Running a python script from Swift - swift

I'm trying to run a python script from swift in my cocoa application.The script does run but there are some errors.When I run that file from terminal the script works ok, no errors.
Here is the code that runs the python file :
let process = Process()
process.launchPath = "/usr/bin/python"
process.currentDirectoryPath = "\(NSHomeDirectory())" + "/tmp"
process.arguments = [path.stringByAppendingPathComponent("")]
Here is the error that I am getting back when I'm trying to run the python file from my application with Process() :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/fflorica/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Taylor-acpgvfjjherixnfchbrbrayxxvsm/Build/Products/Debug/", line 439, in <module>
g = Game()
File "/Users/fflorica/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Taylor-acpgvfjjherixnfchbrbrayxxvsm/Build/Products/Debug/", line 251, in __init__
File "/Users/fflorica/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Taylor-acpgvfjjherixnfchbrbrayxxvsm/Build/Products/Debug/", line 280, in _init_curses
error: cbreak() returned ERR
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/fflorica/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Taylor-acpgvfjjherixnfchbrbrayxxvsm/Build/Products/Debug/", line 450, in <module>
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: In the past I used system() function like that:
system("cd " + path)
system("python " + path + "/")
Then, I used NSTask and it worked perfectly fine.Now, NSTask is Process and I get those errors when using Process.There is not much modified in the API, but somehow, it doesn't work.
Edit 1 : After some investigation, I think that the problem may be because Process is starting a new process in the background that is why python is trowing that errors, but I am not sure.


Unable to convert Python to Window Based app .exe

I'm converting my python code to .exe application and I need to load ids.txt there are some values line by line, but after converting is done the Auto-py-to-exe-master free Github app says this error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 37, in <module>
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\janka\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\_MEI200202\\\\ids.txt'
By the way my file location of ids.txt is called in other directory and from application path as follows:
with open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "ids.txt"), "r") as f:
devIds =

regarding a py4j exception

I have installed Java 11 and Python 3 on CentOS. Trying to run a code that worked perfectly fine on a Windows environment. Getting this exception:
ERROR:root:Exception while sending command.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py4j/", line 1188, in
raise Py4JNetworkError("Answer from Java side is empty")
py4j.protocol.Py4JNetworkError: Answer from Java side is empty
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py4j/", line 1014, in send_command
response = connection.send_command(command)
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py4j/", line 1193, in send_command
"Error while receiving", e, proto.ERROR_ON_RECEIVE)
py4j.protocol.Py4JNetworkError: Error while receiving
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 493, in
status = read_from_source("../Corpora/Bhandarkar Oriental Research Books")
File "", line 473, in read_from_source
author, year)
File "", line 381, in fetch_from_hwn
return read_store_properties(word, file, sentence, source, category, author,
File "", line 79, in read_store_properties
properties["synsets"] = get_other_props(word)
File "", line 226, in get_other_props
output = gateway.jvm.Properties.getProperties(word)
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py4j/", line 1286, in
answer, self.gateway_client, self.target_id,
File "/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/py4j/", line 336, in
format(target_id, ".", name))
py4j.protocol.Py4JError: An error occurred while calling
Initialised the gateway as follows:
gateway = JavaGateway.launch_gateway(classpath="/home/gayatri/Code/hindiwn.jar")
Is this because of some dependency? I have set the JAVA_HOME and updated the PATH variable.
I don't have the reputation to comment, but
Answer from Java side is empty
But this error indicates that the Java code is not reachable.
Just to verify basic steps
1) Be sure that the java program is running
2) Be sure that you run the Python script after the java code is running
3) The java program is running the entire time.
If you are doing those two things, then an issue may be that the operating system may be already using a port.
You can try
'GatewayServerBuilder server = new GatewayServerBuilder().javaPort(1001).build()'
java = JavaGateway(gateway_parameters=GatewayParameters(port=1001))

Issue running psycopg2 inside AWS Lambda Function

I'm getting the following error when trying to run psycopg2 in a AWS Lambda:
/var/task/functions/../vendored/psycopg2/ ELF file's phentsize not the expected size: ImportError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/functions/", line 64, in execute
session = SessionFactoryGraphQL.get_session(app=item['app'])
File "/var/task/lib/", line 22, in get_session
engine = create_engine(conn_string, poolclass=NullPool)
File "/var/task/functions/../vendored/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 387, in create_engine
return strategy.create(*args, **kwargs)
File "/var/task/functions/../vendored/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 80, in create
dbapi = dialect_cls.dbapi(**dbapi_args)
File "/var/task/functions/../vendored/sqlalchemy/dialects/postgresql/", line 554, in dbapi
import psycopg2
File "/var/task/functions/../vendored/psycopg2/", line 50, in <module>
from psycopg2._psycopg import ( # noqa
ImportError: /var/task/functions/../vendored/psycopg2/ ELF file's phentsize not the expected size
The weird thing is: everything was working fine until yesterday (for more than 5 months), and suddenly stopped working. None of the libraries has been updated.
I tried to build from scratch, as in, but still having the same error.
Can someone help me with it?
The problem is in the latest version of serverless framework. I assume that you are using serverless to deploy your lambda function.
serverless remove
npm install serverless#1.20.2 -g
This should work.

