Creating range from normal collection index and reversed collection index - swift

(Simplified example of a bigger problem. Yes, I know that this specific dumbed down example can be solved in much easier ways.)
I have a collection containing some ASCII code points of which I'd like to remove leading and trailing spaces.
func foo<T: BidirectionalCollection>(_ buffer: T) -> String
where T.Iterator.Element == UInt8,
T.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == T.Iterator.Element
if let valueStart = buffer.index(where: { $0 != 0x20 /* SP */ }),
let valueEnd = buffer.reversed().index(where: { $0 != 0x20 /* SP */ })
return String(bytes: buffer[valueStart ... valueEnd], encoding: .utf8)!
} else {
return ""
However, I get this error:
error: binary operator '...' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T.Index' and 'ReversedIndex'
The documentation of BidirectionalCollection states:
If you need a reversed collection of the same type, you may be able to use the collection's sequence-based or collection-based initializer.
However, when I try embedding buffer.reversed() in a T(), I get this error:
error: 'T' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
Because, apparently, the initializers are defined somewhere else.
In the end, I don't need the whole reversed collection to be of a certain type. I just want to be able to build ranges from the original collection's indices and the corresponding reversed collection's indices.
What am I overlooking here?

In order to get the index for the underlying collection from a ReversedIndex, you can simply use its base property.
Although note that because of the way ReversedCollection is implemented, this will actually return the index above the given index in the base collection (as startIndex is mapped to endIndex – which is a 'past the end' index).
Therefore you can simply use a half-open range operator ..< in order to make this index the non-inclusive upper bound:
func foo<T: BidirectionalCollection>(_ buffer: T) -> String
where T.Iterator.Element == UInt8,
T.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == T.Iterator.Element
if let valueStart = buffer.index(where: {$0 != 0x20}),
let valueEnd = buffer.reversed().index(where: {$0 != 0x20})?.base
// goes without saying that this will crash if String(bytes:encoding:) returns nil.
return String(bytes: buffer[valueStart ..< valueEnd], encoding: .utf8)!
} else {
return ""
Or, in cases where you need to work with the index itself, you could use Optional's map(_:) method in conjunction with the collection's index(before:) method to get the index before:
let index = (buffer.reversed().index{ $0 != 0x20 }?.base).map{ buffer.index(before: $0) }


"Array index is out of range:" when get a range from an array

I have an array anArray and I want to create a sub array by specifying a range range, like:
var range: Range<Int>
guard let slice = anArray[range] else {
return nil
I run into a problem where the code throws an "Array index is out of range:" exception.
var range: Range<Int>
guard range.upperBound > anArray.count - 1 else {
return nil
guard let slice = anArray[range] else {
return nil
But I see get the Array out of range exception. Can you please tell me what did I miss?
Your operator is backwards, the guard should be ensuring
guard range.upperBound <= anArray.count - 1 else { ...
not >
(The guard will skip the else block if its condition is true - it isn't an if, it's an else).
Besides the fact that you were using the wrong operator beware that not all collections starts at zero and not all collections have all elements up to its index before the endIndex. Thats the case of the result of your subscription which returns an ArraySlice. You should always check the collection indices, not its count. Resuming you should check if your range fits within the collection indices. Check this post. Note that RandomAccessCollection's subscript does NOT return an optional, it would crash if you pass an invalid range.
guard range.clamped(to: anArray.indices) == range else {
return nil
let slice = anArray[range]

Data.subdata(in:) results in EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION

While trying to retrieve subdata of a Data object, the application crashes issuing the following error:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
Below you can see the code. It's a Data extension. Hope someone can explain why this crashes.
public extension Data {
/// Removes and returns the range of data at the specified position.
/// - Parameter range: The range to remove. `range` must be valid
/// for the collection and should not exceed the collection's end index.
/// - Returns: The removed data.
mutating func remove(at range: Range<Data.Index>) -> Self {
precondition(range.lowerBound >= 0, "Range invalid, lower bound cannot be below 0")
precondition(range.upperBound < self.count, "Range invalid, upper bound exceeds data size")
let removal = subdata(in: range) // <- Error occurs here
return removal
EDIT - added the caller functions:
This extension is called from the following function:
func temporary(data: inout Data) -> Data {
let _ = data.removeFirst()
return data.remove(range: 0 ..< 3)
Which in turn is called like this:
var data = Data([0,1,2,3,4,5])
let subdata = temporary(data: &data)
You haven't provided enough information for us to know the reason of your crash. One thing that I know that is wrong in your method is your precondition. You wont be able to pass a range to remove all elements of your collection. Besides that you should implement a generic method that would take a RangeExpression instead of a Range. This is how I would implement such method:
extension Data {
/// Removes and returns the range of data at the specified position.
/// - Parameter range: The range to remove. `range` must be valid
/// for the collection and should not exceed the collection's end index.
/// - Returns: The removed data.
mutating func remove<R>(_ range: R) -> Data where R: RangeExpression, Index == R.Bound {
defer { removeSubrange(range) }
return subdata(in: range.relative(to: self))
var data = Data([0,1,2,3,4,5])
let subdata = data.remove(0..<6)
print(Array(data), Array(subdata)) // "[] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n"
To check if your data indices contains a specific range before attempting to remove you can use pattern-matching operator:
var data = Data([0,1,2,3,4,5])
let range = 0..<7
if data.indices ~= range {
let subdata = data.remove(range)
print(Array(data), Array(subdata))
} else {
print("invalid subrange") // "invalid subrange\n"
If you would like to do the same with a ClosedRange you would need to implement your own pattern-matching operator on Range:
extension Range {
static func ~=(lhs: Self, rhs: ClosedRange<Bound>) -> Bool {
lhs.contains(rhs.lowerBound) && lhs.contains(rhs.upperBound)
var data = Data([0,1,2,3,4,5])
let range = 0...5
if data.indices ~= range {
let subdata = data.remove(range)
print(Array(data), Array(subdata)) // "[] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n"
} else {
print("invalid subrange")
The error is caused by the removeFirst function. The documentation clearly states:
Calling this method may invalidate all saved indices of this collection. Do not rely on a previously stored index value after altering a collection with any operation that can change its length.
It appears that is exactly what is causing my error. I have replaced removeFirst with remove(at:) and it now works.

Swift 4 Substring Crash

I'm a little confused about the best practices for Swift 4 string manipulation.
How do you handle the following:
let str = "test"
let start = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
Thread 1: Fatal error: cannot increment beyond endIndex
Imagine that you do not know the length of the variable 'str' above. And since 'start' is not an optional value, what is the best practice to prevent that crash?
If you use the variation with limitedBy parameter, that will return an optional value:
if let start = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7, limitedBy: str.endIndex) {
That will gracefully detect whether the offset moves the index past the endIndex. Obviously, handle this optional however best in your scenario (if let, guard let, nil coalescing operator, etc.).
Your code doesn't do any range checking:
let str = "test"
let start = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
Write a function that tests the length of the string first. In fact, you could create an extension on String that lets you use integer subscripts, and returns a Character?:
extension String {
//Allow string[Int] subscripting. WARNING: Slow O(n) performance
subscript(index: Int) -> Character? {
guard index < self.count else { return nil }
return self[self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: index)]
This code:
var str = "test"
print("str[7] = \"\(str[7])\"")
Would display:
str[7] = "nil"
Be aware, as Alexander pointed out in a comment below, that the subscript extension above has up to O(n) performance (it takes longer and longer as the index value goes up, up to the length of the string.)
If you need to loop through all the characters in a string code like this:
for i in str.count { doSomething(string: str[i]) }
would have O(n^2) (Or n-squared) performance, which is really, really bad. in that case, you should instead first convert the string to an array of characters:
let chars = Array(str.characters)
for i in chars.count { doSomething(string: chars[i]) }
for aChar in chars { //do something with aChar }
With that code you pay the O(n) time cost of converting the string to an array of characters once, and then you can do operations on the array of characters with maximum speed. The downside of that approach is that it would more than double the memory requirements.

