How to compare 2 dates with each other. Dates are converted to String - swift

I want to sort my tableview on date. I know I can do that by using:
array.sort {
$! < $!
Problem is that the date is converted to a String. The date is saved in core data and changing the attribute date to NSDate is causing problems. SO how can I compare the dates without changing my Core Data?

Update for swift 3 :
if you want to compare date objects, used below lines of code:
extension Date {
func isGreater(than date: Date) -> Bool {
return self >= date
func isSmaller(than date: Date) -> Bool {
return self < date
func isEqual(to date: Date) -> Bool {
return self == date
// how to call it?
let isGreater = end_date.isGreater(than: start_date)
// where end_date and start_date is your date objects.

You should be able to sort by strings, what is your string date format?
Here is an example of sorting dates with strings:
let date1 = Date()
let date2 = Date().addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval.abs(60.0))
let date3 = Date().addingTimeInterval(TimeInterval.abs(60 * 60 * 24))
var arrayOfDates = [date1.description, date2.description, date3.description]
let sorted = arrayOfDates.sorted { $0.0 > $0.1 }
2016-10-31 18:33:32 +0000
2016-10-30 18:34:32 +0000
2016-10-30 18:33:32 +0000
switching sorted to:
let sorted = arrayOfDates.sorted { $0.0 < $0.1 }
gives the following outside:
2016-10-30 18:35:58 +0000
2016-10-30 18:36:58 +0000
2016-10-31 18:35:58 +0000


Check if between two dates is no longer working under iOS16.3

Using iOS16.3, XCode14.2, Swift5.7.2,
Why is the following method no longer working ?
I call this method by setting date = Date() and maximumDate = Date() as well...
According to this solution, it should work - but it doesn't
public class THManager : ObservableObject {
#Published public var minimumDate: Date = Date()
#Published public var maximumDate: Date = Date()
public func isBetweenMinAndMaxDates(date: Date) -> Bool {
print(min(minimumDate, maximumDate))
print(max(minimumDate, maximumDate))
print(min(minimumDate, maximumDate)...max(minimumDate, maximumDate))
print((min(minimumDate, maximumDate)...max(minimumDate, maximumDate)).contains(date))
return (min(minimumDate, maximumDate)...max(minimumDate, maximumDate)).contains(date)
2022-02-08 19:45:51 +0000
2023-02-03 19:45:51 +0000
2022-02-08 19:45:51 +0000...2023-02-03 19:45:51 +0000
2023-02-03 19:45:51 +0000
It supposed to return true ! Why does it return false ???
By the way it works if date = Date() and maximumDate = Date().addingTimeInterval(1)
Very strange, isn't it ?
There is no need for such complexity. Date objects conform to the Comparable and Equatable protocols, so testing for a date being between 2 other dates is one line:
extension Date {
func between(start: Date, end: Date) -> Bool {
return self > start && self < end
You'd use that like this:
let date = Date()
if date.betweeen(start: someDate, end: someOtherDate) {
// the date is between the start and the end
} else {
// The date is not between the start and end dates
The above will only return true if the date in question is not equal to start or end date. You could easily change it to match dates that match the beginning and end dates by using >= and <= instead of > and < in the comparisons.
And as discussed in the comments, Date objects have sub-millisecond precision. Two dates that appear identical may be different by a tiny fraction of a second, the best way to verify your comparisons is to convert your Dates to decimal seconds and log the seconds values. (See the Date property timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate.)
Check out this sample code using the above exension:
extension Date {
func between(start: Date, end: Date) -> Bool {
return self > start && self < end
var asStringWithDecimal: String {
return DateFormatter.localizedString(from: self, dateStyle: .medium, timeStyle: .medium) + " ( \(self.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate) seconds)"
let now = Date()
for _ in (1...5) {
let random = Double.random(in: -1.5...1.5)
let test = now.advanced(by: random)
let start = now.advanced(by: -1)
let end = now.advanced(by: 1)
let isBetween = test.between(start: start, end: end)
let isOrNot = isBetween ? "is" : "is not"
let output = "\(test.asStringWithDecimal) \n \(isOrNot) between \n \(start.asStringWithDecimal) and \n \(end.asStringWithDecimal)"
That will generate 5 random dates ± 1.5 seconds from the current date, and then test each one to see if it is within 1 second of the current date. It logs the result as both Date strings and Doubles, so you can see what's happening when the seconds match (but the fractions of a second likely don't match.)

