Swift bar at the bottom of bar button item in toolbar - swift

I am using a toolbar(at the bottom part of the screen, not as in the printscreen) and I am trying to add a bar at the bottom of the bar button that was last tapped, as in the printscreen(the baby blue bar on top of the blue bar).
Any idea how I could do this?

You need to do it programatically, then set the navbar y position at the bottom part, you wont be able to do it using Storyboard.


animated bottom navigation bar using flutter

I want to create an animated bottom navigationbar like show in the image below. How can I do that?

Add Buttons to Navigation Bar that are aligned with the Title

So I have this navigation title, and I tried to align some buttons with it using .toolbar. But Whenever I lower it with some extra padding on the top (so that they can be aligned horizontally) the buttons stop being able to be clicked. Is there some kind of area around the navigationTitle where I can't hit buttons? How do I fix this?
You can add views including buttons to the Navigation bar using .naivgationBarItems(leading: View?, center: View?, trailing: View?)

How to add a titlebar to a popover

I'm trying to replicate the appearance of the (no longer functional) Degrees app, but I can't figure out the components used to make the title bar (highlighted here in red).
I've managed to get my app running as a menu bar agent, and I've wired up a popover to display a window view on click. But it's not quite right: my window's title bar disappears when in the popover, and the bar used in the Degrees app is wider than the one provided by the stock window control.
How might I mimic the appearance here? it just an ImageView?
Popover's don't show window title bar's as you've discovered.
Just add an NSView at the top of your window view and add a label for the title and a button for the "Done" button to create your top bar with desired height. Then add a horizontal line to the bottom of this title view and programmatically set the background color of its layer to whatever you desire. Offset all your other views by that bar height.
[View (Title Parent)]
[Horizontal Line]
[Other Views]
For getting the gray background, in your NSWindowController windowDidLoad,
self.titleParentView.wantsLayer = YES
self.titleParentView.layer.backgroundColor = [NSColor grayColor].CGColor;
where titleParentView is an IBOutlet connected to the view you created above in the xib/storyboard

how do I have the navigationItem.titleView to be behind left and right bar button item

Is it possible to have the titleView to be behind the left and right bar button item on a navigation bar? I've set my titleView to have a width of 320 and it covers the left and right bar button item. I wonder if there is a way to move it to the back?
In my experiments, it appears that the titleView is always drawn after (above) the left and right bar button items. You could try spelunking the view hierarchy and using sendSubviewToBack:, provided that the title view is ever made part of the navigation bar's hierarchy.
If you can render the effect you're trying to achieve into an image, you could set that as the backgroundImage of the navigation bar, but this may not be practical.
Remember that you'll likely need to account for interface rotation in any case, since the navigation bar height (on iPhone) goes from 44px in portrait to 32px in landscape).

UIToolbar and Flexable/Fixed bar button items

I have a toolbar, where I want to have one UIBarButtonItem centered and have another on the very right. However when I add the button on the right, my centered button gets shifted further to the left (see attached). I can't figure out how to get this resolved without using code (I would like to use interface builder only). Any ideas?
To do this in just IB, add a fixed bar button item to the very left of the bar that's the exact same width of the 'switch camera' button, followed by a flexible button, your camera icon, another flexible space, and the switch camera.
So it would look like:
|--fixed space--||--flexible space--||Camera Button||--flexible space--||switch camera|