Detect touches on SKSpriteNode with oddly shaped image(s) running animations - swift

Using SpriteKit for an iOS 9.0 app/game (and no physics body).
I have a few SpriteNodes on a scene. SpriteNodes are with oddly shaped images and runs through multiple frames for animation.
What is the best way to detect touches on a SpriteNode's image content, but not on transparent area of the entire image rectangle.
I see a lot of posts on using SKCropNode / MaskImage. In my scenario, I have multiple images/frames for each SpriteNode for the animation.
Please advice on an approach or point me in the right direction. Thanks.

Based on additional info from comments above:
With only 16 shapes, from the 16 frames, one of the more efficient ways would be to draw primitive shapes that roughly approximate the outlines of your character at each frame, and convert these to CGPaths. These can then be swapped in and out for each frame or (better) plucked out appropriately when there's a touch for testing based on the frame currently being shown at time of touch.
CGPaths are very lightweight structs, so there shouldn't be any performance problems with either approach.
CGPathContainsPoint is the old name of this test, which is now a modernised API for Swift 3 and onwards:
Troubles using CGPathContainsPoint SWIFT
There is an app called PaintCode, that's about $100 USD, which translates vectors into CGPaths, amongst other things, so you could use this to import your shapes. You can copy/paste vectors into it, which I suggest, because you might want to draw in a friendly drawing program. PaintCode doesn't have the world's best drawing experience.
Additionally, here's a free, online tool for doing the creation of a polygon path from textures. Probably more painful than using a drawing app and PaintCode, but it's FREE!
Alternative: Physics Bodies from Texture, and Contact with Touch
You can automagically create physics body shapes from a texture, like so, from the docs on this page:
let texturedSpaceShip = SKSpriteNode(texture: spaceShipTexture)
texturedSpaceShip.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: spaceShipTexture,
size: CGSize(width: circularSpaceShip.size.width,
height: circularSpaceShip.size.height))
There have been reports of problems with determining if a point is within a given physics body, so it might be better to create a small physics object, place it where the touch is, and then determine if its in contact with the physics body shape appropriate for the current frame of the current game entity.
There's no telling (nor way to control, that I know of) how complex the resultant CGPaths are for these automagically created physics shapes.

I personally would just check the pixel of the current texture to see if is transparent or not. You can do this to get the pixel data:
(Note this code is hypothetical to get you started, I will try to work out a real example later on for you if you can't figure it out.)
(Also note, if you scale sprites, you need to handle that with converting touch location to texture)
let image = sprite.texture.cgImage()
if let dataProvider = image.dataProvider, let data =
let screenScale = UIScreen.main.scale //let's handle retina graphics (may need work)
//touchedLocation is the location on the sprite, if the anchor was bottom left (it may be top left, will have to verify)
//So if I touch the bottom left corner of the sprite, I should get (0,0)
let x = touchedLocation.x * screenScale
let y = touchedLocation.y * screenScale
let width = sprite.texture.size().width * screenScale
let bpp = 4 // 4 bytes per pixel
let alphaChannel = 3 //Alpha channel is usually the highest byte
let index = bpp * (y * width + x) + alphaChannel
let byte = data.withUnsafeBytes({[UInt8](UnsafeBufferPointer(start:$0 + index,count:1))})
print(Alpha: \(byte))
//we have no data


SpriteKit spawn objects inside view frame across devices

I am creating my first game in spriteKit. I followed a few tutorial, so I am able to make the game work at a single size.
The game has objects spawn from the top of the screen and fall towards the player, which is at the bottom.
The issue I am having is that both the player and objects' coordinates are relative to the scene, which is by default of the iPad pro 9.7 size.
Now when I run the game on an iPhone 8, objects are spawn outside the view as well, and the player can also move a bit past the left/right (I am using aspectFill as scaling mode, so the sides get cut off).
What is the proper way to position both the player and objects as children of the current view, so that they are properly scaled and their coordinates are relative to it?
I was simply using this to give the player a starting position (that's a placeholder of course):
player = Player(color: .red, size: CGSize(width: 40, height: 80))
player.position = CGPoint(x: frame.midX, y: frame.size.height/5)
player.zPosition = ZPosition.player
Edit: to clarify, the problem is that midX is 384, but the midX of the view is 160 on an iPhone8, thus the coordinate mismatch
Here is an image to clarify
The player is only supposed to be spawned in the center, that is not a concern, the problem is that at any given time a touch coordinate system is different from the player's system, making it impossible to be clicked.
Also, my center in gamescene.sks is 0,0
You need to factor in the aspect ratio when you are developing in sprite kit. If you are truly using a "single size," then no matter what device you are on, your center should be the same. (0,0)
From what you are telling me with
the problem is that midX is 384, but the midX of the view is 160 on an iPhone8
is that you are reading from your view, not your scene.
This is bad, because your view and your scene are going to be two different sizes.
The first thing you need to do is define your playing area. If you want your paddle to hit the sides of all devices, then you need to develop in 18:39 aspect ratio (or 9:16 if you plan on using the safe areas on iphone x)
This means that on Ipads, the object will be cut off from the top of the screen because the clipping will happen at the top of the screen instead of the sides.
Now if you want to have the paddles to hit the sides of the screen and the object to spawn at the top of the screen, then you will need to use .resizeScale mode and normalize all of your units (usually between 0 and 1).
This means you are going to end up creating a different game experience across devices with different aspect ratios, as opposed to a different viewing experience from just clipping.
please share an image so that I can understand the problem properly now it looks like you are facing problems in constraints and you want your player position always on the middle of every screen which is quite simple you have to make the x value 0
player.position = CGPoint(x: 0, y: frame.size.height/5)
I solved by adding margins and using them as variables
guard let viewWidth = view?.frame.width else {return}
if viewWidth < frame.width { // scaled device
leftMargin = (frame.width - viewWidth) / 2
rightMargin = leftMargin - viewWidth

How to assign an SKPhysicsBody around a sprite node so its wraps around the objects frame perfectly

I'm trying to make a physics body that outlines the sprite node, example: instead of using SKPhysicsBody(circleOfSize...) and just getting the circle shape or using SKPhysicsBody(RectangleOfSize...) but i thought there was an "AlphaMask" or something like that that would allow, say if my sprite node was the shape of a cup or a "V" shape that would allow objects into the open top and get caught inside the "V"? thanks in advance :)
so the first picture is what i keep getting when i try the rectangle one and the second picture is the type i need!
I think the best solution could be to build a path and after to make:
SKPhysicsBody.init(edgeLoopFrom: path!)
This is the official source documentation:
Creates an edge loop from a path. A loop is automatically created by joining the last point to the first. The path must have no self intersection. Edges have no volume and are intended to be used to create static environments. Edges can collide with body's of volume, but not with each other.
#param path the path to use
public /*not inherited*/ init(edgeLoopFrom path: CGPath)
With this solution you will able to define precisely your shape following CGPath construction (the 'V' shape).
If you're using a PNG image (or any image type that supports clear pixels), you can just create a physicsBody from a texture:
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Spaceship")
sprite.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: sprite.texture!, size: sprite.texture!.size())
This creates a physicsBody based on the clear and coloured pixels of the texture to do its best at matching the shape.
Be warned that using this isn't always 100% accurate and may cause issues if used with highly complex textures (lag, memory issues, etc...)
As per Apples Docs:
When choosing a shape for your physics
body, do not be overly precise.
More complex shapes require more work to be properly simulated.
SKPhysicsBody Apple Docs