swift generics return first and last element

I'm trying to get used to generics (never used them in objc) and want to write a toy function that takes an object of any type () and returns the first and last element. Hypothetically, I'd only use this on an array or a string - I keep getting an error that has no subscript members. I totally understand that the error message is telling me swift has no clue that T may potentially hold a type that does have subscripts - I just want to know how to get around this.
func firstAndLastFromCollection<T>(a:T?) {
var count: Int = 0
for item in a as! [AnyObject] {
if count>1 {
var first = a?[0]
var last = a?[count-1]
return (first, last)
return something else here
Do I need to typecast somewhere here (which would kind of defeat the purpose here, as I'd need to downcast as either a string or an array, adding code and lessening how generic this func is)?
If you want to return the first and the last element then it's probably safe assuming the input param is an array of some kind of type.
So you can implement your function this way
func firstAndLast<T>(list:[T]) -> (first:T, last:T)? {
guard let first = list.first, last = list.last else { return nil }
return (first, last)
The function does return a tuple of 2 element, both have the same type of the generic element of the input array.
The returned tuple is an option because if the array is empty then nil is returned.
let nums = firstAndLast([1,2,3,4])
let words = firstAndLast(["One", "Two", "Three"])
As you can verify the type of the generic element into the array becomes the type of the elements inside the tuple.
In the example above nums is inferred to be (Int, Int)? and words (Words, Words)?
More examples
let emptyList: [String] = []
firstAndLast(emptyList) // nil
Finally you can also write this code as an extension of Array.
extension Array {
var firstAndLast: (first:Element, last:Element)? {
guard let first = self.first, last = self.last else { return nil }
return (first, last)
Now you can write
let aCoupleOfShows = ["Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul", "Mr Robot"].firstAndLast
Again, if you check the type of the constant aCoupleOfShows you'll see that is a (first: String, last: String)?. Swift automatically did infer the correct type.
Last example
In the comments you said you wanted the first and last chars of a String. here it is the code if you use the extension above
if let chars = Array("Hello world".characters).firstAndLast {
print("First char is \(chars.first), last char is \(chars.last) ")
//>> First char is H, last char is d
If we are talking about collections, let's use the CollectionType:
func firstAndLastFromCollection<T: CollectionType>(a: T) -> (T.Generator.Element, T.Generator.Element)? {
guard !a.isEmpty else {
return nil
return (a.first!, a.lazy.reverse().first!)
print(firstAndLastFromCollection(["a", "b", "c"])) // ("a", "c")
print(firstAndLastFromCollection("abc".characters)) // ("a", "c")
print(firstAndLastFromCollection(0..<200)) // (0, 199)
print(firstAndLastFromCollection([] as [String])) // nil
If you specify your generic type to also conform to bidirectional index:
func firstAndLastFromCollection<T: CollectionType where T.Index : BidirectionalIndexType>(...) -> ...
then you can call last directly:
return (a.first!, a.last!)
If we decide to implement it using a category, we don't need generics at all:
extension CollectionType {
func firstAndLast() -> (Generator.Element, Generator.Element)? {
guard !self.isEmpty else {
return nil
return (self.first!, self.lazy.reverse().first!)
extension CollectionType where Index: BidirectionalIndexType {
func firstAndLast() -> (Generator.Element, Generator.Element)? {
guard !self.isEmpty else {
return nil
return (self.first!, self.last!)
Swift is a protocol oriented language. Usually you will find yourself extend protocols more than extending classes or structs.

