shapeless calling value on lazy make a StackOverflowError - scala

While learning shapeless via this useful guide
I was trying to merge what I have learned from this in this exercice
The result is this code :
import shapeless._
object GenericV3 {
trait CsvEncoder[A] {
def width: Int
def encode(value: A): List[String]
def createEncoder[A](cols: Int)(func: A => List[String]): CsvEncoder[A] =
new CsvEncoder[A] {
val width = cols
def encode(value: A): List[String] =
implicit val stringEncoder: CsvEncoder[String] =
createEncoder(1)(str => List(str))
implicit val intEncoder: CsvEncoder[Int] =
createEncoder(1)(num => List(num.toString))
implicit val booleanEncoder: CsvEncoder[Boolean] =
createEncoder(1)(bool => List(if(bool) "cone" else "glass"))
implicit val doubleEncoder: CsvEncoder[Double] =
createEncoder(1)(d => List(d.toString))
import shapeless.{HList, HNil, ::}
implicit val hnilEncoder: CsvEncoder[HNil] =
createEncoder(0)(hnil => Nil)
implicit def hlistEncoder[H, T <: HList](
hEncoder: Lazy[CsvEncoder[H]],
tEncoder: CsvEncoder[T]
): CsvEncoder[H :: T] =
createEncoder(hEncoder.value.width + tEncoder.width) {
case h :: t =>
hEncoder.value.encode(h) ++ tEncoder.encode(t)
import shapeless.{Coproduct, CNil, :+:, Inl, Inr}
implicit val cnilEncoder: CsvEncoder[CNil] =
createEncoder(0) { cnil =>
throw new Exception("The impossible has happened!")
implicit def coproductEncoder[H, T <: Coproduct](
hEncoder: Lazy[CsvEncoder[H]],
tEncoder: CsvEncoder[T]
): CsvEncoder[H :+: T] =
createEncoder(hEncoder.value.width + tEncoder.width) {
case Inl(h) => hEncoder.value.encode(h) ++ List.fill(tEncoder.width)("")
case Inr(t) => List.fill(hEncoder.value.width)("") ++ tEncoder.encode(t)
import shapeless.Generic
implicit def genericEncoder[A, R](
gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
lEncoder: Lazy[CsvEncoder[R]]
): CsvEncoder[A] =
createEncoder(lEncoder.value.width) { value =>
def writeCsv[A](values: List[A])(implicit encoder: CsvEncoder[A]): String =",")).mkString("\n")
when calling GenericV3.writeCsv with a sealed case class that has a case containing the sealed case class itself.
the example from the guide :
sealed trait Tree[A]
final case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
final case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A]
I got a StackOverflowError at runtime.
The error is produced because I call hEncoder.value.width before matching Inl and Inr.
I tried to read how it's done in other libs.
And I have seen this which looks the same.
So I think I missed something.
ps : I would like to thank to the author of this guide it's very helpful


Shapeless and annotations

I would like to have some function applied to fields in a case class, that are annotated with MyAnnotation. The idea is to transform type T into its generic representation, extract annotations, zip, fold right (or left) to reconstruct a generic representation and finally get back to type T. I followed the answer provided here and this gist.
I'm using scala 2.11.12 and shapeless 2.3.3.
