Elusive MATLAB built-in function - matlab

I am trying to read the following internal MATLAB function:
>>which visionInitializeAndExpandCheckerboard
built-in (C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2015a\toolbox\vision\vision\visionInitializeAndExpandCheckerboard)
But it appears to be hidden away! And very well hidden.
None of the following methods to access it have worked:
Highlighting the name and pressing Ctrl+D.
Typing "edit visionInitializeAndExpandCheckerboard" in the command line.
Searching for the file in Matlab's own FindFiles.
Searching for the file on the disk.
Trying to Step Into the function in debug mode (I just get the output as if I had requested Step Out instead).
Btw, the reason I am looking into this is that the parent function detectCheckerboardPoints has seriously declined in performance from R2015a to R2016b and I am trying to figure out why.

The internal function is compiled native code, so you will not be able to see its source. If you see a performance degradation, you should call Mathworks tech support and complain. If it is something they can fix, they will send you a patch, and fix it in the next release.


How to see the Matlab code behind a Matlab function

There is a function in Matlab called copulafit. How can I see the code that underlies this function? Many numpy and scipy functions for Python are readily open source on Github, but I can't find Matlab functions on Github for some reason
If you have MATLAB installed you can either highlight the function name then secondary/right-click and select Open "copulafit" or alternatively type open copulafit in the command window. Yeah, I believe MATLAB isn't open source as of this posting time/date. Possibly why the reason for the lack of GitHub resources. Octave might be something that might be interesting to look into.

How to execute functions in Live editor in MATLAB

I recently started using Live editor in MATLAB and I inserted a function inside it. But, apparently, I cannot execute that particular section of code where I type function. Even the section break disappears.
Is it that using function is not suitable for live editor?
Apparently the MATLAB parser did not join the 20th century until partway through 2016, and could not interpret function definitions in scripts (live or otherwise) until R2016b. In the web-based docs, there is a notice at Add Functions to Scripts, but it took me a while to find this out because the builtin docs in R2016a or earlier do not explicitly contain this information. It is implied by the tutorials that tell you to create a new file for each function (which to me, a python programmer, sounds more like strange advice than a restriction).
Trying to define a function in a live script gives confusing errors. For example, if you create a cell with this content:
function y = myfunc(x)
y = 2*x;
It will underline the keyword function with a popup error that reads:
Parse error at FUNCTION: usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax.
Might be? Whom shall I ask? Upon running the cell, it prints an error after the first line:
All functions in a script must be closed with an end.
I eventually made this discovery myself thanks to a helpful message if the first thing you happen to do in a new empty live script is to start typing function on the first line; as soon as you hit the spacebar a message pops up at the top saying:
Functions and classes are not supported in the Live Editor. To continue, save the file as a plain text code file (.m).
It should work as when you add a function inside a script. For example, like this:
What function are you exactly trying to code?

Octave set break point in a class function

How do I set a break point in an Octave class function when the class is implemented in a single m file?
Octave documentation https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/doc/interpreter/Breakpoints.html
briefly mentions:
Breakpoints in class methods are also supported (e.g., dbstop ("#class/method")).
However, my classdef file is a single m file directly sitting in my work dir. How do I set a break point in this case? I tried to do it in Octave 4.0.0 GUI, and in command window, use dbstop with various arguments I can imagine. But none worked. In Matlab, it is as simple as a click in the GUI editor.
Short answer: it does not work.
You are right, this should be possible, but it does not work due to a bug in Octave. The bug is already reported as #45404 on the Octave bug tracker.

Matlab MCR program errors corrupt terminal

I have compiled a Matlab routine using the MCR and deployed it to other computers without having them installed matlab. So far, so good. But of course, the routine is not completely error-free, particularly the GUI part. The problem is that when the MCR tries to write the error message to the terminal, it seems to corrupt the terminal so that everything is no longer legible - not even the prompt. Sometimes I also get an extra window, vaguely resembling the matlab editor window, full of illegible ascii characters. Does anyone know what is causing this, or how to avoid it?
My first attempt was a big try-catch block around everything, but whatever it is still seems to get through. The catch block just tries to divert the error to an errordlg rather than the command prompt:
catch e
errordlg({e.message;['in: ',e.stack.name]})
MATLAB Compiler does not support command window functions.
Peter Webb tells on Loren's blog:
Certain MATLAB functions cannot be deployed because they act on
objects that are not present in a deployed application. For example,
since deployed applications have no command window, functions that
modify the command window can't be deployed.
So, you probably need to get rid of any function that prints to the command window.
Also, you can check out the mccExcludedFiles.log file.

Can I change the prompt in MATLAB?

I never work with the GUI and am always inside a terminal (also full screen, so no title bar) set with the -nodesktop -nodisplay option. I also have different servers that I connect to, to run matlab and each of those have different restrictions on hogging computational resources. Since it's hard to remember which server I'm in,especially if I have multiple sessions open, I was wondering if I could change the prompt to display the server name. Try as I might, I couldn't find a resource that explains how to go about it (I'm beginning to think Mathworks doesn't support it). I know, a workaround would be to simply write a function call to system('hostname') and put the function in the path, so that it's about as easy as typing pwd to find the directory. I'd like to know if there's something more elegant.
There is a submission on the MathWorks File Exchange that can do this for you: setPrompt by Yair Altman. Using it in R2010b, I noticed that I was getting the warning message:
Warning: Possible deprecated use of set on a Java callback.
> In setPrompt at 115
Which I was able to suppress using the warning function like so:
And here's how I changed the prompt to the host name using the system function:
>> [~,systemString] = system('hostname');
>> setPrompt([deblank(systemString) '>> ']);
The function deblank is used to remove trailing whitespace (in this case a newline) from the string.
NOTE: The above changes (suppressed warning and modified prompt) don't persist after you quit and restart MATLAB, so you could put the above code in your startup.m file to apply them automatically every time you start a new session.