How get Categories of a single tt_news for Typoscript - typo3

I want to get the categories of a single new but the Typoscript code: = GP:tx_ttnews|cat
Does not work, the return show cat = 0 in the page.
I need this value for set it in a list tt_news in its categorySelection

Is the category really in the URL? That is not the case for a single news. You only have the news uid and need to do the join yourself.
Try something like that
[globalVar = GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news > 0]
lib.categoryTitle = COA
lib.categoryTitle {
20 { = register:newsCategoryUid
tables = tt_news_cat
conf.tt_news_cat = TEXT
conf.tt_news_cat.field = title
conf.tt_news_cat.noTrimWrap = || - |


How to get "leveltitle" for HMENU items via TypoScript?

I have a menu (HMENU with special = updated) that gives me the latest sub and sub-sub pages from 3 categories.
The page structure looks like this in the backend:
In addition to the title, I would like to output the name of the respective category (the parent level-1 page).
This is my TypoScript attempt:
lib.myMenu = HMENU
lib.myMenu {
special = updated
value.field = 10,11,12
beginAtLevel = 1
limit = 99
doNotLinkIt = 1
stdWrap.cObject = COA
stdWrap.cObject {
10 = TEXT
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
field = seo_title // title
typolink.parameter.field = uid
20 = HMENU
wrap = <div class="category attempt-1">|</div>
special = rootline
special.range = 1|1
special.value.field = uid # does not work
1.NO.allWrap = |
30 = TEXT
wrap = <div class="category attempt-2">|</div>
data = leveltitle : 1 # does not work as expected
Unfortunately it does not work, because …
special = rootline does not support special.value.
data = leveltitle : 1 uses the ID of the current page, instead of the TMENU item ID.
Does anyone have another approach how I can get the title of the respective category using TypoScript?
Edit: Background information / what this is needed for
With this menu I intend to replace the news module ext:news of an existing project. Instead of news records, pages are now used and this menu creates the list view. Of course a TypoScript page browser will be added.
I would not rebuild the complete menu item generation (NO.doNotLinkIt = 1).
Just use NO.after.cObject = COA.
leveltitle : 1 is correct if you want to have the title for the current page.
The same if you show a rootline menu: it is generated for the current page.
If you want the levelfield for another page you need to build it by yourself.
In typoscript you might use a userfunction. (there is a core function for getting the rootline for a given page id)
If you generate your menu with FLUID you might use a viewhelper. (You might get inspired from this option of viewhelper or this option of VH page.breadCrumb in ext:vhs.)
you might store the needed information directly in the pagesrecord.
add a new field to the record (or use any unused).
then make sure that each category page contains some page TS_config:
TCADefaults.pages.<yourfield> = CategoryName
With this configuration each new page below will get this value set automatically.
Of course you need to set these values for all existing pages by hand or by some manual queries.
And if the editors are to be prevented from changing this value you need to remove the field from the edit form with this TSConfig on the top-page:
TCEForm.pages.<yourfield>.hide= 1
I have found a pure TypoScript solution that may not be very elegant, but it works:
lib.myMenu = HMENU
lib.myMenu {
special = updated
value.field = 10,11,12
beginAtLevel = 1
limit = 99
doNotLinkIt = 1
stdWrap.cObject = COA
stdWrap.cObject {
10 = TEXT
wrap = <h3>|</h3>
field = seo_title // title
typolink.parameter.field = uid
20 = HMENU
wrap = <div class="category">|</div>
special = list
special.value.field = pid
doNotLinkIt = 1
# Overwrite it if we are not yet at the category level
# The ID of the page parent to the categories ("Website") is 1618
equals = 1618
value.field = pid
negate = 1
cObject = HMENU
special = list
special.value.field = pid
1.NO.doNotLinkIt = 1
If the menu is to go over further levels, the override must of course be nested even deeper.
Edit – Improvements:
RECORDS instead of HMENU: Bernd Wilke suggested in the comments to use CONTENT instead of HMENU to generate the category title. This caused problems in my tests when sysfolders (as subpages of the categories) were used to structure the items. This could be related to the bug/feature #20933 (Enable working with SysFolders in CONTENT). But RECORDS might be comparable. I tried it and was able to improve the render times a little bit (see table below).
lib.myMenu.1.NO.stdWrap.cObject.20 = RECORDS
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="category">|</div>
source.field = pid
tables = pages
conf.pages = TEXT
conf.pages {
field = seo_title // title
# Overwrite it if we are not yet at the category level
# The ID of the page parent to the categories ("Website") is 1618
equals = 1618
value.field = pid
negate = 1
cObject = RECORDS
source.field = pid
tables = pages
conf.pages = TEXT
conf.pages.field = seo_title // title
CONTENT instead of HMENU: if no sysfolders are needed (as of TYPO3 10.4 sysfolders should also work)
lib.myMenu.1.NO.stdWrap.cObject.20 = CONTENT
stdWrap.wrap = <div class="category">|</div>
table = pages
select {
uidInList.field = pid
pidInList = 0
selectFields = uid, pid, seo_title, title
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
field = seo_title // title
# Overwrite it if we are not yet at the category level
# The ID of the page parent to the categories ("Website") is 1618
equals = 1618
value.field = pid
negate = 1
cObject = CONTENT
table = pages
select {
uidInList.field = pid
pidInList = 0
selectFields = uid, pid, seo_title, title
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj.field = seo_title // title
userFunc instead of HMENU: Bernd Wilke suggested in his answer to use a userfunction. Even if this is not a pure TypoScript solution, I would have liked to test it to be able to compare the performance. The method getRootLine() has unfortunately been marked as deprecated. Since I'm not an extension developer, it's not clear to me yet how to read the category via a userFunc and if this is actually more effective. If I still come across a solution regarding this, it will be added here.
Rendertime: I have test-implemented the menu in the live site (in the existing template) and compared the website render times with and without the output of the categories to see how much the nested menu affects the performance. The values are average values from 10 measurements. I also limited the output to 20 items, which should be a more realistic value per page later on:
20 items
100 items
without category
99 ms
218 ms
categories via HMENU
133 ms
353 ms
categories via RECORDS
132 ms
331 ms
categories via CONTENT
121 ms
255 ms
categories via userFunc
You should neither use a separate HMENU nor a userFunc but a simple LOAD_REGISTER within the menu items of the parent level. This generates register entries, that can be added, changed or restored while looping through the different levels of the HMENU structure.
So you don't need the custom code of a PHP function and you won't get the performance penalty of a nested HMENU.
Basically it's shown in the official documentation, but with a CSS class instead of a title. But of course you could hand over other information from the parent to its children the same way.
Here is the example:
10 = COA
10 {
### left menu table column
10 {
ulClass = col-left
### right menu table column
20 {
ulClass = col-right
30 = HMENU
30 {
special = list
special.value = 1
# ...
3 {
stdWrap {
preCObject = COA
preCObject {
dataWrap = <ul class="{register:ulClass}">|</ul>
wrap =
SPC = 1
allStdWrap {
replacement {
10 {
search = ---
replace =
dataWrap = </ul>|<ul class="{register:ulClass}">
And here the link to the full documentation page:

