In Tensorflow, What kind of neural network should I use? - neural-network

I am doing Tensorflow tutorial, getting what TF is. But I am confused about what neural network should I use in my work.
I am looking at Single Layer Neural Network, CNN, RNN, and LSTM RNN.
There is a sensor which measures something and represents the result in 2 boolean ways. Here, they are Blue and Red, like this:
the sensor gives result values every 5minutes. If we pile up the values for each color, we can see some patterns:
number inside each circle represents the sequence of result values given from sensor. (107 was given right after 106) when you see from 122 to 138, you can see decalcomanie-like pattern.
I want to predict the next boolean value before the sensor result. I may do supervised learning using past results. But I'm not sure which neural network or method is suitable. Thinking that this work needs pattern using past results (have to see context), and memorize past results, maybe LSTM RNN (long-short term memory recurrent neural network) would be suitable one. Could you tell me what is the right one?

So it sounds like you need to process a sequences of images. You could actually use both CNN and RNN together. I did this a month ago when I was training a network to swipe left or right on tinder using the sequence of profile pictures. What you would do is pass all of the images through a CNN and then into the RNN. Below is part of the code for my tinder bot. See how I distribute the convolutions over the sequence and then push it through the RNN. Finally I put a softmax classifier on the last time step to make the prediction, however in your case I think you will distribuite the prediction in time since you want the next item in the sequence.
self.input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, self.max_seq_len, self.img_height, self.img_width, 3), 'input_tensor')
self.expected_classes = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, (None,))
self.is_training = tf.placeholder_with_default(False, None, 'is_training')
self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, None, 'learning_rate')
self.tensors = {}
activation = tf.nn.elu
rnn = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(256)
with tf.variable_scope('series') as scope:
state = rnn.zero_state(tf.shape(self.input_tensor)[0], tf.float32)
for t, img in enumerate(reversed(tf.unpack(self.input_tensor, axis = 1))):
y = tf.map_fn(tf.image.per_image_whitening, img)
features = 48
for c_layer in range(3):
with tf.variable_scope('pool_layer_%d' % c_layer):
with tf.variable_scope('conv_1'):
filter = tf.get_variable('filter', (3, 3, y.get_shape()[-1].value, features))
b = tf.get_variable('b', (features,))
y = tf.nn.conv2d(y, filter, (1, 1, 1, 1), 'SAME') + b
y = activation(y)
self.tensors['img_%d_conv_%d' % (t, 2 * c_layer)] = y
with tf.variable_scope('conv_2'):
filter = tf.get_variable('filter', (3, 3, y.get_shape()[-1].value, features))
b = tf.get_variable('b', (features,))
y = tf.nn.conv2d(y, filter, (1, 1, 1, 1), 'SAME') + b
y = activation(y)
self.tensors['img_%d_conv_%d' % (t, 2 * c_layer + 1)] = y
y = tf.nn.max_pool(y, (1, 3, 3, 1), (1, 3, 3, 1), 'SAME')
self.tensors['pool_%d' % c_layer] = y
features *= 2
with tf.variable_scope('rnn'):
y = tf.reshape(y, (-1,[1:])))
y, state = rnn(y, state)
self.tensors['rnn_%d' % t] = y
with tf.variable_scope('output_classifier'):
W = tf.get_variable('W', (y.get_shape()[-1].value, 2))
b = tf.get_variable('b', (2,))
y = tf.nn.dropout(y,, 0.5, 1.0))
y = tf.matmul(y, W) + b
self.tensors['classifier'] = y

Yes, an RNN (recurrent neural network) fits the task of accumulating state along along a sequence in order to predict its next element. LSTM (long short-term memory) is a particular design for the recurrent pieces of the network that has turned out to be very successful in avoiding numerical challenges from long-lasting recurrences; see colah's much-cited blogpost for more. (Alternatives to the LSTM cell design exist but I would only fine tune that much later, possibly never.)
The TensorFlow RNN codelab explains LSTM RNNs for the case of language models, which predict the (n+1)-st word of a sentence from the preceding n words, for each n (like for each timestep in your series of measurements). Your case is simpler than language models in that you only have two words (red and blue), so if you read anything about embeddings of words, ignore it.
You also mentioned other types of neural networks. These are not aimed at accumulating state along a sequence, such as your boolean sequence of red/blue inputs. However, your second image suggests that there might be pattern in the sequence of counts of successive red/blue values. You could try using the past k counts as input to a plain feed-forward (i.e., non-recursive) neural network that predicts the probability of the next measurement having the same color as the current one. - Maybe that works with a single layer, or maybe two or even three work better; experimentation will tell. This is a less fancy approach than an RNN, but if it works good enough, it gives you a simpler solution with fewer technicalities to worry about.
CNNs (convolutional neural networks) would not be my first choice here. These aim to discover a set of fixed-scale features at various places in the input, for example, some texture or curved edge anywhere in an image. But you only want to predict one next item that extends your input sequence. A plain neural network (see above) may discover useful patterns on the k previous values, and training it with all earlier partial sequences will help it find those patterns. The CNN approach would help to discover them during prediction at long-gone parts of the input; I have no intuition why that would help.