Swift Array - Check if an index exists

In Swift, is there any way to check if an index exists in an array without a fatal error being thrown?
I was hoping I could do something like this:
let arr: [String] = ["foo", "bar"]
let str: String? = arr[1]
if let str2 = arr[2] as String? {
// this wouldn't run
} else {
// this would be run
But I get
fatal error: Array index out of range
An elegant way in Swift:
let isIndexValid = array.indices.contains(index)
Type extension:
extension Collection {
subscript(optional i: Index) -> Iterator.Element? {
return self.indices.contains(i) ? self[i] : nil
Using this you get an optional value back when adding the keyword optional to your index which means your program doesn't crash even if the index is out of range. In your example:
let arr = ["foo", "bar"]
let str1 = arr[optional: 1] // --> str1 is now Optional("bar")
if let str2 = arr[optional: 2] {
print(str2) // --> this still wouldn't run
} else {
print("No string found at that index") // --> this would be printed
Just check if the index is less than the array size:
if 2 < arr.count {
} else {
Add some extension sugar:
extension Collection {
subscript(safe index: Index) -> Iterator.Element? {
guard indices.contains(index) else { return nil }
return self[index]
if let item = ["a", "b", "c", "d"][safe: 3] { print(item) } // Output: "d"
// or with guard:
guard let anotherItem = ["a", "b", "c", "d"][safe: 3] else { return }
print(anotherItem) // "d"
Enhances readability when doing if let style coding in conjunction with arrays
the best way.
let reqIndex = array.indices.contains(index)
Swift 4 extension:
For me i prefer like method.
// MARK: - Extension Collection
extension Collection {
/// Get at index object
/// - Parameter index: Index of object
/// - Returns: Element at index or nil
func get(at index: Index) -> Iterator.Element? {
return self.indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
Thanks to #Benno Kress
You can rewrite this in a safer way to check the size of the array, and use a ternary conditional:
if let str2 = (arr.count > 2 ? arr[2] : nil) as String?
Asserting if an array index exist:
This methodology is great if you don't want to add extension sugar:
let arr = [1,2,3]
if let fourthItem = (3 < arr.count ? arr[3] : nil ) {
Swift.print("fourthItem: \(fourthItem)")
}else if let thirdItem = (2 < arr.count ? arr[2] : nil) {
Swift.print("thirdItem: \(thirdItem)")
//Output: thirdItem: 3
extension Array {
func isValidIndex(_ index : Int) -> Bool {
return index < self.count
let array = ["a","b","c","d"]
func testArrayIndex(_ index : Int) {
guard array.isValidIndex(index) else {
print("Handle array index Out of bounds here")
It's work for me to handle indexOutOfBounds.
Swift 4 and 5 extension:
As for me I think this is the safest solution:
public extension MutableCollection {
subscript(safe index: Index) -> Element? {
get {
return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
set(newValue) {
if let newValue = newValue, indices.contains(index) {
self[index] = newValue
let array = ["foo", "bar"]
if let str = array[safe: 1] {
print(str) // "bar"
} else {
print("index out of range")
I believe the existing answers could be improved further because this function could be needed in multiple places within a codebase (code smell when repeating common operations). So thought of adding my own implementation, with reasoning for why I considered this approach (efficiency is an important part of good API design, and should be preferred where possible as long as readability is not too badly affected). In addition to enforcing good Object-Oriented design with a method on the type itself, I think Protocol Extensions are great and we can make the existing answers even more Swifty. Limiting the extension is great because you don’t create code you don’t use. Making the code cleaner and extensible can often make maintenance easier, but there are trade-offs (succinctness being the one I thought of first).
So, you can note that if you'd ONLY like to use the extension idea for reusability but prefer the contains method referenced above you can rework this answer. I have tried to make this answer flexible for different uses.
You can use a more efficient algorithm (Space and Time) and make it extensible using a protocol extension with generic constraints:
extension Collection where Element: Numeric { // Constrain only to numerical collections i.e Int, CGFloat, Double and NSNumber
func isIndexValid(index: Index) -> Bool {
return self.endIndex > index && self.startIndex <= index
// Usage
let checkOne = digits.isIndexValid(index: index)
let checkTwo = [1,2,3].isIndexValid(index: 2)
Deep Dive
#Manuel's answer is indeed very elegant but it uses an additional layer of indirection (see here). The indices property acts like a CountableRange<Int> under the hood created from the startIndex and endIndex without reason for this problem (marginally higher Space Complexity, especially if the String is long). That being said, the Time Complexity should be around the same as a direct comparison between the endIndex and startIndex properties because N = 2 even though contains(_:) is O(N) for Collections (Ranges only have two properties for the start and end indices).