Pass Fluid variable to TypoScript

I want to pass a variable (uid of category) in Fluid to a TypoScript :
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.testFluid" data="{setting.myvar}/>
Then i want to use the var to get all content elements in folder with pid 942 and the category {setting.myvar}
lib.testFluid = COA
lib.testFluid = CONTENT
lib.testFluid {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = 942
where = selected_categories = |
This does not work, it creates an MySql syntax error. I also tried using current = 1 instead of the where clause without success. I looked at post TYPO3: pass variable to typoscript via cObject? and I can recreate it but it does not work with my script. (TYPO3 8)
If i use
where = selected_categories = 13
the scrip will succesfully display all CE with category 13. How do i make it work with a var?
could you try this:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.testFluid" data="{myvar: setting.myvar}/>
lib.testFluid = CONTENT
lib.testFluid {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList = 942 = field:myvar
where.intval = 1
where.wrap = selected_categories=|
hard to test for me but it might work ...
I had to solve it once with markers. I couldn't find another simpler way. I give you a very general solution which you may adapt to your needs. For example you could set the pid value via a typoscript setting which is more elegant than to put it in the snippet code. Please try:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.testFluid" data="{category: setting.myvar, catPid: 942}" currrentValueKey="category" />
The related TypoScript snippet:
lib.testFluid = COA
lib.testFluid {
10 {
category.cObject = TEXT
category.cObject.value.current = 1
catPid.cObject = TEXT
catPid.cObject.value.dataWrap = { field: catPid }
20 {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList.cObject = TEXT
pidInList.cObject.dataWrap = {REGISTER:catPid}
where = selected_categories=###category###
markers { = REGISTER:category

How to communicate two plugins of News for Typoscript

I have to show in my single page: the single and the list of News with the same categories of single new. I have two plugins in my backend page and have tried to assign the categories of single to the list for typoscript, but i could not do it.
This is the code, i used page.x for debug and catch values:
page.100 = TEXT = GP:tx_ttnews|tt_news
page.100.wrap = The single tt_news id is: | = GP:tx_ttnews|cat
page.100.wrap = The category of single is: |
page.110 = TEXT
value = { register:newsCategoryUid }
insertData = 1
wrap = - Categories: |
categorySelection = { register:newsCategoryUid }
#show only selected categories
categoryMode = 1
It's not fully visible what you're trying. I think the best way should to put the cat value inside a temp object. Do you have the plugins inserted by TypoScript or as Content Element? You are using tt_news not news by georg ringer right?
temp.tx_news_catId = TEXT = GP:tx_ttnews|cat
temp.tx_news_catId.intval = 1
page.110 < temp.tx_news_catId
page.110.wrap = Category: |
categorySelection < temp.tx_news_catId
# you need to use data not categorySelection = {...} <- that should
# only work on constants
# but only works if categorySelection capabilities = register:newsCategoryUid
#show only selected categories
categoryMode = 1
(Untested TypoScript)
hope this helps you a little bit
PS: Have you checked whether categorySelection has stdWrap capabilities?
I don't really get what you want to do, maybe this helps a bit:
If you want to show in the detail action articles with the same category as the current one, you can use a snippet like this one:
Add this to the Detail.html which will pass the first category uid to the TypoScript object lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory.
<f:if condition="{newsItem.firstCategory}">
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory">{newsItem.firstCategory.uid}</f:cObject>
and the TS:
lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory = USER
lib.tx_news.relatedByFirstCategory {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
vendorName = GeorgRinger
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
relatedView = 1
detailPid = 31
useStdWrap := addToList(categories)
categories.current = 1
categoryConjunction = or
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty := addToList(detailPid)
startingpoint = 78
I have taken this from the manual.

TYPO3 content on one page order by position in pagetree

I'm showing all content from the subpages on one page:
lib.allPid = COA
lib.allPid {
10 = HMENU
10 {
#entryLevel = 1
special = directory
special.value = 115
1 {
expAll = 1
NO.doNotShowLink = 1
NO.allStdWrap.field = uid
NO.allStdWrap.wrap = |,
2 < .1
lib.allContent = CONTENT
lib.allContent {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList.cObject < lib.allPid
where = colPos = 0
orderBy = pid DESC
Here the content is ordere by pid DESC. But I'd like to order the content from the subpages by their position in the pagetree. So that the user can define his own ordering.
I tried:
lib.allContent = CONTENT
lib.allContent {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList.cObject < lib.allPid
leftjoin = pages ON ( =
where = tt_content.colPos = 0
orderBy = pages.sorting ASC
Didn't work...
Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance!
You are on a good way, but you made the join wrong.
In your code it is =, and this one is wrong. The pid value in tt_content is the uid from the pages.
You need to change your script so:
lib.allContent = CONTENT
lib.allContent {
table = tt_content
select {
pidInList.cObject < lib.allPid
leftjoin = pages ON ( = pages.uid)
where = tt_content.colPos = 0
orderBy = pages.sorting ASC
I tested it, and it worked on a test instance.

