VR Unity splash freezes with large scene - unity3d

When I start an app that the first scene contains too much data, after 3 seconds the Unity splash is like "frozen"... By this way, if I move my head to see any part of the VR world, all is black.
I can only see a rectangle area with the unity logo from the splash, but the remaining space is black.
I suppose that it occurs because all data of the scene are being loading, but, is there anyway to avoid this problem?
I'm using a Gear VR and a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
Check this image to see that the user see if move their head after the splash is "frozen":
Thanks in advance.


Unity, Vuforia AR Camera shows splash screen instead of scene view after loading scene

I am using Unity 2019.2 with its Vuforia plugin. My initial scene is just a menu without camera, from which AR scenes are loaded- These use regular Image Targets for 3D stuff as well as UIs in different screen spaces based on needs.
With the current configuration, the AR works normally under all Android devices and on two iPhones, 7 and 11, with the latest software updates. Only on the only iPad I can test on, an iPad Air 2 with the latest software updates, there is a strange bug I can find no answer to:
As soon as I load into a an AR scene from my main menu, instead of showing the camera view, it shows the splash screen again, frozen halfway through the default Dolly animation, or sometimes a black screen or weird pixelated markings (like something was extremely zoomed in). UIs that use "Screen Space - Overlay", or "Screen Space - Camera" with a non-AR camera, work fine, and the Image Targets are recognised just fine. But my 3D stuff that should be laid over the image targets just doesn't appear (it's there and active though, scripts that rely on them work). So I can say with confidence everything in the app works and the Splash Screen is just hiding my AR camera view.
I have tried to turn the Splash Screen off via script in one of the AR scenes, but that simply didn't do anything. Adding an AR or regular camera to the start menu made the whole app crash/not start up properly.
In the ARCamera, I have tried to make the Background transparent (didn't change anything) and adjusted clipping planes (neither). Turning off the Splash Screen in the Player Settings just turned the views black. Changing the Architecture to ARM64 didn't change anything, either. The XCode log doesn't say anything useful, either - the camera is working, Vuforia is working, everything is working just fine, there is just a Splash Screen in front of the iPad's camera that shouldn't be there, by all accounts.

How can I turn off camera video background in Unity ARKit

I'm trying to build a "lights-off" feature in my ARKit app, where I basically turn off the camera video background and only show my 3D content, sort of like VR.
Could someone please help me figure out how to turn off the the video background. I can see that a material called YuVMaterial is being used to render the camera texture but setting that to single color actually covers the entire screen and doesn't show my 3D content either.
You can uncheck the UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARCameraBackground component under the main AR camera, it will just render a black background.
In Unity, you can switch between cameras while using ARKit. The main camera has a run time spherical video applied to it, so it's not actually your device camera, but a rendering of what the device camera sees. By switching cameras, you can effectively "turn off" the background video image, but still take advantage of the ARKit properties. Have fun.

Scene doesn't fit to the screen

I am developing a game for Android by Unity. I have a scene consisting of a map as you can see from the screenshot of Unity Editor. When i play in the editor, the scene perfectly fits to the screen. However, when i run the game in my phone, there remains a vertical space out of the map and it doesn't completely fit.
I am using "Scale With Screen Size" and the reference size is my phone's size which is 1080 by 1920. I leave the screenshot of the editor and my phone during the play mode.
What might be the possible reason for this problem? Thanks in advance..
Screenshot from the editor
Screenshot from the Phone

Google Cardboard VR HUD UI Issue

I'm currently creating a google cardboard vr app and I'm running into an issue for the UI. The VR app is set up to be on rails by creating an animation for an empty object that contains the google cardboard camera prefab. I have a world space canvas that has 3 UI objects (backwards, pause, and forward similar to the iphone). In the first case the UI works for pausing (time scale set to 0) as seen in the image below.
However the issue I'm having is having those UI icons show up while in motion. The icons seem to go off in a weird direction have a mind of their own - even though I can track the canvas and know it's in the same position relative to the camera. If I pause in game or in the editor it returns to the correct state in example 1.
I have the canvas set to world space and the event camera is the google cardboard camera prefab. I'm not sure what's going on.

Canvas UI does not render in GVR (Google Cardboard) in Unity 5.3.5

I am using Unity3D 5.3.5 to develop a Google VR (Cardboard) project
I added a canvas button to my scene. It shows up in scene mode and sometimes in Game mode but never when I run the project
What I have tried
Turning off Direct Render for Main Camera
Setting up Render Mode of canvas to World Space
Adding Main Camera to Event Camera
Button shows up in Scene and Game Mode but not during Play mode
Though the UI does not show up, Physics Raycaster in the reticle hits the button.
Screenshots Below
This is a Unity bug. In the forums they mentioned it will be fixed in 5.3.5p5.
Its also noted in known issues for gvr:
Starting with 5.3.4p2, a bug in Unity prevents rendering World Space
uGUI Canvases into a RenderTexture
It works in older version(5.3.4f1), if you need to test it right now.
in your canvas change Render Mode to-> Screen Space Camera
change Render Camera to -> Your camera
change Plane Distance to a very low number but not negative