Hereafter is my code:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.hlist._
case class MyAnnotation(func: String) extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
trait Modifier[T] {
def modify(t: T): T
object Modifier {
def apply[A: Modifier]: Modifier[A] = implicitly[Modifier[A]]
def create[T](func: T => T): Modifier[T] = new Modifier[T] { override def modify(t: T): T = func(t) }
private def id[T](t: T) = t
implicit val stringModifier: Modifier[String] = create(id)
implicit val booleanModifier: Modifier[Boolean] = create(id)
implicit val byteModifier: Modifier[Byte] = create(id)
implicit val charModifier: Modifier[Char] = create(id)
implicit val doubleModifier: Modifier[Double] = create(id)
implicit val floatModifier: Modifier[Float] = create(id)
implicit val intModifier: Modifier[Int] = create(id)
implicit val longModifier: Modifier[Long] = create(id)
implicit val shortModifier: Modifier[Short] = create(id)
implicit val hnilModifier: Modifier[HNil] = create(id)
implicit def hlistModifier[H, T <: HList, AL <: HList](
hser: Lazy[Modifier[H]],
tser: Modifier[T]
): Modifier[H :: T] = new Modifier[H :: T] {
override def modify(ht: H :: T): H :: T = {
ht match {
case h :: t =>
hser.value.modify(h) :: tser.modify(t)
implicit val cnilModifier: Modifier[CNil] = create(id)
implicit def coproductModifier[L, R <: Coproduct](
lser: Lazy[Modifier[L]],
rser: Modifier[R]
): Modifier[L :+: R] = new Modifier[L :+: R] {
override def modify(t: L :+: R): L :+: R = t match {
case Inl(l) => Inl(lser.value.modify(l))
case Inr(r) => Inr(rser.modify(r))
object Collector extends Poly2 {
implicit def myCase[ACC <: HList, E] = at[(E, Option[MyAnnotation]), ACC] {
case ((e, None), acc) => e :: acc
case ((e, Some(MyAnnotation(func))), acc) => {
e :: acc
implicit def genericModifier[T, HL <: HList, AL <: HList, ZL <: HList](
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
ser: Lazy[Modifier[HL]],
annots: Annotations.Aux[MyAnnotation, T, AL],
zip: Zip.Aux[HL :: AL :: HNil, ZL],
rightFolder: RightFolder[ZL, HNil.type, Collector.type]
): Modifier[T] = new Modifier[T] {
override def modify(t: T): T = {
val generic =
val annotations = annots()
val zipped = zip(generic :: annotations :: HNil)
val modified = zipped.foldRight(HNil)(Collector)
val typed = gen.from(generic) // temporary
The code above compiles. However, when instanciating a Modifier in a test:
case class Test(a: String, #MyAnnotation("sha1") b: String)
val test = Test("A", "B")
val modifier: Modifier[Test] = implicitly
the test file does not compile and give the following error:
[error] ambiguous implicit values:
[error] both value StringCanBuildFrom in object Predef of type =>
[error] and method $conforms in object Predef of type [A]=> <:<[A,A]
[error] match expected type T
[error] val ser1: Modifier[Test] = implicitly
The problem seems to come from the right folder definition: when removing rightFolder from the list of implicits in genericModifier, then it works:
implicit def genericModifier[T, HL <: HList, AL <: HList, ZL <: HList](
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
ser: Lazy[Modifier[HL]],
annots: Annotations.Aux[MyAnnotation, T, AL],
zip: Zip.Aux[HL :: AL :: HNil, ZL]/*,
rightFolder: RightFolder[ZL, HNil.type, Collector.type]*/
): Modifier[T] = new Modifier[T] {
override def modify(t: T): T = {
val generic =
val annotations = annots()
val zipped = zip(generic :: annotations :: HNil)
/*val modified = zipped.foldRight(HNil)(Collector)
val typed = gen.from(generic) // temporary
What is wrong?
There are several mistakes in your code:
defining Poly just for Option is too rough (pattern matching is performed at runtime and compiler should know definitions for Some and None at compile time)
HNil should be instead of HNil.type and HNil : HNil instead of HNil (types HNil and HNil.type are different)
compiler doesn't know that RightFolder actually returns the original HList type, so you should use RightFolder.Aux type.
