Filter dataframe by value NOT present in column of other dataframe [duplicate] - scala

This question already has answers here:
Filter Spark DataFrame based on another DataFrame that specifies denylist criteria
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Banging my head a little with this one, and I suspect the answer is very simple. Given two dataframes, I want to filter the first where values in one column are not present in a column of another dataframe.
I would like to do this without resorting to full-blown Spark SQL, so just using DataFrame.filter, or Column.contains or the "isin" keyword, or one of the join methods.
val df1 = Seq(("Hampstead", "London"),
("Spui", "Amsterdam"),
("Chittagong", "Chennai")).toDF("location", "city")
val df2 = Seq(("London"),("Amsterdam"), ("New York")).toDF("cities")
val res = df1.filter(df2("cities").contains("city") === false)
// doesn't work, nor do the 20 other variants I have tried
Anyone got any ideas?

I've discovered that I can solve this using a simpler method - it seems that an antijoin is possible as a parameter to the join method, but the Spark Scaladoc does not describe it:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df1 = Seq(("Hampstead", "London"),
("Spui", "Amsterdam"),
("Chittagong", "Chennai")).toDF("location", "city")
val df2 = Seq(("London"),("Amsterdam"), ("New York")).toDF("cities")
df1.join(df2, df1("city") === df2("cities"), "leftanti").show
Results in:
| location| city|
P.S. thanks for the pointer to the duplicate - duly marked as such

If you are trying to filter a DataFrame using another, you should use join (or any of its variants). If what you need is to filter it using a List or any data structure that fits in your master and workers you could broadcast it, then reference it inside the filter or where method.
For instance I would do something like:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df1 = Seq(("Hampstead", "London"),
("Spui", "Amsterdam"),
("Chittagong", "Chennai")).toDF("location", "city")
val df2 = Seq(("London"),("Amsterdam"), ("New York")).toDF("cities")
df2.join(df1, joinExprs=df1("city") === df2("cities"), joinType="full_outer")
.select("city", "cities")


Drop list of Column from a single dataframe in spark

I have a Dataframe resulting from a join of two Dataframes: df1 and df2 into df3. All the columns found in df2 are also in df1, but their contents differ. I'd like to remove all the df1 columns which names are in df2.columns from the join. Would there be a way to do this without using a var?
Currently I've done this
var ret = df3
df2.columns.foreach(coln => ret = ret.drop(df2(coln)))
but what I really want is just a shortcut for
without using a var.
Passing a list of columns is not an option, don't know if it's because I'm using spark 2.2
Important note: I don't know in advance the columns of df1 and df2
This is possible to achieve while you are performing the join itself. Please try the below code
val resultDf=df1.alias("frstdf").join(broadcast(df2).alias("scndf"), $"frstdf.col1" === $"scndf.col1", "left_outer").selectExpr("scndf.col1","scndf.col2"...)//.selectExpr("scndf.*")
This would only contain the columns from the second data frame. Hope this helps
A shortcut would be:
val ret = df2.columns.foldLeft(df3)((acc,coln) => acc.drop(df2(coln)))
I would suggest to remove the columns before the join. Alternatively, select only the columns from df3 which come from df2:
val ret =*)

How to combine several Dataframes together in scala?

I have several dataframes which contains single column in them. Let's say I have 4 such dataframe all with one column. How can I form a single dataframe by combining all of them?
val df ="UserData.UserValue._valueRef"))
val df2 ="UserData.UserValue._title"))
val df3 ="author"))
val df4 ="price"))
To combine, I am trying this, but it doesn't work:
var newdf = df
newdf = newdf.withColumn("col1",df1.col("UserData.UserValue._title"))
It errors out saying that field of one column are not present in another. I am not sure how can I combine these 4 dataframes together. They don't have any common column.
df2 looks like this:
| _title|
and df looks like this:
| qwe|
| dfdfrt|
| dfdf|
df3 and df4 are also in same format. I want like below dataframe:
|_valuegiven| _title|
I used this:
val newdf ="UserData.UserValue._valuegiven"),col("UserData.UserValue._title") )
But I am getting column name on the go and as such, I would need to append on the go, due to which I don't know exactly how many columns I will get. Which is why I cannot use the above command.
It's a little unclear of your goal. If asking to join these dataframes, but perhaps you just want to select those 4 columns.
val newdf =$"UserData.UserValue._valueRef", $"UserData.UserValue._title", 'author,'price")
If you really want to join all these dataframes, you'll need to join them all and select the appropriate fields.
If the goal is to get 4 columns from xmldf into a new dataframe you shouldn't be splitting it into 4 dataframes in the first place.
You can select multiple columns from a dataframe by providing additional column names in the select function.
val newdf =
So I looked at various ways and finally Ram Ghadiyaram's answer in Solution 2 does what I wanted to do. Using this approach, you can combine any number of columns on the go. Basically, you need to create indexes by which you can join the dataframes together and after joining, drop the index column altogether.