redis-py raises AttributeError

In what circumstances would redis-py raise the following AttributeError exception?
Isn't redis-py built by design to raise only redis.exceptions.RedisError based exceptions?
What would be a reasonable handling logic?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Python27\Lib\", line 551, in __bootstrap_inner
File "c:\Python27\Lib\", line 504, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\my_proj\", line 33, in inner
ret = protected_func(*args, **kwargs)
File C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\my_proj\", line 104, in _listen
for message in _pubsub.listen():
File "C:\Users\Administrator\virtual_environments\my_env\lib\site-packages\redis\", line 1555, in listen
r = self.parse_response()
File "C:\Users\Administrator\virtual_environments\my_env\lib\site-packages\redis\", line 1499, in parse_response
response = self.connection.read_response()
File "C:\Users\Administrator\virtual_environments\my_env\lib\site-packages\redis\", line 306, in read_response
response = self._parser.read_response()
File "C:\Users\Administrator\virtual_environments\my_env\lib\site-packages\redis\", line 104, in read_response
response =
File "C:\Users\Administrator\virtual_environments\my_env\lib\site-packages\redis\", line 89, in read
return self._fp.readline()[:-2]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'readline'
seems like an old question, but I faced the same problem recently.
My setup was using celery with redis as a broker. A ThreadPoolExecutor uses the shared celery object to batch tasks to workers. The batcher function waits for the submitted tasks to finish using celery.result.ResultSet.
After quick investigations, I found that celery somewhere uses a pub/sub mechanism to wait for the tasks to finish. And that is it, pub/sub don't play well with thread-safety per the official readme
Honestly, I didn't try to prove my theory and fixed my problem by switching to a ProcessPoolExecutor instead.

ipython 0.13 zmq errors

I encounter weird behavior of an ipython cluster. The calculations finish, but many results never reach the client (and the engines just idle after finishing their first calculation).
I suspect something is wrong with zmq because 1) from time to time I see the following error:
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/parallel/client/", line 118, in get
if not self.ready():
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/parallel/client/", line 132, in ready
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/parallel/client/", line 142, in wait
self._ready = self._client.wait(self.msg_ids, timeout)
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/parallel/client/", line 1058, in wait
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/parallel/client/", line 1015, in spin
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/parallel/client/", line 814, in _flush_results
idents,msg = self.session.recv(sock, mode=zmq.NOBLOCK)
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/zmq/", line 642, in recv
idents, msg_list = self.feed_identities(msg_list, copy)
File "/data/misc/nano/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/zmq/", line 673, in feed_identities
idx = msg_list.index(DELIM)
ValueError: '<IDS|MSG>' is not in list
Additionally IPython.zmq has two test failures:
ERROR: test_send (IPython.zmq.tests.test_session.TestSession)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/clusterdata/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/zmq/tests/", line 76, in test_send
socket = MockSocket(zmq.Context.instance(),zmq.PAIR)
File "/clusterdata/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/zmq/tests/", line 34, in __init__ = []
File "/clusterdata/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zmq/sugar/", line 38, in __setattr__
self.__class__.__name__, upper_key)
AttributeError: MockSocket has no such option: DATA
ERROR: test_send (IPython.zmq.tests.test_session.TestSession)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/clusterdata/python/env_stable/lib/python2.7/site-packages/zmq/tests/", line 108, in tearDown
raise RuntimeError("context could not terminate, open sockets likely remain in test")
RuntimeError: context could not terminate, open sockets likely remain in test
I use pyzmq 13.0.0 (as installed by pip), and the zeromq 3.2.2, compiled by the setup of pyzmq. I use ipython 13.1 and python 2.7.3.
Any suggestions of what could this be, and if not how I could figure out more information why these errors occur?
Update: It turns out the slowdown was due to a long task queue of ipcontroller, which was then taking 100% CPU and lagging horribly. That is a separate issue, but I would still appreciate feedback on the above.
Answered by #minrk in comments. ZMQ errors were unimportant, performance was due to scheduling, and was solved by setting TaskScheduler.hwm=0.