How to get the gradient of the specific output of the neural network to the network parameters

I am building a Bayesian neural network, and I need to manually calculate the gradient of each neural network output and update the network parameters.
For example, in the following network, how can I get the gradient of neural network output ag and bg to the neural network parameters phi, it's --∂ag/∂phi and ∂bg/∂phi--, and update the parameters respectively.
class encoder(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, _l_dim, _hidden_dim, _fg_dim):
super(encoder, self).__init__()
self.hidden_nn = nn.Linear(_l_dim, _hidden_dim)
self.ag_nn = nn.Linear(_hidden_dim, _fg_dim)
self.bg_nn = nn.Linear(_hidden_dim, _fg_dim)
def forward(self, _lg):
ag = self.ag_nn(self.hidden_nn(_lg))
bg = self.bg_nn(self.hidden_nn(_lg))
return ag, bg
If you want do compute dx/dW, you can use autograd for that. torch.autograd.grad(x, W, grad_outputs=torch.ones_like(x), retain_graph=True). Does that actually accomplish what you're trying to do?
Problem statement
You are looking to compute the gradients of the parameters corresponding to each loss term. Given a model f, parametrized by θ_ag and θ_bg. These two parameter sets might overlap: that's the case here since you have a shared hidden layer. Then f(x; θ_ag, θ_bg) will output a pair of elements ag and bg. Your loss function is defined as L = L_ag + L_bg.
The terms you want to compute are dL_ag/dθ_ag and dL_bg/dθ_bg, which is different from what you would typically get with a single backward call: which gives dL/dθ_ag and dL/dθ_bg.
In order to compute those terms, you will require two backward passes, after both of them we will compute the respective terms. Before starting, here are a couple things you need to do:
It will be useful to make θ_ag and θ_bg available to us. You can, for example, add those two functions in your model definition:
def ag_params(self):
return [*self.hidden_nn.parameters(), *self.ag_nn.parameters()]
def bg_params(self):
return [*self.hidden_nn.parameters(), *self.bg_nn.parameters()]
Assuming you have a loss function loss_fn which outputs two scalar values L_ab and L_bg. Here is a mockup for loss_fn:
def loss_fn(ab, bg):
return ab.mean(), bg.mean()
We will need an optimizer to zero the gradient out, here SGD:
optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
Then we can start applying the following method:
Do an inference to compute ag, and bg as well as L_ag, and L_bg:
>>> ag, bg = model(x)
>>> L_ag, L_bg = loss_fn(ag, bg)
Backpropagate once on L_ag, while retaining the graph:
>>> L_ag.backward(retain_graph=True)
At this point, we can collect dL_ag/dθ_ag on the parameters contained in θ_ag. For example, you could pick the norm of the different parameter gradients using the ag_params function:
>>> pgrad_ag = torch.stack([p.grad.norm()
for p in m.ag_params() if p.grad is not None])
Next we can proceed with a second backpropagation, this time on L_bg. But before that, we need to clear the gradients so dL_ag/dθ_ag doesn't pollute the next computation:
>>> optim.zero_grad()
Backpropagation on L_bg:
>>> L_bg.backward(retain_graph=True)
Here again, we collect the gradient norms, i.e. the gradient of dL/dθ_bg, this time using the bg_params function:
>>> pgrad_bg = torch.stack([p.grad.norm()
for p in m.bg_params() if p.grad is not None])
Now you have pgrad_ag and pgrad_bg which correspond to the gradient norms of dL/dθ_bg, and dL/dθ_bg respectively.

