Postgres 9.4 detects Deadlock when read-modify-write on single table - postgresql

We have an application with a simple table
UUID id;
TimeStamp due_time;
TimeStamp process_time;
This is a spring boot (1.2.5.RELEASE) application that uses spring-data-jpa.1.2.5.RELEASE with hibernate-4.3.10.FINAL as jpa provier.
We have 5 instances of this application with each of them having a scheduler running every 2 second and querying the database for rows that have a due_time of last 2 mins until now that are not yet processed;
SELECT * FROM given_entity
WHERE process_time is null and due_time between now() and NOW() - INTERVAL '2 minutes'
Requirement is each row of above table gets successfully processed by exactly one of application instances.
Then the application instance processes these rows and update its process_time field in one transaction.
This may or may not take more than 2 seconds, which is scheduler interval.
Also we don't have any index but PK index on this table.
Second point worth noting is that these instances might insert rows this table which is called separately by clients.
Problem: in the logs I see this message from postgresql (rarely but it happens)
ERROR: deadlock detected
Detail: Process 10625 waits for ShareLock on transaction 25382449; blocked by process 10012.
Process 10012 waits for ShareLock on transaction 25382448; blocked by process 12238.
Process 12238 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on tuple (1371,45) of relation 19118 of database 19113; blocked by process 10625.
Hint: See server log for query details.
Where: while locking tuple (1371,45) in relation "given_entity"
How does this happen?
I checked postgresql locks and searched internet. I didn't find anything that says deadlock is possible on only one simple table.
I also couldn't reproduce this error using test.

Process A tries to lock row 1 followed by row 2. Meanwhile, process B tries to lock row 2 then row 1. That's all it takes to trigger a deadlock.
The problem is that the row locks are acquired in an indeterminate order, because the SELECT returns its rows in an indeterminate order. And avoiding this is just a matter of ensuring that all processes agree on an order when locking rows, i.e.:
SELECT * FROM given_entity
WHERE process_time is null and due_time between now() and NOW() - INTERVAL '2 minutes'
In Postgres 9.5+, you can simply ignore any row which is locked by another process using FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED.

This can easily happen.
There are probably several rows that satisfy the condition
due_time BETWEEN now() AND now() - INTERVAL '2 minutes'
so it can easily happen that the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE finds and locks one row and then is blocked locking the next row. Remember – for a deadlock it is not necessary that more than one table is involved, it is enough that more than one lockable resource is involved. In your case, those are two different rows in the given_entity table.
It may even be that the deadlock happens between two of your SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statements.
Since you say that there is none but the primary key index on the table, the query has to perform a sequential scan. In PostgreSQL, there is no fixed order for rows returned from a sequential scan. Rather, if two sequential scans run concurrently, the second one will “piggy-back” on the first and will start scanning the table at the current location of the first sequential scan.
You can check if that is the case by setting the parameter synchronize_seqscans to off and see if the deadlocks vanish. Another option would be to take a SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE lock on the table before you run the statement.

Switch on hibernate batch updates in your
hibernate.jdbc.fetch_size = 400


PostgreSQL query - show which rows are locked

I would like to query data from a table, and if a row is locked, show it as a different color. Is this possible using postgresql's locking for update?
(select from pg_x -- link row somehow )
from table
thank you
There is no good way to do that. The row locks are stored in the row (system column xmax), but this attribute serves other purposes too, and the flags that determine if it is indeed a row lock or perhaps a rolled back update are not exposed via SQL.
There are only unpleasant alternatives:
Use the pageinspect contrib module to examine those flags. That would be a second scan of the table, and such a query doesn't respect MVCC visibility.
Run a second query:
SELECT * FROM atable
That would lock all rows in the table and be very bad for concurrency.
Besides, that information would be pretty useless for the user. In a well-written application, row locks are only held for split seconds, so the information would be outdated by the time it reaches the user.

How to lock row for multi worker rate limit?

