Release Itunes app name for others to use - app-store

Our organization has created an app for a client. Now, our client is hiring a different organization to build their app. They want to use the exact same name for the app, and are encountering 'This app name is taken' errors when attempting to create it.
The other organization also refuses to give us the information required to transfer the existing app over to them.
Can anyone say for sure, or know where in the documentation it may be explicitly stated that deleting the app altogether from our account will free up the name so they can use it?
The only other alternative is to re-submit our app under a different name, but this obviously takes far longer, given we'd need to go through the app approval or rejection process again for this to happen. I feel like the logical thing to do is simply delete our app, but I cannot find it explicitly stated anywhere that this will free the reserved app name.

Fastest way is to transfer the app to new profile,
You can delete the app (once deleted from your account, new organization can use the same app ID, however i don't recommended deletion as it's irreversible process and you cannot use the same name ever - Important: If you delete your app, you can’t restore it. The SKU or app name can’t be reused in the same organization. If you’ve uploaded a build, your bundle ID can’t be reused.). So if in future client wants to use your profile again, he/she cannot. Also need to consult with apple as i feel even bundle ID cannot be used by different organization.
Rename the app - Safest option in your case I feel is this. Remove app from sales and then simply rename app to existingappname1 ( add a number at end of app and new user will be able to use existing name).
In Any case delete should be very last option to be used.
Complete process for rename / transfer and delete explain here


Password login for ios app

I am currently developing an app for a company that is in a very competitive field. I have finished all of the features of the app that they requested except for one, making it somehow protected from their competing companies to download and use. I thought that I could set up a UIViewController with a password field that would check against some kind of database, but I'm not sure how to do the checking against a database part nor the practicality of it, and was hoping I could get some ideas on how to do this so that other companies couldn't steal and use this app without a password or something that changes like every 30 days or something and is kind of like an activation code.
Review the WWDC 2012 video "Building and Distributing Custom B2B Apps for iOS". I'm unsure if your app is in this B2B classification, it seems that it might be from your description.
What I ended up doing (if everyone needs a reference) was setting up a server with an SQL table that has pass codes in it. Since apple does not allow for any sort of system that requires you to "buy the app from outside the app store" I made a dumby username field (shame on me) that takes any value you like and then requires to have a pass code that fits. Once the pass code gets authenticated with the web server in a json sql request (there are plenty of api's to do this with) it comes back and sends the user to the first screen and sets a value in a plist with how many days of use the user has left. Whenever the user opens up the app it checks to see if the date is different from the last date logged in (saved in the same plist file) and if it is different then it calculates the difference and deducts that many. When the count reaches 0 it sends the user to the pass code authentication screen again. A bit complicated but an effective method of getting around Apple's restriction on not having a sort of pass code system like this. Thanks for the answers, unfortunately enterprise did not work for this company since they needed to be able to distribute the app to as many 3rd party members as they wanted to without having to worry about them leaving the company for other suppliers and remote management of the app (I.e ability to remote uninstall) was also not an option. Hope this helps someone someday!

iOS - truly persistent data?

I'm exploring a business model that specifies how many times a (costly) function may be invoked per user in an application.
Right now whatever I save, e.g. user defaults, gets deleted when the app is deleted. When the app is reinstalled, the counter is back to zero.
What I need is a way to save information such that deleting the app still leaves the information intact.
I've seen examples that mimic the deprecated unique identifier, but that's per device, which is not what I'm looking for.
KeyChains appear to be the right way to go. I can store a unique ID there specific to the user as well as in the user defaults and that way can track also if the app was reinstalled.

Is there a way to claim unused Facebook app namespaces?

I'm working on building a new app. However, pretty much every namespace I've thought of that would be appropriate for my app is taken. When I go to see what already exists that uses the name, I usually either get a "page not found" error or an app that is broken. It seems likely that most of these have either never been used, or have been abandoned by the developer for a long time.
Does Facebook have some sort of process to free up or allow users to claim these unused namespaces? Or are they stuck unless the developer decides to give up the name?

Persistence on an online click once application

Is there a way to persist an string from an online click once application. I saw something about isolated file storage as answers to other questions. But none of them specify if it works also for online apps (I really don't think so).
I think that something like a cookie will work. Is there something like that available?
The application must run only online (is triggered with some parameters), but for each user it needs to save a file with specific information asked to him. Once the app runs for the very first time it must not ask for that info to the user.
You can store the information in LocalApplicationData. Just create a directory with either your application name or your company name, stick the string in a file, and read it from there. This article shows you how to persist this data, and not have it impacted by ClickOnce updates. It will work even though your application is online-only. (Online-only C/O apps are still installed, it just means it always runs it from the URL, and requires the user to be connected in order to install the app.)

Using a different company name for iPhone app distribution?

My company is starting to get into iPhone development. We'd like to keep our iPhone business segregated from our other businesses, so in the App Store, we'd like to be known by a different name. For example, although our company may be legally Company, LLC, we'd like our apps on the App Store to appear to be from a different company name, e.g. ReallyCoolApps, LLC, which will simply be a dba for Company, LLC.
I'm in the middle of the developer program enrollment, and it's asking me for my company name, website, etc. At this point, do I need to enter the name we'd like to appear as in the App Store (e.g. ReallyCoolApps, LLC), or can I enter our real company name (e.g. Company, LLC) here and choose a different name to appear as later when we're ready to distribute?
We haven't actually come up with an App Store name yet. I'd like to go ahead and get signed up so I can begin testing on an actual device and wait until later to come up with a name. I want to make sure this is possible before I continue.
The company name is set when you submit your first app. Be careful, you can not change it once submitted, the Apple docs clearly state this. If you use the wrong name you will have to get Apple to change it and that is no fun.
Apple will probably reject your application if the company name you provide does not match your company's legal name. Or at least they did for me, an operating as document was also rejected. i.e. our legal name was foo and we are operating under the name bar.
I'm not sure of the exact point at which you choose your display name, but I'm absolutely positive that it warns you and explicitly tells you that "you will show up in the app store as xyz" at the point at which you must give a name.
I setup my account a few weeks ago, and I'm sure it warned me.