I want to add a new Classification to the Coverity webapp - coverity

Right now the Coverity web api has the following options for the "Classification" field for each finding:
False Positive
I'd like to add "Bad Practice" to the list. Is this possible?

No, you can't add element to the Classification list in Coverity.
You can add to the Action and Severity lists though. So these might fill your need.


Stacking Filters Weka Explorer

Hi I'm new to Weka and using the explorer to try to do some text classification.
I have a training set which I have tested using the "word to string vector filter" and an "attribute selection" filter. However I want to be able to test the classifier on unseen data and so have tried using the "supplied test set option". After reading around I realise that the word to string vector filter has to be applied at the same time to both sets so I have used the "Filtered Classifier" option and proceeded to do this. However I cannot seem to apply the Attribute Selection filter as well??
If I am going about this the wrong way please let me know? Or if there is an option to apply or stack multiple filters when classifying that'd be great. Cheers
You have to chain filters (StringToWordVector and AttributeSelection) using MultiFilter, they behave as a single filter you can put into a FilteredClassifier. Check a detailed tutorial at Text Mining in WEKA Revisited: Selecting Attributes by Chaining Filters.

Salesforce: Auto-complete for Lookup field

I have a custom object known as "Companies".I have created a lookup field in a Visual Force page which gives me the list of companies name from the custom object " Companies".I have written a code which makes this lookup field auto-complete like what you have seen in the image attached.(First pic)
The problem: I don't know how to make the lookup field (which takes the list of companies name from custom object" Companies" in "Opportunities" standard object) auto-complete as done in the visual force page. Basically want the field highlighted in yellow in the second picture to auto-complete or give relevant suggestion when I type the first few characters.
Any help on this matter would be appreciated. Thank you
Have you tied enabling Auto Complete for your custom object the search page?
Click Your Name | Setup | Customize | Search | Search Settings.
Check the Lookup Auto-completion check box for your object.
This will give you auto-complete options for recently used items.
You will not be able to embed this customization into a standard page layout like you're using for the Opportunity object in your second screenshot. If that auto-complete is a must-have, then you really only have two options:
Replace the entire Opportunity page layout with a custom VF page
Write a VF component with just the Company lookup field in it and embed it into your Opportunity page layout (this will have to be in its own section, which probably won't look as nice)
This is what you want - http://tapp.ly/autocomplete/
Autocomplete Lookups for Salesforce enables any Salesforce Lookup field to support autocomplete suggestions. Autocomplete Lookups helps your users enter lookup fields reducing data entry tasks and error rates.
Salesforce records suggested as you start typing
Search All fields (Standard Salesforce Lookups only let you search by the Name field)
Results can show any field (E.g. Case Subject rather than Case Number)

How to delete "Any Column" option from Dojo Enhanced Grid Filter plugin drop down entry

I have been using Dojo enhance grid filter plugin. My enhance grid is talking to server side stores and thus my filter criteria is also been sent to the server for getting the filtered data.
Dojo filter plugin provides atleast 9-10 filters like contains, "startswith", "endswith" etc.
In my server I have only filtering queries for 2 - 3 filters.
I am using "disabledConditions" for NOT showing criterias in the drop down of filter plugin.
After reading documentation I came to know about anyColumn to disable criteria's in the "Any Column" option in the drop down. Even if I give the entire list of criteria's as disabled in anycolumn, still I see the empty dropdown box.
var disabledArray1 = ["equalTo","startsWith", "notStartsWith","lessThan","lessThanOrEqualTo","largerThan","largerThanOrEqualTo","contains","endsWith","notEqualTo","notContains","notStartsWith","notEndsWith","range","isEmpty"];
filter: {
itemsName: 'Survey Areas',
closeFilterbarButton: true,
ruleCount: 1,
isServerSide: true,
setupFilterQuery: setupFilter,
anycolumn: disabledArray1
Is there a way I can delete the entry of "Any Column" from the drop down of plugin filter??
I found no way other than a dirty hack like this :
dojo.forEach(dijit.byId('yourGridId').pluginMgr.getPlugin('filter').filterDefDialog._cboxes, function(criteriaBox) {
var theSelect = criteriaBox._colSelect;
I assumed that the "anycolumn" option is the first in the select... feel free to add other checks before removing...
I've just filed a bug with dojo. Let's see what they say: http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/16604.

Dropping elements into a dynatree

I am just starting out with dynatree (which is indeed v. cool), but I have a non-standard use for it: sorting terms from a long list into the hierarchical Dynatree. Specifically, I want to drag-and-drop from outside the Dynatree onto a Dynatree element--preferably exploiting Dynatree's spring-loaded folders rather than expecting the user to manually open the relevant categories beforehand.
Could I get some specific guidance on how to achieve my dreams?
Steve Upstill
One of he drag'n'drop samples seems to implement your use case:
You can drag the 'Drag me around' box over the right tree.
The box is a simple query.draggable.
The tree receives the standard events (onDragEnter, onDragOver, onDrop, onDragLeave).
Make sure to enable the autoExpandMS option.
Hope this helps

JIRA Greenhopper - How to set the 'Flagged' custom field of type “Multi-Checkboxes” in a Workflow Transition's Post Function

In our Jira (v4.4) we are using Greenhopper (v5.7.4), as such Greenhopper makes use of the Flagged custom field to mark Impediments, it is of type "Multi-Checkboxes".
Whilst transitioning from one state to another we are using a pre-installed Post Function to try a set the Flagged custom field. Specifically we are trying the 'Set field value from User Property value' post function.
To support this 'post function' we have tried adding a transition property called flagged with value Impediment and referencing it in the 'post function'.
This doesn't work.
Essentially 2 questions arise.
Is this 'post function' the best way to set a Multi-Checkbox.
If so, how do we specify the Impediment to be true?
For a better explanation of the default flagging behaviour see Flagging Issues in Greenhopper, this is what we want to automate in our transition's 'post function'.
Resolved the Issue - for those that may be looking for a similar solution - here is what I discovered, hope it helps.
Contacting Atlassian the following was suggested:
To set the multi checkbox custom field via post-function is possible.
First of all, you need to install JIRA suites utility plugin:
https://plugins.atlassian.com/plugin/details/5048 After that, in the
workflow transition, add a "Update Issue Custom Field" post function
with your custom field and put the flagged option (e.g. Impediment)
written in the "Custom Field Value" field.
So using the suggested "Update Issue Custom Field" post function I chose the Flagged custom field and used the value 'Impediment' on its own. This worked.
For another transition that unmarked the impediment I used the "Clear Field Value Function" and simple chose the "Flagged" field. This also worked at clearing the Impediment.