Mongorestore command doesn't work as expected - mongodb

i am trying to import my database to my mongoLab database, but it keep showing the following error:
2016-10-19T21:05:49.183+0800 Failed: error connecting to db server: server returned error on SASL authentication step: Authentication failed.
-bash: vd: command not found
This is how I ran my command:
mongorestore -h -d meteor -u <Username> -p <Password> /Users/directory/desktop/mongo/dump

I ran across this error message and I am not sure this was your specific problem but this ended up working for me
mongorestore -d production-db \
-u myusername -p MyPassword \
--authenticationDatabase admin --host \
(be sure to check firewall sudo ufw status and net.bindIp sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf to confirm that you have access and your mongo process is listening on an external port)


mongodump "No worthy mechs found" SCRAM-SHA-256

I have a MongoDB replica set with SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication only, and cannot cannot get the mongodump command to work on Ubuntu.
mongodump -h -u xxxx -p xxxx --authenticationDatabase xxxx --authenticationMechanism SCRAM-SHA-256 --db xxxx -c xxxx -q "{xxxx}" -o "xxxx/xxxx"
Failed: error connecting to db server: cannot establish SASL session: SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found
I have installed every sasl2 library I could find and set every environment variable I could think of.
Anyone out there able to tell me what I'm missing?

MongoDB Backup and Docker Problems

I am weeks trying to do backup from my docker without any success.
My Docker Compose:
image: mongo
restart: always
- internal
- /opt/rpg/mongo/data:/data/db
Input: docker exec mongo sh -c 'exec mongodump -d rpg --archive' > /home/rpg/all-collections.archive
Output: Failed: error getting collections for database rpg: error running listCollections. Database: rpg Err: command listCollections requires authentication
Then i tried with password
Input: docker exec mongo sh -c 'exec mongodump -d rpg —uri="mongodb://user:password#mongo:27017/rpg?authSource=admin" --archive' > /home/rpg/all-collections.archive
Output: SASL authentication step: Authentication failed.
After weeks trying i get the connection with:
sudo docker run -it --rm --network internal mongo \
mongo --host mongo \
-u user \
-p password \
--authenticationDatabase admin \
Now I can see the collections and everything, but i still cant get the backup.
Tried too:
sudo docker run --rm --network internal mongo \
mongodump --host mongo \
-u user \
-p password \
--authenticationDatabase admin \
--db rpg
> ~/rpg2-collections.archive
Failed: error connecting to db server: server returned error on SASL authentication step: Authentication failed.
Without success, can someone help me ?
Was having the same Authentication problem, and this command worked:
docker exec <docker_container_name> sh -c 'mongodump --uri="mongodb://username:password#localhost:27017/db_name?authSource=admin&readPreference=primary" --archive' > db.dump
I am doing it like this:
mongodump --host='{mongo_server}' --db='{mongo_db}' --collection='{collection_name}' --out={output_folder}
and it works just fine.
though as you can see i am doing collection by collection dump through python script on separate host, because i wasn't able to backup everything at once.
so the first step is to get all collections from container with installed mongo client:
mongo {mongo_server}/{mongo_db} --eval 'db.getCollectionNames()' --quiet
my script also uploads each collection dump to s3 bucket s3cmd, that is why you are seeing only part of it...
After weeks, i get a backup from files (not mongodump).
sudo tar czvf /home/backup.tar.gz /opt/rpg/mongo
And i did a repair and worked at my pc.
mongod --repair ./{{folder}}

mongodump from remote node - unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-256"

