Swisscom Cloud DB Backup fails - swisscomdev

We are using a MariaDB and a MongoDB (single instance) service in the Swisscom App Cloud.
If i try to create a backup with the backup button, it starts to create one, but fails after a few minutes.
Also, if i try to delete the failed entry, the deletion fails as well.
The interface provides no further information about the reason.
This happens for MariaDB as well as for MongoDB.
What could be a possible reason and how am I able to debug this error? Where can I get further information about the error?
screenshot of Portal:

Simon here from the App Cloud Team.
There was an issue in the backend which we fixed this morning, so your backups should now work again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

I developed a CF CLI plugin for DB backups (MariaDB) in Cloud Foundry, called "cf-mariadb-backup-plugin", that also works in the Swisscom App Cloud. Check it out here, and give it a star. ;-)
If you use such plugin it presents the error message catch directly from the Cloud Foundry API. This might provide you, at least, better reasons on why such actions are failing.


How to connect Swift to a postgresql database hosted on Google Cloud

I'm new to working with back-end, but have been running into issues trying to get my iOS app to connect to my PostgreSQL DB.
I have developed an app with Swift which is a game that I want to run locally on iOS devices. I have a PostgreSQL DB set up in Google Cloud Platform but I cannot figure out how to get the Swift app to connect to my PostgreSQL DB.
I've read some about using Vapor or Perfect to run the application using Googles App Engine but I'm not sure that is what I want to do since I want the app to run locally but there are a few aspects of my app that I need a global database for.
Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of how I need to connect my Swift application with Google Cloud's PostgreSQL?
Your question is pretty much very similar to this one.
In short, the correct answer is you shouldn't connect your client side application directly to the database. Instead, you should build a service that can connect to the database, and act as a service between your application. This helps prevent any unauthorized queries to your database and provides better performance. If you wanted to do this on GCP, you could look into something like Google Cloud Functions or Google Cloud App Engine to act as a service.
An alternative would be to use a "Database-as-a-Service" like Cloud Firestore. This is a scalable, pay-as-you-go service with great mobile support.
Yeah sure you need a server, ruby on rails to connect to your Postgres database.
The server will facilitate data back and forth from the Google cloud Postgressql

Error Accessing Bluemix Node-RED Editor

I'm using Node-RED Starter to build my app. My app URL can be accessed here.
should appear on my browser, but I got an
The app however seems to be working fine on my dashboard. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you.
Your app is throwing a 500 error which basically means that your app is very much broken. How did you build it? Which starter did you use?
As you are running in the IBM Cloud, I would drop what you already have, and recreate using the starter from the IBM Cloud catalog. Unless of course if that is what you used to create it in the first place. In which case as per the other suggestions look at the server side logs, from the options on IBM Cloud for your application.

IBM Internet of Things Platform Starter application create fails with BXNUI0005E

I am trying to create an application in IBM Internet of Things Platform Starter and getting following message:
BXNUI0005E: The 'xxxxxx' app wasn't created because a problem occurred contacting Cloud Foundry.
Try again later. If you see this message again, go to the IBM Cloud status page to check whether a service or component has an issue. If the problem continues, go to IBM Cloud Support.
I've had exactly the same problem. It's usually because you've gone over the limit of app / database instances for your account.
In my case, I was using NodeRed. I created one instance successfully, deleted it, but then couldn't create another. It turned out that the first app had created an empty database instance and the second one was trying to do the same. Deleting the database from my dashboard resolved the problem.

Testing BigInsights + Cloud Storage (How to use nodejs over this two components)

Hi I have been trying to test this two components on bluemix since last 2 days, I need to now if both of then has some robust library on NodeJs, because I have been trying the ones I found at npm and event the one featured at Bluemix Cloud Storage as Nodejs SDK and I have unsuccessfull on even connect to Cloud Storage and Hive, I feel completly lost. I hope some one here could at least give e a lead ....
Thanks in advance
I find out that the bluemix platform had an issue when creating the cloud storage within the Biginsights cluster manager, so I created the Object Storage first and then link it to the Biginsights service and now the NodeJs SDK from bluemix works just fine, thanks anyway.

APIC Cannot GET /apim while updating schema

am new to stackoverflow, and I thought of sharing this regarding an IBM product called APIC.
I did the whole deployment correctly as recommended by IBM on an Ubuntu Environment with mongoDB and MySQL using an AZURE Virtual Machine as Server. Whenever I try to update the schema of the database with the new models, I get an error saying:
Cannot GET /apim/dataSources/partials/dataSourceMigrate.html
Please help or ask me anything in case you need more info, and tell me if it's an error from Azure or IBM or me.
This exactly happened to me once, and I contacted IBM for several weeks of give and take, to find out it's a bug on their side, not on the cloud side or your side :)
Check it here:
In this case, go back to using strongloop until they get it fixed.
Note that his is a bug on the operating system itself, it works on iOS but that would be useless on cloud.