Problem understanding Loss function behavior using Flux.jl. in Julia

So. First of all, I am new to Neural Network (NN).
As part of my PhD, I am trying to solve some problem through NN.
For this, I have created a program that creates some data set made of
a collection of input vectors (each with 63 elements) and its corresponding
output vectors (each with 6 elements).
So, my program looks like this:
Nₜᵣ = 25; # number of inputs in the data set
xtrain, ytrain = dataset_generator(Nₜᵣ); # generates In/Out vectors: xtrain/ytrain
datatrain = zip(xtrain,ytrain); # ensamble my data
Now, both xtrain and ytrain are of type Array{Array{Float64,1},1}, meaning that
if (say)Nₜᵣ = 2, they look like:
julia> xtrain #same for ytrain
2-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}:
[1.0, -0.062, -0.015, -1.0, 0.076, 0.19, -0.74, 0.057, 0.275, ....]
[0.39, -1.0, 0.12, -0.048, 0.476, 0.05, -0.086, 0.85, 0.292, ....]
The first 3 elements of each vector is normalized to unity (represents x,y,z coordinates), and the following 60 numbers are also normalized to unity and corresponds to some measurable attributes.
The program continues like:
layer1 = Dense(length(xtrain[1]),46,tanh); # setting 6 layers
layer2 = Dense(46,36,tanh) ;
layer3 = Dense(36,26,tanh) ;
layer4 = Dense(26,16,tanh) ;
layer5 = Dense(16,6,tanh) ;
layer6 = Dense(6,length(ytrain[1])) ;
m = Chain(layer1,layer2,layer3,layer4,layer5,layer6); # composing the layers
squaredCost(ym,y) = (1/2)*norm(y - ym).^2;
loss(x,y) = squaredCost(m(x),y); # define loss function
ps = Flux.params(m); # initializing mod.param.
opt = ADAM(0.01, (0.9, 0.8)); #
and finally:
itermax = 700; # set max number of iterations
losses = [];
for iter in 1:itermax
push!(losses, sum(loss.(xtrain,ytrain)));
It runs perfectly, however, it comes to my attention that as I train my model with an increasing data set(Nₜᵣ = 10,15,25, etc...), the loss function seams to increase. See the image below:
Where: y1: Nₜᵣ=10, y2: Nₜᵣ=15, y3: Nₜᵣ=25.
So, my main question:
Why is this happening?. I can not see an explanation for this behavior. Is this somehow expected?
Remarks: Note that
All elements from the training data set (input and output) are normalized to [-1,1].
I have not tryed changing the activ. functions
I have not tryed changing the optimization method
Considerations: I need a training data set of near 10000 input vectors, and so I am expecting an even worse scenario...
Some personal thoughts:
Am I arranging my training dataset correctly?. Say, If every single data vector is made of 63 numbers, is it correctly to group them in an array? and then pile them into an ´´´Array{Array{Float64,1},1}´´´?. I have no experience using NN and flux. How can I made a data set of 10000 I/O vectors differently? Can this be the issue?. (I am very inclined to this)
Can this behavior be related to the chosen act. functions? (I am not inclined to this)
Can this behavior be related to the opt. algorithm? (I am not inclined to this)
Am I training my model wrong?. Is the iteration loop really iterations or are they epochs. I am struggling to put(differentiate) this concept of "epochs" and "iterations" into practice.
loss(x,y) = squaredCost(m(x),y); # define loss function
Your losses aren't normalized, so adding more data can only increase this cost function. However, the cost per data doesn't seem to be increasing. To get rid of this effect, you might want to use a normalized cost function by doing something like using the mean squared cost.

How to build a recurrent neural net in Keras where each input goes through a layer first?

I'm trying to build an neural net in Keras that would look like this:
Where x_1, x_2, ... are input vectors that undergo the same transformation f. f is itself a layer whose parameters must be learned. The sequence length n is variable across instances.
I'm having trouble understanding two things here:
What should the input look like?
I'm thinking of a 2D tensor with shape (number_of_x_inputs, x_dimension), where x_dimension is the length of a single vector $x$. Can such 2D tensor have a variable shape? I know tensors can have variable shapes for batch processing, but I don't know if that helps me here.
How do I pass each input vector through the same transformation before feeding it to the RNN layer?
Is there a way to sort of extend for example a GRU so that an f layer is added before going through the actual GRU cell?
I'm not an expert, but I hope this helps.
Question 1:
Vectors x1, x2... xn can have different shapes, but I'm not sure if the instances of x1 can have different shapes. When I have different shapes I usually pad the short sequences with 0s.
Question 2:
I'm not sure about extending a GRU, but I would do something like this:
x_dims = [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]
n = 5
def network():
shared_f = Conv1D(5, 3, activation='relu')
shated_LSTM = LSTM(10)
inputs = []
to_concat = []
for i in range(n):
x_i = Input(shape=(x_dims[i], 1), name='x_' + str(i))
step1 = shared_f(x_i)
merged = concatenate(to_concat)
final = Dense(2, activation='softmax')(merged)
model = Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[final])
# model = Model(inputs=[sequence], outputs=[part1])
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
return model
m = network()
In this example, I used a Conv1D as the shared f transformation, but you could use something else (Embedding, etc.).

