $row ( #$results ){
print "$row->{column1Value}, $row->{column2Value}\n";
You can also specify which columns to extract but it's pretty useless due to the fact it's more efficient to do that in your SQL query syntax.
{ Slice => { column1Name => 1, column2Name => 1 } }
That would only return the values for column1Name and column2Name just like saying in your SQL:
SELECT column1Name, column2Name FROM table...

perl DBI and placeholders

I have this query select * from table where ID in (1,2,3,5...)
How is it possible to build this query with the DBI using placeholders ?
for example :
my #list = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my $sql = "select * from table where ID in (?)";
What argument should I send to execute? Is it a list or a string separated by , or something else?
This should build your query dynamically according to the number of items in your array
my #list =(1,2,3,4,5);
my $sql ="select * from table where ID in (#{[join',', ('?') x #list]})";
It's not possible in that way. You need to specify a placeholder for each item in your array:
my #list = (1,2,3,4,5);
my $sql = "select * from table where ID in (?,?,?,?,?)";
If your #list is not a fixed size, you need to build the $sql with the proper number of placeholders.
Quoting DBI documentation:
Also, placeholders can only represent single scalar values. For example, the following statement won't work as expected
for more than one value:
SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE name IN (?) # wrong
SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE name IN (?,?) # two names
Rewrite to:
my $sql = 'select * from table where ID in ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )';
If you are using DBI to access a PostgreSQL database with the DBD::Pg driver, you can use:
my #list = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my $sql = "select * from table where ID = ANY(?::INT[]);";
$sth->prepare ($sql);
$sth->execute (\#list);
Unless you know the exact number of elements you cannot use placeholders. Try this:
my #list = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); # any number of elements
my $in = join(',', map { $dbh->quote($_) } #list);
my $sql = "select * from table where someid IN ($in)";
If you switch to DBIx::Simple you can just say:
$db->query('INSERT INTO foo VALUES (??)', $foo, $bar, $baz);
?? Means "as many as needed"
Actually, I was a little too optimistic: "If the string (??) is present in the query, it is replaced with a list of as many question marks as #values."
So this does not seem to work:
$db->query( "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id IN (??) AND stuff=?", #ids, $stuff )
Still useful though..
For the curious, the code in the module is:
# Replace (??) with (?, ?, ?, ...)
sub _replace_omniholder {
my ($self, $query, $binds) = #_;
return if $$query !~ /\(\?\?\)/;
my $omniholders = 0;
my $q = $self->{dbd} =~ /mysql/ ? $quoted_mysql : $quoted;
$$query =~ s[($q|\(\?\?\))] {
$1 eq '(??)'
? do {
Carp::croak('There can be only one omniholder')
if $omniholders++;
'(' . join(', ', ('?') x #$binds) . ')'
: $1
I found a sure way for this to work summarizing all of the above advice. My Production query (I posted a much simpler version here) uses IN <>, where neither the codes nor their quantity is unknown. It could be a single Code (e.g. FIN), or a series of them (FITLC FITLD FITLU FITSC FITSD FITSU MDYLC MDYLD MDYLU). Some function returns that as a list.
The code that makes this happen is
#codes = get_muni_evcode( $category );
my $in = join( ', ', ('?') x #codes );
print "\n\nProcessing Category: $category --> Codes: #codes .. in: $in\n";
my $sql = "select distinct cusip9
from material_event
where event_date between (trunc(sysdate) - 1) + 2/3 and trunc(sysdate) + 2/3
and event_code in ($in)";
my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$sth2->execute( #codes );
while (my $s2 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc'))
my $cusip9 = $s2->{cusip9};
print "$cusip9\t";
.................. further processing ..............
The result sample:
Processing Category: RatingChange --> Codes: FITLC FITLD FITLU FITSC FITSD FITSU MDYLC MDYLD MDYLU MDYSC MDYSD MDYSU SPLD SPLPR SPLU SPSD SPSPR SPSU .. in: ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
359496HQ2 359496GB6 359496GH3 359496GL4 359496HU3 359496HS8 359496HA7 359496HF6 359496GM2 359496HM1 359496HR0 359496HT6 359496GY6 359496GJ9 359496HL3 359496GU4 359496HK5 359496HN9 359496HP4 359496GW0 359496GZ3 359496HC3 359496GC4 359496GK6 359496GP5 359496GV2 359496GX8 359496GN0
I'm extremely grateful to everybody who posted their ideas here that finally made me find the right way to do this. It must be a pretty common problem I think.