How do i find the welcome wizard pages id? Innosetup - plugins

I am using the ITD tools plugin to download a file file over the internet and i need the Wizardpage's id after which i want the download screen. I need the welcome screens id. How can i know this? I searched for this online and couldn't find it. I need this as an argument in my ITD_DownloadAfter() function.

Do not use hardcoded IDs but use Inno Setup Constants:
PageID values for predefined wizard pages:
wpWelcome, wpLicense,
wpPassword, wpInfoBefore, wpUserInfo, wpSelectDir, wpSelectComponents,
wpSelectProgramGroup, wpSelectTasks, wpReady, wpPreparing,
wpInstalling, wpInfoAfter, wpFinished
See the manual for more info.


I want to export my whole code base like a package or something like a module that I can import

I created an app for a small group of people. I created a lot of widgets/pages and models. Now another group asked if I could make them the app too. I could create a new project and copy/paste al stuff in there, but more groups want this app, and its a lot of work.
My idea was to create something like a package or export the whole code base to another destination, so that I only need to edit one code base and it changes on all app instances. For the new group I only need to change the API URL and some images which can be changed in pub spec.yaml and main.dart. Do you have a working solution for this?
Please read those articles about creating new package:
Flutter Website: link
Tutorial: link
Also, Pay attention to what is the supported platforms in you package and test it with each platform. You can also publish it to Pub.Dev if you want. but must be on GitHub first.

Unable to install external tool 'YouSeeu' in sakai lms

I tried to install/connect Youseeu tool in sakai throught LTI. But i am not able to find any values for the following fields
1. remote URl.
2. Remote Tool Key.
3. Remote Tool Secret.
If anybody installed youseeu in sakai or any other lms, please help me out how to do that. i search lot regarding with this, but i didn't found any accurate result.
Here is the screenshot
It looks like Youseeu does use LTI (as detailed at: Typically if it will work with d2l via LTI it will work with Sakai.
However, you'll need to get the values you've highlighted from your contact at Youseeu.
The url will be where the external tool launches to (likely on youseeu's servers). The key and secret will then both encrypt and identify your connection. These values will be unique for each institution and will be generated by Youseeu.

How to test all links on a page with Selemiun IDE

I'm new at using Selenium and I'm surprised this question hasn't been asked before but, does anymore know how I can check all the links on a page to make sure none of them are broken?
If you want to check all the links on a page using selenium if so the first you need to click and you need to record first. And you can check with assertLocation. It was broken or not.But I want to give you some advice if you have many tests if so please use webdriver. Because IDE have many limitation.
You can check this article for webdriver Finding the broken links in a webpage using Selenium
First you need to fetch all the links.
public static void allLinks(WebDriver driver)
List<WebElement> links =driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));
for(int i =0;i<links.size();i++)
Here I am just printing all the hyper links by using tag name as all hyperlinks have this anchor tag <a>.
Hope this helps.

How do you implement help (using mallard) for a gtk3 app?

I am trying to create my own gtk3 application. I like to use mallard to display some help about how to use my application. However I do not know how to code such that when the help menu item is clicked the help (mallard) is shown. I have the .page files already ready.
Please note, I am not asking how to create help files using mallard. But rather how to integrate mallard into my gtk3 help.
Good question. In cases like this, I always look on to see how Gedit does it. That's an excellent 'example' application.
First, look here at how they organize their help files:
| \--*.page
\--...other languages...
In help/, they use #YELP_HELP_RULES# to install the files (which is set up by YELP_HELP_INIT in
Then, when the user clicks Help/Contents, they open the URI help:gedit or help:gedit/link_id with gtk_show_uri() (see here, in the functions gedit_app_show_help_impl() and gedit_app_help_link_id_impl()) The files are then, presumably, automatically fetched by the desktop help system, translated into the proper language, and displayed in Yelp.

Product Publisher Application (org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.ProductPublisher)

I have an eclipse bundle with an application and product configuration file (myproduct.product). When I export the product I get executable that I can run just fine.
But how do I export this .product file from a java application? I have looked at the example at the bottom of this page:
but I don't see how its possible to specify the .product file as input. There are also some ant-scripts on the above link but it could be nice to keep the publish in pure java. Any ideas?
I think you probably miss something when you read the twiki page. It already has given a sample to demonstrate how to publish a product in command line. Product Publisher
Note: the product publisher doesn't publish the features/plug-ins that constitute the product, so you have to call FeatureBundle publisher to export features and plug-ins.