Spring-Boot executable encoding - rest

My Rest-Application delivers data in correct encoding when running under Eclipse. But when I start the application as executable jar on a Windows System, my special characters are broken.
What am I missing?

Eclipse's encoding is set in preferences->general->workspace, which whould by default be inherited from the OS (cp1250 on windows).
When you create a "Run as" task, it also stores it. So if you update eclipse's setting, make sure you re-create your "run as" task. You can see the actual value used when launching your application: Run configurations... -> Your Run task -> Common tab.
You can also force an encoding in eclipse.ini by adding -Dfile.encoding=AnotherEncoding at the end.
Command line
When launching from the command line, it takes the system default value, which would be cp1250 on whidows.
You could print the encoding at the very first line of your program, just to see: System.out.println(System.getProperty("file.encoding"));
To specify an encoding from the command line: java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 yourApp.jar
See also
Take a look at this too: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14867904/641627
This indicates a problem with your code. Your code is currently
depending on the default platform encoding, and doesn't work if that
encoding is not "UTF-8". therefore, you should change the places in
your code which depend on the default platform encoding to use the
"UTF-8" encoding explicitly.


Can't make Eclipse (Luna) PyDev console use UTF-8

In Eclipse Luna (4.0.4) / Python 3.4.1 I can't get the PyDev 3.6.0 console to work with Unicode despite having tried several recommended corrective steps.
I attempted this example in Dive Into Python 3: http://www.diveintopython3.net/files.html
If I do the example's a_file.read(), the PyDev console displays:
'Dive Into Python \u662f\u4e3a\u6709\u7ecf\u9a8c......' instead of 'Dive Into Python 是为有经验的程序员编写的一本...'
If I paste the Chinese characters into the PyDev console ala cstring = '是为有经验的程序员编写的一本', then in the console type "cstring ENTER', I again get '\u662f\u4e3a\u6709\u7ecf\u9a8c...'
If I then try print(cstring), I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:\Python34\lib\encodings\cp1252.py", line 19, in encode
return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters in position 0-13: character maps to
I don't know what do do with that information. The cp1252.py bit is at the heart of my confusion because I've told Eclipse and PyDev to use UTF-8 in every place I can find to do that, beginning with the information in the following:
Printing Unicode in eclipse Pydev console and in Idle
However, I cannot modify "site.py" as described in those steps because [EclipseInstallDir]/lib/site.py does not contain "encoding = ".
I can't figure out what to do next.
For regular runs:
The problem there is that the PYTHONIOENCODING is overridden by PyDev based on the encoding you used in the run configuration (which is the encoding used by the console view too -- so, it'd make no sense having a PYTHONIOENCODING with a value and the allocated console in the PyDev side with another value).
You can change the encoding you're using for a run configuration in:
Run > Run configurations > common > encoding.
By default it'll use the encoding of the file being launched (you can change the default encoding for the workspace in general > workspace > text file encoding).
For interactive console runs:
For interactive console runs there's currently no API to change the encoding in the java side, so, one has to start Eclipse itself in a VM that uses UTF-8 by default... In practice, this means that you have to add:
to the vmargs of Eclipse in eclipse.ini (and in this case it's also recommended to set the PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable in the related interpreter and set it to UTF-8).
Found it! (At least for Python 3.4.1, Eclipse Luna 4.0.4, PyDev 3.6.0.)
In Eclipse, in Preferences —> PyDev —> Interpreters —> Python Interpreter, in the Environment tab, I added the environment variable PYTHONIOENCODING and specified its value as utf-8.
The PyDev Interactive Console now properly displays the aforementioned Chinese characters (and Thai characters, too).

Eclipse LDT doesn't run local Lua interpreter

I have problem with Eclipse LDT. When I run my test Lua app, it executes just fine using JNLua inside JavaVM environment. But according to this tutorial, when I reference native lua.exe interpreter and set it in Run Configuration as Runtime Interpreter, Run Configuration disables Launch script: and nothing is executed. When I run a same script with a same native local Lua interpreter 5.1, everything works just fine.
So, what is the problem with LDT? Has anyone had the same experience?
I've managed to run local lua.exe from Lua Development Tools stand-alone product, but still it doesn't work as Eclipse plug-in.
I'm not sure it's a bug.
I guess when you register your interpreter, you uncheck the checkbox : "Accept file as argument"
This mean LDT will not manage the file to launch (that's why the Launch script is disabled)
The standard lua interpreter support file as argument and -e option, so the two check box should be checked. (It's the default value)
It looks like a bug ... Would you mind filing it in the Koneki bug tracker?

