How to configure a Jenkins plugin from a Dockerfile - github

I have a user that just has access to pull from github. In my Dockerfile I have added the plugins for Jenkins, such as github:1.22.4, but I want to configure the plugins as some of the people that will build the image won't know how to do the configuration, and don't care to learn.
So, I have some plugins for Jenkins and I want to be able to configure them using the Dockerfile. How can I do that?
My Dockerfile is pretty basic right now:
FROM jenkins
COPY plugins.txt /plugins.txt
RUN /usr/local/bin/ /plugins.txt
and I have several plugins in plugins.txt, but the one I want to configure is to pull the code from github.

Did you check this git repository?
lets say you have plugins.txt like:
and Dockerfile like in your question.
You can take a look into example of and here is part for installing plugins. since you want do configure some plugins you can add configuration when you are installing plugin:
if ! grep -q "${plugin[0]}:${plugin[1]}" "$TEMP_ALREADY_INSTALLED"
echo "Downloading ${plugin[0]}:${plugin[1]}"
curl --retry 3 --retry-delay 5 -sSL -f "${JENKINS_UC_DOWNLOAD}/plugins/${plugin[0]}/${plugin[1]}/${plugin[0]}.hpi" -o "$REF/${plugin[0]}.jpi"
unzip -qqt "$REF/${plugin[0]}.jpi"
# if [ some plugin ] then
# here your configuration
# fi
echo " ... skipping already installed: ${plugin[0]}:${plugin[1]}"


How to deploy a documentation page

I created a library with a demo page that I deployed it using Netlify (the url is something like and it is associated with "build": "parcel build demo/index.html --out-dir demo-build",.
Then I add to my library a documentation page using documentationjs that using the command yarn docs:
"docs:html": "documentation build --config documentation.yml src/lib/**/*.ts --parse-extension ts --format html --output docs --favicon ../public/peacock-64.png",
"docs:md": "documentation build --config documentation.yml src/lib/**/*.ts --parse-extension ts --format md --output docs/",
"docs": "yarn docs:html && yarn docs:md"
creates this docs folder:
So what I want to deploy is the index.html page for example using an url like this or whatever, it's not important.
How can I do that? Which command I have to use, how have to configure Netlify and/or documentationjs?
Thanks a lot!
You can set up a new site on Netlify, pointing at the same git repo, and give it the build and output directory setting you list in your question, and point the output at your subdomain.

How to pass credentials to sbt build cli?

I'm trying to Dockerize an old sbt build that needs access to a private nexus repo. I've previously been using a local credentials file referenced from the build.sbt, but that doesn't really fit my use currently since I want to bootstrap everything from a Dockerfile build. I rather not have to output stuff to a file and then copy it into my docker build container but rather just pass it as docker ARG's.
I read I can pass it like so:
credentials += Credentials("Some Nexus Repository Manager",
"", "admin", "admin123")
So therefore I figured I could do something like:
RUN sbt ";credentials += Credentials(\"Some Nexus Repository Manager\", \"\", ${REPO_USER}, ${REPO_PWD}) ;package"
and then run
docker build . --build-arg REPO_USER=foobar --build-arg REPO_PWD=*****
in my Dockerfile but that didn't work. I still get:
Unable to find credentials for [Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager #]
Is there any nice way to pass repo credentials to sbt from cli?
I tried a a file approach but that didn't solve the problem so I guess I might be on the wrong track on what's actually wrong here.
RUN echo "realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager" >> .credentials && \
echo "" >> .credentials && \
echo "user=$REPO_USER" >> .credentials && \
echo "password=$REPO_PWD" >> .credentials && \
export SBT_CREDENTIALS=.credentials && \
sbt package
Update 2
I think this is no longer a Docker question at all since I've debugged it in the docker container sbt simply wouldn't pick my creds up any way I passed it according to the sbt docs.
I'll answer my own question.
You can use environment variables. You can set them in dockerfile either straight or from args. Something like this:
Then you can use the environment variables in sbt:
val repoUser = sys.env.get("REPO_USR").getOrElse("")
val repoPass = sys.env.get("REPO_PWS").getOrElse("")
credentials += Credentials("Repo Realm", "", repoUser, repoPass)
Then you can basically pass args to docker build and they will be passed on to sbt.
The sbt docs are misleading at best or simply just wrong. After debugging this to bits in the docker container I found that there was no way I could pass the creds cli so they got picked up. The SBT_CREDENTIALS variable just doesn't work either.
This comment finally saved me: SBT is unable to find credentials when attempting to download from an Artifactory virtual repo
The least intrusive way I've got working is to add an sbt config file in the docker image's home dir:
RUN mkdir .sbt/0.13/plugins && \
echo "credentials += Credentials(\"Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager\", \"\", \"$REPO_USER\", \"$REPO_PWD\")" >> .sbt/0.13/plugins/creds.sbt
RUN sbt package

RTEMS libbsd compilation issue

I followed the steps mentioned in the link
for sparc and 4.12 version.
# cd /opt
# mkdir RTEMS
# cd RTEMS
# sandbox="$PWD/sandbox"
# mkdir sandbox
# cd "$sandbox"
# git clone git://
# git clone git://
# git clone git://
Build and install the tools.
# cd rtems-source-builder/rtems
# ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix="$sandbox/rtems-4.12" 4.12/rtems-sparc
Bootstrap the RTEMS sources:
# cd "$sandbox"
# cd rtems
# PATH="$sandbox/rtems-4.12/bin:$PATH"
# ./bootstrap
# cd "$sandbox" or cd ..
# mkdir b-sis
# cd b-sis
# "$sandbox/rtems/configure" --target=sparc-rtems4.12 --prefix="$sandbox/rtems-4.12" --disable-networking --enable-tests=samples --enable-rtemsbsp=sis
# make
# make install
Build and install rtems-libbsd
# cd "$sandbox"
# cd rtems-libbsd
# git submodule init
# git submodule update rtems_waf
# waf configure --prefix="$sandbox/rtems-4.12" --rtems-bsps=sparc/sis
In this step I got an error
Setting top to : /home/subhilash/RTEMS/sandbox/rtems-libbsd
Setting out to : /home/subhilash/RTEMS/sandbox/rtems-libbsd/build
No valid arch/bsps found
The error means waf configure was unable to find sparc/sis installed in your prefix. Probably, configure and make failed without an obvious error due to the removal of the sis BSP from RTEMS during the 4.12 development cycle. Try using erc32 instead of sis.
You may get timelier responses about RTEMS by inquiring on the users mailing list.
You should also be aware that the sis simulator for the erc32 does not have a simulated NIC. And as I right this, the greth driver that you probably want for LEON CPUs doesn't yet have a driver in the rtems-libbsd TCP/IP stack. It is supported by the legacy IPV4 stack.
We would welcome a contribution to port this driver to the new stack.
I don't know if the greth driver is supported by qemu but the basic leon3 is supported.

Building Apache Spark using SBT: Invalid or corrupt jarfile

I'm trying to install Spark on my local machine. I have been following this guide. I have installed JDK-7 (also have JDK-8) and Scala 2.11.7. A problem occurs when I try to use sbt to build Spark 1.4.1. I get the following exception.
NOTE: The sbt/sbt script has been relocated to build/sbt.
Please update references to point to the new location.
Invoking 'build/sbt assembly' now ...
Attempting to fetch sbt
Launching sbt from build/sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile build/sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar
I have searched for a solution to this problem. I have found a nice guide which uses a pre-built version. Other than using the pre-built version, is there a way to install Spark using sbt? Further, is there a reason as to why the Invalid or corrupt jarfile error occurs?
I met the same problem. I have fixed it now.
This probably because sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar has a unsuccessful download, although you can see the file is exist, but it's not correct file. The file is about 1.2MB in size. If less than that, you can get into the build/ , use "vim sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar" or other tools to open sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar file.
If the file have the content like this:
<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>
It implys that sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar is not downloaded.
Then open sbt-launch-lib.bash in the same directory,check the line 41 and 42, it gives two urls. Open it to check if they work well.
If url1 doesn't work,download the sbt-launch.jar manually(you can use url2, it may works,or you can download from sbt official website), put it in the same directory, rename it to sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar, then you shoud comment lines in relation to the downloading(may be between line 47 and 68), avoid the script download it again. Like this:
acquire_sbt_jar () {
SBT_VERSION=`awk -F "=" '/sbt\.version/ {print $2}' ./project/`
# if [[ ! -f "$sbt_jar" ]]; then
# # Download sbt launch jar if it hasn't been downloaded yet
# if [ ! -f "${JAR}" ]; then
# # Download
# printf "Attempting to fetch sbt\n"
# JAR_DL="${JAR}.part"
# if [ $(command -v curl) ]; then
# (curl --silent ${URL1} > "${JAR_DL}" || curl --silent ${URL2} > "${JAR_DL}") && mv "${JAR_DL}" "${JAR}"
# elif [ $(command -v wget) ]; then
# (wget --quiet ${URL1} -O "${JAR_DL}" || wget --quiet ${URL2} -O "${JAR_DL}") && mv "${JAR_DL}" "${JAR}"
# else
# printf "You do not have curl or wget installed, please install sbt manually from\n"
# exit -1
# fi
# fi
# if [ ! -f "${JAR}" ]; then
# # We failed to download
# printf "Our attempt to download sbt locally to ${JAR} failed. Please install sbt manually from\n"
# exit -1
# fi
# printf "Launching sbt from ${JAR}\n"
# fi
Then use "build/sbt assembly" to build the spark again.
Hope you will succeed.
If I didn't express clearly, the following links may be helpful.
Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile sbt/sbt-launch-0.13.5.jar the answer by prabeesh!topic/predictionio-user/fllCh8n-0d4
Download the sbt-launch.jar file manually (you can use url2, it may work, or you can download from the sbt official website), put it in the same directory, rename it to sbt-launch-0.13.7.jar, then run the sbt/sbt assembly command.

Chef cookbook for installing mongodb-shell only

I am trying to install a mongo client via chef. Essentially this is what I have been doing in manual installs:
sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo
name=MongoDB Repository
sudo yum install mongodb-org-shell-2.6.7
I don't want to reinvent the wheel here, nor do I want to install anything other than the shell. This cookbook looks like a good resource, but I cannot get it to install just the shell:
But it seems to not allow for any of the main components to be installed. Will i need to LWRP?
Well i picked apart the mongodb cookbook - to this tune:
yum_repository 'mongodb-org-3.0' do
description 'mongodb RPM Repository'
baseurl "$releasever/mongodb-org/3.0/#{node['kernel']['machine'] =~ /x86_64/ ? 'x86_64' : 'i686'}"
action :create
gpgcheck false
enabled true
case node['platform_family']
when 'debian'
# this options lets us bypass complaint of pre-existing init file
# necessary until upstream fixes ENABLE_MONGOD/DB flag
packager_opts = '-o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" --force-yes'
when 'rhel'
# Add --nogpgcheck option when package is signed
# see:
packager_opts = '--nogpgcheck'
packager_opts = ''
package node[:frt_mongodb][:package_name] do
options packager_opts
action :install
version node[:frt_mongodb][:package_version]
That said it looks like I should be able to use that cookbook configured with the right attributes to aCcomplish this. The biggest problem is that the recipe within manipulates files that aren't necessary for the shell.