FirebaseCrash - new feature? - firebase-console

Today when uploading proguard mapping file to firebase console I suddenly saw something new
But link "Learn more" directs to unchanged FirebaseCrash docs
They forget to update docs or feature not available yet?
PS: Does anyone know how to change language in firebase console? Russian localization is terrible

Sorry about the confusion here. This is an unfortunate case of some experiments and designs accidentally being pushed to production prior to their general availability. Stay tuned for actual, working new features. :-)


TYPO3 new version

I'm preparing myself to work with the new version of TYPO3 (v10), and I need clear documentation which presents the changes between the old and new version (especially disappear of ("switchableControllerActions")
So if anyone has an idea I'll be grateful
Thanks in advance
There always (for all major versions) are slides "What's new" and a search gives this page:
the other option is the change log / Release Notes for each bugfix version:
And all together in one page:
Apart from the answer given, I would recommend the Changelogs in any case. The "What's new Slides" do not contain all changes. The changelogs contain all relevant changes as each change in the core with a deprecation or breaking change must include a Changelog. Also, the Changelogs contain a migration path and tips that should be helpful for you.
I admit, it is a huge long list. So here are some additional tips:
Since you mention switchableControllerActions: For your own extensions, you can use the extension scanner to search for deprecated or breaking functionality in your extension before moving to the next version: In the backend: Upgrade > Scan Extension Files
Also, since TYPO3 9, you can view and check off the changelogs you already handled in the backend, see Upgrade > View Upgrade Documentation in the Backend.
If you want to find out about changes even earlier, you can follow the changes via one of these sources and read them as soon as they come out: channel #rst-updates and read the core patches and follow the discussions
What I am also sometimes missing is a table with comparison of old and new. But there are some good resources for specific things, such as:
migrating to "new" doctrine QueryBuilder from $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']
About the what / when / why of some particular changes: The changelog explains it quite well, including a migration path. What is sometimes missing is, why a change was made. There is also often some more information and discussions in the review on Gerrit. To find that, click on the link to the issue in the changelog and then find the link to the review (should start with in the history.

kibana-4.3 how to develop plugin

Where can I find a developer guide to kibana, that explain me how the system work and all the things i need to know for developing kibana plugin?
Or if someone could publish snippets of sample plugin.
I've started cloning statusPage plugin, but I don't want to do revers engineering to understand the platform.
On the website, the is no type of developer manual.
Thank you
You can refer to the following links to learn How to develop Kibana Plugins:-
The official answer from 6+ months ago seems to be "don't":
We're working to develop an external API but would caution you away
from making custom changes as things still move pretty fast and
internal APIs are likely to change even in patch versions.
Also, "there are no public plugin APIs right now" (8/2015)
Hard to find any information to date. I recommend you to look at the plugin generator released some days ago:
Generator Kibana Plugin Structure
There are two plugins I found where you can have a look at the code to understand the structure. The first is the Sense plugin, the second Timelion. Timelion matches more to the structure of the generator.
Sense Github
Timelion GitHub
I suggest understanding plugin structure and code for traffic plugin ( which would be one of the simplest plugins to understand and you could directly add it to your installed plugin folder in kibana and see it working.
Other than that I would also suggest you do read timroes blogs ( for developing kibana plugins
and last I would also suggest using elasticsearch discussion forum for kibana related issues as well for quicker responses:

Versioned cloud-based social code snippet management

It seems a lot to ask, but I'm looking for a cloud-based solution to managing code snippets. I am looking for:
User accounts (I want to be able to see all of my snippets on a single page)
syntax highlighting
versioning - myself or others should be able to edit my snippets to improve them and have revisions save so that I can go back and use an older version if I prefer.
straightforward UI with minimal advertising if any
Does anyone know of a solution which meets these requirements? If not, would anyone be interested in something like this? As a software engineer, after step zero (does it already exist), I'm perfectly willing to go onto step 1 (would other people use it? If so, make it).
it has everything you asked for
Sounds like Gist.
Except for the tags part. But it might be workable anyway.
I'm working on a site for this. The very rough (as in: barely works, but not even functional yet) initial version is here:

Which OAuth library do you find works best for Objective-C/iPhone?

