Trying to connect to Twitter Streaming API using ROAuth, getting "Error: Forbidden" - twitter-oauth

I'm trying to use StreamR to get a stream of tweets originating from a particular location. Before I do that, I'm required to do a handshake using ROAuth. Here is what I do:
reqURL <- ""
accessURL <- ""
authURL <- ""
consumerKey <- "FCVbysnkgqLGAwlkgVTuQA9BJ"
consumerSecret <- "x5wA44qtm5Fj5OD1V1O9qYsWfdgLzQxRfpxqVIpzdEZE7FPJGe"
my_oauth <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey=consumerKey,
When my_oauth$handshake() executes and I copy the PIN, I get Error: Forbidden. Why?

I changed the https to httpses and it worked.


TwilioRestException when sending SMS using Twilio

import os
from import Client
account_sid = 'my_account_sid'
auth_token = 'my_auth_token'
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
def send_sms(user_code , phone_number):
message = client.messages.create(
body= f'Hi your verification code is {user_code}',
from_ = '+14158557747',
to = f'{phone_number}')
# phone_number goes in with international format something like this +9779845000001
I get following error log while running server..
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Django Version: 3.1.6
Exception Type: TwilioRestException
Exception Value:
[31m[49mHTTP Error[0m [37m[49mYour request was:[0m
[36m[49mPOST /Accounts/AC3c6c0502535317b9bb95efd43c6296d1/Messages.json[0m
[37m[49mTwilio returned the following information:[0m
[34m[49mUnable to create record: Authenticate[0m
[37m[49mMore information may be available here:[0m
Any Help would be appreciable.
Just see and type the Account Sid from Twilio console. While copy and paste this account sid will change. You can copy and paste token.
Make sure that 'to' number is verified if it is a trail account.

Groovy Rest/HTTP Request Native for use with Script Runner

I am trying to build a simple Http Get request that requires me to submit an api key as authentication (api key as unsername and blank password). I have seen some solutions using the library. However, the piece of code will need to be deployed in an evironment that does not allow for libraries. So I tried the following where is the url of the website i am trying to reach:
// GET
def get = new URL("<url>").openConnection();
def getRC = get.getResponseCode();
if(getRC.equals(200)) {
As expected this returns error 400 since I do not include any authentication with the api key, so I tried the following where is the api key:
def get = new URL("<url>");
def authString = "<api_key>:".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString();
def conn = get.openConnection();
conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic ${authString}");
def getRC = conn.getResponseCode();
But I still get the 400 error. I tried picking up the request through Fiddler but it doesn't seem to be tracking it (executing Groovy code through GroovyConsole).
The second approach works. My mistake was to not substitute spaces in the URL with % signs.

Salesforce Integration With facebook messanger

I want to integrate SalesForce with Facebook Messenger. For this I've retrieved access token, app id , app secret. When I hit a HTTP request in developer console to send a message then there is an error.
In the given code it is not accepting messages as parameter throwing error but working without messages.
Httprequest req = new httpRequest();
String body = '{'+
'"recipient": {'+
'"id": "100042977199143"'+
'"message": {'+
'"text": "hello, world!"' +
'}' +
Http h = new Http();
HttpResponse res = h.send(req);
error message :
16:55:58:127 USER_DEBUG [16]|DEBUG|{"error":{"message":"Unsupported
post request. Object with ID 'me' does not exist, cannot be loaded due
to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please
read the Graph API documentation at","type":"GraphMethodException","code":100,"error_subcode":33,"fbtrace_id":"AcqDT5M6mGXSOCr4mOd3kDf"}}
actual response : success = true
This problem arises sometimes when we use invalid access token or user access token instead of page access token.

Play WS OAuth content length required

I am having trouble connecting to the Evernote API using the OAuth wrapper bundled with Play 2.6.10 WS.
I am currently using sbt 0.13.15, Oracle JDK 1.8, and Scala 2.12.3.
The relevant piece of code from my OAuth Play controller:
import play.api.libs.oauth._
val KEY = ConsumerKey("KEY", "SECRET")
val EVERNOTE = OAuth(
key = KEY
use10a = false
// Step 1: Request temporary token
EVERNOTE.retrieveRequestToken(CALLBACK_URL) match {
case Right(t: RequestToken) =>
// Step 2: Request user authorization; pass temporary token from Step 1
// Also, store temporary token and secret for later use
Redirect(EVERNOTE.redirectUrl(t.token)).withSession("token" -> t.token, "secret" -> t.secret)
// TODO: check this out!
case Left(e) => throw e
The application crashes due to the exception thrown from the Either returned by retrieveRequestToken. The exact exception is:
OAuthCommunicationException: Communication with the service provider failed: Service provider responded in error: 411 (Length Required)
After some snooping around, it seems as if this issue is common in OAuth and requires the POST request headers to contain a Content-Length (typically set to 0). Example: Why I get 411 Length required error?. But as far as I can tell, Play WS does not expose this option from Signpost (OAuth library under the hood), so I was not able to try this solution.
Of course, I may be overlooking something here. Has anyone experienced a similar issue? I just want to make sure before creating a new issue on the WS repo.
Evernote requires content-length for the API calls so I think that's the case.
Getting 411 error bad request in Evernote

Scala Play session always empty

I am trying to create a basic web login/authentication system in Play. Based on Play docs Im supposed to persist data across requests through Play's Session cookie; this is what my login looks like:
def login() = Action.async(parse.json) { implicit request =>
implicit val loginInfoReads: Reads[LoginInfo] = Json.reads[LoginInfo]
val newSession = request.session +
("test" -> "yep")
// #todo: add real error handling
val unauthedUser = request.body.validate(loginInfoReads)
.getOrElse(throw new Exception("Something went wrong with the login request"))
UserService.authAndGetUser(, unauthedUser.password).map { res =>
I can see the cookie included in the response cookies in Chrome dev tools, but when I make a subsequent request to get the data inside the session, I get an empty map:
and attempting to access "test" via request.session.get("test") fails.
What am I missing here? Why is my session data not persisting across requests?
Turned out it wasn't a Scala/Play problem, more general problem with Chrome and cookies when hitting localhost. Here's what fixed it for me: