I am looking at Range minimum queries.
Wikipedia says :
There are Θ(n²) possible queries for a length-n array.
I do not understand that. Here is an example for an array of size 5. The following queries are possible :
1 query [0,4] 2 queries [0,3] and [1,4] 3 queries
[0,2],[1,3]and [2,4] 4 queries [0,1],[1,2], [2,3] and [3,4] 5
queries [0],[1],[2],[3] and [4]
The total queries possible
[0,4] + [0,3] + [1,4] + [0,2] + [1,3] + [2,4] + [0,1]
+[1,2] + [2,3] + [3,4] + [0] + [1] + [2] + [3] + [4]
15 queries
But I am expecting N^2 = 25 queries ( where N is array size = 5 )
What am I missing ? Could anyone explain ?
excel has an equation or function to combine number in different column, as you can see in the picture below. having the same data in matlab , how can i combine numbers in a different columns.
having a d data:
a b c d
1 1 1 3
2 1 0 5
1 2 5 30
3 4 1 26
-1 1 1 3
since 111 and -111 have the same values of d, so i combine it so that 1st cell in 1st column became 111,-111 and their d become 6 because i add it up, so can matlab do that? thanks
a=[1 1 1 3;2 1 0 5; 1 2 5 30; 3 4 1 26; -1 1 1 3]
for i=1:len(1)
s=s(s~=' ');
x2(i,:)=[str2num(s) (a(i,len(2)))];
x2 =
111 3
210 5
125 30
341 26
-111 3
now to find the repeated indices:
ind =
Ok now to sum and combine:
s=strrep(s, ' ', ',')
x2(min(ind),2) = ss;
x2(ind(ind~=min(ind)),:) = []
C = num2cell(x2);
C(min(ind),1) = cellstr(s)
The final result is:
C =
'111,-111' [ 6]
[ 210] [ 5]
[ 125] [30]
[ 341] [26]
As long as I understood accumarray, it means "Making the nth row of the output: 1) find n in sub. 2) if n is in m1, m2, m3 th element in sub, 3) apply the function to m1,m2,m3 th element of val 4) that's the nth row of the output"
Am I wrong somewhere?
I ran the following code.
A = [2 10 13 ; 1 11 14; 1 12 10]
[U,ix,iu]= unique(A(:,1))
vals = reshape(A(:, 2:end).', [], 1)
subs = reshape(iu(:, ones(size(A, 2)-1,1)).', [], 1)
r2 = accumarray(subs, vals', [], #(x){x'})
A =
2 10 13
1 11 14
1 12 10
U =
ix =
iu =
vals =
subs =
r2 =
[1x4 double]
[1x2 double]
ans =
12 11 14 10
ans =
13 10
But I expected r{1} = 11 14 12 10, and r{2} = 10 13.
Why did accumarray suddenly changed the ordering?
How can I get the expected result?
The documentation of accumarray says:
Note If the subscripts in subs are not sorted, fun should not depend
on the order of the values in its input data.
And your subs is not sorted (at least not in ascending order). If you rewrite the code so that subs is sorted and vals is also rearranged accordingly you get the desired result:
A = [2 10 13 ; 1 11 14; 1 12 10]
[U,ix,iu]= unique(A(:,1))
vals = reshape(A(:, 2:end).', [], 1)
subs = reshape(iu(:, ones(size(A, 2)-1,1)).', [], 1)
[subs_sorted, I] = sort(subs);
r2 = accumarray(subs_sorted, vals(I)', [], #(x){x'})
And running this code returns:
ans =
11 14 12 10
ans =
10 13
I have a 22007x3 matrix with data in column 3 and two separate indices in columns 1 and 2.
x =
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 3 5
1 16 4
1 16 3
1 16 4
2 4 1
2 4 3
2 11 2
2 11 3
2 11 2
I need to find the mean of the values in column 3 when the values in column 1 are the same AND the values in column 2 are the same, to end up with something like:
ans =
1 3 4.6667
1 16 3.6667
2 4 2
2 11 2.3333
Please bear in mind that in my data, the number of times the values in column 1 and 2 occur can be different.