Giving physics to tiles of SKTileMapNode in Xcode 8

I am learning Swift, and as a project I am working on a tile based 2D game similar to super mario where my character will walk and jump on tiles.
The latest version of Xcode and Sprite Kit give the ability to create a Tile Map directly in Xcode.
In the presentation of the new Xcode and Sprite kit, the guy demonstrates a game similar to what i am working on. (around the 20th minute).
He mentions giving Tiles user data properties which i did, and in code we search through all the tiles which have that user data and give them some physics properties so that the character can collide or interact with them (in my case, my character not falling or walking through the tiles).
so basically, the idea is giving those tiles a physics Body, but this can't be done using SKphysicsBody. So there must be another way, and since i am new to Swift i am missing it.
if anyone knows this, i would very much appreciate the help.
If the question is unclear let me know because i am also new to stack overflow.
Apple staff member Bobjt says here that "the right approach" is to add user data to your SKTileDefinition objects and use that to identify and add physics bodies to your tiles.
So you would add a user data value to a tile definition either programmatically or in the editor, like so:
Then in code you would check each tile definition to see if it has the user data value. If so, then you need to calculate the tile's position and add a physics body on a new node, parenting it to your tile map. Here is the code for this which Bobjt referred to as "the correct approach":
self.tileMap = self.childNode(withName: "Tile Map") as? SKTileMapNode
guard let tileMap = self.tileMap else { fatalError("Missing tile map for the level") }
let tileSize = tileMap.tileSize
let halfWidth = CGFloat(tileMap.numberOfColumns) / 2.0 * tileSize.width
let halfHeight = CGFloat(tileMap.numberOfRows) / 2.0 * tileSize.height
for col in 0..<tileMap.numberOfColumns {
for row in 0..<tileMap.numberOfRows {
let tileDefinition = tileMap.tileDefinition(atColumn: col, row: row)
let isEdgeTile = tileDefinition?.userData?["edgeTile"] as? Bool
if (isEdgeTile ?? false) {
let x = CGFloat(col) * tileSize.width - halfWidth
let y = CGFloat(row) * tileSize.height - halfHeight
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tileSize.width, height: tileSize.height)
let tileNode = SKShapeNode(rect: rect)
tileNode.position = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
tileNode.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody.init(rectangleOf: tileSize, center: CGPoint(x: tileSize.width / 2.0, y: tileSize.height / 2.0))
tileNode.physicsBody?.isDynamic = false
tileNode.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = playerCollisionMask | wallCollisionMask
tileNode.physicsBody?.categoryBitMask = wallCollisionMask
Personally, I think this approach is too fussy. I'm going to try a different approach in my game and if it works I'll post it here. What I'd really like is for Apple to enhance the tile map API so that we can add physics bodies directly to individual tiles. Maybe in the process they could optimize the engine so that physics bodies on individual tiles would be automatically merged to form larger, more optimal shapes in order to improve system performance.
Update: I filed a request with Apple about this issue, for whatever good might come of it.
I'm not sure there's a surefire way to do this yet... but here's two ways to think about how to try apply physics to a tilemap.
Option 1: Apply SKNodes to each positions of each tile on your map, and apply an appropriate physicsbody to that SKNode based on the content and state of that tile.
Option 2: Use the position information of each tile to add an array of physicsbodies to the SKTileMapNode, and position each of them accordingly.
I'm imagining a gravity down, Mario style platformer, with this kind of terrain in need of physics bodies for the ground:
Lifted transcript from Apple's WWDC about tiles and physics:
And you'll note that I'm colliding with the tiles here.
And I achieve this by leveraging custom user data that we can put on
each of our tiles.
Here, I'll show you in our tile set.
Select one of the variants here.
And you can see that we have some user data over here.
And I just have a value called edgeTile which is a Boolean, and I set
to 1.
So, in code, I'm going through the tile map in our platform demo here,
and I'm looking for all of these edge tiles.
And whenever I find one, I create some physics data to allow the
player to collide with it.
And since it is just in our tile map here, say I wanted to get over
this large wall here.
When I run the game, you'll see that my guy can't actually jump high
enough to get over it.
And he really wants to because that red button over there looks really
I really want to push that thing.
So, since we're just generating our physics data from our tiles and
our user data, all we can do is just going here and erase these tiles
and build and run our game again.
The tiles are now gone and we can now move through there.
And we didn't have to change code or anything.
We just used the data that we pulled from the tile map to set up our
It's that simple.
Makes it sound very simple, but takes a far greater mind than mine to figure out what is being done, and how it's being done.
Alternatively, you can apply a line sweep algorithm to the tiles you want to give a SKPhysicsBody.
You can do this in four steps;
Iterate through the position of the tiles in your SKTileMap.
Find the tiles that are adjacent to one another.
For each group of adjacent tiles, collect:
a down-left corner coordinate and
an up-right corner coordinate.
Draw a square, and move on to the next group of tiles until you run out of tile coordinates.
Screenshot without visuals for comparison
Screenshot without visuals showing the physicsbodies
See my answer in a similar post on how to implement this.
I spent two days trying different ideas but could find nothing better than what I posted in my other answer. As mentioned there, it is the way recommended by an Apple staff member and as far as I know it's the most efficient way to have SpriteKit automatically add physics bodies to all your tiles. I've tested it and it works. (Although I'm still holding my breath for Apple to add a straightfoward way of putting physics bodies on tiles).
But there are other considerations. If you are having performance issues because there are too many physics bodies in your scene, you might want to try one of these other approaches. However, they are both more time-consuming than the approach described above. The only reason that may justify using one of these more labor-intensive approaches is if you need to reduce the number of physics bodies in your scene due to performance issues. Otherwise, I think the "automatic" approach mentioned above is the best option we have.
So I won't go into detail here because I think the automatic option is the best. These are just ideas for alternate approaches if your game needs to be extra stingy with system resources.
Alternate Approach #1 - Use Fewer Physics Bodies
Create your tile map in the editor. Then keep working in the editor to drag Color Sprites (SKSpriteNodes) over parts of your map that need a physics body. Shape the nodes to make the largest rectangle possible for areas that need physics bodies. This works best for for large, flat surfaces like walls, floors, ceilings, platforms, crates, etc. It's tedious but you end up with far fewer physics bodies in your simulation than if you had used the automatic approach mentioned above.
Alternate Approach #2 - Use No Physics Bodies
This idea would probably require even more work, but you could potentially avoid using physics bodies altogether. First, create your tile map in the editor. Analyze your map to identify which tiles mark a barrier, beyond which the player should not cross. Assign a user data identifier to that type of tile. You would need different categories of identifiers for different types of barriers, and you may also need to design your artwork to fit this approach.
Once your barrier tiles are sufficiently identified, write code which checks the user data value for the tile currently occupied by the player sprite and restrict the sprite's movement accordingly. For example, if the player enters a title that marks an upper boundary, your movement code would not allow the player sprite to move up. Likewise, if the player enters a tile that marks the leftmost boundary, your movement code will not let the player travel left.