For the best Space and Time Complexity, more extensibility and only marginally longer code, I would recommend using the following:
extension Collection {
func isIndexValid(index: Index) -> Bool {
return self.endIndex > index && self.startIndex <= index
Note here how I've used startIndex instead of 0 - this is to support ArraySlices and other SubSequence types. This was another motivation to post a solution.
Example usage:
let check = digits.isIndexValid(index: index)
For Collections in general, it's pretty hard to create an invalid Index by design in Swift because Apple has restricted the initializers for associatedtype Index on Collection - ones can only be created from an existing valid Collection.Index (like startIndex).
That being said, it's common to use raw Int indices for Arrays because there are many instances when you need to check random Array indices. So you may want to limit the method to fewer structs...
Limit Method Scope
You will notice that this solution works across all Collection types (extensibility), but you can restrict this to Arrays only if you want to limit the scope for your particular app (for example, if you don't want the added String method because you don't need it).
extension Array {
func isIndexValid(index: Index) -> Bool {
return self.endIndex > index && self.startIndex <= index
For Arrays, you don't need to use an Index type explicitly:
let check = [1,2,3].isIndexValid(index: 2)
Feel free to adapt the code here for your own use cases, there are many types of other Collections e.g. LazyCollections. You can also use generic constraints, for example:
extension Collection where Element: Numeric {
func isIndexValid(index: Index) -> Bool {
return self.endIndex > index && self.startIndex <= index
This limits the scope to Numeric Collections, but you can use String explicitly as well conversely. Again it's better to limit the function to what you specifically use to avoid code creep.
Referencing the method across different modules
The compiler already applies multiple optimizations to prevent generics from being a problem in general, but these don't apply when the code is being called from a separate module. For cases like that, using #inlinable can give you interesting performance boosts at the cost of an increased framework binary size. In general, if you're really into improving performance and want to encapsulate the function in a separate Xcode target for good SOC, you can try:
extension Collection where Element: Numeric {
// Add this signature to the public header of the extensions module as well.
#inlinable public func isIndexValid(index: Index) -> Bool {
return self.endIndex > index && self.startIndex <= index
I can recommend trying out a modular codebase structure, I think it helps to ensure Single Responsibility (and SOLID) in projects for common operations. We can try following the steps here and that is where we can use this optimisation (sparingly though). It's OK to use the attribute for this function because the compiler operation only adds one extra line of code per call site but it can improve performance further since a method is not added to the call stack (so doesn’t need to be tracked). This is useful if you need bleeding-edge speed, and you don’t mind small binary size increases. (-: Or maybe try out the new XCFrameworks (but be careful with the ObjC runtime compatibility for < iOS 13).
I think we should add this extension to every project in Swift
extension Collection {
#inlinable func isValid(position: Self.Index) -> Bool {
return (startIndex..<endIndex) ~= position
#inlinable func isValid(bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Bool {
return (startIndex..<endIndex) ~= bounds.upperBound
#inlinable subscript(safe position: Self.Index) -> Self.Element? {
guard isValid(position: position) else { return nil }
return self[position]
#inlinable subscript(safe bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence? {
guard isValid(bounds: bounds) else { return nil }
return self[bounds]
extension MutableCollection {
#inlinable subscript(safe position: Self.Index) -> Self.Element? {
get {
guard isValid(position: position) else { return nil }
return self[position]
set {
guard isValid(position: position), let newValue = newValue else { return }
self[position] = newValue
#inlinable subscript(safe bounds: Range<Self.Index>) -> Self.SubSequence? {
get {
guard isValid(bounds: bounds) else { return nil }
return self[bounds]
set {
guard isValid(bounds: bounds), let newValue = newValue else { return }
self[bounds] = newValue
note that my isValid(position:) and isValid(bounds:) functions is of a complexity O(1), unlike most of the answers below, which uses the contains(_:) method which is of a complexity O(n)
Example usage:
let arr = ["a","b"]
print(arr[safe: 2] ?? "nil") // output: nil
print(arr[safe: 1..<2] ?? "nil") // output: nil
var arr2 = ["a", "b"]
arr2[safe: 2] = "c"
print(arr2[safe: 2] ?? "nil") // output: nil
arr2[safe: 1..<2] = ["c","d"]
print(arr[safe: 1..<2] ?? "nil") // output: nil