Tried taking dump from a remote node and got the following error:
Failed: can't create session: could not connect to server:
connection(): auth error: sasl conversation error: unable to
authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-256": (AuthenticationFailed)
Authentication failed.
Tried two methods to take dump from the remote node. But got the same error in both the methods.
# Method 1
mongodump -h remoteip#port -u xxx -p xxx --db xxx --authenticationDatabase xxx
# Method 2
mongodump --uri "mongodb://username:password#remoteip:port/db?authSource=xxx"
How to resolve this?
For me (trying to use mongodump on a single node DB on the same host), using --authenticationDatabase admin did the trick:
mongodump -u root --password 'secret' --authenticationDatabase admin -d mongo-dev -o /tmp/dump-2020-11-27.bson
(courtesy of mongodump from remote node - unable to authenticate using mechanism "SCRAM-SHA-256")
1.If you are using an URI for mongodump command,--authenticationDatabase admin option is equivalent to ?authSource=admin
mongodump --uri "mongodb://[username:password#]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]"
sample url:
mongodump --uri "mongodb+srv://username1:password1#host1/db1?authSource=admin"
I had the same issue. In my case, the password has special characters. It works with single quote for password:
-p 'my_password'
I had the same problem and solved it using single quotes in the password like this:
--password 'secret'
Was in the same spot that you are, solved it this way:
mongodump --uri "mongodb+srv://username:password#yourmongodbclustersourceurl" --archive \
mongorestore --uri "mongodb+srv://username:password#yourmongodbclusterdestinationurl" --archive \
--nsExclude "admin.system.*"
Needless to mention, you just need to change your username, password and the url in this formula and voila. Good luck.

Mongodump from secure Mongo database

In order for me to connect to this [secure] Mongo instance I have to run the following command:
mongo --ssl --host sampleHostname --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/user.pem --sslCAFile /path/to/mongoca.cer --authenticationDatabase '$external' --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509
I am trying to do a mongodump command to get the data but I keep running into the following errors:
Attempt 1
mongodump -d mydb
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
Attempt 2
Can't create backup mongodump with --db. Authentication failed
mongodump -d mydb --authenticationDatabse '$external'
Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers
Attempt 3 Using the same command as how I connect.
mongodump -d mydb --ssl --host sampleHostname --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/user.pem --sslCAFile /path/to/mongoca.cer --authenticationDatabase '$external' --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509
Failed: error getting collections for database 'mydb': error running 'listCollections'. Database: 'mydb' Err: not authorized on 'mydb' to execute command {listCollections: 1, cursor: {} }
I have tried the same command with sudo but it still returns the same error.
Attempt 4 Minimum permission for using mongodump (to dump a specific db)
mongodump -d mydb --ssl --host sampleHostname --sslPEMKeyFile /path/to/user.pem --sslCAFile /path/to/mongoca.cer --authenticationDatabase '$external' --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509 --excludeCollection=system.indexes
Failed: error getting collections for database 'mydb': error running 'listCollections'. Database: 'mydb' Err: not authorized on 'mydb' to execute command {listCollections: 1, cursor: {} }
I am stuck and I am eventually going to run mongorestore but I do not want to run this without making sure I am able to backup first. I imagine the solution for mongodump will resolve any possible issues I may have with mongorestore (if any).
I found the solution thanks to this blog post , looks you have to set the -u value with the CN when using 509 and $external.
mongodump --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile user.pem --sslCAFile cap.pem --sslAllowInvalidHostnames --authenticationMechanism=MONGODB-X509 --authenticationDatabase '$external' --host "rsTmpCloudManager/,," -d testJoce -u "CN=???,OU=???,O=???,L=???,ST=???,C=??"

Access as admin with mongo client ok, fails with mongorestore

Using the mongo client, I can authenticate successfully with my admin account:
$ mongo -u my_admin_username -p my_admin_pass --authenticationDatabase admin
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.3
connecting to: test
but when I try to execute mongorestore with the same credentials, it fails:
$ mongorestore -u my_admin_username -p my_admin_pass /backup/20140821/db/myproject/
connected to:
assertion: 13 not authorized on admin to execute command { getParameter: 1, authSchemaVersion: 1 }
Why is that? What am I missing? I'd like to execute successfully a mongorestore.
$ mongorestore -u my_admin_username -p my_admin_pass /backup/20140821/db/myproject/ -db myproject
This worked.