How do I compare two Date objects by hours, minutes and seconds; ignoring the dates? [duplicate]

I have two Date Objects:
2017-01-13 11:40:17 +0000
2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000
I need to compare just the time of these values and ignore the date
example: 12:00am and 12:01am, 12:01 is later so (12:01am > 12:00am) == true
This is the route I took in the end, which makes it easy to compare just the time of a Date in swift
New Object Time:
class Time: Comparable, Equatable {
init(_ date: Date) {
//get the current calender
let calendar = Calendar.current
//get just the minute and the hour of the day passed to it
let dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date)
//calculate the seconds since the beggining of the day for comparisions
let dateSeconds = dateComponents.hour! * 3600 + dateComponents.minute! * 60
//set the varibles
secondsSinceBeginningOfDay = dateSeconds
hour = dateComponents.hour!
minute = dateComponents.minute!
init(_ hour: Int, _ minute: Int) {
//calculate the seconds since the beggining of the day for comparisions
let dateSeconds = hour * 3600 + minute * 60
//set the varibles
secondsSinceBeginningOfDay = dateSeconds
self.hour = hour
self.minute = minute
var hour : Int
var minute: Int
var date: Date {
//get the current calender
let calendar = Calendar.current
//create a new date components.
var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.hour = hour
dateComponents.minute = minute
return dateComponents, to: Date())!
/// the number or seconds since the beggining of the day, this is used for comparisions
private let secondsSinceBeginningOfDay: Int
//comparisions so you can compare times
static func == (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay == rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func < (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay < rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func <= (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay <= rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func >= (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay >= rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func > (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay > rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
Date Extension for easy access:
//Adds ability to just get the time from a date:
extension Date {
var time: Time {
return Time(self)
let firstDate = Date()
let secondDate = firstDate
//Will return true
let timeEqual = firstDate.time == secondDate.time
Much simpler than accepted answer:
// date1 and date2 are the dates you want to compare
let calendar = Calendar.current
var newDate = Date(TimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0) // Initiates date at 2001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
var newDate1 = Date(TimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0) // Same as above
// Recieving the components from the dates you want to compare
let newDateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date1)!
let newDate1Components = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date2)!
// Adding those components
newDate = newDateComponents, to: newDate)
newDate1 = newDate1Components, to: newDate1)
My approach would be to use Calendar to make them Date objects with the same day and then comparing them using for example timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate.
Another, cleaner (but most likely with more lines of resulting code) would be to create extension for Date called secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay() -> TimeInterval and then comparing the resulting double values.
Example based on the second approach:
// Creating Date from String
let textDate1 = "2017-01-13T12:21:00-0800"
let textDate2 = "2016-03-06T20:12:05-0900"
let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone.current
return formatter
} ()
// Dates used for the comparison
let date1 = textDate1)
let date2 = textDate2)
// Date extensions
extension Date {
func secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay() -> TimeInterval {
let calendar = Calendar.current
// omitting fractions of seconds for simplicity
let dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute, .second], from: self)
let dateSeconds = dateComponents.hour! * 3600 + dateComponents.minute! * 60 + dateComponents.second!
return TimeInterval(dateSeconds)
// Interval between two times of the day in seconds
func timeOfDayInterval(toDate date: Date) -> TimeInterval {
let date1Seconds = self.secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay()
let date2Seconds = date.secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay()
return date2Seconds - date1Seconds
if let date1 = date1, let date2 = date2 {
let diff = date1.timeOfDayInterval(toDate: date2)
// as text
if diff > 0 {
print("Time of the day in the second date is greater")
} else if diff < 0 {
print("Time of the day in the first date is greater")
} else {
print("Times of the day in both dates are equal")
// show interval as as H M S
let timeIntervalFormatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
timeIntervalFormatter.unitsStyle = .abbreviated
timeIntervalFormatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
print("Difference between times since midnight is", timeIntervalFormatter.string(from: diff) ?? "n/a")
// Output:
// Time of the day in the second date is greater
// Difference between times since midnight is 8h 51m 5s
My solution for comparing two times of day while ignoring the date:
let date1 = some time as a date
let date2 = some other time as a date
let time1 = 60*Calendar.current.component(.hour, from: date1!) + Calendar.current.component(.minute, from: date1!)
let time2 = 60*Calendar.current.component(.hour, from: date2!) + Calendar.current.component(.minute, from: date2!)
Now you can compare the integers time1 and time2 without regard to the day. You could add the seconds/60 if you need more precision.
This code works, check it easily in playground
let s1 = "22:31"
let s2 = "14:31"
let f = DateFormatter()
f.dateFormat = "HH:mm" s1)! //"Jan 1, 2000 at 10:31 PM" s2)! //"Jan 1, 2000 at 2:31 PM" s1)! > s2)! // true
There's no standard type for a time-of-day. A reasonable type to start with is just a tuple:
typealias TimeOfDay = (hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int)
To create these TimeOfDay values, you'll need a Calendar. By default, a Calendar uses the device's system-wide time zone. If you don't want that, set the Calendar's time zone explicitly. Example:
var calendar = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")!
Now you can use a DateFormatter to convert strings to Dates (if necessary), and then use calendar to extract the time-of-day components from the Dates:
let strings: [String] = ["2017-01-13 11:40:17 +0000", "2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000"]
let parser = DateFormatter()
parser.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"
let timesOfDay: [TimeOfDay] ={ (string) -> TimeOfDay in
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute, .second], from: string)!)
return (hour: components.hour!, minute: components.minute!, second: components.second!)
// Output: [(11, 40, 17), (10, 22, 14)]
Finally, you can compare these TimeOfDay values. Swift comes with standard comparison operators for tuples whose elements are Comparable, so this TimeOfDay type qualifies. You can just say this:
if timesOfDay[0] < timesOfDay[1] {
Swift.print("date[0] comes first")
} else if timesOfDay[0] == timesOfDay[1] {
Swift.print("times are equal")
} else {
Swift.print("date[1] comes first")
Let say we got two dates in string format:
// "2017-01-13 11:40:17 +0000"
// "2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000"
We need to convert this strings to Date format, we create DateFormatter() and set the format ("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ssZ") it gonna convert
//date formatter converts string to date in our case
let firstDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
firstDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ssZ"
Now we can get our date from string to Date format
//convert string to dates
if let date1 = "2017-01-13 09:40:17 +0000"),
let date2 = "2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000") {
What we want is to compare only Hours and Minutes. So change dateformat to "HH:mm"
//we ve got the dates, now switch dateformat for other job
firstDateFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm"
Now get the string value from our date, that only contain "HH:mm"
// convert date to string ( part of string we want to compare )
let HHmmDate1 = firstDateFormatter.string(from: date1) //"17:40"
let HHmmDate2 = firstDateFormatter.string(from: date2) //"18:22"
Final step is to get date from our "HH:mm" values, let say we ask DateFormatter to give us a date, based on time only, in our case "17:40" and "18:22". DateFormatter will put some values for dates, so we get Jan 1, 2000 automatically for both dates, but it will get the time we provide.
//produce "default" dates with desired HH:mm
//default means same date, but time is different
let HH1 = HHmmDate1) //"Jan 1, 2000 at 5:40 PM"
let HH2 = HHmmDate2) //"Jan 1, 2000 at 6:22 PM"
Now we could easily compare dates
HH1! > HH2!
There are many options to compare dates with Calendar also
This is very simple in Swift if you use Swifter Swift = 1
date1.month = 1
date1.year = 2000 = 1
date2.month = 1
date2.year = 2000
now you can use >,<,== operators on date1 and date2 to compare just the time components.
edit - you could do this your self by extending the date class, for example swifter-swift does the bellow for the day component.
public var day: Int {
get {
return Calendar.current.component(.day, from: self)
set {
let allowedRange = Calendar.current.range(of: .day, in: .month, for: self)!
guard allowedRange.contains(newValue) else { return }
let currentDay = Calendar.current.component(.day, from: self)
let daysToAdd = newValue - currentDay
if let date = .day, value: daysToAdd, to: self) {
self = date