How to get page categories in Typoscript (and use with tx_news)

I would like to read out a page's system categories for further use with tx_news (to display news that have the same categories as the page - as tx_news is using system categories).
I was looking for a native solution, hopefully via getText, something like: = page:categories
but that doesn't seem to exist yet
Also, I tried to simplify the query by using sys_category_records_mm, which contains all the information needed for that case, but TYPO3 complains that "there is no entry in the $TCA array":
lib.categoryUid = CONTENT
lib.categoryUid {
wrap = kategorien:|
table = sys_category_record_mm
select {
selectFields = uid
where = uid_foreign = {TSFE:id}
where.insertData = 1
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
field = uid
wrap = |,
So that would be nice, but it's not allowed.
Here's a solution that works in my setup. The editor chooses categories for the page, and gets all news items that belong to the category.
temp.categoryUid = CONTENT
temp.categoryUid {
table = pages
select {
// dontCheckPid doesn't exist for CONTENT objects, so make it recursive from root page (or = leveluid:-2
pidInList = {$pidRoot}
recursive = 99
selectFields = sys_category.uid as catUid
join = sys_category_record_mm ON pages.uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign JOIN sys_category ON sys_category.uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_local
where = sys_category_record_mm.tablenames = 'pages' AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign = {TSFE:id}
where.insertData = 1
// not necessary for this use case
// orderBy = sys_category.sorting
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
field = catUid
// Hack: if there are no cats selected for a page, all news are displayed
// so I just pass a catUid that's quite unlikely
wrap = 999999,|,
lib.newstest = USER
lib.newstest {
userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run
extensionName = News
pluginName = Pi1
switchableControllerActions {
News {
1 = list
settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
settings {
limit = 5
orderBy = datetime
orderDirection = desc
detailPid = {$pidNachrichtenDetail}
overrideFlexformSettingsIfEmpty := addToList(detailPid)
startingpoint = {$pidNachrichtenRecords}
// for use in my fluid template
// pluginTitle = {$llAktuell}
// latest = 0
// recordType = aktuell
useStdWrap = categories
categories.override.cObject < temp.categoryUid
categoryConjunction = or
view =< plugin.tx_news.view
What is unclear to me still is if recursive = 1 in the select has no setback. Actually, I don't want to check for the current page's parent uid at all, but WHERE IN ({current pid}) is always inserted automatically. Therefore the recursive = 1.
I found this example (in German) and modified it to display the category UIDs.
The following TypoScript will display the UIDs of all categories for the current page seperated by a comma.
10 {
table = pages
select {
uidInList.field = uid
pidInList = 1 # UID or list of UIDs, where your categories are saved
selectFields = sys_category.uid as catUid
join = sys_category_record_mm ON pages.uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign JOIN sys_category ON sys_category.uid = sys_category_record_mm.uid_local
where = sys_category_record_mm.tablenames = 'pages' AND sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign = {field:uid}
where.insertData = 1
orderBy = sys_category.sorting
renderObj = TEXT
renderObj {
field = catUid
wrap = |,
# If category is empty, the mechanism below won't work
# As long as I don't know how to query if this is empty or not,
# just add an imaginary extra category!
wrap = 12345,|
Unfortunately you have to set pidInList manually to a list of UIDs, where your categories are stored.
Looking for the cat-id of a page:
I did it this way: = CONTENT {
wrap = |
table = sys_category
select {
pidInList = 1
selectFields = sys_category.uid, sys_category.title
max = 1
join = sys_category_record_mm ON(sys_category_record_mm.uid_local = sys_category.uid)
where = sys_category_record_mm.tablenames='pages'
andWhere.dataWrap = sys_category_record_mm.uid_foreign = {TSFE:id}
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 = TEXT
10 {
field = uid
wrap = class="category|
20 = TEXT
20 {
field = title
case = lower
stdWrap.noTrimWrap = | |"|