Correct code is
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{RightFolder, Zip}
import shapeless.{::, Annotations, Generic, HList, HNil, Lazy, Poly2}
import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
object App {
case class MyAnnotation(func: String) extends StaticAnnotation
object Collector extends Poly2 {
// implicit def myCase[ACC <: HList, E] = at[(E, Option[PII]), ACC] {
// case ((e, None), acc) => e :: acc
// case ((e, Some(MyAnnotation(func))), acc) => {
// println(func)
// e :: acc
// }
// }
implicit def someCase[ACC <: HList, E]: Case.Aux[(E, Some[MyAnnotation]), ACC, E :: ACC] = at {
case ((e, Some(MyAnnotation(func))), acc) =>
e :: acc
implicit def noneCase[ACC <: HList, E]: Case.Aux[(E, None.type), ACC, E :: ACC] = at {
case ((e, None), acc) => e :: acc
trait Modifier[T] {
def modify(t: T): T
implicit def hListModifier[HL <: HList]: Modifier[HL] = identity(_)
// added as an example, you should replace this with your Modifier for HList
implicit def genericModifier[T, HL <: HList, AL <: HList, ZL <: HList](implicit
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
ser: Lazy[Modifier[HL]],
annots: Annotations.Aux[MyAnnotation, T, AL],
zip: Zip.Aux[HL :: AL :: HNil, ZL],
rightFolder: RightFolder.Aux[ZL, HNil/*.type*/, Collector.type, HL /*added*/]
): Modifier[T] = new Modifier[T] {
override def modify(t: T): T = {
val generic =
val annotations = annots()
val zipped = zip(generic :: annotations :: HNil)
val modified = zipped.foldRight(HNil : HNil /*added*/)(Collector)
val typed = gen.from(modified)
case class Test(a: String, #MyAnnotation("sha1") b: String)
val test = Test("A", "B")
val modifier: Modifier[Test] = implicitly[Modifier[Test]]
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val test1 = modifier.modify(test) // prints "sha1"
println(test1) // Test(A,B)

compiler failure to resolve Implicit types with bounds (sometimes)

Last revision was deemed unhelpful as it did not contain necessary information that help narrow down my issue. hence the need to also include the AST.
Below is a library in its entirety that allows parsing and writing of play-json's json based on user defined schema; Similar to what Scala's slick offers for database columns to some extent:
import scala.language.higherKinds
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._
import scala.language.{higherKinds, implicitConversions}
type PathNodes = List[PathNode]
sealed trait Field[A] {
def pathNodes: PathNodes
def jsPath: JsPath = JsPath(pathNodes)
def relativePath: JsPath = JsPath(List(pathNodes.last))
def format: Format[A]
def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[A]
def nestedFormat: OFormat[A] = nestedFormatter(relativePath)
case class PlainField[A: Format](prefix: PathNodes) extends Field[A] {
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = prefix
def format: Format[A] = implicitly[Format[A]]
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[A] = path.format(format)
abstract class JsonSchema[T](val _prefix: PathNodes) extends Field[T] with SchemaExtensionMethods {
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = _prefix
def format: OFormat[T]
protected def plain[A: Format](name: String): PlainField[A] = PlainField[A](_prefix :+ KeyPathNode(name))
protected def nested[N](name: String, factory: PathNodes => N): N = factory(_prefix :+ KeyPathNode(name))
protected def nested[B, G <: JsonSchema[B]](name: String)(implicit sm: HasJsonSchema[B, G]): G = sm.apply(_prefix :+ KeyPathNode(name))
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[T] = path.format(format)
case class Optional[F, A](field: F)(implicit ev: F <:< Field[A]) extends Field[Option[A]] {
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = field.pathNodes
override def format: Format[Option[A]] = {
implicit val writes: Writes[Option[A]] = JsPath.writeNullable(field.format)
implicit val reads: Reads[Option[A]] = JsPath.readNullable(field.format)
def map[G, B](f: F => G)(implicit ev: G <:< Field[B]): Optional[G, B] = new Optional[G, B](f(field))
def flatMap[G <: Field[B], B](f: F => Optional[G, B]): Optional[G, B] = f(field)
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[Option[A]] = path.formatNullable(field.format)
case class Collection[F, A](field: F)(implicit ev: F <:< Field[A], repath: Repath[F]) extends Field[Seq[A]] {
override def pathNodes: PathNodes = field.pathNodes
override def format: Format[Seq[A]] = {
implicit val writes: Writes[Seq[A]] = Writes.seq(field.format)
