Plot a matrix in graph with two axis in matlab - matlab

I need to plot a NxN matrix 'M' full of zeros, but only show the cases where m(x,y) is different from 0.
t_max = 10; % set the maximum number of iterations
n = 10; % dimension n*n
d = 1; % the probability of changing place
x = randi([1 n]); % random row
y = randi([1 n]); % random column
grid = zeros(10); % set an empty gride n*n
grid(x,y) = 1; % put an agent in a random place
for t=1:t_max
newgrid = randomwalk1(grid,d); % call the function random walk for one agent
I tried image(m) but it's not giving satisfying results since I need also to keep track of the element that is different to 0, hold on doesn't work in this case.

You are looking for the spy() function. Just type spy(m) and see what happens.


Directional artifacts in MATLAB randn arrays?

I'm generating 3d fractal noise in MATLAB using a variety of methods. It's working relatively well, but I'm having an issue where I see vertical striping artifacts in my noise. This happens regardless of what data type or resolution I use.
Edit: I figured it out. The solution is posted as an answer below. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and guidance!
expo = 2^6;
dims = [expo,expo,expo];
beta = -4.5;
render = randnd(beta, dims); % Create volumetric fractal
render = render - min(render); % Set floor to zero
render = render ./ max(render); % Set ceiling to one
%render = imbinarize(render); % BW Threshold option
render = render .* 255; % For greyscale
slicer = 1; % Turn on image slicer/saver
i = 0; % Page counter
format = '.png';
imagename = '___testDump/slice';
imshow(render(:,:,1),[0 255]); %Single test image
if slicer == 1
for c = 1:length(render)
i = i+1;
pagenumber = num2str(i);
filename = [imagename, pagenumber, format];
function X = randnd(beta,varargin)
seed = 999;
rng(seed); % Set seed
%% X = randnd(beta,varargin)
% Based on similar functions by Jon Yearsley and Hristo Zhivomirov
% Written by Marcin Konowalczyk
% Timmel Group # Oxford University
%% Parse the input
narginchk(0,Inf); nargoutchk(0,1);
if nargin < 2 || isempty(beta); beta = 0; end % Default to white noise
assert(isnumeric(beta) && isequal(size(beta),[1 1]),'''beta'' must be a number');
assert(-6 <= beta && beta <= 6,'''beta'' out of range'); % Put on reasonable bounds
%% Generate N-dimensional white noise with 'randn'
X = randn(varargin{:});
if isempty(X); return; end; % Usually happens when size vector contains zeros
% Squeeze prevents an error if X has more than one leading singleton dimension
% This is a slight deviation from the pure functionality of 'randn'
X = squeeze(X);
% Return if white noise is requested
if beta == 0; return; end;
%% Generate corresponding N-dimensional matrix of multipliers
N = size(X);
% Create matrix of multipliers (M) of X in the frequency domain
M = [];
for j = 1:length(N)
n = N(j);
if (rem(n,2)~=0) % if n is odd
% Nyquist frequency bin does not show up in odd-numbered fft
k = ifftshift(-(n-1)/2:(n-1)/2);
k = ifftshift(-n/2:n/2-1);
% Spectral multipliers
m = (k.^2)';
if isempty(M);
M = m;
% Create the permutation vector
M_perm = circshift(1:length(size(M))+1,[0 1]);
% Permute a singleton dimension to the beginning of M
M = permute(M,M_perm);
% Add m along the first dimension of M
M = bsxfun(#plus,M,m);
% Reverse M to match X (since new dimensions were being added form the left)
M = permute(M,length(size(M)):-1:1);
assert(isequal(size(M),size(X)),'Bad programming error'); % This should never occur
% Shape the amplitude multipliers by beta/4 which corresponds to shaping the power by beta
M = M.^(beta/4);
% Set the DC component to zero
M(1,1) = 0;
%% Multiply X by M in frequency domain
Xstd = std(X(:));
Xmean = mean(X(:));
X = real(ifftn(fftn(X).*M));
% Force zero mean unity standard deviation
X = X - mean(X(:));
X = X./std(X(:));
% Restore the standard deviation and mean from before the spectral shaping.
% This ensures the random sample from randn is truly random. After all, if
% the mean was always exactly zero it would not be all that random.
X = X + Xmean;
X = X.*Xstd;
Here is my solution:
My "min/max" code (lines 6 and 7) was bad. I wanted to divide all values in the matrix by the single largest value in the matrix so that all values would be between 0 and 1. Because I used max() improperly, I was stepping through the max value of each column and using that as my divisor; thus the vertical stripes.
In the end this is what my code looks like. X is the 3 dimensional matrix:
minVal = min(X,[],'all'); % Get the lowest value in the entire matrix
X = X - minVal; % Set min value to zero
maxVal = max(X,[],'all'); % Get the highest value in the entire matrix
X = X ./ maxVal; % Set max value to one

Creating graphs that show the distribution in space of a large number of 2D Random Walks at three different time points