Sorting HealthKit data by date

I'm trying to get pulse data from HealthKit and sort them by date for use in a line chart. I'm running a 'for loop' to get the correct dates and put the results in an array before putting the results in the chart but it seems like they get put in a random order and I don't understand why.
class Pulse {
var pulse = 0.0
var startDate = Date()
var pulseData: [Pulse] = []
func getHeartBeatsForAWeek() {
for i in 1...7 {
getHeartBeats(startDate: date.getStartOfSpecificDateByAddingToToday(day: -i), endDate: date.getStartOfSpecificDateByAddingToToday(day: -i + 1))
func getHeartBeats(startDate: Date, endDate: Date) {
PulseHelper.shared.averageHearthRate(startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate) { (data) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Here is my function for fetching the heart rate:
func averageHearthRate(startDate: Date, endDate: Date, completion: #escaping (Pulse) -> Void) {
let typeHeart = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .heartRate)
let startDate = startDate
let endDate = endDate
let predicate: NSPredicate? = HKQuery.predicateForSamples(withStart: startDate, end: endDate, options: HKQueryOptions.strictEndDate)
let query = HKStatisticsQuery(quantityType: typeHeart!, quantitySamplePredicate: predicate, options: .discreteAverage, completionHandler: {(query: HKStatisticsQuery, result: HKStatistics?, error: Error?) -> Void in
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {() -> Void in
let quantity: HKQuantity? = result?.averageQuantity()
let beats: Double? = quantity?.doubleValue(for: HKUnit.count().unitDivided(by: HKUnit.minute()))
print("Got: \(String(format: "%.f", beats!)) from \(startDate)")
let pulse = Pulse.init()
pulse.pulse = beats!
pulse.startDate = startDate
This is what I get when I print the results:
Got: 82 from 2019-03-30 23:00:00 +0000
Got: 74 from 2019-03-31 22:00:00 +0000
Got: 73 from 2019-03-25 23:00:00 +0000
Got: 74 from 2019-03-27 23:00:00 +0000
Got: 70 from 2019-03-26 23:00:00 +0000
Got: 74 from 2019-03-29 23:00:00 +0000
Got: 108 from 2019-03-28 23:00:00 +0000
I'd like them to get in correct order.
I found a solution to my own question that works. I will leave this question open because I'm pretty new to Swift and I think there are probably better ways to do this than the way I did.
func getHeartBeats(startDate: Date, endDate: Date) {
PulseHelper.shared.averageHearthRate(startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate) { (data) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.pulseData = self.pulseData.sorted(by: {$0.startDate < $1.startDate})
So what I did was instead of having an array of Doubles with the heart rate I created a Pulse class with pulse and startDate and sorted them by date using
self.pulseData.sorted(by: {$0.startDate < $1.startDate})
Just after adding an element to your array, you need to use the sort() function.
Here you can find the documentation about all the ways you can implement it.
In this situation, if pulseData is an array of Date ( [Date] ), you just need to call:
As you could see in the link to documentation I posted, there are several ways to use the sort() function in order to apply your sorting rule to a custom object.
In this situation, let's assume you have this class:
class Pulse {
var pulse: Double = 0.0
var startDate = Date()
init(p: Double,d: Date) {
self.pulse = p
self.startDate = d
Create an array of Pulse objects:
let pulse1 = Pulse(p: .., d: Date(...))
let pulse2 = Pulse(p: .., d: Date(...))
var pulseData: [Pulse] = [pulse1, pulse2]
You can sort the array in this way:
//Ascending order
pulseData.sort(by: {$0.startDate < $1.startDate})

