I've seen different libraries like SwiftCSV, CSwiftV. AFAIK, they made for previous versions of swift. I need a very simple realization for swift 3 : open file, read line, put into array; or open, write array to csv file, and that's it. Any help?
I have:
struct Data {
var DataTime: Date = Date()
var Price: Double = 0.0
func DatafromCSV(_ CSV: String, _ separator: String) -> [Data] {
var x = [Data]()
//open file, read line, put into array, close file
return x
func DatatoCSV(_ CSV: String, _ separator: String) -> [Data] {
var x = [Data]()
//create file (erase data if exists, write data from array, close file
return x
Try to use CSVImporter Framework, is very simple. You can add it to your projects following this link: https://github.com/Flinesoft/CSVImporter
static func extractFromCSV(){
//the Path of the csv
let documentsUrl:URL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first as URL!
let destinationFileUrl = documentsUrl.appendingPathComponent("name.csv")
let path = destinationFileUrl.path
let importer = CSVImporter<YourClassName?>(path: path,delimiter: ";")
importer.importRecords{ recordValues -> Sede_Azienda? in
//this piece of code is called for each row. You can access to each field with recordValues[x] and manage the data.
return nil //or the object if you need it
This is asynchronous but this framework has also some sync methods. Look the documentation.
NB: YourClassName is the type of class of the returned object if you need it.
I have searched everywhere and I am unable to find a swifty example of how to use the Apple ITunesLibraryFramework. I have been trying to figure out how to use this Framework in Swift 5.2.
I want to get information directly from the Music library rather than having to rely on a XML library export file.
I have the below code in my playground and it prints nothing legible. How would I access the fields for playlists and mediaItems and be able to read them in human readable form?
I have installed the framework in the project. This is my project playground code:
import Foundation
import iTunesLibrary
var library:ITLibrary
do {
let library = try ITLibrary(apiVersion: "1.1")
let mediaItems = library.allMediaItems
let playlists = library.allPlaylists
print("Media Folder Location - \(String(describing: library.mediaFolderLocation))")
print("\nPlaylists - \(playlists)")
print("\nTracks - \(mediaItems)")
} catch let error as NSError {
This is the ITLibrary.m file that I imported the header:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <iTunesLibrary/iTunesLibrary.h>
When I run the above code in the project playground all I get is a bunch of binary data for both playlists and mediaItems. All I want to do is iterate over the data and collect information from the library for use in my program. It's probably something easy, but I haven't found it yet.
EDIT: - After using #Vincent's answer I ran into another problem with the following code:
import Foundation
import iTunesLibrary
let library = try ITLibrary(apiVersion: "1.1")
typealias tracks = [NSNumber:TrackInfo]
var trackInfo = TrackInfo()
struct TrackInfo {
var title = ""
var artist = ""
var album = ""
var totalTime = 0
var year = 0
var persistentID = ""
var location:URL!
let songs = library.allMediaItems
let playlists = library.allPlaylists
for playlist in playlists {
if playlist.name.lowercased().contains("test-") {
print("New Playlist---------------\nName: \(playlist.name)")
for song in playlist.items {
trackInfo.title = song.title
print("\n\nNew Track-----------------\nTitle: \(trackInfo.title)")
if song.artist?.name != nil {
trackInfo.artist = song.artist?.name as! String
print("Artist: \(trackInfo.artist)")
trackInfo.album = song.album.title!
print("Albumn Name: \(trackInfo.album)")
trackInfo.totalTime = song.totalTime
print("Total Time: \(trackInfo.totalTime)")
trackInfo.year = song.year
print("Year: \(trackInfo.year)")
trackInfo.location = song.location!
print("Location: \(trackInfo.location!)")
var persistentID = song.persistentID
tracks.updateValue(song.persistentID, trackInfo)
The issue I'm having is getting the tracks info into the trackInfo dictionary. I'm trying to use the track persistentID (NSNumber) as the key for the dictionary, which I have declared. For some reason it isn't allowing me to use it.
Here's how you can have it print each playlist and track:
Each ITLibPlaylist or ITLibMediaItem object contains many information about each playlist/media item. To get only the name/title of each, you will have to iterate through the results to retrieve them.
For this example below, the name of each playlist's name is printed.
print("\nPlaylists -")
for playlist in playlists {
Which will print (for example):
Playlists -
For this example below, the name of each track's name is printed.
print("\nTracks -")
for mediaItem in mediaItems {
Which will print (for example):
Tracks -
Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
My Favorite Things
But Not for Me
Edit: Here's the secondary solution to the secondary problem:
First things first, a dictionary should be initialised, instead of using typealias.
typealias only makes an alias for a pre existing type, like
typealias NumberWithAlotOfDecimals = Double
let a: NumberWithAlotOfDecimals = 10.1
let b: Double = 10.1
both will a and b are Double, as NumberWithAlotOfDecimals is just an alias for Double.
Here's how to initialise:
//typealias tracks = [NSNumber:TrackInfo] // not this
var tracks = [NSNumber:TrackInfo]() // but this
Secondly, nullable objects should be properly handled
if let artistName = song.artist?.name {
trackInfo.artist = artistName
if let title = song.album.title {
trackInfo.album = title
if let location = song.location {
trackInfo.location = location
print("Location: \(location)")
instead of
if song.artist?.name != nil {
trackInfo.artist = song.artist?.name as! String
Please do not use ! to force unwrap nullable objects as that will cause runtime crashes when the object is nil.
Lastly, this is the way to store key value into dictionary in Swift.
let persistentID = song.persistentID
//tracks.updateValue(song.persistentID, trackInfo) // not this
tracks[persistentID] = trackInfo // this
I'm trying to use a library which was written in C. I've imported .a and .h files at Xcode project, and checked it works properly. I've already made them working on Objective-C, and now for Swift.
A problem I've got is functions' arguments. There's a function requires an argument widechar(defined as typedef Unsigned short int in Library), which was UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16> in Swift. The function translates it and return the result.
So I should convert a String to UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>. I tried to find the right way to converting it, but I've only got converting it to UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>. I couldn't find answer/information about converting String to UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>.
Here's a source code I've written.
extension String{
var utf8CString: UnsafePointer<Int8> {
return UnsafePointer((self as NSString).utf8String!)
func translate(toBraille: String, withTable: String) -> [String]? {
let filteredString = toBraille.onlyAlphabet
let table = withTable.utf8CString
var inputLength = CInt(filteredString.count)
var outputLength = CInt(maxBufferSize)
let inputValue = UnsafeMutablePointer<widechar>.allocate(capacity: Int(outputLength))
let outputValue = UnsafeMutablePointer<widechar>.allocate(capacity: Int(outputLength))
lou_translateString(table, inputValue, &inputLength, outputValue, &outputLength, nil, nil, 0)
//This is a function that I should use.
let result:[String] = []
return result
You have to create an array with the UTF-16 representation of the Swift
string that you can pass to the function, and on return create
a Swift string from the UTF-16 array result.
Lets assume for simplicity that the C function is imported to Swift as
func translateString(_ source: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>, _ sourceLen: UnsafeMutablePointer<CInt>,
_ dest: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>, _ destLen: UnsafeMutablePointer<CInt>)
Then the following should work (explanations inline):
// Create array with UTF-16 representation of source string:
let sourceString = "Hello world"
var sourceUTF16 = Array(sourceString.utf16)
var sourceLength = CInt(sourceUTF16.count)
// Allocate array for UTF-16 representation of destination string:
let maxBufferSize = 1000
var destUTF16 = Array<UInt16>(repeating: 0, count: maxBufferSize)
var destLength = CInt(destUTF16.count)
// Call translation function:
translateString(&sourceUTF16, &sourceLength, &destUTF16, &destLength)
// Create Swift string from UTF-16 representation in destination buffer:
let destString = String(utf16CodeUnits: destUTF16, count: Int(destLength))
I have assumed that the C function updates destLength to reflect
the actual length of the translated string on return.
I'm trying to read in a file from disk and parse its data into a nice format. However, the function is not returning anything. It returns an empty array. Why is this?
Note: I've been tinkering around with this and I've managed to simplify the previous 2 functions to just this one.
