Mapbox style loading in the wrong place - leaflet

I'm trying to use a Mapbox style in my map. The style loads fine, but it seems to be way off. My GeoJson file should load points in California, and it works fine with other tilesets, but using the Mapbox dataset it loads somewhere north of Canada in the arctic circle. This seems like it's probably a problem with projections. The GeoJson file is in WGS84, which I believe is the Geojson default. The setview centers the view on the US using other tilesets but also centers the data north of Canada using Mapbox data. Here's the bit where I include the Mapbox data
L.mapbox.accessToken = 'correct token';
var map ='map')
.setView([43.64701, -79.39425], 4);

Leaflet uses LatLng rather than mapbox's LngLat. Do you want your data to be around [43.64701, -79.39425], or around [-79.39425, 43.64701]?
See also Tom MacWright's explanation on why some libraries/formats use lat-lng and some use lng-lat.


Imported aerial imagery coming into qgis crooked

I'm new to qgis and am learning how to download basemaps from various sources. I've been working on a fairly simple map using aerial imagery downloaded from the USGS National Map. Whenever I import the map into my qgis project, the map comes in crooked. Instead of normal north/south orientation, the maps are rotated (approximately 45 degrees) counterclockwise. Is this a projection problem, or am I doing something else wrong. Also, is there a way to correct that within qgis (rotate axis to true north/south).
In similar situations I've found that the projection of the layers didn't match. Something to check

Mapbox geometries get degraded when exported to tilesets

I'm trying out Mapbox for the first time, and playing around with drawing some polygons in the dataset editor for export to a tileset. However, the polygons in the resulting tileset are not the same as what I create in the editor. The polygons are only very rough, simplified approximations of the originals.
In dataset editor:
In map layer as tileset export:
I understand that Mapbox does vector simplification at certain zoom levels, but these changes are not zoom-dependent. I zoom in all the way and the shapes are still like this.
Moreover, such extreme degredation of the geometries makes tilesets essentially useless for features that require any sort of accuracy, like property lot lines.
Am I missing something, or is this really the expected behavior? Is there really no way to get accurate geometries into a tileset?
UPDATE: It appears this is only happening with shapes I create by drawing in the Mapbox data editor. So far the geometries that I've uploaded as geojson files have gotten converted to tilesets accurately...
I suspect this is because the maxzoom is too low.
When you create a Mapbox Tileset, either by uploading GeoJSON directly as a new Tileset, or by exporting your your Dataset to a Tileset, Mapbox will try to guess an appropriate minzoom and maxzoom of the Tileset.
Sometimes the min/max zoom's used aren't suitable for the map you're trying to create. Since there is no way to specify a maxzoom in either of the two approaches the only alternative is to create your Tileset locally with specifying an appropriate maxzoom for your data and then uploading the resulting .mbtiles as a Mapbox Tileset.

Leafletjs How to project EPSG4326 points to the leaflet default

I am using Australian government map data found here: Victoria, Australia locality data, which is provided in the EPSG4326 projection.
When I try to use the data with leaflet, of course, my data is a bit distorted due to the earth's curvature - so my data is not represented properly on the screen because the maps are using a different projection to my data.
I have tried to force the map to use EPSG4326 by setting it in Map options and also in the TileLayer, as shown here:
var gisLayer = L.tileLayer(
'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
//subdomains: ['0', '1', '2', '3'],
attribution: 'openstreetmap',
reuseTiles: true,
updateWhenIdle: false,
crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326
var map ='map', {
center: [-28.5, 135.575],
zoom: 4
,crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326
but when I do this, the maps do not display. I don't believe the map tiles have been generated for this projection. That said, there is a suggestion in the docos here that it might be possible, but I couldn't get this working. (Did I just get the configuration wrong?)
It seemed like it was working when I retrieved the data and placed it on the map, but when I got the map bounds to select the data for the visible region, it also showed distorted. So I tried to convert the map bounds to EPSG4326 manually, to pass that to the database, as follows:
var bounds = map.getBounds();
var coords4326_NE = L.Projection.SphericalMercator.unproject(bounds._northEast);
but that broke the code. I was passing the wrong structure in and I couldn't get this right either.
Of course, I would also accept transforming every point returned from the database to the default projection, which I think is EPSG3857. But I am having doing this as well.
I have provided as jsFiddle here where I have been attempting to do the above.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
Your GeoJSON data is encoded in WGS84, which can be simply plotted on EPSG4326, but is also the expected input for EPSG3857 (Web Mercator).
From that Wikipedia article:
While the Web Mercator's formulas are for the spherical form of the Mercator, geographical coordinates are required to be in the WGS 84 ellipsoidal datum.
Therefore, you do not have to change anything to plot your data onto a regular Leaflet map, using regular tiles (from OSM or Mapbox, which provide tiles only for EPSG3857).

Vector layers with mapboxgl with no coordinates

Is there a way to draw a vector layer with CorelDraw for example and place it on napboxgl and use it as geojson layers?
For example
Are they using geojson or etc.? Or just some sort of vector format?
I can't use geojson as it is hard to draw with QGIS any straight lines or symmetrical objects. I just want to draw a lot of vector objects and use them as layers with mapboxGL(use mapbox as render method and interact with layers as with geojson)
Any suggestions how to do it? Or is there a way to draw with Corel and then place it on map with QGIS?
Now I am using Corel -> dxf export and then import it to QGIS, then save it as geojson. But have some glitches with displaying that geojson geometry in mapbox, so I have to draw another in QGIS over the imported(dxf) one.
Here is an example of the bug, should be just a green polygon like the gray one
UPDATE: my fault, I was using lines instead of polygons.
I think you can achieve this as follows:
Convert the Corel output to SVG
Create an HTML element containing the SVG (not necessarily added to DOM)
On your Mapbox map, add a Canvas source containing the canvas: see
Obviously you will need to determine the lat/lon of the corners of your image somehow.

mapbox - loading different geojson choropleth overlays at different zoom levels

so i have a mapbox base map and want to load a dynamic choropleth area map over the top of it. it will cover all continents. i've looked into doing this before using geojson but the resulting file was over 9mb. is there a way to have different geojson vectors loaded at different zoom levels as to reduce the file size ?
the reason the file was so big was because it was a very detailed vector overlay. basically i'd like to replicate the vectors of 'am map' but with the performance of mapbox, with much better vector resolution at bigger zoom levels. (
the only other way to do this is by using geojson markers that are loaded on top of the base map, but this doesn't give the same visual impact of the fully coloured continent vectors..
any help would be greatly appreciated!
Well, you could watch zoomend on the map to add/remove overlays as needed.
map.on('zoomend', function() {
var currentZoom = map.getZoom();
overlayGroup.clearLayers() //remove existing
overlayGroup.addLayer(myZoomLevelMapping[currentZoom]) //add layer for this zoom level.