implicit val reads: Reads[Seq[A]] = Reads.seq(field.format)
def apply(idx: Int): F = implicitly[Repath[F]].apply(field, IdxPathNode(idx))
override def nestedFormatter(path: JsPath): OFormat[Seq[A]] = path.format(format)
class FormatExtensionMethods[T](val arg: T) {
def <>[A, B, Fun](apply: Fun, unapply: B => Option[A])(implicit jss: JsonShape[A, B, T, Fun]): OFormat[B] = jss.format(arg, apply, unapply andThen (_.get))
class FieldExtensionMethods[F](val field: F) {
def optional[A](implicit ev: F <:< Field[A]): Optional[F, A] = new Optional[F, A](field)
def sequence[A](implicit ev: F <:< Field[A], repath: Repath[F]): Collection[F, A] = new Collection[F, A](field)
trait SchemaExtensionMethods {
implicit def formatExtensionMethods[M](t: M): FormatExtensionMethods[M] = new FormatExtensionMethods[M](t)
implicit def fieldExtensionMethods[M, A](t: M): FieldExtensionMethods[M] = new FieldExtensionMethods[M](t)
trait Repath[F] {
def apply(f: F, node: PathNode): F
object Repath {
implicit def plain[T]: Repath[PlainField[T]] = new Repath[PlainField[T]] {
override def apply(t: PlainField[T], node: PathNode): PlainField[T] =
PlainField[T](t.pathNodes :+ node)(t.format)
implicit def schema[S <: JsonSchema[_]](implicit sm: HasJsonSchema[_, S]): Repath[S] = new Repath[S] {
override def apply(t: S, node: PathNode): S =
sm.apply(t.pathNodes :+ node)
implicit def option[F <: Field[T] : Repath, T]: Repath[Optional[F, T]] = new Repath[Optional[F, T]] {
override def apply(t: Optional[F, T], node: PathNode): Optional[F, T] =
new Optional[F, T](implicitly[Repath[F]].apply(t.field, node))
implicit def sequence[F <: Field[T] : Repath, T]: Repath[Collection[F, T]] = new Repath[Collection[F, T]] {
override def apply(t: Collection[F, T], node: PathNode): Collection[F, T] =
new Collection[F, T](implicitly[Repath[F]].apply(t.field, node))
trait JsonShape[A, B, -T, Func] {
def format(t: T, apply: Func, unapply: B => A): OFormat[B]
object JsonShape {
type F[T] = Field[T]
implicit def cc1[A, B]: JsonShape[A, B, F[A], (A) => B] = (t: F[A], apply: (A) => B, unapply: B => A) => {
val name = t.pathNodes.last.asInstanceOf[KeyPathNode].key
Reads[B](jsv => (jsv \ name).validate[A](t.format).map(apply)),
OWrites[B](b => JsObject(Map(name -> Json.toJson(unapply(b))(t.format))))
implicit def cc2[T1, T2, B]: JsonShape[(T1, T2), B, (F[T1], F[T2]), (T1, T2) => B] = (t: (F[T1], F[T2]), apply: (T1, T2) => B, unapply: B => (T1, T2)) => {
t._1.nestedFormat and
) (apply, unapply)
implicit def cc3[T1, T2, T3, B]: JsonShape[(T1, T2, T3), B, (F[T1], F[T2], F[T3]), (T1, T2, T3) => B] = (t: (F[T1], F[T2], F[T3]), apply: (T1, T2, T3) => B, unapply: B => (T1, T2, T3)) => {
t._1.nestedFormat and
t._2.nestedFormat and
) (apply, unapply)
//this goes up to 22
abstract class HasJsonSchema[T, +S <: JsonSchema[T]](val apply: PathNodes => S) extends OFormat[T] {
val root: S = apply(Nil)
def format: OFormat[T] = root.format
def writes(o: T): JsObject = root.format.writes(o)
def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[T] = root.format.reads(json)
Now let's write a small piece of client code that reproduce the issue:
case class MessageSchema(prefix: PathNodes) extends JsonSchema[Message](prefix) {
def underlying = plain[String]("underlying")
//def underlying = plain[String]("underlying").optional if I wanted the field to be Option[String]
//def underlying = plain[String]("underlying").sequence if I wanted the field to be Seq[String]
override def format = underlying <> (Message.apply _, Message.unapply)
case class Message(underlying: String)
object Message {
implicit object sm extends HasJsonSchema[Message, MessageSchema](MessageSchema.apply)
case class LanguageTaggedSchema[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](prefix: PathNodes)(implicit evT: HasJsonSchema[T, S]) extends JsonSchema[LanguageTagged[T]](prefix) {
def lang = plain[String]("lang")
def data: S = nested("data")(evT)
def format = (lang, data) <> (LanguageTagged.apply[T] _, LanguageTagged.unapply[T])
case class LanguageTagged[T](lang: String, data: T)
object LanguageTagged {
implicit def schemaMapper[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](implicit ev: HasJsonSchema[T, S]): HasJsonSchema[LanguageTagged[T], LanguageTaggedSchema[T, S]] =
new HasJsonSchema[LanguageTagged[T], LanguageTaggedSchema[T, S]](LanguageTaggedSchema.apply[T, S]) {}
def toJson[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](a: T)(implicit ev: HasJsonSchema[T, S]): JsValue = Json.toJson(a)(ev.format)
toJson(Message("hi")) //Ok!