null pointer exception while converting dataframe to list inside udf

I am reading 2 different .csv files which has only column as below:
val dF1 ="some.csv").select($"ID")
val dF2 ="other.csv").select($"PID")
trying to search if dF2("PID") exists in dF1("ID"):
val getIdUdf = udf((x:String)=>{dF1.collect().map(_(0)).toList.contains(x)})
val dfFinal = dF2.withColumn("hasId", getIdUdf($"PID"))
This gives me null pointer exception.
but if I convert dF1 outside and use list in udf it works:
val dF1 ="some.csv").select($"ID").collect().map(_(0)).toList
val getIdUdf = udf((x:String)=>{dF1.contains(x)})
val dfFinal = dF2.withColumn("hasId", getIdUdf($"PID"))
I know I can use join to get this done but want to know what is the reason of null pointer exception here.
Please check this question about accessing dataframe inside the transformation of another dataframe. This is exactly what you are doing with your UDF, and this is not possible in spark. Solution is either to use join, or collect outside of transformation and broadcast.

Rename column names when select from dataframe

I have 2 dataframes : df1 and df2 and I am left joining both of them on id column and saving it to another dataframe named df3. Below is the code that I am using, which works fine as expected.
val df3 = df1.alias("tab1").join(df2.alias("tab2"),Seq("id"),"left_outer").select("tab1.*","","tab2.dept","tab2.descr");
I would like to rename the tab2.descr column to dept_full_description within the above statement.
I am aware that I could create a seq val like below and use toDF method
val columnsRenamed = Seq("id", "empl_name", "name","dept","dept_full_description") ;
df4 = df3.toDF(columnsRenamed: _*);
Is there any other way to to aliasing in the first statement itself. My end goal is not to list about 30-40 columns explicitly .
I'd rename before join:
df2.withColumnRenamed("descr", "dept_full_description").alias("tab2"),
Seq("id"), "left_outer")

Scala spark Select as not working as expected

Hope someone can help. Fairly certain this is something I'm doing wrong.
I have a dataframe called uuidvar with 1 column called 'uuid' and another dataframe, df1, with a number of columns, one of which is also 'uuid'. I would like to select from from df1 all of the rows which have a uuid that appear in uuidvar. Now, having the same column names is not ideal so I tried to do it with
val uuidselection=df1.join(uuidvar, df1("uuid") === uuidvar("uuid").as("another_uuid"), "right_outer").select("*")
However when I show uuidselection I have 2 columns called "uuid". Furthermore, if I try and select the specific columns I want, I am told
cannot resolve 'uuidvar' given input columns
or similar depending on what I try and select.
I have tried to make it simpler and just do
and this doesn't rename the column in uuidvar.
Does 'as' not operate as I am expecting it to, am I making some other fundamental error or is it broken?
I'm using spark 1.5.1 and scala 1.10.
You can't use as when specifying the join-criterion.
Use withColumnRenamed to modify the column before the join.
Seccnd, use generic col function for accessing columns via name (instead of using the dataframe's apply method, e.g. df1(<columnname>)
case class UUID1 (uuid: String)
case class UUID2 (uuid: String, b:Int)
class UnsortedTestSuite2 extends SparkFunSuite {
configuredUnitTest("SO - uuid") { sc =>
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val uuidvar = sc.parallelize( Seq(
val df1 = sc.parallelize( Seq(
UUID2("cafe-babe-001", 1),
UUID2("cafe-babe-002", 2),
UUID2("cafe-babe-003", 3)
val uuidselection=df1.join(uuidvar.withColumnRenamed("uuid", "another_uuid"), col("uuid") === col("another_uuid"), "right_outer")
| uuid| b| another_uuid|
|cafe-babe-001| 1|cafe-babe-001|
|cafe-babe-002| 2|cafe-babe-002|
|cafe-babe-003| 3|cafe-babe-003|
| null|null|cafe-babe-004|
.select("*") does not have any effect. So"*") =^= df
I've always used the withColumnRenamed api to rename columns:
Take this table as an example:
| Name | Age |
df.withColumnRenamed('Age', 'newAge').show()
| Name | newAge |
So to make it work with your code, something like this should work:
val uuidvar_another = uuidvar.withColumnRenamed("uuid", "another_uuid")
val uuidselection=df1.join(uuidvar, df1("uuid") === uuidvar("another_uuid"), "right_outer").select("*")