So essentially I have this code here that I can use to generate a 2D Random Walk discretely along N number of steps with M number of walkers. I can plot them all on the same graph here.
N = 500; % Length of the x-axis, also known as the length of the random walks.
M = 3; % The amount of random walks.
x_t(1) = 0;
y_t(1) = 0;
for m=1:M
for n = 1:N % Looping all values of N into x_t(n).
A = sign(randn); % Generates either +1/-1 depending on the SIGN of RAND.
x_t(n+1) = x_t(n) + A;
A = sign(randn); % Generates either +1/-1 depending on the SIGN of RAND.
y_t(n+1) = y_t(n) + A;
plot(x_t, y_t);
hold on
grid on;
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Outerposition', [0, 0.05, 1, 0.95]);
axis square;
Now, I want to be able to Create graphs that show the distribution in space of the positions of a large number
(e.g. n = 1000) random walkers, at three different time points (e.g. t = 100, 200 and 300 or any three time points really).
I'm not sure how to go about this, I need to turn this into a function and iterate it through itself three different times and store the coordinates? I have a rough idea but iffy on actually implementing. I'd assume the safest and least messy way would be to use subplot() to create all three plots together in the same figure.
Appreciate any assistance!
You can use cumsum to linearize the process. Basically you only want to cumsum a random matrix composed of [-1 and 1].
close all;
M = 50; % The amount of random walks.
steps = [10,200,1000]; % here we analyse the step 10,200 and 1000
cc = hsv(length(steps)); % manage the color of the plot
%generation of each random walk
x = sign(randn(max(steps),M));
y = sign(randn(max(steps),M));
xs = cumsum(x);
xval = xs(steps,:);
ys = cumsum(y);
yval = ys(steps,:);
hold on
for n=1:length(steps)
axis square
grid on;
Thanks to #LuisMendo that answered my question here, you can use a binomial distribution to get the same result:
steps = [10,200,10000];
cc = hsv(length(steps)); % manage the color of the plot
M = 50;
DV = [-1 1];
p = .5; % probability of DV(2)
% Using the #LuisMendo binomial solution:
for ii = 1:length(steps)
SDUDx(ii,:) = (DV(2)-DV(1))*binornd(steps(ii), p, M, 1)+DV(1)*steps(ii);
SDUDy(ii,:) = (DV(2)-DV(1))*binornd(steps(ii), p, M, 1)+DV(1)*steps(ii);
hold on
for n=1:length(steps)
axis square
grid on;
What is the advantage ? Even if you have a big number of steps, let's say 1000000, matlab can handle it. Because in the first solution you have a bruteforce solution, and in the second case a statistical solution.
If you want to show the distribution of a large number, say 1000, of these points, I would say the most suitable way of plotting is as a 'point cloud' using scatter. Then you create an array of N points for both the x and the y coordinate, and let it compute the coordinate in a loop for i = 1:Nt, where Nt will be 100, 200, or 300 as you describe. Something along the lines of the following:
N = 500;
x_t = zeros(N,1);
y_t = zeros(N,1);
Nt = 100;
for tidx = 1:Nt
x_t = x_t + sign(randn(N,1));
y_t = y_t + sign(randn(N,1));
This will give you N x and y coordinates generated in the same way as in the sample you provided.
One thing to keep in mind is that sign(0)=0, so I suppose there is a chance (admittedly a small one) of not altering the coordinate. I am not sure if you intended this behaviour to be possible (a walker standing still)?
I will demonstrate the 1-dimensional case for clarity; you only need to implement this for each dimension you add.
Model N steps for M walkers using an NxM matrix.
>> N = 5;
>> M = 4;
>> steps = sign(randn(N,M));
steps =
1 1 1 1
-1 1 -1 1
1 -1 -1 -1
1 1 -1 1
1 -1 -1 -1
For plotting, it is useful to make a second NxM matrix s containing the updated positions after each step, where s(N,M) gives the position of walker M after N steps.
Use cumsum to vectorize instead of looping.
>> s = cumsum(steps)
s =
1 1 1 1
0 2 0 2
1 1 -1 1
2 2 -2 2
3 1 -3 1
To prevent plot redraw after each new line, use hold on.
>> figure; hold on
>> plot(1:N, s(1:N, 1:M), 'marker', '.', 'markersize', 20, 'linewidth', 3)
>> xlabel('Number of steps'); ylabel('Position')
The output plot looks like this: picture
This method scales very well to 2- and 3-dimensional random walks.