toJson(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi"))) //Ok!
//or simply write
Json.toJson(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi")))
//and if i wanted to traverse a json path i would do:
val schema = implicitly[HasJsonSchema[LanguageTagged[Message],LanguageTaggedSchema[Message,MessageSchema]]].root
//prints: res2: play.api.libs.json.JsPath = /data/underlying
//Now to where the problem starts:
def getSchema[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]](a: T)(implicit ev: HasJsonSchema[T, S]): S = ev.root
getSchema(Message("hi")) //Ok!
getSchema(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi"))) //Not Ok but why?
//Error:(211, 11) could not find implicit value for
//parameter ev: A$A6.this.HasJsonSchema[A$A6.this.LanguageTagged[A$A6.this.Message],S]
//getSchema(LanguageTagged("en", Message("hi")));//
I have a huge suspicion that the compiler runs into issues because of the bounded type of S inHasJsonSchema[T, S <: JsonSchema[T]] when infering the implicit type S. and so far only in that specific situation as shown on the last line of all the code. as a dubugging attempt I created a similar situation and realized that if the type S was not bounded I wouldn't have this issue. Any sort of solution that refactors the code such that it doesn't depend on bounded types or one that simply solves the implicit resolution is appreciated
What You're trying to achieve cannot be done with subtyping. You should use type-classes instead, a more in-depth explanation:

Converting a List to a Case Class

As an exercise, I am trying to see if I can take a List[Any] and "cast" it into a case class using shapeless.
A very basic example of what I am trying to achieve:
case class Foo(i: Int, j: String)
val foo: Option[Foo] = fromListToCaseClass[Foo]( List(1:Any, "hi":Any) )
Here is how I am shaping my solution (this can be quite off):
def fromListToCaseClass[CC <: Product](a: List[Any]): Option[CC] = a.toHList[???].map( x => Generic[CC].from(x) )
Here is my reasoning:
I know that you can go from a case class to an HList[T] (CC -> HList[T]); where T is the type of the HList. I also know that you can create an HList from a list (list -> Option[HList]) as long as you know the type of the HList. Finally I know that you can go from an HList to a case class (HList -> CC).
CC -> HList[T]
list -> Option[HList[T]] -> Option[CC]
I am wondering if this makes sense or if I am way off here. Can we make this work? Any other suggestions? Thanks!
This can be done very straightforwardly using shapeless's Generic and FromTraversable type classes,
import scala.collection.GenTraversable
import shapeless._, ops.traversable.FromTraversable
class FromListToCaseClass[T] {
def apply[R <: HList](l: GenTraversable[_])
(implicit gen: Generic.Aux[T, R], tl: FromTraversable[R]): Option[T] =
def fromListToCaseClass[T] = new FromListToCaseClass[T]
(There's some accidental complexity here due to Scala's awkwardness when it comes to mixing explicit and inferred type parameters: we want to specify T explicitly, but have R inferred for us).
