Number of digits in a number with lisp using cond - lisp

So, I know that there is a solution using the if statement which is the following
(defun numdigits (n)
(if (< -10 n 10)
(1+ (numdigits (truncate n 10)))))
But I'm trying to deepen my knowledge and to understand to go for transforming if statements to the cond statement. SO I tried it out using the cond statement, but I receive an error, and quite honestly, I don't know why.
Here's what I did:
(defun nbDigits (digit)
((> 0 (- digit 10)) 1)
(t (1 + (nbDigits (truncate digit 10))))
The logic I'm having is:
If 0 is greater than x-10, return 1 ( as this means the number is smaller than 10). Else, return 1 + nbDigits(the quotient of the digit when it's divided by 10), which should go until it reaches the base case.
I'm getting the error:
Illegal argument in functor position: 1 in (1 + (NBDIGITS (TRUNCATE DIGIT 10))).
But I don't understand how to go about this error.. Did I do a wrong call?

A simple space between 1 and + is changing the function 1+ into two elements. Remove that space and you are done.
Incidentally, simplify your math by writing (< digit 10) instead of (> 0 (- digit 10))
In the end it should look like this:
(defun nbDigits (digit)
((< digit 10) 1)
(t (1+ (nbDigits (truncate digit 10))))


check even digits on even positions in number lisp

I need a function that will check if all digits in some number on even positions are even. The least significant digit is on position 1, starting from right to left. The function need to be written in lisp.
245 -> true, since 4 is even
238456 -> false, since 5 is odd and 8 and 2 are even
and so on...
Here`s what I got:
(defun check(number fac)
((= (/ number fac) 0) t)
((= (mod (/ number fac) 2 ) 0) (check number (* 100 fac) ) )
The initial value for fac is 10, we divide the number with 10, extract the second digit, check if it is even, if so proceed and divide number with 1000 to extract the 4-th digit and so on until we get over all digits, than the function returns true, meanwhile if some digit is odd the function should return nil.
But something is wrong and the function return nil all the time , when I call it like (check 22 10) for example.
Any thoughts?
Here is a non recursive solution that checks for the correctness of the parameter:
(defun check(num)
(assert (integerp num))
(loop for i = (truncate num 10) then (truncate i 100) until (zerop i)
always (evenp i)))
Just another variant. Basicly I'm converting number to list (through string though, maybe not the best way), then reverse it, select every second element and check it all for being even.
;; Helper for getting every
(defun get-all-nth (list period)
"Get all NTH element in the list"
(let ((iterator 0))
(lambda (x)
(declare (ignore x))
(= 0 (mod (incf iterator) period)))) list))
(defun check-evens (num)
"Checks if all digits in some number on even positions are even.
Goes Rigth-to-left."
(assert (integerp num))
(every #'evenp
(map 'list #'digit-char-p
(prin1-to-string num))) 2)))
Some test cases:
CL-USER> (check-evens 123)
CL-USER> (check-evens 238456)
CL-USER> (check-evens 238446)
CL-USER> (check-evens 23844681)

Lisp, sub total of a numbers in a nested list

i have a problem that i just cant work out,
the user enters a list ie
'((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51)))
i need to add the number on the end together and then return the result
my current code returns the code after each addition. and also throws a error about unexpected type
(defun total-cost (list)
(loop with sum = 0
for x in list
collect (setf sum (+ sum (last x)))
Error: (0.01)' is not of the expected typeNUMBER'
Any help is appreciated
Thanks Dale
Using LOOP:
CL-USER 19 > (loop for (nil nil number) in '((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51))
sum number)
REDUCE is another option:
CL-USER 20 > (reduce '+
'((anItem 2 0.01)
(item 3 0.10)
(anotherItem 4 4.10)
(item 5 2.51))
:key 'third)
Loop has a keyword sum for summing so you don't have to have an explicit variable nor use setf:
(defun total-cost (list)
(loop for x in list sum (third x)))
As Chris said, use (car (last x)) if the number you're looking for is always the last one. Or you can use (third x) as in my example if it's always the third one.
Also, note that the use of collectis wrong if your aim is to return the sum only; your example (corrected) returns
(0.01 0.11 4.21 6.7200003)
whereas mine returns
Note that if you want so escape the rounding errors as much as possible you need to use an exponent marker to make them double-floats for example:
(total-cost '((anItem 2 0.01D0)
(item 3 0.10D0)
(anotherItem 4 4.10D0)
(item 5 2.51D0)))
=> 6.72D0
last returns the last cons cell in the list, not its value. You need to use (car (last x)) instead.
Just in case you want the code to give you a precise result rather then being short:
(defun kahan-sum (floats)
:with sum := 0.0 :and error := 0.0
:for float :in floats
:for epsilon := (- float error)
:for corrected-sum := (+ sum epsilon) :do
(setf error (- corrected-sum sum epsilon) sum corrected-sum)
:finally (return sum)))
(defun naive-sum (floats) (loop :for float :in floats :sum float))
(let ((floats (loop :repeat 1000 :collect (- (random 1000000.0) 1000000.0))))
(format t "~&naive sum: ~f, kahan sum: ~f" (naive-sum floats) (kahan-sum floats)))
;; naive sum: -498127420.0, kahan sum: -498127600.0
Read more about why it works like this here:
Coming late to the party... How about a little lisping instead of looping? ;-)
(defun sum-3rd (xs)
(let ((sum 0))
(dolist (x xs sum)
(incf sum (nth 2 x)))))