I have multiple workers distributed across multiple nodes that scrape HTML. I need to specify a rate limit in the system so no domain gets more than 1 request every 5 seconds.
Each worker has access to a shared database (PostgreSQL) so I created a table with 2 columns:
domain key, last scan date
In the worker code I want to check the last scan date before making a request. The problem is thousands of workers could get the same domain at almost the same instant if tasks are distributed round robin so if they all read at once they will see no recent scan and all fire off requests. So I need a way to lock the field so the first worker to check engages a lock, makes the scan and then updates the scan date and releases the lock. Then all the other workers can check to see if a lock exists on the row and reject the task so it is re-scheduled.
I read the manual page of locks and found it very confusing. It said all locks are table lock and I didn't really understand what it means about conflicts. I am going to need multiple workers to be able to lock/unlock different rows at the same time and also check if a lock exists before placing lock so that the worker doesn't hang waiting for the lock to release and can move onto next task.
What type of lock do I need? Are there any good examples showing this type of lock?
If I just wrap each process in a transaction will that work?
Your core code would be the block:
set transaction isolation level read committed; -- should already be the default
select domain_key
from your_table
where last_scan_date < now() - interval '5 seconds'
for update skip locked
limit 1;
-- Do your stuff here, and issue a rollback if it fails
update your_table
set last_scan_date = <value goes here>
where domain_key = <value goes here>;
I expect this will be used in a host language. The following example snippet of a worker is in python:
conn = psycopg2.connect('<db connect parameters>')
conn.autocommit = false
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("set transaction isolation level read committed;")
select domain_key
from your_table
where last_scan_date < now() - interval '5 seconds'
order by last_scan_date
for update skip locked
limit 1
domain_key = c.fetchone()[0]
if domain_key:
result = process_url(domain_key) # <-- This is your scraping routine
if result == 'Ok':
update your_table
set last_scan_date = now()
where domain_key = %s
""", (domain_key,))

PostgreSQL Gap lock by SELECT ... FOR UPDATE

There is a query with a Gap Lock used at MySQL/InnoDB:
SELECT id, time, count
FROM table_a
WHERE time
It locks the time range and returns a recent record if present (during last 24 hrs).
If not - the session still owns a lock over the duration of last 24 hours to safely insert a new record.
Is is possible to make the same gap lock for entire 24 hours duration (even if there are no records) in PostgreSQL?
The way to do that in PostgreSQL is to use the SERIALIZABLE isolation level for all transactions.
Then you don't need the FOR UPDATE at all. PostgreSQL won't prevent rows from being inserted in the gap, but if two transactions both read and write values in the same gap simultaneously, one of them will get a serialization error and have to redo the transaction (on the second try, it will find the gap not empty).
The concept at work here is serializability: it is acceptable if someone else inserts into the gap without reading (that transaction is logically after the one with your SELECT). But if two transactions both find the gap empty and then insert something, that would create an anomaly that is prevented by SERIALIZABLE.

INSERT INTO .. SELECT causing possible race condition?

SELECT * FROM B WHERE timestamp > (SELECT max(timestamp) FROM A);
or, written differently:
WITH selection AS
(SELECT * FROM B WHERE timestamp > (SELECT max(timestamp) FROM A))
If these queries run multiple times simultaneously, is it possible that I will end up with duplicated rows in A?
How does Postgres process these queries? Is it one or multiple?
If it is multiple queries (find max(timestamp)[1], select[2] then insert[3]) I can imagine this will cause duplicated rows.
If that is correct, would wrapping it in BEGIN/END (a transaction) help?
Yes, that might result in duplicate values.
A single statement sees a consistent view of the data in all tables as of the point in time when the statement started.
Wrapping that single statement into a transaction won't change that (a single statement is always executed as an atomic statement regardless of the number of sub-query involved).
The statement will never see uncommitted data from other transactions (which is the root cause why you can wind up with duplicate values).
The only safe way to avoid duplicate values, is to create a unique constraint (or index) on that column. In that case the INSERT would result in an error if such a value already exists.
If you want to avoid the error, use insert ... on conflict
This depends on the isolation level set in your database.
This is from the postgres documentation
By default, this is set to Repeatable read, which means that each query will get the output based on when the transaction first attempted to read the data. If 2 queries read before any one writes, then you will get duplicate data in these tables.
If you want to avoid having duplicate entries, you have a few options.
Try using the isolation level Serializable
Apply a unique index on a field of A in table B. Timestamp is not a great contender as you might legitimately have 2 rows with the same timestamp. Probably id of the table A is a good option.
Take a lock at the application level before performing such a query.