Sample REPL session ...
scala> case class Foo(i: Int, j: String)
defined class Foo
scala> fromListToCaseClass[Foo](List(23, "foo"))
res0: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(23,foo))
scala> fromListToCaseClass[Foo](List(23, false))
res1: Option[Foo] = None
You can do it with shapeless the following way:
import shapeless._
trait Creator[A] { def apply(list:List[Any]): Option[A] }
object Creator {
def as[A](list: List[Any])(implicit c: Creator[A]): Option[A] = c(list)
def instance[A](parse: List[Any] => Option[A]): Creator[A] = new Creator[A] {
def apply(list:List[Any]): Option[A] = parse(list)
def arbitraryCreate[A] = instance(list =>[A]))
implicit val stringCreate = arbitraryCreate[String]
implicit val intCreate = arbitraryCreate[Int]
implicit val hnilCreate = instance(s => if (s.isEmpty) Some(HNil) else None)
implicit def hconsCreate[H: Creator, T <: HList: Creator]: Creator[H :: T] =
instance {
case Nil => None
case list => for {
h <- as[H](list)
t <- as[T](list.tail)
} yield h :: t
implicit def caseClassCreate[C, R <: HList](
implicit gen: Generic.Aux[C, R],
rc: Creator[R]): Creator[C] =
instance(s => rc(s).map(gen.from))
val foo:Option[Foo] =[Foo](List(1, "hi"))

How to define an arbitrary for a custom list in scalacheck?

I defined a custom list and want to test it with scalacheck:
sealed trait MyList[+A] {
def flatMap[B](f: A => MyList[B]): MyList[B]
def map[B](f: A => B): MyList[B]
case object MyNil extends MyList[Nothing] {
override def flatMap[B](f: (Nothing) => MyList[B]): MyList[B] = ???
override def map[B](f: (Nothing) => B): MyList[B] = ???
case class MyCons[A](head: A, tail: MyList[A]) extends MyList[A] {
override def flatMap[B](f: (A) => MyList[B]): MyList[B] = ???
override def map[B](f: (A) => B): MyList[B] = ???
My test is:
import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Arbitrary}
import org.scalatest.{ShouldMatchers, FunSuite}
import org.scalatest.prop.Checkers
import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll
class MyListSpec extends FunSuite with ShouldMatchers with Checkers {
private def myConsGen[T]: Gen[MyList[T]] = for {
head <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[T]
tail <- Gen.oneOf(myNilGen, myConsGen[T])
} yield MyCons(head, tail)
private val myNilGen: Gen[MyList[Nothing]] = Gen.wrap(MyNil)
implicit def myListArbitrary[T]: Arbitrary[MyList[T]] = Arbitrary[MyList[T]](Gen.oneOf(myNilGen, myConsGen[T]))
test("map") {
check(forAll { l: MyList[String] => => s) == l
But when I compile it, it will report error:
Error:(12, 32) could not find implicit value for parameter a: org.scalacheck.Arbitrary[T]
head <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[T]
Error:(12, 32) not enough arguments for method arbitrary: (implicit a: org.scalacheck.Arbitrary[T])org.scalacheck.Gen[T].
Unspecified value parameter a.
head <- Arbitrary.arbitrary[T]
How to fix it? And is my approach able to be improved?
You need to provide proof that T has an Arbitrary instance.
def myConsGen[T:Arbitrary]: Gen[MyList[T]]
implicit def myListArbitrary[T:Arbitrary]

What is the purpose of the emptyCoproduct and coproduct methods of the TypeClass trait in Shapeless

It is not fully clear to me what is the purpose of the emptyCoProduct and coproduct methods of the TypeClass trait in Shapeless.
When would one use the TypeClass trait instead of the ProductTypeClass?
What are some examples of ways those two methods would be implemented?
