What exactly does the "Delete this Epic" button do? - zenhub

I have an epic in Zenhub and I want it to be a regular issue. I removed all the issues from the epic, and I see a button labeled "Delete this Epic", but what happens when I press it? I don't want the entire issue to be deleted -- I want to keep thie issue with all its comments and history.

Pressing "Delete this Epic" does not delete the issue. You will be asked "Are you sure you want to convert the epic X to an issue?", and if you continue, it will remove the Epic label and the list of sub-issues, but the issue remains (with the same issue number), and all the comments and history will remain intact.


How do I get dbeaver to show the caret and table size

I am using dbbeaver Version on a mac. Yes.
Once upon a time there would be a ">" next to the word Tables and when I clicked it, all the tables would show with their size in mb next to them. This is no longer the case, instead the caret disappears when I click on it. When I double click public I get all the tables in another window and they're fine. I think I might have accidentally turned this feature off somehow. I've tried searching everything like "autoupdate" or "expand branches" or some such. It would be best to fix this, but short of that, what's the right vocabulary to investigate this issue?
If you have letters above the elephant and it doesn't relate to the name of any object in the folder, the carets will disappear. Can I just also say this was not a feature on pgadmin3 so it's not a solid picnic.

Re-enable "Externally added files can be added to Git" notification in PyCharm

There's a popup that occurs in PyCharm to let you manually add externally-created files to VCS. This is very convenient for e.g. Django migrations, which I often forget to commit otherwise. Unfortunately, I accidentally clicked the "Don't show again" button on the popup, and I cannot seem to find the setting to re-enable it, nor have searches turned up results on re-enabling it.
I still have "VCS important messages" enabled under notifications, which I believe this falls under.
How can I re-enable this popup?
i fix the same problem like this:
File→Setting→Version Control→Confirmation→
"When files are created":"☑Show "

Undo editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch?

What's the opposite of editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch in Visual Studio Code? i.e. undo the last selection it added.
In PhpStorm this is Alt+J and Alt+Shift+J is undo.
In Sublime, this is Ctrl+D, but I'm not sure if Sublime has the opposite.
Sometimes I get overzealous with my keybashing and have to go back one.
Seems like cursorUndo (cmd+u) would do the trick, although it's not a dedicated command for this purpose.
I might just I did open a PR for it.
I know this has already been answered but I wanted to mention that I published an extension to solve this exact issue and add a few other features like being able to tab through your multiple cursors, remove all multi-cursor selections except the very last one, etc.
Check it out here https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=danseethaler.tab-through-selections
Esc once will un-toggle multiple-cursors.
Pressing Esc again toggles the currently highlighted selection.
As others have said, Cmd + U will undo the last highlighted item if you accidentally select one too many.

Why is the "Mark Occurrences" feature in Eclipse automatically disabling itself?

I never had this issue with Eclipse before (Eclipse Classic 4.2.2, Indigo) but it started happening on my new iMac recently, that it stops highlighting similar occurrences or variable names, etc. Then it automatically starts working just fine.
Needless to say its a pain when it doesn't show the multiple occurrences of variable names and I have to find them using Find.
I was wondering if there is a sequence of keys which I press by mistake which causes it? I haven't find an answer to this anywhere else yet.
Attached is the screenshot from the Preferences. As I edit this question, again the Mark Occurrences is greyed out and I'll have to check it again to make it work.
A work around for this is to click on e.g. the Outline view, and then click back on the editor. The mark occurrences should start working again. I don't know of a long term fix.

How do I resolve conflicts in TFS?

How do I resolve conflicts in TFS?
I must have forgotten to do a recursive get before editing a file. Whatever the cause is, I must now figure out how to resolve a conflict.
When I click on the workspace to performa check-in. One of the files as a two-way pointing arrow which I guess must mean there is a conflect.
When I click to perform a "Check In" a message box appears that tells me:
"No files checked in due to conflicting changes. Please use Conflicts Channel to resolve conflicts and try again".
So I googled "Conflicts Channel TFS" and I got some results but all of the results only gave suggestions, like, Click on "Automatic Resolve". The problem is that I do not see any of the menu commands or buttons to ckick on that they suggest.
Try getting latest on the file. That should trigger the conflict resolution screen.
Open the View menu in Visual Studio from the main tool bar. Scroll down to 'Other Windows', then open the 'Pending Changes' window.
On the right side of this Pending Changes window, there are 5 Buttons, each with an icon. The 5th one down is the Conflicts button. This will show you all the conflicts and will allow you to resolve them here.