Tableau Calculated Field Filtering - visualization

I am struggling with Custom Filter using Calculated Field.
Below is the screenshot of the same visualized chart.
What I am struggling is to create a filter where I can give a scale of Correlation, example - I want to show all the age groups and Ethnicity where the Correlation value is between 0.6 and 0.9
I am able to bring in one Measure Value and as you can see, the filter slider is there. But I need that filter to work on all the fields and not just one value. Like a Universal Slider for all the values.
Please help.

You cannot set one filter to be used on several measures. However what you can do is create two parameters and use them to filter each measure in relation.
create 2 parameters minCorrelation and maxCorrelation with values between 0 and 1 and stepsize of 0.1 (or whatever granularity you need)
open one of your filters and go to formula, use a custom formula like [0-17] > [minCorrelation] AND [0-17] < [maxCorrelation]
repeat that for every measure and the filter will adjust when you change the values for your parameters.


Leave null celles without colors

I have Tableau table with few measures.
I want my pallette to take place in every cell with value and leave cells with null values(blank) without color.
The current situation is that null values are colored as 0 values. How can I distinct the nulls from the 0 values?
I tried to create calculated field but tableau doesn't allow to create calculated field on aggregations
Create a calculated field [COLORSCALE YOUR FIELD] where the null-values are replaced by something off-scale. e.g. if your number range is between 0.0 and 100.0 you could use:
Where X is a scaling factor. Adjust the scaling factor and the "Start"/"End" options in the "Color" Menue to suit your purpose.
Another option based on mzunhammer's suggestion would be to use the min() function instead of assigning a hard coded value to replace the nulls, and may allow you to avoid the use of the scaling factor.
iif(isnull([Your Field]), min([Your Field])-y, [Your Field])
that way the null is always going to be y less than the lowest value even if the lowest values are changing as the dataset updates.

How to incorporate two filters on the same field for a comparison chart

I would like to be able to add two filters on the same field in order to plot a comparison of values for two bands.
What is the way to proceed?
Ultimately I would like to generate the figure from the table below, by being able to dynamically select A/B bands from two different filters. In this case, Filter1=A and Filter2= C were selected to compute Filter1-Filter2 across the dimension 'Type'.
I have tried duplicating the filter but when choosing a band, it affects both filters.
The way to do this is with two Parameters. Each should have its values generated from the field (in your case, A/B). The create a single filter (calculated field) that says "[parameter1]=[field A/B] or [parameter2]=[field A/B]". Put the filter on the filter shelf and set it to true.
Now you have two "filters" (parameters) that can both drive the single field.

How to apply a filter to only one column? The columns differ by a value of the same binary filter

I have visualizations that have bar graphs set up in 6 separate sheets. These bar graphs need to go side by side for comparison. 2 graphs will be combined to form one side-by-side graph. They only differ by a filter that is set to either 0 or 1 in the corresponding sheets. Everything else is the same.
In sheet 1, XMJ is filtered by Misdemeanor = 0
In sheet 2, XMJ is filtered by Misdemeanor = 1
I'd like to make them show side-by-side for comparison.
I have already tried duplicating XMJ and bringing it side-by-side but couldn't apply Misdemeanor = 1 or 0 separately to the duplicate column.
Here is the file: Visualz
You can accomplish this with a table calc filter.
Create a calculation lookup(min([Misdemeanor]),0) and put it on your filter shelf in each sheet and you can filter them independently.
Table calcs happen after the data is displayed on the viz (see Order of Operations).
The min([Misdemeanor]) part tells Tableau you want to look at the minimum value (this could be also max/attr/sum it wouldn't matter in your case).
The lookup(measure,0) tells Tableau to look at the current row of the measure (but again, after the data is already on the table). At this point, you can filter it independently.
EDIT: Another thought is you might just have the filters set to All Using this Datasource or (multiple) selected sheets. You can change this behavior in either the worksheet (1st picture) or dashboard (2nd worksheet).

Tableau: Plot percentage of binary column

Simplified example: column of 'measure' data is binary 0's and 1's. The sum of the column (all the 1's summed) is 3948. The length of the column is 4567. 3948 is 86% of 4567. How do I create a bar chart showing this percentage. All I can get is a bar adding up to 100%.
I've tried absolutely everything in the percentage of dropdown, calculated fields, online tutorials, etc.
Two approaches:
Right click on your measure field on whichever shelf you placed it. Choose Quick Table Calc -> Percentage of Total. Experiment with different settings for "Compute Using" and read about addressing and partitioning of table calculations to learn how to specify percent of "what".
Or create a calculated field specific to your problem defined as below:
sum(int([my measure field] = 1)) / count(1)
Be sure to set the default number format for your calculated field to a percentage, by right clicking on it in the data pane (left margin) and revising the default properties
Note, the second calculation works because the INT() function converts True to 1 and False to 0, which is useful in several contexts.
You can go about this using the following method
Add 'measure' to Columns and make it a Discrete Dimension
Add SUM(Number of Records) to Rows. This should give you the bar chart you need.
This would help achieve what you are looking to do. For more customization and a better look for the graph you are looking to build in Tableau.
Add 'measure' to the colour legend and make it a Discrete Dimension.
Add SUM(Number of Records) as a Label and do a '% of Total' quick table calculation.

Get 2 max date in Tableau

My requirement is to get the second max date available in report and filter the data set on this.
I tried something like this:
Referred to this link
any help?
You're going to need Tableau 9.0 for this. Basically because any calculation you do on Tableau depends on the level of detail you have on the worksheet (the dimensions you put in there). So datediff('day',dt,max(dt))=1 won't work. First because you're mixing aggregated fields (max(dt)) with non-aggreagated (dt). Second, because the aggregation depends on the dimensions in the workfield.
But Tableau 9.0 has a new awesome feature, called Level of Detail calculations. It allows you to perform calculations in the level of detail you choose, depending not on the dimensions on the sheet. It is also calculated BEFORE any calculation on the worksheet (just after context filters).
Now to the answer. First I'll figure out what is the max(dt). Let's call it max_dt
{ FIXED : MAX(dt) }
This will calculated the maximum of dt in all your database
Now to get the second max, you can go like this:
{ FIXED : MAX(IF dt != max_dt
This will calculated the maximum of dt, ignoring those who are equal to max_dt (that is the true max(dt)). Therefore, the second max.
Take a look on those LOD calculations. They were just released, I'm having tons of fun with them right now
If the view has date dimension
The easy way to do this,is to create a calculated Last()=1
then filter off the records that evaluate to TRUE