How can I apply custom sort to this array of objects?

I have a collection of objects where I want to sort the object by SortDate where SortDate is sorted by date newest to current date then from future date to past date. E.g. If my Events array contains objects with SortDate equal to June 4, June 8 and June 20. I want to sort it so that June 8 is shown first then June 20 then June 4. Where June 8 is closest to today's date June 6. How can I do that?
Here's my attempt:
self.eventsArray = Array(self.realm.objects(Event.self).filter("EventType == \"Event\"").sorted(byKeyPath: "SortDate", ascending: false))
let dateObjectsFiltered = self.eventsArray.filter ({ ($0.SortDate?.toDate)! > Date() })
self.eventsArray = dateObjectsFiltered.sorted { return $0.SortDate! < $1.SortDate! }
you can use this, assuming that all your date optionals are not nil.
func days(fromDate: Date, toDate: Date) -> Int {
return Calendar.current.dateComponents(Set<Calendar.Component>([.day]), from: fromDate, to: toDate).day ?? 0
let today = Date()
self.eventsArray.sort {
let first = days(fromDate: today, toDate: $0.SortDate!.toDate!)
let second = days(fromDate: today, toDate: $1.SortDate!.toDate!)
return (first >= 0 && second < 0) ? true : ((first < 0 && second >= 0) ? false : (first < second))
You can custom sort the array using Array's sort(by:) function.
Here is a sample:
import Foundation
struct event {
var SortDate: Date
//Create the array
var unsortedArray = [event]()
unsortedArray.append(event(SortDate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1528070400)))
unsortedArray.append(event(SortDate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1528416000)))
unsortedArray.append(event(SortDate: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1529452800)))
//Determine the closest date to the current date
let currentDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 0)
var lowestDiff = -1
var closestDate: Date?
var component:Set<Calendar.Component> = Set<Calendar.Component>()
//Loop through the dates, keep track of the current closest date
for element in unsortedArray {
let dateComponents = Calendar.current.dateComponents(component, from: currentDate, to: element.SortDate)
if (lowestDiff == -1 || (abs(dateComponents.second!) < lowestDiff)) {
lowestDiff = abs(dateComponents.second!)
closestDate = element.SortDate
//Sort the array
unsortedArray = unsortedArray.sorted(by:
//If the closest date is in the comparison, return the closest date as greater.
if (closestDate != nil) {
if ($0.SortDate == closestDate) {
return true
else if ($1.SortDate == closestDate){
return false
//Otherwise, compare the dates normally
return $0.SortDate > $1.SortDate

How do you compare just the time of a Date in Swift?