How to determine accuracy with triplet loss in a convolutional neural network

A Triplet network (inspired by "Siamese network") is comprised of 3 instances of the same feed-forward network (with shared parameters). When fed with 3 samples, the network outputs 2 intermediate values - the L2 (Euclidean) distances between the embedded representation of two of its inputs from
the representation of the third.
I'm using pairs of three images for feeding the network (x = anchor image, a standard image, x+ = positive image, an image containing the same object as x - actually, x+ is same class as x, and x- = negative image, an image with different class than x.
I'm using the triplet loss cost function described here.
How do I determine the network's accuracy?
I am assuming that your are doing work for image retrieval or similar tasks.
You should first generate some triplet, either randomly or using some hard (semi-hard) negative mining method. Then you split your triplet into train and validation set.
If you do it this way, then you can define your validation accuracy as proportion of the number of triplet in which feature distance between anchor and positive is less than that between anchor and negative in your validation triplet. You can see an example here which is written in PyTorch.
As another way, you can directly measure in term of your final testing metric. For example, for image retrieval, typically, we measure the performance of model on test set using mean average precision. If you use this metric, you should first define some queries on your validation set and their corresponding ground truth image.
Either of the above two metric is fine. Choose whatever you think fit your case.
So I am performing a similar task of using Triplet loss for classification. Here is how I used the novel loss method with a classifier.
First, train your model using the standard triplet loss function for N epochs. Once you are sure that the model ( we shall refer to this as the embedding generator) is trained, save the weights as we shall be using these weights ahead.
Let's say that your embedding generator is defined as:
class EmbeddingNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(EmbeddingNetwork, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(1, 64, (7,7), stride=(2,2), padding=(3,3)),
nn.MaxPool2d((3, 3), 2, padding=(1,1))
self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(64,64,(1,1), stride=(1,1)),
nn.Conv2d(64,192, (3,3), stride=(1,1), padding=(1,1)),
nn.MaxPool2d((3,3),2, padding=(1,1))
self.fullyConnected = nn.Sequential(
def forward(self,x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = self.fullyConnected(x)
return torch.nn.functional.normalize(x, p=2, dim=-1)
Now we shall using this embedding generator to create another classifier, fit the weights we saved before to this part of the network and then freeze this part so our classifier trainer does not interfere with the triplet model. This can be done as:
class classifierNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, EmbeddingNet):
super(classifierNet, self).__init__()
self.embeddingLayer = EmbeddingNet
self.classifierLayer = nn.Linear(128,62)
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.5)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.dropout(self.embeddingLayer(x))
x = self.classifierLayer(x)
return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)
Now we shall load the weights we saved before and freeze them using:
embeddingNetwork = EmbeddingNetwork().to(device)
classifierNetwork = classifierNet(embeddingNetwork)
Now train this classifier network using the standard classification losses like BinaryCrossEntropy or CrossEntropy.

Fitting a sine wave with Keras and PYMC3 yields unexpected results

I've been trying to fit a sine curve with a keras (theano backend) model using pymc3. I've been using this [] as a reference point.
A Keras implementation alone fit using optimization does a good job, however Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Variational sampling from pymc3 is not fitting the data. The trace is stuck at where the prior is initiated. When I move the prior the posterior moves to the same spot. The posterior predictive of the bayesian model in cell 59 is barely getting the sine wave, whereas the non-bayesian fit model gets it near perfect in cell 63. I created a notebook here: which shows the code and the results.
Here is a snippet of the model below...
class GaussWeights(object):
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
def __call__(self, shape, name='w'):
return pm.Normal(
name, mu=0, sd=.1,
def build_ann(x, y, init):
with pm.Model() as m:
i = Input(tensor=x, shape=x.get_value().shape[1:])
m = i
m = Dense(4, init=init, activation='tanh')(m)
m = Dense(1, init=init, activation='tanh')(m)
sigma = pm.Normal('sigma', 0, 1, transform=None)
out = pm.Normal('out',
m, 1,
observed=y, transform=None)
return out
with pm.Model() as neural_network:
likelihood = build_ann(input_var, target_var, GaussWeights())
# v_params = pm.variational.advi(
# n=300, learning_rate=.4
# )
# trace = pm.variational.sample_vp(v_params, draws=2000)
start = pm.find_MAP(fmin=scipy.optimize.fmin_powell)
step = pm.HamiltonianMC(scaling=start)
trace = pm.sample(1000, step, progressbar=True)
The model contains normal noise with a fixed std of 1:
out = pm.Normal('out', m, 1, observed=y)
but the dataset does not. It is only natural that the predictive posterior does not match the dataset, they were generated in a very different way. To make it more realistic you could add noise to your dataset, and then estimate sigma:
mu = pm.Deterministic('mu', m)
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=1)
pm.Normal('y', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=y)
What you are doing right now is similar to taking the output from the network and adding standard normal noise.
A couple of unrelated comments:
out is not the likelihood, it is just the dataset again.
If you use HamiltonianMC instead of NUTS, you need to set the step size and the integration time yourself. The defaults are not usually useful.
Seems like keras changed in 2.0 and this way of combining pymc3 and keras does not seem to work anymore.