Two options I've tried already are the meshgrid/accumarray option, using two distinct unique functions and a 3D array:
[U, ix, iu] = unique(x(:, 1));
[U2,ix2,iu2] = unique(x(:,2));
[c, r, j] = meshgrid((1:size(x(:, 1), 2)), iu, iu2);
totals = accumarray([r(:), c(:), j(:)], x(:), [], #nanmean);
which gives me this:
??? Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
Error in ==> meshgrid at 60
xx = xx(ones(ny,1),:,ones(nz,1));
and the loop option,
for i=1:size(x,1)
if x(i,2)== x(i+1,2);
which is obviously so very, very wrong, not least because of the x(i+1,2) bit.
I'm also considering creating separate matrices depending on how many times a value in column 1 occurs, but that would be long and inefficient, so I'm loathe to go down that road.
Group on the first two columns with a unique(...,'rows'), then accumulate only the third column (always the best approach to accumulate only where accumulation really happens, thus avoiding indices, i.e. the first two columns, which you can reattach with unX):
[unX,~,subs] = unique(x(:,1:2),'rows');
out = [unX accumarray(subs,x(:,3),[],#nanmean)];
out =
1 3 4.6667
1 16 3.6667
2 4 2
2 11 2.33
This is an ideal opportunity to use sparse matrix math.
x = [ 1 2 5;
1 2 7;
2 4 6;
3 4 6;
1 4 8;
2 4 8;
1 1 10]; % for example
SM = sparse(x(:,1),x(:,2), x(:,3);
(1,1) 10
(1,2) 12
(1,4) 8
(2,4) 14
(3,6) 7
As you can see, we did the "accumulate same indices into same container" in one fell swoop. Now you need to know how many elements you have:
NE = sparse(x(:,1), x(:,2), ones(size(x(:,1))));
(1,1) 1
(1,2) 2
(1,4) 1
(2,4) 2
(3,6) 1
Finally, you divide one by the other to get the mean (only use elements that have a value):
matrixMean = SM;
nz = find(NE>0);
matrixMean(nz) = SM(nz) ./ NE(nz);
If you then disp(matrixMean), you get
(1,1) 10
(1,2) 6
(1,4) 8
(2,4) 7
(3,6) 7
If you want to access the individual elements differently, then after you have computed SM and NE you can do
[i j n] = find(NE);
matrixMean = SM(i,j)./NE(i,j);
disp([i(:) j(:) nonzeros(matrixMean)]);
In MATLAB, I would like to generate n pairs of random integers in the range [1, m], where each pair is unique. For uniqueness, I consider the order of the numbers in the pair to be irrelevant such that [3, 10] is equal to [10, 3].
Also, each pair should consist of two distinct integers; i.e. [3, 4] is ok but [3, 3] would be rejected.
EDIT: Each possible pair should be chosen with equal likelihood.
(Obviously a constraint on the parameters is that n <= m(m-1)/2.)
I have been able to successfully do this when m is small, like so:
m = 500; n = 10; % setting parameters
A = ((1:m)'*ones(1, m)); % each column has the numbers 1 -> m
idxs1 = squareform(tril(A', -1))';
idxs2 = squareform(tril(A, -1))';
all_pairs = [idxs1, idxs2]; % this contains all possible pairs
idx_to_use = randperm( size(all_pairs, 1), n ); % choosing random n pairs
pairs = all_pairs(idx_to_use, :)
pairs =
254 414
247 334
111 146
207 297
45 390
229 411
9 16
75 395
12 338
25 442
However, the matrix A is of size m x m, meaning when m becomes large (e.g. upwards of 10,000), MATLAB runs out of memory.
I considered generating a load of random numbers randi(m, [n, 2]), and repeatedly rejecting the rows which repeated, but I was concerned about getting stuck in a loop when n was close to m(m-1)/2.
Is there an easier, cleaner way of generating unique pairs of distinct integers?
Easy, peasy, when viewed in the proper way.
You wish to generate n pairs of integers, [p,q], such that p and q lie in the interval [1,m], and p
How many possible pairs are there? The total number of pairs is just m*(m-1)/2. (I.e., the sum of the numbers from 1 to m-1.)