Swift Sprite-kit SKPhyshicsBody

I have a few images that can detect when they get touched right now I am using
plane.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: plane.frame.height / 2)
but I need it so it is the boarder of the image not a circle or rectangle.
We have a plane and you want a physical body.
Your first approach is circleOfRadius (the physical representation is a circle with a given radius). You can use another shape, such a rectangle:
plane.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: CGSizeMake(100, height: 100))
As explained in the comments you can also use the shape of a sprite (texture) to create the shape of the physics body:
plane.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texure: plane.texture!, size: plane.size)
But a good way to choose it's this: if you want your game to run smootly on many different devices, don't make sure the physics calculations become too complicated. In other words if you have many object around your plane with physical behavior moving around and colliding with each other, you may choose to use simplified shapes to deal with the physics more efficiently, especially if a shape already looks a lot like a rectangle or a circle.

how to paint/erase SKSpriteNode

A little bit stuck on how to paint/draw an effect like an alpha Chanel onto an SKSpriteNode node i've started off with setting up the two images I need (ps if there is another way to do this is sprite-kit id love to know how to paint the masks
1)The hidden picture - SKSpriteNode *hiddenimageNode
2)The overlay that gets scratched away SKSpriteNode *myOverlay
3)And finally a mask node comprising of
UIImage *image;
SKTexture *maskTexture= [SKTexture textureWithImage:image];
maskNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:maskTexture];
all of these are placed inside of a node "cropNode" [SKCropNode node];
this works more like a static image (that of a circle moving at touch location and not quite what I'm after, I'm hoping to be able to scratch away the entire image)
this works fine but its Not quite the look I'm after
Pictures: Dragging finger from pos1 to pos02, while "erasing purple layer to reveal a smileyface"
is there a way to make it look like I'm erasing the sprite?
nubie coder
//Updating project...
So since then I have tried using this code
and have added it to my SkScene by creating a subview then placing the UIView (Scratchview into it)the erasing is working however the erasing is not happening where the touches are occurring, any ideas why this might be happening?
If you are doing this in iOS 8, then your best bet is to just use SKSpriteNodes as your masking nodes, there is a weird bug with other kinds of nodes that causes distortion.
If you are doing this with iOS9 +, then SKShapeNodes are fixed.
I am going to explain the concept for iOS 9. To get this to work in iOS 8 is a real pain, since subtraction does not subtract alpha in iOS 8.
Now for your mask nodes, you only have 2 options for drawing, On and Off based on the alpha level of the pixels in your mask image. So what you want to do is incorporate subtraction alpha blending to create your desired effect.
let bigcircle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 80)
bigcircle = .whiteColor()
let littlecircle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 40)
littlecircle.position = CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10)
littlecircle.fillColor = .whiteColor()
littlecircle.blendMode = .Subtract
maskNode = bigcircle
What this code is doing is making a big white circle with a radius of 80 points, and drawing a white circle inside of it at 40 points. Since we are using subtraction blending, it is going to take the new color and subtract it from the old (in our case white(1,1,1,1) - white(1,1,1,10 = transparent(0,0,0,0)) and get us a nice hole in our mask that will end up being cropped out of the layer over your smiley face.