I have two Date Objects:
2017-01-13 11:40:17 +0000
2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000
I need to compare just the time of these values and ignore the date
example: 12:00am and 12:01am, 12:01 is later so (12:01am > 12:00am) == true
This is the route I took in the end, which makes it easy to compare just the time of a Date in swift
New Object Time:
class Time: Comparable, Equatable {
init(_ date: Date) {
//get the current calender
let calendar = Calendar.current
//get just the minute and the hour of the day passed to it
let dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date)
//calculate the seconds since the beggining of the day for comparisions
let dateSeconds = dateComponents.hour! * 3600 + dateComponents.minute! * 60
//set the varibles
secondsSinceBeginningOfDay = dateSeconds
hour = dateComponents.hour!
minute = dateComponents.minute!
init(_ hour: Int, _ minute: Int) {
//calculate the seconds since the beggining of the day for comparisions
let dateSeconds = hour * 3600 + minute * 60
//set the varibles
secondsSinceBeginningOfDay = dateSeconds
self.hour = hour
self.minute = minute
var hour : Int
var minute: Int
var date: Date {
//get the current calender
let calendar = Calendar.current
//create a new date components.
var dateComponents = DateComponents()
dateComponents.hour = hour
dateComponents.minute = minute
return dateComponents, to: Date())!
/// the number or seconds since the beggining of the day, this is used for comparisions
private let secondsSinceBeginningOfDay: Int
//comparisions so you can compare times
static func == (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay == rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func < (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay < rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func <= (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay <= rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func >= (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay >= rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
static func > (lhs: Time, rhs: Time) -> Bool {
return lhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay > rhs.secondsSinceBeginningOfDay
Date Extension for easy access:
//Adds ability to just get the time from a date:
extension Date {
var time: Time {
return Time(self)
let firstDate = Date()
let secondDate = firstDate
//Will return true
let timeEqual = firstDate.time == secondDate.time
Much simpler than accepted answer:
// date1 and date2 are the dates you want to compare
let calendar = Calendar.current
var newDate = Date(TimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0) // Initiates date at 2001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
var newDate1 = Date(TimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0) // Same as above
// Recieving the components from the dates you want to compare
let newDateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date1)!
let newDate1Components = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute], from: date2)!
// Adding those components
newDate = newDateComponents, to: newDate)
newDate1 = newDate1Components, to: newDate1)
My approach would be to use Calendar to make them Date objects with the same day and then comparing them using for example timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate.
Another, cleaner (but most likely with more lines of resulting code) would be to create extension for Date called secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay() -> TimeInterval and then comparing the resulting double values.
Example based on the second approach:
// Creating Date from String
let textDate1 = "2017-01-13T12:21:00-0800"
let textDate2 = "2016-03-06T20:12:05-0900"
let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"
formatter.timeZone = TimeZone.current
return formatter
} ()
// Dates used for the comparison
let date1 = textDate1)
let date2 = textDate2)
// Date extensions
extension Date {
func secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay() -> TimeInterval {
let calendar = Calendar.current
// omitting fractions of seconds for simplicity
let dateComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute, .second], from: self)
let dateSeconds = dateComponents.hour! * 3600 + dateComponents.minute! * 60 + dateComponents.second!
return TimeInterval(dateSeconds)
// Interval between two times of the day in seconds
func timeOfDayInterval(toDate date: Date) -> TimeInterval {
let date1Seconds = self.secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay()
let date2Seconds = date.secondsFromBeginningOfTheDay()
return date2Seconds - date1Seconds
if let date1 = date1, let date2 = date2 {
let diff = date1.timeOfDayInterval(toDate: date2)
// as text
if diff > 0 {
print("Time of the day in the second date is greater")
} else if diff < 0 {
print("Time of the day in the first date is greater")
} else {
print("Times of the day in both dates are equal")
// show interval as as H M S
let timeIntervalFormatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
timeIntervalFormatter.unitsStyle = .abbreviated
timeIntervalFormatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
print("Difference between times since midnight is", timeIntervalFormatter.string(from: diff) ?? "n/a")
// Output:
// Time of the day in the second date is greater
// Difference between times since midnight is 8h 51m 5s
My solution for comparing two times of day while ignoring the date:
let date1 = some time as a date
let date2 = some other time as a date
let time1 = 60*Calendar.current.component(.hour, from: date1!) + Calendar.current.component(.minute, from: date1!)
let time2 = 60*Calendar.current.component(.hour, from: date2!) + Calendar.current.component(.minute, from: date2!)
Now you can compare the integers time1 and time2 without regard to the day. You could add the seconds/60 if you need more precision.
This code works, check it easily in playground
let s1 = "22:31"
let s2 = "14:31"
let f = DateFormatter()
f.dateFormat = "HH:mm" s1)! //"Jan 1, 2000 at 10:31 PM" s2)! //"Jan 1, 2000 at 2:31 PM" s1)! > s2)! // true
There's no standard type for a time-of-day. A reasonable type to start with is just a tuple:
typealias TimeOfDay = (hour: Int, minute: Int, second: Int)
To create these TimeOfDay values, you'll need a Calendar. By default, a Calendar uses the device's system-wide time zone. If you don't want that, set the Calendar's time zone explicitly. Example:
var calendar = Calendar.autoupdatingCurrent
calendar.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")!
Now you can use a DateFormatter to convert strings to Dates (if necessary), and then use calendar to extract the time-of-day components from the Dates:
let strings: [String] = ["2017-01-13 11:40:17 +0000", "2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000"]
let parser = DateFormatter()
parser.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"
let timesOfDay: [TimeOfDay] ={ (string) -> TimeOfDay in
let components = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .minute, .second], from: string)!)
return (hour: components.hour!, minute: components.minute!, second: components.second!)
// Output: [(11, 40, 17), (10, 22, 14)]
Finally, you can compare these TimeOfDay values. Swift comes with standard comparison operators for tuples whose elements are Comparable, so this TimeOfDay type qualifies. You can just say this:
if timesOfDay[0] < timesOfDay[1] {
Swift.print("date[0] comes first")
} else if timesOfDay[0] == timesOfDay[1] {
Swift.print("times are equal")
} else {
Swift.print("date[1] comes first")
Let say we got two dates in string format:
// "2017-01-13 11:40:17 +0000"
// "2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000"
We need to convert this strings to Date format, we create DateFormatter() and set the format ("yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ssZ") it gonna convert
//date formatter converts string to date in our case
let firstDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
firstDateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ssZ"
Now we can get our date from string to Date format
//convert string to dates
if let date1 = "2017-01-13 09:40:17 +0000"),
let date2 = "2016-03-15 10:22:14 +0000") {
What we want is to compare only Hours and Minutes. So change dateformat to "HH:mm"
//we ve got the dates, now switch dateformat for other job
firstDateFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm"
Now get the string value from our date, that only contain "HH:mm"
// convert date to string ( part of string we want to compare )
let HHmmDate1 = firstDateFormatter.string(from: date1) //"17:40"
let HHmmDate2 = firstDateFormatter.string(from: date2) //"18:22"
Final step is to get date from our "HH:mm" values, let say we ask DateFormatter to give us a date, based on time only, in our case "17:40" and "18:22". DateFormatter will put some values for dates, so we get Jan 1, 2000 automatically for both dates, but it will get the time we provide.
//produce "default" dates with desired HH:mm
//default means same date, but time is different
let HH1 = HHmmDate1) //"Jan 1, 2000 at 5:40 PM"
let HH2 = HHmmDate2) //"Jan 1, 2000 at 6:22 PM"
Now we could easily compare dates
HH1! > HH2!
There are many options to compare dates with Calendar also
This is very simple in Swift if you use Swifter Swift = 1
date1.month = 1
date1.year = 2000 = 1
date2.month = 1
date2.year = 2000
now you can use >,<,== operators on date1 and date2 to compare just the time components.
edit - you could do this your self by extending the date class, for example swifter-swift does the bellow for the day component.
public var day: Int {
get {
return Calendar.current.component(.day, from: self)
set {
let allowedRange = Calendar.current.range(of: .day, in: .month, for: self)!
guard allowedRange.contains(newValue) else { return }
let currentDay = Calendar.current.component(.day, from: self)
let daysToAdd = newValue - currentDay
if let date = .day, value: daysToAdd, to: self) {
self = date