Convert decimal number to octal in Lisp

I'm trying to write a function in Common Lisp to convert a base 10 number into a base 8 number, represented as a list, recursively.
Here's what I have so far:
(defun base8(n)
((zerop (truncate n 8)) (cons n nil))
((t) (cons (mod n 8) (base8 (truncate n 8))))))
This function works fine when I input numbers < 8 and > -8, but the recursive case is giving me a lot of trouble. When I try 8 as an argument (which should return (1 0)), I get an error Undefined operator T in form (T).
Thanks in advance.
Just for fun, here's a solution without recursion, using built-in functionality:
(defun base8 (n)
(reverse (coerce (format nil "~8R" n) 'list)))
It seems you have forgotten to (defun t ...) or perhaps it's not the function t you meant to have in the cond? Perhaps it's t the truth value?
The dual namespace nature of Common Lisp makes it possible for t to both be a function and the truth value. the difference is which context you use it and you clearly are trying to apply t as a function/macro.
Here is the code edited for the truth value instead of the t function:
(defun base8(n)
((zerop (truncate n 8)) (cons n nil))
(t (cons (mod n 8) (base8 (truncate n 8))))))
(base8 8) ; ==> (0 1)

Common Lisp: "no non-white-space characters in string"

For Project Euler Problem 8, I am told to parse through a 1000 digit number.
This is a brute-force Lisp solution, which basically goes through every 5 consecutive digits and multiplies them from start to finish, and returns the largest one at the end of the loop.
The code:
(defun pep8 ()
(labels ((product-of-5n (n)
(eval (append '(*)
(loop for x from n to (+ n 5)
collect (parse-integer
1000digits-str :start x :end (+ x 1)))))))
(let ((largestproduct 0))
(do ((currentdigit 0 (1+ currentdigit)))
((> currentdigit (- (length 1000digits-str) 6)) (return largestproduct))
(when (> (product-of-5n currentdigit) largestproduct)
(setf largestproduct (product-of-5n currentdigit)))))))
It compiles without any warnings, but upon running it I get:
no non-whitespace characters in string "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934...".
[Condition of type SB-INT:SIMPLE-PARSE-ERROR]
I checked to see if the local function product-of-5n was working by writing it again as a global function:
(defun product-of-5n (n)
(eval (append '(*)
(loop for x from n to (+ n 5)
collect (parse-integer
1000digits-str :start x :end (+ x 1))))))
This compiled without warnings and upon running it, appears to operate perfectly. For example,
CL_USER> (product-of-5n 1) => 882
Which appears to be correct since the first five digits are 7, 3, 1, 6 and 7.
As for 1000digits-str, it was simply compiled with defvar, and with Emacs' longlines-show-hard-newlines, I don't think there are any white-space characters in the string, because that's what SBCL is complaining about, right?
I don't think there are any white-space characters in the string, because that's what SBCL is complaining about, right?
The error-message isn't complaining about the presence of white-space, but about the absence of non-white-space. But it's actually a bit misleading: what the message should say is that there's no non-white-space in the specific substring to be parsed. This is because you ran off the end of the string, so were parsing a zero-length substring.
Also, product-of-5n is not defined quite right. It's just happenstance that (product-of-5n 1) returns the product of the first five digits. Strings are indexed from 0, so (product-of-5n 1) starts with the second character; and the function iterates from n + 0 to n + 5, which is a total of six characters; so (product-of-5n 1) returns 3 × 1 × 6 × 7 × 1 × 7, which happens to be the same as 7 × 3 × 1 × 6 × 7 × 1.
EVAL is not a good idea.
Your loop upper bound is wrong.
Otherwise I tried it with the number string and it works.
It's also Euler 8, not 9.
This is my version:
(defun euler8 (string)
(loop for (a b c d e) on (map 'list #'digit-char-p string)
while e maximize (* a b c d e)))
since I don't know common lisp, I slightly modified your code to fit with elisp. As far as finding bugs go and besides what have been said ((product-of-5n 1) should return 126), the only comment I have is that in (pep8), do length-4 instead of -6 (otherwise you loose last 2 characters). Sorry that I don't know how to fix your parse-error (I used string-to-number instead), but here is the code in case you find it useful:
(defun product-of-5n (n) ;take 5 characters from a string "1000digits-str" starting with nth one and output their product
(let (ox) ;define ox as a local variable
(eval ;evaluate
(append '(*) ;concatenate the multiplication sign to the list of 5 numbers (that are added next)
(dotimes (x 5 ox) ;x goes from 0 to 4 (n is added later to make it go n to n+4), the output is stored in ox
(setq ox (cons ;create a list of 5 numbers and store it in ox
(substring 1000digits-str (+ x n) (+ (+ x n) 1) ) ;get the (n+x)th character
) ;end convert char to number
ox ) ;end cons
) ;end setq
) ;end dotimes, returns ox outside of do, ox has the list of 5 numbers in it
) ;end append
) ;end eval
) ;end let
(defun pep8 () ;print the highest
(let ((currentdigit 0) (largestproduct 0)) ;initialize local variables
(while (< currentdigit (- (length 1000digits-str) 4) ) ;while currentdigit (cd from now on) is less than l(str)-4
;(print (cons "current digit" currentdigit)) ;uncomment to print cd
(when (> (product-of-5n currentdigit) largestproduct) ;when current product is greater than previous largestproduct (lp)
(setq largestproduct (product-of-5n currentdigit)) ;save lp
(print (cons "next good cd" currentdigit)) ;print cd
(print (cons "with corresponding lp" largestproduct)) ;print lp
) ;end when
(setq currentdigit (1+ currentdigit)) ;increment cd
) ;end while
(print (cons "best ever lp" largestproduct) ) ;print best ever lp
) ;end let
(setq 1000digits-str "73167176531330624919")
(product-of-5n 1)
which returns (when ran on the first 20 characters)
("next good cd" . 0)
("with corresponding lp" . 882)
("next good cd" . 3)
("with corresponding lp" . 1764)
("best ever lp" . 1764)
I've done this problem some time ago, and there's one thing you are missing in the description of the problem. You need to read consequent as starting at any offset into a sting, not only the offsets divisible by 5. Therefore the solution to the problem will be more like the following:
(defun pe-8 ()
(do ((input (remove #\Newline
(tries 0 (1+ tries))
(result 0))
((= tries 5) result)
(setq result
(max result
(do ((max 0)
(i 0 (+ 5 i)))
((= i (length input)) max)
(setq max
(do ((j i (1+ j))
(current 1)
((= j (+ 5 i)) (max current max))
(setq int-char (- (char-code (aref input j)) 48))
(case int-char
(0 (return max))
(t (setq current (* current int-char))))))))
input (concatenate 'string (subseq input 1) (subseq input 0 1)))))
It's a tad ugly, but it illustrates the idea.
EDIT sorry, I've confused two of your functions. So that like was incorrect.

