Retrieving Keys From GeoFire within Radius in Swift - swift

I have the following Firebase Database JSON data structure:
"Post List" : {
"-KUlvg8mCEGfY5ZSKCou" : {
"addedByUser" : "7llQbPdy2NV7aO337h7ap0qLOhC3",
"content" : "Post1",
"cost" : "$450",
"duration" : "Daily",
"latitude" : "25.0879721592719",
"longitude" : "55.1487715855458",
"number" : "01234567890",
"timestamp" : "Posted on: Sun 23 Oct"
"Post Locations" : {
"-KUlvg8mCEGfY5ZSKCou" : {
".priority" : "thrnwznh58",
"g" : "thrnwznh58",
"l" : [ 25.0879721592719, 55.1487715855458 ]
"User Locations" : {
"7llQbPdy2NV7aO337h7ap0qLOhC3" : {
".priority" : "thrnwypqu9",
"g" : "thrnwypqu9",
"l" : [ 25.0829547120321, 55.1505315855337 ]
I am looking to have a GeoFire query which will return all the keys [FIRAutoID's] within a radius of 1KM, for e.g. of "User Locations" these Posts are static and once the user location is set it will also be fixed. From the radius query result I am expecting to return "-KUlvg8mCEGfY5ZSKCou" so I can then make a reference the Post Details. Hope this makes sense. Many thanks, D. Cant find much online about GeoFire... looks like its still in the initial stages?...

Figured it out
func geoFireQuery() {
let circleQuery = geoFire.query(at: self.myLocation, withRadius: 0.5)
_ = circleQuery!.observe(.keyEntered, with: { (key: String?, location: CLLocation?) in
print (key!)
print("All initial data has been loaded and events have been fired!")
this seems to be giving me what I need. Now to reference those keys to the other part of the FBDB. :)


How to get the total number of times each object has been referenced in a collection?

So what i am trying to find is how many time each kite was flown by each person, the db looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("5bccf4d7ac8fa95f43a964c2"),
"KITE" : {
"registration" : "DTH498"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bccf4d7ac8fa95f43a964c3"),
"KITE" : {
"registration" : "HKJ607"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bccf4d7ac8fa95f43a964c4"),
"KITE" : {
"registration" : "GCF21"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bccf4d7ac8fa95f43a964cf"),
"PERSON" : {
"name" : "H.Y",
"used" : [
"registration" : "DTH498"
"registration" : "HKJ607"
"registration" : "GCF21"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bccf4d7ac8fa95f43a9leo5"),
"PERSON" : {
"name" : "T.G",
"used" : [
"registration" : "DTH498"
"registration" : "HKJ607"
"registration" : "GCF21"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bccf4d7ac8fro4943a01pak"),
"PERSON" : {
"name" : "X.L",
"used" : [
"registration" : "DTH498"
"registration" : "HKJ607"
"registration" : "GCF21"
Right now i can only use the aggregation framework, with that said i've managed to list all kites that have been used:[
The result i'm trying to get to would have the registration of the kite and the number of times it has been used overall.
I'm not sure how it would look but, what im thinking is:
1. Somehow get all used array objects registrations into a new array so it one big list of all the times each kite has been used
2. Group the array by registration and use sum to display how many duplicates each group had.
so if anyone ever stumbles upon my question, heres the answer.
First unwind the used array
Second project only the registrations
Third group with an _id of registration and count with $sum[
{"$group":{"_id":"$registration", "count":{"$sum":1}}}

GFCircleQuery doesn't return any result

I useGeofire for iOS. I faced the following problem, I use Geofire to get the cards and users that are next to the current user. For cards, the result is correct, but for users I do not get any results, although the data structure in Firebase Database is the same for storing the location of cards and users. Please tell me how can I solve this problem?
My structure data
"cardLocation" : {
"-KjLxK0q39JnT2MZEalB" : {
".priority" : "v17wefy8z",
"g" : "v17wefy8z",
"l" : [ *****, ****** ]
"-KjM7_5sPkoruwoTvRzR" : {
".priority" : "9q5c2ypf3",
"g" : "9q5c2ypf3",
"l" : [ ******, -****** ]
"-KjNDq8nQ2Ffjr9M_1a9" : {
".priority" : "9q59x2vc6",
"g" : "9q59x2vc6",
"l" : [ *******, -***** ]
"userLocations" : {
"1Cix149ThIOG1ULPVjyy0LyTxbe2" : {
".priority" : "87zc0d2j5",
"g" : "87zc0d2j5",
"l" : [ ******, -**** ]
I did not correctly use geofire by adding additional property to its model. Now I add only CLLocation to it and it works for me.
let geofireRef = Database.database().reference().child(MainGateways.cardLocation.rawValue)
guard let geoFire = GeoFire(firebaseRef: geofireRef) else { return }
geoFire.setLocation(cardLocation, forKey: cardModelRef.key) { (error) in
commonError = error

