Markdown Table not working (kramdown) - github

Its working perfectly in the atom md preview but it outputs terribly in Github hosted jekyll website?
My posted md file online:
Could someone please help?

The Atom Markdown preview does not use Kramdown, Jekyll does. There are so many different-but-similar Markdown variants that you probably haven't noticed until now.
That said, in this case it's probably the --- at the start. Change it to|---, and add a blank line in between the table and the heading.


VSCode issues with syntax highlighting for yaml headers in markdown

I have been using VSCode and Pandoc for writing Markdown documents. VSCode recognizes and highlights some YAML header blocks just fine, but not others. I noticed the problem on HTML comments in Markdown.
If I use this style of YAML header (closed with dashes) at the very top of the document, VSCode seems to recognize the end of the block, and move back to normal highlighting mode after the close of the block(see screenshot "" document).
title: Best Article Ever
author: Great Writer
However, if I use another legal style (closed with ...) which seems to be legal according to the YAML specification, section 2.2 Structures:
title: Best Article Ever
author: Great Writer
VSCode does not seem to see the YAML block as closed, and so highlighting is messed up for the rest of the document (see screenshot below).
This problem (messed up highlighting) does not occur for either style if they are not at the very top of the document.
At this point, I'm not sure where the problem is and how I might go about changing it. Some pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Is it a problem with my understanding of the YAML syntax?
Is it a problem with the YAML language file in VSCode?
Is it a problem with the markdown language file in VSCode (i.e. problem with the embedded YAML)?
Is it something I have to/can correct with some kind of language extension?
It isn't hugely important to me, but I have a lot of legacy documents like this and if a correction is reasonably straightforward I'd like to try.
Thanks in advance for any help or explanations.
I work on markdown support for VSCode. Yes, right now you have to use --- to terminate your frontmatter.
I've opened to track support for using ... as a frontmatter terminator. Feel free to submit a PR for this. I've added some notes on what this would involve:
This should be fixed in VSCode 1.11+
Here was the fixing PR:

open link in new tab with github markdown using target="_blank"

Is there a way to let a Link, written in githubs markdown, open in a new tab?
All posts I have found related to this suggests to use HTML and target="_blank", which is fine with me, but that doesn't work.
For example this link:
Does not open in a new tab.
I'm no interested in replies for all kind of different markdown syntaxes, but only in a solution that will work when I write my markdown on github.
Well it seems that the simple answer is "It's not possible". Github does not include the target attribute even if you use plain HTML, so it's not a in the final HTML Anchor tag. Annoying, but OK, users can just do a CTRL+click (on Windows and Linux) or CMD+click (on MacOS) on the link, the get the same behavior.
There is a solution specific to websites using GitHub pages: adding line
markdown: kramdown
to file _config.yml, you can use [go]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener"} because then GitHub pages engine uses another markdown called kramdown for generating html. However, it does not work on previews and in markdown rendered by GitHub directly in the project repository.
From what I have read and researched, it is not possible. I wanted to do something similar but soon realized that it is not a feature in git md, unfortunately.
It's possible for Github Pages users (Jekyll), the proper way (March 2022) is to add to your _config.yml file these lines:
input: Kramdown
This is specified in the documentation:
You can also change the processor used by Kramdown (as specified for the input key in the Kramdown RDoc). For example, to use the non-GFM Kramdown processor in Jekyll, add the following to your configuration.
Use the Kramdown processor instead of GFM will allow you to add {:target="_blank" rel="noopener"} to markdown links to tell the browser to open link in new tab.
[Stackoverflow The Key]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener"}
/!\ Disclaimer
Changing the markdown processor from GFM (default value) to kramdown can create issues in the HTML result, since all the specific features of GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) won't work anymore.
The answer should be what #Idavid posted in a comment.
You should also add rel="noopener"
[go]({:target="_blank" rel="noopener"}

jekyll won't process markdown even with non-BOM files

I'm trying to set up a simple blog on via Visual Studio and Jekyll but Jekyll can't seem to parse markdown for my posts correctly. Here's the result for my file as is.
Notice that per Visual Studio, this currently is saved with BOM but still builds.
I'm aware that files need to have NO BOM (Byte Order Marker) so I've tried saving it without it but still can't get any results. Anyone have any ideas?
EDIT: Here's backtrace output per comments:
EDIT2: I've tried all the possible line endings available and still can't seem to get anything going. Per #Waylan 's comments I looked into issue #3304 but it seems it isn't fully resolved. Check out this issue if you'd like to add any comments
Seems this was occurring because I was adding via Visual Studio.
You must add the files as a regular text file in Windows Explorer - then you'll be able to edit them in Visual Studio as you like.
Hopefully we'll get support for this in later version of Jekyll or Visual Studio will change whatever it is that's causing the issue. I've made note of the issue with Jekyll already here though if anyone would like to add on to it

Issue with Markdown emphasis on characters within brackets (

I am not a coder, so consider myself a big rookie with Git tools and services like, however I've noticed that when I read a .md file on Gitlab, it won't italicize chains of characters when they directly follow an opening bracket (, while it did work with Bitbucket and Github.
If I write (*e.g.*, the .md viewed on Gitlab will show (*e.g.* instead of (e.g., which is a big issue for me as I intend to use Markdown to write academic papers (and take advantage of the Gitlab versioning, among other things) and often need italics. Any ideas on how to solve that? Is HTML the only way to italicize first words in brackets on Closing brackets ) do not block the emphasis, only opening brackets ( do.
Thanks a lot!
This seems to be resolved in latest version. I created a playground repo, also tested on wiki.

How to use github flavored markdown in file by default?

The way markdown-style line end really annoys me, and I found gfm looks better.
But as I wrote the .md file and push it ti Github, it just shows as nomal markdown.
Judging the demo on github, it changes line without two blanks, isn't it?
This made me confusing. Just, how can I make this work?
What do you mean by changing line? Do you mean how it does not just recognizes normal end of line? (that annoys me too)
Standard practice for new line is space, space, enter for a new line.
You could also add br html tag and it will do the same.
Is this what you were looking for?