How to calculate the sum of a digits of a number in Scheme?

I want to calculate the sum of digits of a number in Scheme. It should work like this:
>(sum-of-digits 123)
My idea is to transform the number 123 to string "123" and then transform it to a list '(1 2 3) and then use (apply + '(1 2 3)) to get 6.
but it's unfortunately not working like I imagined.
>(string->list(number->string 123))
'(#\1 #\2 #\3)
Apparently '(#\1 #\2 #\3) is not same as '(1 2 3)... because I'm using language racket under DrRacket, so I can not use the function like char->digit.
Can anyone help me fix this?
An alternative method would be to loop over the digits by using modulo. I'm not as used to scheme syntax, but thanks to #bearzk translating my Lisp here's a function that works for non-negative integers (and with a little work could encompass decimals and negative values):
(define (sum-of-digits x)
(if (= x 0) 0
(+ (modulo x 10)
(sum-of-digits (/ (- x (modulo x 10)) 10)))))
Something like this can do your digits thing arithmetically rather than string style:
(define (digits n)
(if (zero? n)
(cons (remainder n 10) (digits2 (quotient n 10))))
Anyway, idk if its what you're doing but this question makes me think Project Euler. And if so, you're going to appreciate both of these functions in future problems.
Above is the hard part, this is the rest:
(foldr + (digits 12345) 0)
(apply + (digits 1234))
EDIT - I got rid of intLength above, but in case you still want it.
(define (intLength x)
(define (intLengthP x c)
(if (zero? x)
(intLengthP (quotient x 10) (+ c 1))
(intLengthP x 0))
Those #\1, #\2 things are characters. I hate to RTFM you, but the Racket docs are really good here. If you highlight string->list in DrRacket and hit F1, you should get a browser window with a bunch of useful information.
So as not to keep you in the dark; I think I'd probably use the "string" function as the missing step in your solution:
(map string (list #\a #\b))
... produces
(list "a" "b")
A better idea would be to actually find the digits and sum them. 34%10 gives 4 and 3%10 gives 3. Sum is 3+4.
Here's an algorithm in F# (I'm sorry, I don't know Scheme):
let rec sumOfDigits n =
if n<10 then n
else (n%10) + sumOfDigits (n/10)
This works, it builds on your initial string->list solution, just does a conversion on the list of characters
(apply + (map (lambda (d) (- (char->integer d) (char->integer #\0)))
(string->list (number->string 123))))
The conversion function could factored out to make it a little more clear:
(define (digit->integer d)
(- (char->integer d) (char->integer #\0)))
(apply + (map digit->integer (string->list (number->string 123))))
(define (sum-of-digits num)
(if (< num 10)
(+ (remainder num 10) (sum-of-digits (/ (- num (remainder num 10)) 10)))))
recursive process.. terminates at n < 10 where sum-of-digits returns the input num itself.