So we could generate n random integers in the range [1,m*(m-1)/2]. Randperm does this nicely. (Older matlab releases do not allow the second argument to randperm.)
k = randperm(m/2*(m-1),n);
(Note that I've written this expression with m in a funny way, dividing by 2 in perhaps a strange place. This avoids precision problems for some values of m near the upper limits.)
Now, if we associate each possible pair [p,q] with one of the integers in k, we can work backwards, from the integers generated in k, to a pair [p,q]. Thus the first few pairs in that list are:
{[1,2], [1,3], [2,3], [1,4], [2,4], [3,4], ..., [m-1,m]}
We can think of them as the elements in a strictly upper triangular array of size m by m, thus those elements above the main diagonal.
q = floor(sqrt(8*(k-1) + 1)/2 + 1/2);
p = k - q.*(q-1)/2;
See that these formulas recover p and q from the unrolled elements in k. We can convince ourselves that this does indeed work, but perhaps a simple way here is just this test:
k = 1:21;
q = floor(sqrt(8*(k-1) + 1)/2 + 3/2);
p = k - (q-1).*(q-2)/2;
ans =
1 1 2
2 1 3
3 2 3
4 1 4
5 2 4
6 3 4
7 1 5
8 2 5
9 3 5
10 4 5
11 1 6
12 2 6
13 3 6
14 4 6
15 5 6
16 1 7
17 2 7
18 3 7
19 4 7
20 5 7
21 6 7
Another way of testing it is to show that all pairs get generated for a small case.
m = 5;
n = 10;
k = randperm(m/2*(m-1),n);
q = floor(sqrt(8*(k-1) + 1)/2 + 3/2);
p = k - (q-1).*(q-2)/2;
sortrows([p;q]',[2 1])
ans =
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 4
2 4
3 4
1 5
2 5
3 5
4 5
Yup, it looks like everything works perfectly. Now try it for some large numbers for m and n to test the time used.
m = 1e6;
n = 100000;
k = randperm(m/2*(m-1),n);
q = floor(sqrt(8*(k-1) + 1)/2 + 3/2);
p = k - (q-1).*(q-2)/2;
Elapsed time is 0.014689 seconds.
This scheme will work for m as large as roughly 1e8, before it fails due to precision errors in double precision. The exact limit should be m no larger than 134217728 before m/2*(m-1) exceeds 2^53. A nice feature is that no rejection for repeat pairs need be done.
This is more of a general approach rather then a matlab solution.
How about you do the following first you fill a vector like the following.
x[n] = rand()
x[n + 1] = x[n] + rand() %% where rand can be equal to 0.
Then you do the following again
x[n][y] = x[n][y] + rand() + 1
And if
x[n] == x[n+1]
You would make sure that the same pair is not already selected.
After you are done you can run a permutation algorithm on the matrix if you want them to be randomly spaced.
This approach will give you all the possibility or 2 integer pairs, and it runs in O(n) where n is the height of the matrix.
The following code does what you need:
n = 10000;
m = 500;
my_list = unique(sort(round(rand(n,2)*m),2),'rows');
my_list = my_list(find((my_list(:,1)==my_list(:,2))==0),:);
%temp = my_list; %In case you want to check what you initially generated.
%my_list = unique([my_list;sort(round(rand(1,2)*m),2)],'rows');
%Changed as per #jucestain's suggestion.
my_list = unique([my_list;sort(round(rand((n-size(my_list,1)),2)*m),2)],'rows');
my_list = my_list(find((my_list(:,1)==my_list(:,2))==0),:);
Suppose I have some number a, and I want to get vector [ 1 , a , a^2 , ... , a^N ]. I use [ 1 , cumprod( a * ones( 1 , N - 1 ) ) ] code. What is the best (and propably efficient) way to do it?
What about a.^[0:N] ?
ThibThib's answer is absolutely correct, but it doesn't generalize very easily if a happens to a vector. So as a starting point:
> a= 2
a = 2
> n= 3
n = 3
> a.^[0: n]
ans =
1 2 4 8
Now you could also utilize the built-in function vander (although the order is different, but that's easily fixed if needed), to produce:
> vander(a, n+ 1)
ans =
8 4 2 1
And with vector valued a:
> a= [2; 3; 4];
> vander(a, n+ 1)
ans =
8 4 2 1
27 9 3 1
64 16 4 1