Download only Weblogic Server Tools plugin for eclipse neon - eclipse

I have to install the plugin Weblogic Server Tools for Weblogic 12c. I want to install it in an external location to give only plugins folder to other developers.
On Oracle download website, I find only a full OEPE package of 1,4Go, but my previous weblogic 10 plugin size is 60Mo.
Can I find only the Weblogic Server Tools plugin in a zip ?

The solution I found is to install the plugin via market place, then move the features and plugin folder to an external folder with a link.


Why do I not have GlassFish option on eclipse?

I am trying to get GlassFish server working on my Eclipse Luna (with WTP installed).
However, I do not have a GlassFish Server option in the Download Additional Server Adapters there:
Also, when I try to download a Mojarra library for my JSF project, I don't have an option to install GlassFish either:
How should I install GlassFish server and tools on my Eclipse Luna?
You should install this plugin. Brought up by a simple google search of glassfish plugin eclipse luna
I was facing same problem and found below steps as the solution by installing pulgin..hope this will help:
install Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) from eclipse market place which includes Glassfish support for eclipse.
And remember that when you are installing J2EE SDK you will get the Glassfish in it. you don't need it separately.
And eclipse required plugins to be installed for glasssfish.
Instructions for installing Plugins:
Open Help menu > select Eclipse Market Place.
Write OEPE in search box > select Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse from the List and Press Install button.
After installing this plugins when you choose from server, GlassFish server option will automatically be in the list if you have installed J2ee jdk.
Change your jdk version to jdk8.. it worked for me when I upgraded to 8.

Install Glassfish Eclipse Plugin without internet conenction?

I can't connect Eclipse to internet because of security issues in my work, i want to find a way to download the Glassfish Eclipse Plugin manually (Without using the Eclipse Market Place or Eclipse Install Wizard) and install it separately ...
I made many searches and all i found is how to install the Glassfish Eclipse Plugin using the download Link from Eclipse Plugin Installer ...
PS : Glassfish Server is already installed in my Laptop i just need the Eclipse Plugin.
From where can i download the Plugin ?
And how can i install it ?
GlassFish Tools is part of Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, which is offered in a number of different download formats, such as a ready-to-run Eclipse install and a downloadable repository. Either of these options is a good choice for users with connection problems. If you already have Eclipse installed, download the offline repository (may be called 'OEPE plugins only' on the download site). Then use the install plugins wizard, but point at the downloaded zip instead of a public URL. Make sure to uncheck the consult other repositories option to keep Eclipse from wandering to the network unnecessary.
OEPE - Main Download Page
OEPE - Latest Release

CXF for Eclipse 3.5

I've Eclipse 3.5.2 and I've a web service, under Windows-> Preferences I can't see CXF, I know it's available in Eclipse 3.6 but is there any way to make it available in Eclipse 3.5? Perhaps by downloading the CXF jars or something? My goal is to generate WSDL file from my web service interface.
I'm using eclipse indigo. so I'm not sure if this'll work for you.
If you go to Help > Install New Software. Look for the The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) software repository
I'm using Eclipse Indigo so its >
Now it'll list different "Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP)" Versions, Select the latest one and you should see CXF Web Services under it. I'll just install the entire platform. you can also install the platform sdk if you like. See the image below for more info.
Install software

Download Glassfish Adapter plugin separately

Is it possible to download Glass-fish adapter plug-in for eclipse(Helios) separately not with 'Install New Software feature in eclipse'?
Because I want to archive this plug-in and use it on another eclipse instances.
I prefer:
install it through "Install new feature" (see How to install the GlassFish 3 server adapter with Eclipse Helios 3.6)
and then move all its plugin and features .jar files into a shared dropins directory.
<= move the glassfish plugins.jar files here
<= move the glassfish features.jar files here
(see eclipse.ini to reference a shared dropins)
That way, any Eclipse installation which
You can download the GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse from the home page of the GlassFish Plug-ins.

How to host eclipse plugins(cheatsheet)?

I have developed a eclipse plugin (cheatsheet), packaged in jar format. Can anyone tell me how to host that plugin publicily or in tomcat server so that remote user can install it through the given URL, using the Install Software menu ?
I don't want to copy that plugin in eclipse's plugin folder i want to install that...
You have to create an update site for that. Here is the Eclipse tutorial for creating an update site.