How to perform a pull to refresh while automating with EarlGrey? - earlgrey

Suppose you have a tableView or fileListView, and you would like to perform a pull to refresh action on the same. Tried performing with swipe and scroll, there was no result initially.

EarlGrey().selectElementWithMatcher(grey_accessibilityID("some element id")).atIndex(0).performAction(grey_swipeSlowInDirectionWithStartPoint(.Down, 0.7, 0.7))
atIndex(0) is context specific. In my case, I had a list view and I hooked on to the first element and did a slow swipe down.
Similarly, the value '0.7' is also relative, you can change those to 0.1, 0.3, etc and try out yourself.


Content Offset Not Updating in Swift

I have an app in Swift 4.0 in which I have a wide scrollview containing multiple images that are each as wide as the screen. Currently the user can swipe through them, which works perfectly. I'm in the process of adding buttons for paging left and right. The code for one of the buttons is below (the left button has the same structure).
When I use the buttons to page right or left, the content offset does not change at all. For example, if I start out on page #1, the horizontal content offset is 0. When I run the scrollRight function, the content offset remains 0, even though it's showing page #2 (it prints "content offset = 0"). If I swipe instead, it displays page #2, but the content offset updates to UIScreen.main.bounds.width (it prints "content offset = 414")
func scrollRight(){
let currentX = sectionScroll.contentOffset.x
let newX = currentX + UIScreen.main.bounds.width
sectionScroll.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: newX, y: 0), animated: true)
print("content offset= ", sectionScroll.contentOffset.x)
What am I doing wrong? Do I just not understand how UIScrollViews function? Is there a way to use the button to display the next page and also update the content offset in the same way that scrolling would? I end up using the content offset in later code to determine which page the user is looking at, so I'd like it to be able to update whether the user swipes or clicks through the pages.
I found the solution in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.
When the animation is set to "true", it takes time to move to the new offset. Therefore, you have to take that into account-- I just built in a short delay before running the rest of my code, although I'm sure there are other ways around it.

Why will my label not change location when trying to add additional text field?

So I have a button on my storyboard. When that button is pressed, I want to move a certain label down a little bit and also add a new text field to the screen. Here is the simplified code:
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, animations: { () -> Void in += self.addIngredientLabel.bounds.height
}) { (_) -> Void in
let newIngredientTextField = UITextField(frame: CGRectMake(100, 110, 100, 100)) -= 50
newIngredientTextField.placeholder = "place text here"
newIngredientTextField.contentHorizontalAlignment = .Left
The problem though, is that after the animation is completed, the label jumps back to its original location. It is like the animation is being pre-maturely terminated. The textField gets added and the label moves but it does not stay moved.
I have tried adding the text field at the end of the function instead of in a completion block. No kind of reordering seems to be helping.
I feel like I am not understanding something fundamental to animations. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.
Since you're using the storyboard, you are most likely also using auto-layout. The positions of your controls are determined in your visual design (storyboard) and will adjust automatically to orientation changes and adapt to various device screen sizes. This is good but the flip size is that you cannot directly change the positions of your control using their x,y coordinates.
Instead, you can change values in the constraints you defined in the storyboard. for example, if you button has a "Top" distancs constraint with a control above it (or the edge of the view), you can change the constraint's "constant" attribute to indirectly change the position of the control.
In order to manipulate the contraints in your code, you can create IBOutlets for them just as you would do with any control.

Preserve the scroll position of a Page

I have a page with many elements (forms and tables)
When I want add a row in a table I scroll the page to the table, I press a button to add a row, edit the info in a popup and press OK.
Then I insert the new row in the model and refresh() the model.
At this point the page auto scroll at the top, but I don't want this behavior!
I want that the page stay in the same Y position!
I see that has scrollTo function
but I don't know how take the position before the refresh()
The Page does unfortunately not have an API to get the current scroll position, but the idea is a good one we consider.
As a workaround you could access some private method of the Page - but only if you accept the risk that it breaks with a future version of UI5:
To make it safer you should verify both methods exist before calling them and also check the returned value for plausibility. Then you are pretty safe that in the worst case it will again scroll to the top in some future UI5 version.
you have to fill the iTime parameter in scrollTo function - e.g. srollTo(100, 1) - then it works
using 0 for iTime does not work

How do I adjust a UIButton relative to its current position?

I'm trying to work with a scroll view controller that needs to adjust it's contents based on user interaction -- specifically, by adding a 'done' button while the user is working with a UITextView, then removing it when they are done. The problem is making room for the button in question. What I'd like to do is...
for every single control that is 'below' the one I'm working with. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. As far as I can tell, I'm going to have to do something more like...
control.layer.position=CGPointMake(newX, newY);
This creates a maintainability nightmare; instead of being able to rearrange buttons inside UIBuilder at will, I'm going to have to change their positions in the code as well. Unfortunately, no matter what variant of the first type of code I use, the result doesn't work; I'm informed that I need an lvalue to the left of the assign or that I'm trying to manipulate incompatible types.
It'll be more verbose than the -= solution, but why don't you just calculate newX and newY based on their old values?
CGPoint oldPosition = control.layer.position;
control.layer.position = CGPointMake(oldPosition.x - 50, oldPosition.y);
The button comes with a center property, so: = CGPointMake( - 50,;
should do the trick

UITableView: moving a row into an empty section

I have a UITableView with some empty sections. I'd like the user to be able to move a row into them using the standard edit mode controls. The only way I can do it so far is to have a dummy row in my "empty" sections and try to hide it by using tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to give the dummy row a height of zero. This seems to leave it as a 1-pixel row. I can probably hide this by making a special type of cell that's just filled with [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor], but is there a better way?
This is all in the grouped mode of UITableView.
UPDATE: Looks like moving rows into empty sections is possible without any tricks, but the "sensitivity" is bad enough that you DO need tricks in order to make it usable for general users (who won't be patient enough to slowly hover the row around the empty section until things click).
I found that in iOS 4.3, the dummy row needs to have a height of at least 1 pixel in order to give the desired effect of allowing a row to be moved into that section.
I also found that the dummy row is only needed in the first and last section; any sections in between don't have this problem.
And it looks like in iOS 5.0, no dummy rows or special tricks are needed at all.
While managing the edit, you can monitor if the table view is in Edit Mode. Use that flag inside of cellForRowAtIndexPath to decide weather or not to display the 'blank' row. While in 'regular' mode, the row will not display, but when the user taps 'edit' cellForRowAtIndexPath should get called again and this time decide to display the row. The details of how to do that depend on your data source and how you are gluing it to the display. If you aren't getting the call again, you can manually inject rows with insertRowsAtIndexPaths / deleteRowsAtIndexPaths and/or call reloadData to force a refresh.
I found that if you return -1.0 from the heightForRowAtIndexPath method it will remove the 1 pixel line.