Suppose I've got a simple type class:
trait Weight[A] { def apply(a: A): Int }
object Weight {
def apply[A](f: A => Int) = new Weight[A] { def apply(a: A) = f(a) }
And some instances:
implicit val stringWeight: Weight[String] = Weight(_.size)
implicit def intWeight: Weight[Int] = Weight(identity)
And a case class:
case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)
And an ADT:
sealed trait Root
case class Bar(i: Int) extends Root
case class Baz(s: String) extends Root
I can define a ProductTypeClass instance for my type class:
import shapeless._
implicit object WeightTypeClass extends ProductTypeClass[Weight] {
def emptyProduct: Weight[HNil] = Weight(_ => 0)
def product[H, T <: HList](hw: Weight[H], tw: Weight[T]): Weight[H :: T] =
Weight { case (h :: t) => hw(h) + tw(t) }
def project[F, G](w: => Weight[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): Weight[F] =
Weight(f => w(to(f)))
And use it like this:
scala> object WeightHelper extends ProductTypeClassCompanion[Weight]
defined object WeightHelper
scala> import
scala> implicitly[Weight[Foo]]
res0: Weight[Foo] = Weight$$anon$1#4daf1b4d
scala> implicitly[Weight[Bar]]
res1: Weight[Bar] = Weight$$anon$1#1cb152bb
scala> implicitly[Weight[Baz]]
res2: Weight[Baz] = Weight$$anon$1#74930887
scala> implicitly[Weight[Root]]
<console>:21: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: Weight[Root]
This is a problem—it makes our automated type class instance derivation pretty much useless for ADTs. Fortunately we can use TypeClass instead:
implicit object WeightTypeClass extends TypeClass[Weight] {
def emptyProduct: Weight[HNil] = Weight(_ => 0)
def product[H, T <: HList](hw: Weight[H], tw: Weight[T]): Weight[H :: T] =
Weight { case (h :: t) => hw(h) + tw(t) }
def project[F, G](w: => Weight[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): Weight[F] =
Weight(f => w(to(f)))
def emptyCoproduct: Weight[CNil] = Weight(_ => 0)
def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct]
(lw: => Weight[L], rw: => Weight[R]): Weight[L :+: R] = Weight {
case Inl(h) => lw(h)
case Inr(t) => rw(t)
And then:
scala> object WeightHelper extends TypeClassCompanion[Weight]
defined object WeightHelper
scala> import
scala> implicitly[Weight[Root]]
res0: Weight[Root] = Weight$$anon$1#7bc44e19
All the other stuff above still works as well.
To sum up: Shapeless's Coproduct is a kind of abstraction over ADTs, and in general you should provide instances of TypeClass for your type classes instead of just ProductTypeClass whenever possible.
As of shapeless 2.3.2, the above example doesn't seem to compile. here's the updated one for future reference:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.test._
trait Weight[A] { def apply(a: A): Int }
object Weight {
def apply[A](f: A => Int) = new Weight[A] { def apply(a: A) = f(a) }
case class Foo(i: Int, s: String)
sealed trait Root
case class Bar(i: Int) extends Root
case class Baz(s: String) extends Root
object Base {
implicit val stringWeight: Weight[String] = Weight(_.size)
implicit def intWeight: Weight[Int] = Weight(identity)
object ProductTC {
object WeightHelper extends ProductTypeClassCompanion[Weight] {
object typeClass extends ProductTypeClass[Weight] {
def emptyProduct: Weight[HNil] = Weight(_ => 0)
def product[H, T <: HList](hw: Weight[H], tw: Weight[T]): Weight[H :: T] =
Weight { case (h :: t) => hw(h) + tw(t) }
def project[F, G](w: => Weight[G], to: F => G,from: G => F): Weight[F] =
Weight(f => w(to(f)))
import Base._
import WeightHelper._
object TC {
object WeightTypeClass extends TypeClassCompanion[Weight] {
object typeClass extends TypeClass[Weight] {
def emptyProduct: Weight[HNil] = Weight(_ => 0)
def product[H, T <: HList](hw: Weight[H], tw: Weight[T]): Weight[H :: T] =
Weight { case (h :: t) => hw(h) + tw(t) }
def project[F, G](w: => Weight[G], to: F => G, from: G => F): Weight[F] =
Weight(f => w(to(f)))
def emptyCoproduct: Weight[CNil] = Weight(_ => 0)
def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct]
(lw: => Weight[L], rw: => Weight[R]): Weight[L :+: R] = Weight {
case Inl(h) => lw(h)
case Inr(t) => rw(t)
import Base._
import WeightTypeClass._