eclipse debug perl curses

I am writing a Perl program that uses curses for output and move the cursor, and color characters. Previously, when I was working under windows I use Komodo it was able to run an external console.
Now I work in Linux environment and use eclipse + epic. If you try to just run the script, it uses the internal console eclipse, which is very cut. You can just run the script using external tool, but I'm interested to debug using external console window. Is this possible?
Unfortunately, use of a File and /dev/pty/1 does not help in solving my problem.
The fact is that in this case it is impossible to get the characters introduced in the console through curses getch(). Always returned 1 instead code of pressed key.
Here is an answer that will take you most of the way (based on post #6 of: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=743131, although since then, in the "Indigo" and "Juno" versions of Eclipse, things have changed somewhat, and this answer is up to date):
Go to "Run -> Debug configurations". Click on the (fourth) "Common" tab. Go to the third frame from top, and there, check-mark the checkbox which says: "File". Enter the file name of the console window you want your output in.

How to change the line ending used in Netbeans

Netbeans has this wiki entry on line endings: http://wiki.netbeans.org/FaqEditorEOLs
But it isn't very useful. It just says that you shouldn't develop on different OS and that's that...
In my situation however, I have no power over it. I'm on a windows machine and the PHP app I'm working on needs to end with the UNIX EOL.
There does not seem to be an option to set this for new files. Can anyone tell me where to set this?
Just saw that you can set this as a command-line startup flag: -J-Dline.separator=LF
I haven't tested this myself but I'm looking for ways to bake this into the configs somehow.
Since, a specific plug-in came out: http://plugins.netbeans.org/PluginPortal/faces/PluginDetailPage.jsp?pluginid=36810
I also like #JimLewis suggestion but I work on Windows with a linux virtual machine thus in some cases the versioning system line ending cannot help.
[update 201709]
I no longer use netbeans (sorry, but I need python support and it's too buggy) and almost no longer develop on windows, but #marinos-an in a comment suggests https://github.com/welovecoding/editorconfig-netbeans which uses a common setting file that can be picked up by multiple editors through plugins. Definitely interesting to try since the settings file is committable!
Have you considered managing the line endings at the version control level? Subversion,
for example, lets you set an "eol-style" attribute with values "LF", "CR", "CRLF",
and "native" (which translates the line endings stored in the repository to whatever
is appropriate for the platform where the files are being checked out, and converts
the other way when you check in.)
Please use following Netbeans Plugin
fentie's answer solved my problem with line endings, as pasting multi-line MySQL from NetBeans into the MySQL command prompt caused errors.
To pass this argument to NetBeans every time it opens, add it to the netbeans.conf file:
/Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans\ 7.1.2.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/etc/netbeans.conf on OS X.
From the NetBeans Mac page under Tips & Tricks.
When I pasted multi-line SQL statements from NetBeans to the MySQL command line client on OS X or a remote Linux server, MySQL would list all possible command choices, give me some strange '> type of prompt and I was forced to hit Ctrl+C and log back into MySQL again.
For my Netbeans 12.6
I found a pluging called "Change Line Endings on Save"
more details are there
once pluging installed you can configure EOL in there:
Tools > Options > Editor > Line Endings

Eclipse - Running programs not in the native eclipse console

I'm currently writing some ncurses code and the native Eclipse (3.2.2) console can't display its graphics. I'd instead like to run the program through xterm. What I want is to be able to start xterm and run from there. I'd prefer to not get involved with any plugins or that jazz. Just something simple.
So I have the answer and it was pretty simple...
Run -> External Tools -> External Tools -> New Launch Config...
Then select location of your terminal emulator. /usr/bin/gnome-terminal in my case.
after that set the appropriate arguments. "-e ~/ncurses/start" in my case.
Then make sure you aren't allocating a console by unchecking that option in the "Common" tab.
Annon add to his question:
its a pain to keep switching back and forth from eclipse and the terminal. I'm looking for a way to just hit something like"F5" and have it run my ncurses program in a new xterm terminal process
The simplest way to do that is to report the command line into an external tool configuration, and point eclipse to use a shell (like described in this program)
In the argument, you will add the command line eclipse execute (command line which can be retrieved as mentioned in the second part of this answer below).
Of course, replace 'cmd.exe' by the shell of your choice, and try not setting the 'Allocate Console' checkbox in the Common tab of that external launcher.
To launch through a xterm, without eclipse involved (not what you are asking for, just keep here for archive)
You can launch your program through Eclipse (Run Configurations), and observe through a 'ps' command the exact Java command line used.
Or launch it in debug mode, and right click the task in Debug view and open Properties. It will show the command line, as documented here.
Then launch that command line directly in your console (Eclipse being not involved at all at this point).