WebView With Java Applet - applet

I have a web page with java applet component inside, working properly on Internet Explorer 11 and trying to load same page in Xaml Webview, but it shows that this browser doesn't support applets, so I need to load this web page with applet component inside WebView.
Note: The Internet Explorer is the default browser on my machine.

but it shows that this browser doesn't support applets
Please refer to the Remarks part of WebView class:
In apps compiled for Windows 10, WebView uses the Microsoft Edge rendering engine to display HTML content. In apps compiled for Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, WebView uses Internet Explorer 11 in document mode. It does not support any ActiveX controls or plugins like Microsoft Silverlight or Portable Document Format (PDF) files.


What browser opens a PWA when it is launched from home screen app icon

I am examining PWA and Web Components technologies recently. As far as I have learned now Web Components is a new suit of tech,
Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, HTML Templates and HTML imports. Together with those Web Components enabling techs Web App Manifest, Service Workers, and certain performance improvement techniques used to make what is called as Progressive Web Applications.
What I wonder is when one "Adds to Home Screen" an application in a certain web browser what is the browser that opens it when it is launched from its home screen icon? Is it the browser it has been added to home screen from, or it is the default browser of the system no matter which browser it has been added to home screen from, or it is just a generic web view available on the host operating system at the moment like the one used in native web applications?
Lastly, is it possible for a developer coding her/his app to choose one?
Currently, for me, these combinations open a new "Standalone" window
I believe Android/Chrome is the only one that installs a WebApk
All the others are just shortcuts to open your website in that browser without the normal browser navigation items
I know of no options for the developer for how the shortcut opens your PWA
Android 8.10 - Chrome 67
Android 8.10 - Chrome (beta) 68
Android 8.10 - Edge 42
Android 8.10 - Opera 43
iOS 11.4 (simulator) - Safari
As test I created app shortcut of site https://pwa.rocks from browser:
and found that there were 3 different shortcut created for each of the browser. Launching each shortcut resulted in opening the respective browser that created it.
I believe there is no way of changing the default browser to launch the app by coding something in the app. I could not find a way of doing that, if someone knows how to do it, I will be interested to know about it
Here is similar question: What browser will PWA (Progressive Web App) use after adding to home screen?

How to make a REST API chrome extension

I want to make an extension that uses REST API. This extension should receive word fields in address https://api.datamuse.com/words?ml=book.
I would start by reading how to develop Chrome extensions here.
"Extensions are small software programs that can modify and enhance the functionality of the Chrome browser. You write them using web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
A screenshot of an extension's icon in the browser bar Extensions have little to no user interface. For example, the image to the right shows the icon that provides the UI for the Google Mail Checker extension.
Extensions bundle all their files into a single file that the user downloads and installs. This bundling means that, unlike ordinary web apps, extensions don't need to depend on content from the web.
You can distribute your extension using the Chrome Developer Dashboard to publish to the Chrome Web Store. For more information, see the store developer documentation. "

Browser preview in Netbeans

I see in many videos how the web applications are run on server in Exclipse and are previewed inside the IDE, without opening the actual browser. Is that possible in Netbeans?
Yes, that is possible. From the menu go to Tools->Options. In the General tab you see the Web Browser setting. Select the Embedded WebKit Browser.

Where is the rubymine embedded Web Preview?

Among the features the rubymine's page mentions:
Context toolbar opening the page preview in a browser or in an embedded Web Preview.
I would like to have the web preview in the IDE, is it possible?
There used to be a web preview, but it was removed from the product a long time ago because it had a lot of problems. Right now you have to use an external browser.

How do I test web pages opened in an Eclipse internal browser view.

We are developing an Eclipse plugin that opens web pages in a view using the Eclipse web browser (typically IE on Windows).
Are there any testing tools that support Eclipse (to drive the parts using Eclipse/RCP) and also able to drive the web browser views.
At a minimum I'd want to be able to get elements by ID or xpath, and to send click events to elements in the browser.
We know Quick Test Pro doesnt do this, and can't see anything that explicitly supports Eclipse web browser views.
You can check with QFS , we used this tool for SWT/JFace UI automation and this tool also supports web. You can to check if this supports your test case.