Leaflet edit toolbar icons misaligned - leaflet

I am using -
Leaflet version 1.0.1
and Leaflet draw version - 0.4.1
The edit toolbar icons appear to be misaligned on page load.
Please help!

I found a solution to this issue by using the css file in the "Master" branch together with the leaflet-draw script which I downloaded.


When adding Text - TextMeshPro in the inspector some of the components overlap the others. if there a way to repair that?

I'm using unity editor version 2019.4.15f1 personal and i didn't try it yet on newer editor version.
In the TextMeshPro inspector i can't see the transform part i cant see other components and some components overlap other components.
Screenshot of the Canvas :
The textmeshpro :
I tried now with editor version 2020.3.28f1 personal the problem is now fixed but now i can't see the text anywhere there is written New Test but in the scene view and game view the text is empty.
Not sure if changing to new editor version fixed the first problem and how to fix the new problem that the text is not shown now.

How do I remove Mapbox sources from Mapbox studio?

I've got a message for limitation of max resources.
So, I want to remove some unused Mapbox sources from Style Studio.
How Can I remove it?
Those sources are from mapbox and they will not be included in your style if you are not using them. You can check which are the sources being used by pressing Settings in the top right corner and scroll down:

Adding Line Height Drop Down to Tiny MCE Editor Tool Bar

We are using BlogEngine.Net for managing blog posts which has implemented version “3.9.2” of Tiny MCE Editor.
As per our requirement we want to add new control (dropdown) in tool bar of the editor to provide this line height option so that author of the blog post could set line height to any of the selected paragraphs. We even find a related link for this http://fiddle.tinymce.com/jAbaab but it didn’t work for me.
Can someone please help me on this?
Take a closer look at the way the style plugin works that gets shipped with Tinymce3. You can copy the plugin directory and apply your own changes there.
All you need to to is to get rid of the unwanted funtionality and rename the plugin (directory and in the code).
This TinyMCE plugin can help you.
Download and place it into your tinymce plugin folder.
It supports TinyMCE 4.

How to display SVG in Eclipse?

I'm new to Eclipse and trying to display a SVG file in an Eclipse program. I have downloaded Batik plugin and installed it. This is my first time working with plugins so I don't know anything. I would like to display a SVG picture when I click on a button. Thanks.
One possible option is to open a view/editor with the embedded SWT browser. Many browsers now support SVG content, so you could generate inline SVG inside an HTML document and set the browser to display it. See http://dev.eclipse.org/viewcvs/viewvc.cgi/org.eclipse.swt.snippets/src/org/eclipse/swt/snippets/Snippet136.java?view=co and others at http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets/
Try this image editor plugin. http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/docfacto-toolkit#.UujWxmTFIhg. An image editor "Beermat" is included in the toolkit. Hope it solves your problem.

Is there a color picker plugin for Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo PDT for my work. I also use it to edit my CSS files.
Is there a plugin that lets me pick a color (from a palette or even anywhere from the screen) and which returns the HEX value of that color into my CSS file?
Jspresso Colors 'n Fonts
Just select any java string literal and right click on it to open the contextual popup menu... then select Jspresso>Choose Color... or select Jspresso>Choose Font...
Supports also tooltip : fly over your string literal to display the current color or font... and activate hyperlink to open the editor popup !
Aptana Studio has really great support for CSS. CSS color picking is easy, you can grab a color from anywhere on the screen.
You can install Aptana as a plug into an existing Eclipse installation.
I would recommend to use external software: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html
You can integrate it into Eclipse.
I have used this plugin called colors in both Galymeade and I just dropped into Galileo.
http://www.eclipseplugincentral.com/Web_Links-index-req-viewlink-cid-1281.html you can copy the color code to/from clipboard or editor. Slider bar for coloring, color picker etc. I used it to edit css files on a recent project. Good Luck.
You might want to check out the second example at http://eclipsescript.org/#example-scripts.
I created a Groovy Monkey script that opens Eclipse's color picker. It was inspired by what fornwall pointed at (second example of Eclipse Script plugin). It's also able to recognize if current selection is a color so it can be selected it in the picker.
The script is on gist.github, instructions included.
Having a shortcut key for a script is not (yet?) possible in Groovy Monkey, but Crtl+Alt+M runs the last executed script.
A good plugin to consider is the Designerator Color Plugin from the Designerator project. It contributes a Colors view as explained in this blog post. No need to install the whole software, the color view is in a separate feature that can be installed by itself.
The Sampler plugin could also be of interest. However it does not show a color picker dialog where one can select a color, it only has the color picker tool for selecting a color from the screen.
There are a few plugins at the Eclipse plugins site that might meet your needs.
CSS Designer looks promising:
JointLogic CSS Designer is an Eclipse plugin that provides CSS authoring facilities like - CSS Styles view, CSS declaration designer with preview and web-oriented color picker. It integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS and HTML files.
Here's a screesnhot from the homepage: