Connect to Redis or MongoDB in DBeaver - mongodb

There is a very good SQL client solution for Linux users DBeaver. In spec, it is said that it supports MongoDB and Redis databases.However, there are no such drivers in "New connection" window. Does anyone know how to connect to Mongo or Redis?

The Enterprise edition has MongoDB and Redis support.
EE download
We have split standalone version on Community and Enterprise editions.
Community edition includes the same extensions as DBeaver 2.x.
Enterprise edition = Community edition + NoSQL support (Cassandra and
MongoDB in 3.0). Both Community and Enterprise editions are free and
open source. New Cassandra and MongoDB extensions are not open source
(but free to use).

Since the EE edition of DBeaver is no longer free you can use MongoDB Compass if you want a GUI utility for MongoDB.

There is also RedisInsight (from Redis self) or the popular AnotherRedisDesktopManager for Redis.


Which Desktop Client can be connect to MongoDB 2

Current version Mongo DB GUI tools cannot be connect to MongoDB 2.x in 2021 years.
Dose have some tools can connected? (Windows And Linux).
Or can be installed at server and use web to connecting.
Not working screenshoot List
Studio 3T 2021.10.1
Compass 1.29.6
With MongoDB Compass, sometimes shortened to Compass, you can access most of the features the MongoDB database engine offers through an intuitive visual display. You can glance through databases, collections and individual documents, interactively create queries, manipulate existing documents, and design aggregation pipelines through a dedicated interface.Download here
Finally, I found the "rock mongo" based on PHP 5.
Available to connect mongo 2 last version is 1.1.7
Github source is #iwind/rockmongo
I make that installers cache at:

Tableau to MongoDB Connector

We are integrating Tableau with MongoDB and wants to decide on cost effective way connecting with MongoDB. We used trial version of Simba and that seem to be costing around $3000/year. Are there other options which are cheaper? We are not on enterprise version of MongoDB so BI Connector is not an option.
Apache Drill has a Mongo Storage Plugin which allows Drill to be used as an 'interrogator' for MongoDB. Drill's ODBC driver can provide BI tools (such as Tableau) with access to MongoDB via Drill.
The setup would be something like:
Install Drill
Add the MongoDB Storage Plugin to your Drill installation
Verify access via the Drill server and using Drill's ODBC driver to MongoDB
Configure Tableau to use Drill's ODBC driver
More details in the docs:
Drill's MongoDB Plugin
Using Drill with BI Tools
Tableau Examples
This solution is free (or has no licensing costs, at any rate) but it is somewhat bespoke and cobbled together. My own experience is that ...
Installing Drill is a no brainer
Installing the MongoDB Storage Plugin is a no brainer
Drill's MongoDB Storage Plugin isn't very widely used (or at least it isn't under active development) so you'll likely find the driver works fine but you might find issues with the MongoDB query capabilities providing by Drill's plugin. For example LIKE and IN operators are not supported.

Mongodb change enterprise edition to community edition

My mongodb is in version 3.0 and run on Linux Redhat 6.
I do not use entreprise options, then I would like to switch enterprise edition to community edition. Any drawback on data? It's much like binary upgrade?
Unless you are using an Enterprise storage engine (eg. Encrypted Storage Engine in MongoDB 3.2+), the data format in MongoDB Community and Enterprise editions is identical and changing between editions is just a change in the MongoDB server binaries. If you need to change storage engines you can do so without downtime on replica sets using a rolling maintenance procedure (see: Your Ultimate Guide to Rolling Upgrades).
I would recommend using matching release versions when changing between MongoDB Enterprise and Community editions to minimize any unexpected issues. The standard upgrade/compatibility caveats (as mentioned in the MongoDB Release Notes) apply if you happen to be upgrading or downgrading between major MongoDB versions (i.e. 3.2 and 3.4).

MongoDB instance with Alteryx Designer

I have a question about the MongDB installation that comes with Alteryx Server.
Is that instance of Mongo a desktop version or is it a server version?
Alteryx Server 10.0 is shipped with MongoDB 3.0.4 Community Edition. More information on the Alteryx Server Installation can be found here:

How to connect mongodb and Informix server

I am exploring mongodb , I have written a code to connect mongodb and mysql using kundera
It works fine. But I am having a requirement to connect Informix database and mongodb please let me know how to do that. Thanks in advance
I'm no expert in MongoDB or NoSQL. But latest Informix fixpack (12.10.xC2) supports native MongoDB connectivity and JSON/BSON.
Not all the features/commands of MongoDB are available (it's not meant to "replace" MongoDB), but it's probably the easiest way to interact with it from a "MongoDB app".
The main problem with this approach would probably be that your current Informix environment isn't running 12.10.xC2 (just released on September 13).
Please check it on the official Infocenter on IBM site. You can download the new version if you're a customer with active support. Otherwise you can get it from IBM website (either the developer edition or the free - as in beer - version called Innovator-C)