Difference between sc.broadcast and broadcast function in spark sql - scala

I have used sc.broadcast for lookup files to improve the performance.
I also came to know there is a function called broadcast in Spark SQL Functions.
What is the difference between two?
Which one i should use it for broadcasting the reference/look up tables?

one word answer :
1) org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast() function is user supplied,explicit hint for given sql join.
2) sc.broadcast is for broadcasting readonly shared variable.
More details about broadcast function #1 :
Here is scala doc from
which says.
Broadcast: if one side of the join has an estimated physical size that is smaller than the * user-configurable
[[SQLConf.AUTO_BROADCASTJOIN_THRESHOLD]] threshold * or if that
side has an explicit broadcast hint (e.g. the user applied the *
[[org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast()]] function to a
DataFrame), then that side * of the join will be broadcasted
and the other side will be streamed, with no shuffling *
performed. If both sides of the join are eligible to be broadcasted
then the *
Shuffle hash join: if the average size of a single
partition is small enough to build a hash * table.
Sort merge: if the matching join keys are sortable.
If there is no joining keys, Join implementations are chosen with the following precedence:
BroadcastNestedLoopJoin: if one side of the join could be broadcasted
CartesianProduct: for Inner join
The below method controls the behavior based on size we set to
spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold by default it is 10mb
Note : smallDataFrame.join(largeDataFrame) does not do a broadcast hash join, but largeDataFrame.join(smallDataFrame) does.
/** Matches a plan whose output should be small enough to be used in broadcast join.
private def canBroadcast(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = {
plan.statistics.isBroadcastable ||
plan.statistics.sizeInBytes <= conf.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold
In future the below configurations will be deprecated in coming versions of spark.

If you want to achieve broadcast join in Spark SQL you should use broadcast function (combined with desired spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold configuration). It will:
Mark given relation for broadcasting.
Adjust SQL execution plan.
When output relation is evaluated it will take care of collecting data, and broadcasting, and applying correct join mechanism.
SparkContext.broadcast is used to handle local objects and is applicable for use with Spark DataFrames.


How to use OPTIMIZE ZORDER BY in Databricks

I have two dataframes(from a delta lake table) that do a left join via an id column.
sd1, sd2
from sd1 a
left outer join sd2 b
on a.id = b.id
The problem is that my query takes a long time, looking for ways to improve the results I have found OPTIMIZE ZORDER BY Youtube video
according to the video seems to be useful when ordering columns if they are going to be part of the where condition`.
But since the two dataframes use the id in the join condition, could it be interesting to order that column?
spark.sql(f'OPTIMIZE delta.`{sd1_delta_table_path}` ZORDER BY (id)')
the logic that follows in my head is that if we first order that column then it will take less time to look for them to make the match. Is this correct ?
Thanks ind advance
OPTIMIZE ZORDER may help a bit by placing related data together, but it's usefulness may depend on the data type used for ID column. OPTIMIZE ZORDER relies on the data skipping functionality that just gives you min & max statistics, but may not be useful when you have big ranges in your joins.
You can also tune a file sizes, to avoid scanning of too many smaller files.
But from my personal experience, for joins, bloom filters give better performance because they allow to skip files more efficiently than data skipping. Just build bloom filter on the ID column...

Spark union of dataframes does not give counts?

I am trying to union these dataframes ,i used G_ID is not Null or MCOM.T_ID is not null and used trim, the count does not come up ,its running since 1hr. there are only 3 tasks remaining out of 300 tasks.Please suggest how can i debug this ? is null causing issue how can i debug ?
val table1 = spark.sql(""" SELECT trim(C_ID) AS PC_ID FROM ab.CIDS WHERE
_UPDT_TM >= '2020-02-01 15:14:39.527' """)
val table2 = spark.sql(""" SELECT trim(C_ID) AS PC_ID FROM ab.MIDS MCOM INNER
ON Trim(MCOM.T_ID) = Trim(VDBR.T_ID) AND Trim(MCOM.G_ID) = Trim(VDBR.G_ID)
AND Trim(MCOM.C123M_CD) IN ('BBB', 'AAA') WHERE MCOM._UPDT_TM >= '2020-02-01 15:14:39.527'
AND Trim(VDBR.BB_CD) IN ('BBC') """)
var abc=table1.select("PC_ID").union(table2.select("PC_ID"))
even tried this --> filtered = abc.filter(row => !row.anyNull);
It looks like you have a data skew problem. Looking at the "Summary Metrics" it's clear that (at least) three quarters of your partitions are empty, so you are eliminating most of the potential parallelization that spark can provide for you.
Though it will cause a shuffle step (where data gets moved over the network between different executors), a .repartition() will help to balance the data across all of the partitions and create more valid units of work to be spread among the available cores. This would most likely provide a speedup of your count().
As a rule of thumb, you'd likely want to call .repartition() with the parameter set to at least the number of cores in your cluster. Setting it higher will result in tasks getting completed more quickly (it's fun to watch the progress), though adds some management overhead to the overall time the job will take to run. If the tasks are too small (i.e. not enough data per partition), then sometime the scheduler gets confused and won't use the entire cluster either. On the whole, finding the right number of partitions is a balancing act.
You have added alias to the column "C_ID" as "PC_ID". and after that you are looking for "C_ID".
And Union can be performed on same number of columns, your table1 and table2 has different in columns size.
otherwise you will get: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Union can only be performed on tables with the same number of columns
Please take care of these two scenario first.

Apache beam: SQL aggregation outputs no results for Unbounded/Bounded join

I am working on an apache beam pipeline to run a SQL aggregation function.Reference: https://github.com/apache/beam/blob/master/sdks/java/extensions/sql/src/test/java/org/apache/beam/sdk/extensions/sql/BeamSqlDslJoinTest.java#L159.
The example here works fine.However, when I replace the source with an actual unbounded source and do an aggregation, I see no results.
Steps in my pipeline:
Read bounded data from a source and convert to collection of rows.
Read unbounded json data from a websocket source.
Assign timestamp to the every source stream via a DoFn.
Convert the unbounded json to unbounded row collection
Apply a window on the row collection
Apply a SQL statement.
Output the result of the sql.
A normal SQL statement executes and outputs the results. However, when I use a group by in the SQL, there is no output.
o1.sensor se,
o2.sensor sa
on o1.sensor = o2.sensor
The results are continous and like shown below.
2019-07-19 20:43:11 INFO ConsoleSink:27 - {
2019-07-19 20:43:11 INFO ConsoleSink:27 - {
2019-07-19 20:43:11 INFO ConsoleSink:27 - {
The results don't show up at all when I change the sql to
COUNT(o1.detectedCount) o2.sensor sa
on o1.sensor = o2.sensor
GROUP BY o2.sensor
Is there anything I am doing wrong in this implementation.Any pointers would be really helpful.
Some suggestions come up when reading your code:
Extend the window, to allow lateness, and to emit early arrived data.
.apply("windowing", Window.<Row>into(FixedWindows.of(Duration.standardSeconds(2)))
Try to remove the join and check if without it you have output to the window,
Try to add more time to the window. because sometimes it is too short to shuffle the data between the workers. and the joined streams aren't emitted at the same time.
outputWithTimestamp will output the rows in a different timestamp, and then they can be dropped when you don't allow lateness.
Read the docs for outputWithTimestamp, this API is a bit risky.
If the input {#link PCollection} elements have timestamps, the output
timestamp for each element must not be before the input element's
timestamp minus the value of {#link getAllowedTimestampSkew()}. If an
output timestamp is before this time, the transform will throw an
{#link IllegalArgumentException} when executed. Use {#link
withAllowedTimestampSkew(Duration)} to update the allowed skew.
CAUTION: Use of {#link #withAllowedTimestampSkew(Duration)} permits
elements to be emitted behind the watermark. These elements are
considered late, and if behind the {#link
Window#withAllowedLateness(Duration) allowed lateness} of a downstream
{#link PCollection} may be silently dropped.
COUNT(o1.detectedCount) as number
on o1.sensor = o2.sensor
GROUP BY sa,o1.sensor,o2.sensor

Where clause versus join clause in Spark SQL

I am writing a query to get records from Table A which satisfies a condition from records in Table B. For example:
Table A is:
Name Profession City
John Engineer Palo Alto
Jack Doctor SF
Table B is:
Profession City NewJobOffer
Engineer SF Yes
and I'm interested to get Table c:
Name Profession City NewJobOffer
Jack Engineer SF Yes
I can do this in two ways using where clause or join query which one is faster and why in spark sql?
Where clause to compare the columns add select those records or join on the column itself, which is better?
It's better to provide filter in WHERE clause. These two expressions are not equivalent.
When you provide filtering in JOIN clause, you will have two data sources retrieved and then joined on specified condition. Since join is done through shuffling (redistributing between executors) data first, you are going to shuffle a lot of data.
When you provide filter in WHERE clause, Spark can recognize it and you will have two data sources filtered and then joined. This way you will shuffle less amount of data. What might be even more important is that this way Spark may also be able to do a filter-pushdown, filtering data at datasource level, which means even less network pressure.

Equivalent to left outer join in SPARK

Is there a left outer join equivalent in SPARK SCALA ? I understand there is join operation which is equivalent to database inner join.
Spark Scala does have the support of left outer join. Have a look here
Usage is quite simple as
It is as simple as rdd1.leftOuterJoin(rdd2) but you have to make sure both rdd's are in the form of (key, value) for each element of the rdd's.
Yes, there is. Have a look at the DStream APIs and they have provided left as well as right outer joins.
If you have a stream of of type let's say 'Record', and you wish to join two streams of records, then you can do this like :
var res: DStream[(Long, (Record, Option[Record]))] = left.leftOuterJoin(right)
As the APIs say, the left and right streams have to be hash partitioned. i.e., you can take some attributes from a Record, (or may be in any other way) to calculate a Hash value and convert it to pair DStream. left and right streams will be of type DStream[(Long, Record)] before you call that join function. (It is just an example. The Hash type can be of some type other than Long as well.)
Spark SQL / Data Frame API also supports LEFT/RIGHT/FULL outer joins directly:
Because of this bug: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-11111 outer joins in Spark prior to 1.6 might be very slow (unless you have really small data sets to join). It used to use cartesian product and then filtering before 1.6. Now it is using SortMergeJoin instead.