Generating random diagonally dominant dense/sparse matrices in matlab

Is there a matlab command for generating a random n by n matrix, with elements taken in the interval [0,1], with x% of the entries on the off-diagonal to be 0. Then, additionally setting the element in the diagonal to be the sum of every element in its respective column? In order to create a diagonally dominant dense/sparse matrix? This may be easy enough to write a code for but I was wondering if there was already a built in function with this capability.
I am new to Matlab/programming so this was an easier said than done. I'm having trouble making the matrix with the percentage ignoring the diagonal. It's a n x n matrix, so there are $n^2$ entries, with n of them on the diagonal, I want the percentage of zeros to be taken from $n^2 - n$ elements, i.e. all the off-diagonal elements. I cannot implement this correctly. I do not know how to initialize my M (see below) to correspond correctly.
% Enter percentage as a decimal
function [M] = DiagDomSparse(n,x)
M = rand(n);
disp("Original matrix");
x = sum(M);
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if(i == j)
M(i,j) = x(i);
Here is one approach that you could use. I'm sure you will get some other answers now with a more clever approach, but I like to keep things simple and understandable.
What I'm doing below is creating the data to be put in the off-diagonal elements first. I create an empty matrix and copy this data into the off-diagonal elements using linear indexing. Now I can compute the sum of columns and write those into the diagonal elements using linear indexing again. Because the matrix was initialized to zero, the diagonal elements are still zero when I compute the sum of columns, so they don't interfere.
n = 5;
x = 0.3; % fraction of zeros in off-diagonal
k = round(n*(n-1)*x); % number of zeros in off-diagonal
data = randn(n*(n-1)-k,1); % random numbers, pick your distribution here!
data = [data;zeros(k,1)]; % the k zeros
data = data(randperm(length(data))); % shuffle
diag_index = 1:n+1:n*n; % linear index to all diagonal elements
offd_index = setdiff(1:n*n,diag_index); % linear index to all other elements
M = zeros(n,n);
M(offd_index) = data; % set off-diagonal elements to data
M(diag_index) = sum(M,1); % set diagonal elements to sum of columns
To refer to the diagonal you want eye(n,'logical'). Here is a solution:
M = rand(n);
disp("Original matrix");
x = sum(M);
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if(i == j)
M(i,j) = x(i);
disp('loop solution:')
disp('eye solution:')

Matlab's hist3, which axis corresponds to X and which one to Y

So suppose you pass some matrix N to hist3 in Matlab, which is a m-by-2 matrix, simply for an example purposes. Where the first column is your variable X and column 2 corresponds to your variable Y.
When you run the cnt = hist3(N, {bins_X bins_Y}), you would get a m-by-m matrix. Rows here are which variable, X or Y?
OP seems to have solved his problem. However, I am leaving a code snippet exemplifying hist3's output indexing in case anyone finds it useful.
% Simulate random 2-column matrix
X = randn(1e5,2);
% Scale x-axis data to see label distinction
X(:,1) = X(:,1)*10;
% Define bins
bin_x = linspace(-30,30,80);
bin_y = linspace(-3,3,100);
% Get frequency grid
cnt = hist3(X,{bin_x,bin_y});
% Plot frequency values with surf
[x,y] = meshgrid(bin_x,bin_y);
title('Original hist3 output')
xlabel('First Column')
ylabel('Second Column')
% Access and modify cnt, and plot again
cnt(end,1:10) = 60;
cnt(25:55,1:55)= 0;
title('Modified hist3 output')
xlabel('First Column')
ylabel('Second Column')

Multiplying a vector times the inverse of a matrix in Matlab

I have a problem multiplying a vector times the inverse of a matrix in Matlab. The code I am using is the following:
% Final Time
T = 0.1;
% Number of grid cells
% Delta x
% define cell centers
%x = 0+dx*0.5:dx:1-0.5*dx;
x = linspace(-L/2, L/2, N)';
%define number of time steps
NTime = 100; %NB! Stability conditions-dersom NTime var 50 ville en fått helt feil svar pga lambda>0,5
%NTime = 30;
%NTime = 10;
%NTime = 20;
%NTime = 4*21;
%NTime = 4*19;
% Time step dt
dt = T/NTime
% Define a vector that is useful for handling teh different cells
J = 1:N; % number the cells of the domain
J1 = 2:N-1; % the interior cells
J2 = 1:N-1; % numbering of the cell interfaces
%define vector for initial data
u0 = zeros(1,N);
L = x<0.5;
u0(L) = 0;
u0(~L) = 1;
grid on
hold on
% define vector for solution
u = zeros(1,N);
u_old = zeros(1,N);
% useful quantity for the discrete scheme
r = dt/dx^2
mu = dt/dx;
% calculate the numerical solution u by going through a loop of NTime number
% of time steps
% initial state
u_old = u0;
for j = 2:NTime
% plotting
hold on
grid on
% update "u_old" before you move forward to the next time level
u_old = u;
hold off
The error message I get is:
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in Implicit_new (line 72)
My question is therefore how it is possible to perform u=u_old*[A^(-1)] in Matlab?
As knedlsepp said, v./A is the elementwise division, which is not what you wanted. You can use either
v/A provided that v is a row vector and its length is equal to the number of columns in A. The result is a row vector.
A\v provided that v is a column vector and its length is equal to the number of rows in A
The results differ only in shape: v/A is the transpose of A'\v'