In-order sequence generation

Is there a way to generate some kind of in-order identifier for a table records?
Suppose that we have two threads doing queries:
Thread 1:
insert into table1(id, value) values (nextval('table1_seq'), 'hello');
Thread 2:
insert into table1(id, value) values (nextval('table1_seq'), 'world');
It's entirely possible (depending on timing) that an external observer would see the (2, 'world') record appear before the (1, 'hello').
That's fine, but I want a way to get all the records in the 'table1' that appeared since the last time the external observer checked it.
So, is there any way to get the records in the order they were inserted? Maybe OIDs can help?
No. Since there is no natural order of rows in a database table, all you have to work with is the values in your table.
Well, there are the Postgres specific system columns cmin and ctid you could abuse to some degree.
The tuple ID (ctid) contains the file block number and position in the block for the row. So this represents the current physical ordering on disk. Later additions will have a bigger ctid, normally. Your SELECT statement could look like this
SELECT *, ctid -- save ctid from last row in last_ctid
FROM tbl
WHERE ctid > last_ctid
ctid has the data type tid. Example: '(0,9)'::tid
However it is not stable as long-term identifier, since VACUUM or any concurrent UPDATE or some other operations can change the physical location of a tuple at any time. For the duration of a transaction it is stable, though. And if you are just inserting and nothing else, it should work locally for your purpose.
I would add a timestamp column with default now() in addition to the serial column ...
I would also let a column default populate your id column (a serial or IDENTITY column). That retrieves the number from the sequence at a later stage than explicitly fetching and then inserting it, thereby minimizing (but not eliminating) the window for a race condition - the chance that a lower id would be inserted at a later time. Detailed instructions:
Auto increment table column
What you want is to force transactions to commit (making their inserts visible) in the same order that they did the inserts. As far as other clients are concerned the inserts haven't happened until they're committed, since they might roll back and vanish.
This is true even if you don't wrap the inserts in an explicit begin / commit. Transaction commit, even if done implicitly, still doesn't necessarily run in the same order that the row its self was inserted. It's subject to operating system CPU scheduler ordering decisions, etc.
Even if PostgreSQL supported dirty reads this would still be true. Just because you start three inserts in a given order doesn't mean they'll finish in that order.
There is no easy or reliable way to do what you seem to want that will preserve concurrency. You'll need to do your inserts in order on a single worker - or use table locking as Tometzky suggests, which has basically the same effect since only one of your insert threads can be doing anything at any given time.
You can use advisory locking, but the effect is the same.
Using a timestamp won't help, since you don't know if for any two timestamps there's a row with a timestamp between the two that hasn't yet been committed.
You can't rely on an identity column where you read rows only up to the first "gap" because gaps are normal in system-generated columns due to rollbacks.
I think you should step back and look at why you have this requirement and, given this requirement, why you're using individual concurrent inserts.
Maybe you'll be better off doing small-block batched inserts from a single session?
If you mean that every query if it sees world row it has to also see hello row then you'd need to do:
lock table table1 in share update exclusive mode;
insert into table1(id, value) values (nextval('table1_seq'), 'hello');
This share update exclusive mode is the weakest lock mode which is self-exclusive — only one session can hold it at a time.
Be aware that this will not make this sequence gap-less — this is a different issue.
We found another solution with recent PostgreSQL servers, similar to #erwin's answer but with txid.
When inserting rows, instead of using a sequence, insert txid_current() as row id. This ID is monotonically increasing on each new transaction.
Then, when selecting rows from the table, add to the WHERE clause id < txid_snapshot_xmin(txid_current_snapshot()).
txid_snapshot_xmin(txid_current_snapshot()) corresponds to the transaction index of the oldest still-open transaction. Thus, if row 20 is committed before row 19, it will be filtered out because transaction 19 will still be open. When the transaction 19 is committed, both rows 19 and 20 will become visible.
When no transaction is opened, the snapshot xmin will be the transaction id of the currently running SELECT statement.
The returned transaction IDs are 64-bits, the higher 32 bits are an epoch and the lower 32 bits are the actual ID.
Here is the documentation of these functions:
Credits to tux3 for the idea.