Mongo query to return distinct count, large documents

I need to be able to get a count of distinct 'transactions' the problem I'm having is that using .distinct() comes back with an error because the documents too large.
I'm not familiar with aggregation either.
I need to be able to group it by 'agencyID' as you see below there are 2 different agencyID's
I need to be able to count transactions where the agencyID is 01721487 etc
this doesn't work as I need to be able to group by agencyID and if there are too many results I get an error saying it's too large.
"_id" : ObjectId("5624a610a6e6b53b158b4744"),
"agencyID" : "01721487",
"paxID" : "-530189664",
"bookings" : [
"bookingID" : "24232",
"transactions" : [
"tranID" : "001",
"invoices" : [
"invNum" : "1312",
"type" : "r",
"inv_date" : "20150723",
"inv_time" : "0953",
"inv_val" : -300
"tranType" : "Fee",
"tranDate" : "20150723",
"tranTime" : "0952",
"opCode" : "admin",
"udf_1" : "j s"
"acctID" : "acct11",
"agt_id" : "xy"
"title" : "",
"firstname" : "",
"surname" : "f bar"
I've also tried this but it didn't work for me.
thank you for text data -
this is something you could play with:
$unwind : "$bookings"
}, {
$match : {
"bookings.transactions" : {
$exists : true,
$not : {
$size : 0
}, {
$group : {
_id : "$agencyID",
count : {
$sum : {
$size : "$bookings.transactions"
as there is nested array we need to unwind it first, and then we can check size of inner array.
Happy reporting!

Using 'findAndModify' on mongodb within multiple nested array (complex)

I have the next document in a collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("546a7a0f44aee82db8469f6d"),
"valoresVariablesIterativas" : [
"asignaturaVO" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("546a389c44aee54fc83112e9")
"valoresEstaticos" : {
"IT_VAR3" : "",
"IT_VAR1" : "",
"IT_VAR2" : "asdasd"
"valoresPreestablecidos" : {
"IT_ASIGNATURA" : "Matemáticas",
"asignaturaVO" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("546a3d8d44aee54fc83112fa")
"valoresEstaticos" : {
"IT_VAR3" : "",
"IT_VAR1" : "",
"IT_VAR2" : ""
"valoresPreestablecidos" : {
"IT_ASIGNATURA" : "Español",
I want modify an element of the valoresEstaticos, I know the fields "_id", "asignaturaVO", and the key of the item valoresEstaticos that I want modify.
Which is the correct query for this?, I have this:
query:{"_id" : ObjectId("546a7a0f44aee82db8469f6d")},
update: {
{valoresVariablesIterativas.asignaturaVO._id: ObjectId("546a389c44aee54fc83112e9")},
{ $set: {}}
but I dont know how to build a query :(
Help me please, Thank you very much!
You can just use update.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("546a7a0f44aee82db8469f6d"), "valoresVariablesIterativas.asignaturaVO._id" : ObjectId("546a389c44aee54fc83112e9") },
{ "$set" : { "valoresVariablesIterativas.$.valoresEstaticos.IT_VAR3" : 99 } }
assuming you want to update key IT_VAR3. The key is the positional update operator $. The condition on the array in the query portion of the update is redundant for finding the document, but necessary to use the $ to update the correct array element.

Updating an array of objects with a new key in mongoDB

Similar to this question
Barrowing the data set, I have something similar to this:
And I want to add a new key in the campaigns like so:
'worker_id': '00000'
'worker_id': '00000'
How to insert/update a new key into an array of objects?
I want to add a new key into every object inside the array with a default value of 00000.
I have tried:
db.test.update({}, {$set: {'campaigns.worker_id': 00000}}, true, true)
db.test.update({}, {$set: {campaigns: {worker_id': 00000}}}, true, true)
Any suggestions?
I'm supposing that this operation will occur once, so you can use a script to handle it:
var docs = db.test.find();
for(var i in docs) {
var document = docs[i];
for(var j in document.campaigns) {
var campaign = document.campaigns[j];
campaign.worker_id = '00000';
The script will iterate over all documents in your collection then over all campaigns in each document, setting the *worker_id* property.
At the end, each document is persisted.
db.test.update({}, {$set: {'campaigns.0.worker_id': 00000}}, true, true
this will update 0 element.
if you want to add a new key into every object inside the array you should use:
title : "this is my title" ,
author : "bob" ,
posted : new Date() ,
pageViews : 5 ,
tags : [ "fun" , "good" , "fun" ] ,
comments : [
{ author :"joe" , text : "this is cool" } ,
{ author :"sam" , text : "this is bad" }
other : { foo : 5 }
unwinding tags
{ $project : {
author : 1 ,
title : 1 ,
tags : 1
{ $unwind : "$tags" }
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("4e6e4ef557b77501a49233f6"),
"title" : "this is my title",
"author" : "bob",
"tags" : "fun"
"_id" : ObjectId("4e6e4ef557b77501a49233f6"),
"title" : "this is my title",
"author" : "bob",
"tags" : "good"
"_id" : ObjectId("4e6e4ef557b77501a49233f6"),
"title" : "this is my title",
"author" : "bob",
"tags" : "fun"
"OK" : 1
After you could write simple updaiting query.