Netlogo: measure mean distance between start and end patches - distance

I am teaching myself how to create ABMs in Netlogo using the book of Railsback & Grimm 2012. I am having trouble with one book exercise which is on butterflies following "virtual" corridors. Basic idea is that butterflies go uphill for mating using the differences in height as guide. I need to calculate the width of the corridors dividing the number of patches used by the butterflies over the average distance the butterflies fly from the start patch to the end patch. I am
struggling with plotting this corridor width, which I am coding like this:
to-report corridor-width
let patches-visited count patches with [used?]
let mean-distance mean [distance start-patch] of turtles
report patches-visited / mean-distance
I then created a plot in the interface with the command:
plot corridor-width
The error message I get reads:
Division by zero. error while observer running / called by procedure
CORRIDOR-WIDTH called by plot 'Corridor width' pen 'default' update
code called by procedure SETUP called by Button 'setup'
I believe there is something wrong with the way I am coding distance start-patch but I have surfed the web and looked at several codes and I cannot spot my mistake. My whole code looks like this:
globals [ q ] ;; q is the probability that butterfly moves directly to highest patch
turtles-own [ start-patch ]
patches-own [ elevation used? ] ;; patches property of elevation and whether the patch has been used by butterfly or not.
to setup
;; Let's create patches and asign them an elevation and color by using ask patches statement
ask patches
;; Elevation decreases linearly with distance from the center of hills. Hills are at (30,30) and
;; (120,120) coordinates. The first hill is 100 units high whereas the second one is 50
let elev1 100 - distancexy 30 30
let elev2 50 - distancexy 120 100
ifelse elev1 > elev2
[ set elevation elev1 ]
[ set elevation elev2 ]
set pcolor scale-color green elevation 0 100
set used? false
;; Create 50 butterflies
crt 50
ask turtles [
set size 6
;; set their initial location as their initial patch
setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
set start-patch patch-here
;; have the butterfly draw its path with the pen-down statement
;; Initialize the q parameter
set q 0.4
;; The master schedule
to go
ask turtles [ move ]
plot corridor-width
if ticks >= 1000
let final-corridor-width corridor-width
write "Corridor width: " print final-corridor-width
;export-plot "Corridor width" (word "Corridor-width-output-for-q-" q ".csv")
;; let's code the butterfly procedure of movement
to move
if elevation >=
[ elevation ] of max-one-of neighbors [ elevation ]
[ stop ]
ifelse random-float 1 < q ;; Decide whether to move to the highest sorrounding
;; patch with p=q
[ uphill elevation ] ;; move deterministically uphill
[ move-to one-of neighbors ] ;; or move randomly
set used? true
to-report corridor-width
let patches-visited count patches with [used?]
let mean-distance mean [distance start-patch] of turtles
report patches-visited / mean-distance

What happens when the mean-distance is 0?
let mean-distance mean [distance start-patch] of turtles
Essentially, in your setup, you set all the turtle's start-patch to their current patch. So, if you ask all the turtles how far away they are from their start patch, they will all tell you 0 units away.
So, [distance start-patch] of turtles is filled with a list of all 0's.
Thus, a mean of a list of all 0s is 0 causing your divide by 0 error.
Maybe in this situation, you want to report 0
ifelse mean-distance = 0
[ report 0]
[report patches-visited / mean-distance]


How can I establish a decreasing relationship between variables?

I am a teacher of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education and I am trying to generate a simulator through NetLogo on how fertilization and pesticides are decimating the butterfly population. However, despite having read the manual, I am not managing to program the code to make it work.
My problem is that although I set the turtles I can't establish the following relationship between the variables/buttons:
If butterflies randomly touch a plant (which is fertilized with pesticide) its pollinating capacity is reduced by a certain percentage (depends on the amount of pesticide)
My problem is that I can't get the pollination capacity of the butterfly to be set to 100% initially and that the greater the amount of pesticide, the lower its pollination capacity is when touching a flower. Currently, although the amount of pesticide is the highest, there are peaks where its pollination capacity increases instead of being reduced.
breed [butterflies butterfly]
breed [flowers flower]
butterfliesless-neighborhoods ;; how many patches have no butterflies in any neighboring patches?
pollinating-capacity ;; measures how well-bivouaced the butterflies are
butterflies-nearby ;; how many butterflies in neighboring patches?
carried-butterflies ;; the butterflies I'm carrying (or nobody if I'm not carrying in)
found-bivouac? ;; becomes true when I find a bivouac to drop it in
to setup
set-default-shape butterflies "butterflies"
set-default-shape flowers "flower"
ask patches
[ set pcolor green + (random-float 0.8) - 0.4] ;; varying the green just makes it look nicer
create-butterflies num-butterflies
[ set color white
set size 1.5 ;; easier to see
setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
create-flowers num-flowers
[ set color brown
set size 1.5 ;; easier to see
set carried-butterflies nobody
set found-bivouac? false
setxy random-xcor random-ycor ]
to update-butterflies-counts
ask patches
[ set butterflies-nearby (sum [count butterflies-here] of neighbors) ]
set butterfliesless-neighborhoods (count patches with [butterflies-nearby = 0])
to calculate-pollinating-capacity
set pollinating-capacity (butterfliesless-neighborhoods / (count patches with [not any? butterflies-here])) * 100
to go
ask flowers
[ ifelse carried-butterflies = nobody
[ search-for-butterflies ] ;; find a butterflies and pick it up
[ ifelse found-bivouac?
[ find-empty-spot ] ;; find an empty spot to drop the butterflies
[ find-new-bivouac ] ] ;; find a bivouac to drop the butterflies in
fd 1
if carried-butterflies != nobody
;; bring my butterflies to where I just moved to
[ ask carried-butterflies [ move-to myself ] ] ]
ask butterflies with [not hidden?]
[ wiggle
fd pesticide-amount ]
to wiggle ;; turtle procedure
rt random 50 - random 50
to search-for-butterflies ;; flowers procedure
set carried-butterflies one-of butterflies-here with [not hidden?]
if (carried-butterflies != nobody)
[ ask carried-butterflies
[ hide-turtle ] ;; make the butterflies invisible to other flowers
set color blue ;; turn flower blue while carrying butterflies
fd 1 ]
to find-new-bivouac ;; flowers procedure
if any? butterflies-here with [not hidden?]
[ set found-bivouac? true ]
to find-empty-spot ;; flowers procedure
if all? butterflies-here [hidden?]
[ ask carried-butterflies
[ show-turtle ] ;; make the butterflies visible again
set color brown ;; set my own color back to brown
set carried-butterflies nobody
set found-bivouac? false
rt random 360
fd 20 ]
Defined Buttons
Your screenshot is a nice start with sliders, buttons and plots. In the code tab consider making two breeds of turtles: butterflies and plants.
breed [butterflies butterfly]
butterflies-own [pollinatingCapacity]
breed [plants plant]
plants-own [pesticideAmount]
And then think about how you might decrease pollinatingCapacity of a butterfly when it is on the same patch as a plant. A butterfly can see if any plants are on the same patch using plants-here

How can I separate left- and right-vision field of a turtle in NetLogo?

I want to separate left- and right-vision fields of a turtle in NetLogo.
Left-vision field means angles are -179 to -1 degrees while right-vision field means angles are from 1 to 179 if an angle of front of a turtle is 0 degrees.
In NetLogo, patch-right-and-ahead and patch-left-and-ahead can separate left- and right-vision fields of a turtles, but those codes is only a angle incorporate a turtle.
And, in-cone can not separate the vision fields.
Is there any codes to program this in NetLogo?
You can save the turtle's current heading, turn it 90-degrees left and see what's on the left side of the original heading with
scan x 180
then turn it 90-degrees right from original heading and see what's on the right side of the original heading with
scan x 180
then turn it back to its original heading.
Here's code that illustrates this. Set the scan angle to something smaller than 180 to see more clearly what's happening. As you step through the go step it rotates and highlights what it is seeing.
globals [ scan-angle]
turtles-own [ actual-heading ]
to setup
set scan-angle 180
create-turtles 1 [ set size 4 set heading 0 set actual-heading heading]
to go
ask turtle 0 [ set heading (heading + 30) set actual-heading heading]
scansides scan-angle
to scansides [ angle ]
ask patches [ set pcolor black]
ask turtle 0
;; scan left side
set heading (actual-heading - 90)
ask patches in-cone 10 angle [ set pcolor red]
;; scan right side
set heading (actual-heading + 90)
ask patches in-cone 10 angle [ set pcolor green]
set heading actual-heading

Agents on same patch

In this model the boat moves diagonally across the world (which does not wrap, 00 bottom left, max-pycor & max-pxcor 49) and 20 fish move in the opposite diagonal. The model is set up so the boat counts the fish it encounters, and as a double-check each fish counts if it met the boat. It does not matter if the boat does not meet all the fish.
My problem is that on some (10-15%) of runs, although both agents appear to be on the same patch, the relevant record does not increase, i.e. times that f-count does not increase and other times the b-count might not increase. I have spent time watching the agents closely, and they appear to be on the same patch, but the record does not increase. As a beginner with NetLogo, is there something in the coding of "boats-here", "fish-here" or "neighbors" that I am overlooking that is related to the xcor/ycor of the agents? Or is the sequence of commands the source of the problem? Thanks for considering my question.
breed [boats boat]
breed [fish a-fish]
boats-own [b-count fuel]
fish-own [f-count]
to setup
create-boats 1
create-fish 20
to apply-boat-properties
ask boats
set color red
set size 0.3
set shape "star"
setxy min-pxcor max-pycor
set fuel 710
to apply-fish-properties
ask fish
set color blue
set size 0.3
set shape "star"
setxy random-xcor max-pycor
to go
if (any? boats with [fuel <= 0 ])
[ stop ]
ask boats
ask fish
to follow-route1
ask boats
facexy 49 0
fd 0.05
set fuel fuel - 1
to survey
ifelse any? fish-here ;; if boat on the same patch as a fish
[ask fish-here [ ;; ask the fish on this patch
if shape = "star"[ ;; with a "star" shape
set shape "circle" ;; change shape to "circle" shape
ask boats-here ;; ask boat on same patch to increase b-
count by 1
[set b-count b-count + 1]]
;; otherwise
[ask fish-on neighbors [ ;; ask fish on neighbouring 8 patches
if shape = "circle"[ ;; if the fish has a "circle" shape
set shape "star" ] ;; change that shape to "star" shape
to move
ask fish
set heading 225
fd 0.0025
to check-if-boat
ifelse any? boats-here ;; if boats on same patch as the
ask fish-here with [color = blue] ;; ask the blue fish to change
colour to yellow
[ set color yellow
set f-count f-count + 1] ;; and increase f-count by 1
[ask fish-here with [color = yellow] ;; otherwise ask fish with yellow
colour to change color to blue
[set color blue
] ]
to-report boat-b-count ;;Report count of boats with b-
count more than 1
report sum [b-count] of boats with [b-count > 0]
to-report fish-f-count ;;Report count of fish with f-
count more than 1
report sum [f-count] of fish with [f-count > 0]
to-report %fish-counted ;;Report count of fish with f-
count more than 1
report (sum [f-count] of fish / count fish) * 100

NetLogo - turtle to go to the closest concentration of turtles

I would like a turtle to go to the closest patches with most turtles if a threshold of a given variable is met for 5 ticks.
My code is:
to move
let count-tick 5
if var >= 9.5 [
set count-tick count-tick - 1
if count-tick = 0 [
ask turtle [
let nearest-group min-one-of (patches with [sum turtles >= 3] in-radius 3 ) [ distance myself ]
move-to nearest-group ;; go to the biggest crowd near you
ask turtle [ ;; once there do the following
set shape "star"
set color red
The issue I have is that a) I am unsure how to say the patch with >= 3 turtles closest to you at the given range of 3 (attempted code above) and b) how to say once there, change your shape.
Revised to keep a permanent variable to track whether the variable is high enough 5 times in a row.
[ count-tick
; wherever you create the turtles, you need to `set count-tick 5`
to move
ifelse var >= 9.5
[ set count-tick count-tick - 1 ]
[ set count-tick 5 ]
if count-tick = 0
[ let nearest-group min-one-of (patches with [count turtles >= 3] in-radius 3 ) [ distance myself ]
move-to nearest-group ;; go to the biggest crowd near you
set shape "star"
set color red
First, you are already within an ask turtles code block from the procedure calling this move procedure. So you don't need the additional ask turtles. Look up ask in the NetLogo Dictionary, it iterates through the turtles, running all the code for each turtle in turn.
Second, you need count turtles rather than sum turtles as sum is to add up values.
Note that there is no error checking in this, you may have problems if there are no patches within radius of 3 that have at least 3 turtles.

NetLogo: identification of valleys = rivers location in artificial landscape

I want to produce the artificial landscape, containing hills, slopes and valleys. So far, so good. Now, I want to place a rivers in the bottom of the valley. I thought that the easiest way will be ask turtle to move uphill/downhill by elevation as drops here:
However, as my landscape is not real, my valleys are also not linears, but just the "depressions" in the terrain, and thus my river localisation is really weird looking?
Please, is there a way to create hills and valleys reflecting the real terrain in netlogo without using GIS extension? I've found great models of Erosion, Watershed and GIS gradient example, but how can I initially place my turtles to stay only in valleys?
the GIS gradient example provide excellent problem solving of movement of all the cells over the space, and they aggregate in valleys. However, as I want to by movement of my turtle "create" the river bed on the bottom of the valley, how can I place it? maybe start at the lowest point and stop after several ticks to not to allow to get on the top of the hill? thank you !
globals [
range ]
patches-own [
altitude ]
to setup
to setup-hills
ask n-of 2 patches [
set pcolor magenta ]
ask patches [
let max_dist sqrt (world-width ^ world-width + world-height ^ world-height)
set altitude world-width - distance patch 10 10
set altitude world-width - distance min-one-of patches with [pcolor = magenta][distance myself]
crt 1 [ ; create a turtle, needed to identify the lowest slope
set color red
let bottom_valley min-one-of patches [altitude]
move-to bottom_valley
to scale-patches
set low [altitude] of min-one-of patches [altitude]
set high [altitude] of max-one-of patches [altitude]
set range high - low
ask patches [
set altitude altitude - low ; shift every patch down so lowest altitude is 0
set altitude altitude * 99.0 / range ; scale every patch so that the lowest is 0 and highest is 999
repeat 5 [
diffuse altitude 0.5 ]
to color-patches
ask patches [
set pcolor scale-color green altitude 0 100]
to create-river
ask turtles [
let p max-one-of neighbors in-radius 1 [altitude]
if [altitude] of p >= altitude [
face p
move-to p
set pcolor blue
You have the right general idea. I recommend checking out the "GIS Gradient" model on your landscape. You can find it in the Models Library under Code Examples/GIS. Then think how to filter patches that have a minimum number of water particles passing through it over time.
Identification of system of rivers on the landscape using GIS Gradient Example:
The whole process of identification of the river system on the complex landscape is composed by 3 subprocesses:
identify the highest points of the landscape
place here the river source (create-source)
identify patches for a downhill stream
from the highest river source, by decreasing elevetion of neighboring cells to the lowest elevation of the river valley
when turtle reaches the edge of the world, turtle dies (go-downhill)
remove top hill points (as the river does not read the summit of the hill)
the river does not start at the top of the hill, but at the highest point of the valley
the highest "river" patches from the river beds system are removed (remove-river-from-top-hill)
The number of sources depends of type of GIS data you have available. The same for the number of patches you wish to remove from the top of the hill.
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; create river
;; ----------------------------------------------
to create-source
; identify the 5 highest points of the landscape
repeat 5 [
; avoid the highest points to be close to each other
ask max-one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here and not any? turtles in-radius 20 ] [p_elev] [
;ask patches to sporout turtles
sprout 1 [
set size 1
set color orange
to go-downhill
; stop if there is no more turtles
if not any? turtles with [color = orange]
[ stop ]
; ask turtles located on top of thehills to move downhill
ask turtles with [color = orange] [
; die when you reach the edge of the world
if ([pxcor] of patch-here = max-pxcor) or ([pycor] of patch-here = max-pycor)
or ([pxcor] of patch-here = min-pxcor) or ([pycor] of patch-here = min-pycor) [
die ]
move-to patch-here ; go to patch center
set pcolor blue ; identify the use of patch
set p min-one-of neighbors with [pcolor != blue ] [p_elev] ;; or neighbors4 with [pcolor != blue]patches in-radius 3
if p != nobody [
; move downhill if elevation of patch you are standing on is higher then one of the neighboring patches
ifelse [p_elev] of p <= p_elev
face p
move-to p
set pcolor blue ; identify the use of patch
;move-to min-one-of patches with [pcolor != blue] [distance myself]
move-to min-one-of patches in-radius 2 with [pcolor != blue] [p_elev]
set pcolor blue ; identify the use of patch
to remove-river-from-top-hill
; remove 5% of the blue (river) patches placed on the top of the hill
let total_blue count patches with [pcolor = blue]
repeat total_blue * 0.05 [
ask max-one-of patches with [pcolor = blue] [p_elev] [
set pcolor yellow ]
Complex river system identified:
(river bed = BLUE, removed top of the hill = YELLOW):