The function:
func openFile(_ fileName:String, _ fileType:String) -> [(Double, Double)] {
let file = fileName + fileType //this is the file. we will write to and read from it
var text2: String = ""
if let dir = FileManager.default.urls(for: .downloadsDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
let path = dir.appendingPathComponent(file)
do {
text2 = try String(contentsOf: path, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
catch {/* error handling here */}
var pairs = [(Double,Double)]()
var words: [String] = []
for line in (text2.components(separatedBy: "\n").dropFirst()){
if line != "" {
words = line.components(separatedBy: "\t")
return pairs
My app currently gets data (points on map) from the .csv file San Francisco.
What should I change in my code to get data from San Francisco as well as Oakland, another .csv file that I have added?
func setupData() {
pointsDataSource = PointsDataSource(with: "San Francisco")
//if let pointsDataSource = pointsDataSource {
There are a few different methods for scanning a CSV file into your app using Swift. I found that I was able to create my own class method that I thought was the most useful.
I have to apologise because I haven't referenced the internet posts by other developers that helped me out - If I come accross them again then I'll definitely include them!
Here is the class:
import Foundation
class CSVScanner {
class func debug(string:String){
println("CSVScanner: \(string)")
class func runFunctionOnRowsFromFile(theColumnNames:Array<String>, withFileName theFileName:String, withFunction theFunction:(Dictionary<String, String>)->()) {
if let strBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(theFileName, ofType: "csv") {
var encodingError:NSError? = nil
if let fileObject = NSString(contentsOfFile: strBundle, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: &encodingError){
var fileObjectCleaned = fileObject.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\r", withString: "\n")
fileObjectCleaned = fileObjectCleaned.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\n\n", withString: "\n")
let objectArray = fileObjectCleaned.componentsSeparatedByString("\n")
for anObjectRow in objectArray {
let objectColumns = anObjectRow.componentsSeparatedByString(",")
var aDictionaryEntry = Dictionary<String, String>()
var columnIndex = 0
for anObjectColumn in objectColumns {
aDictionaryEntry[theColumnNames[columnIndex]] = anObjectColumn.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\"", withString: "", options: NSStringCompareOptions.CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil)
if aDictionaryEntry.count>1{
CSVScanner.debug("No data extracted from row: \(anObjectRow) -> \(objectColumns)")
CSVScanner.debug("Unable to load csv file from path: \(strBundle)")
if let errorString = encodingError?.description {
CSVScanner.debug("Received encoding error: \(errorString)")
CSVScanner.debug("Unable to get path to csv file: \(theFileName).csv")
You can implement it in your code like this:
var myCSVContents = Array<Dictionary<String, String>>()
CSVScanner.runFunctionOnRowsFromFile(["title", "body", "category"], withFileName: "fileName.csv", withFunction: {
(aRow:Dictionary<String, String>) in
This will build an array of Dictionary objects, each representing a row from the CSV. You need to supply an array as the first parameter which contains the header labels of your csv document - make sure you include a label for every column!
However, feel free to skip adding the rows to an Array - you can run any function you like on each row. For instance, you may want to add these directly into a CoreData object.
I want to check whether my filename with just prefix is exist or not in Swift.
My file name is like Companies_12344
So after _ values are dynamic but "Companies_" is static.
How can i do that?
My code below For split
func splitFilename(str: String) -> (name: String, ext: String)? {
if let rDotIdx = find(reverse(str), "_")
let dotIdx = advance(str.endIndex, -rDotIdx)
let fname = str[str.startIndex..<advance(dotIdx, -1)]
println("splitFilename >> Split File Name >>\(fname)")
return nil
It's not very clear what you want to do, because your code snippet already does check if the string has the prefix.
There's a simpler way, though:
let fileName = "Companies_12344"
if fileName.hasPrefix("Companies") {
println("Yes, this one has 'Companies' as a prefix")
Swift's hasPrefix method checks if the string begins with the specified string.
Also, you could split the string easily with this:
let compos = fileName.componentsSeparatedByString("_") // ["Companies", "12344"]
Then you could check if there's a code and grab it with:
if let fileCode = compos.last {
println("There was a code after the prefix: \(fileCode)")