I have been looking to switch to OAuth for my Twitter integration code and now that there is a deadline in less than 7 weeks (see countdown link) it is even more important to make the jump to OAuth. I have been doing Basic Authentication which is extremely easy. Unfortunately OAuth does not appear to be something that I would whip together in a couple of hours.
So I am looking to use a library. I have put together the following list.
I see that MPOAuth has some great features with a good deal of testing code in place but there is one big problem. It does not work. The sample iPhone project that is supposed to authenticate with Twitter causes an error which others have identified and logged as a bug.
The last code change was March 11 and this bug was filed on March 30. It has been over a month and this critical bug has not been fixed yet. So I have moved on to MGTwitterEngine.
I pulled down the source code and loaded it up in Xcode. Immediately I find that there are a few dependencies and the README file does not have a clear list of steps to fetch those dependencies and integrate them with the project so that it builds successfully. I see this as a sign that the project is not mature enough for prime time. I see also that the project references 2 libraries for JSON when one should be enough. One is TouchJSON which has worked well for me so I am again discouraged from relying on this project for my applications.
I did find that MGTwitterEngine makes use of OAuthConsumer which is one of many OAuth projects hosted by an OAuth project on Google Code.
It looks like OAuthConsumer is a good choice at first glance. It is hosted with other OAuth libraries and has some nice documentation with it. I pulled down the code and it builds without errors but it does have many warnings. And when I run the new Build and Analyze feature in Xcode 3.2 I see 50 analyzer results. Many are marked as potential memory leaks which would likely lead to instability in any app which uses this library.
It seems there is no clear winner and I have to go with something before the big Twitter OAuth deadline.
Any suggestions?
I've used bengottlieb's Twitter-OAuth without issues.
Build+Analyse finds only one issue (in SA_OAuthTwitterController.m) and that's just a variable that has a value stored during initialization that is never read. I've not seen any leaks in my use of it. It was simple to implement and so far (two apps in the store using it, a third in development) no problems at all.
A new single-file solution is TDOAuth:
It's well-tested in that it is used in the TweetDeck iOS clients.
I recently had to implement "post to Twitter".
What I found was that none of the various projects would work out-of-the-box. They're all close, but not quite there.
Eventually I settled on OAuthConsumer, Stig Brautaset's SBJSon, with some ideas more than code borrowed from Ben Gottlieb's Twitter-OAuth-iPhone for pin processing.
I probably would have looked at MGTwitterEngine, but I didn't need to hit that much of the API - just status updates.
I seem to recall having to hack OAuthConsumer to set a few parameters correctly - that was the biggest stumbling block.
Try this Framework out for size:, works well for BitBucket's API and am in progress of testing it with more sites. Please give feedback and contribute.

Is gchart safe to use?

The home page for gchart, a client side charting add-in for Google Web Toolkit (GWT), has a long screed about how the project's only maintainer thinks his Google account has been hacked and because of that he will be "disavowing/abandoning my own project and Google account". Does that mean the project is an orphan? Is somebody taking it over?
There is always a risk on basing your project on somebody else's code because they may stop supporting it or abandon it during your project's life time, but it seems to me that with the fast evolution of Java and GWT, using gchart in a new project may be a big mistake. Am I right?
I've released Client-side GChart 2.7 in a brand-new Google Code project (untainted by the previous rootkitting of my laptop) that you can find here:
For details on the new security-related improvements I've instituted in an effort to prevent a future breach, follow the "release notes" link on the home page to the GChart 2.7 release notes.
I wish it had not taken me so long to re-release. I was attempting to correct the part of the problem that was under my direct control: my deep ignorance of all things related to computer security and systems administration.
I encourage you to give the re-released, better-secured and administered, Client-side GChart 2.7 a second look.
John C. Gunther, Client-side GChart author
I would have to say so. If the only maintainer of the project has lost control of his account, using any subsequent versions of gchart could mean you're implementing malicious code un-knowingly.
Unless he spins up another project to move the code-base forward, I'd avoid it.