Pull Requests are not recognised with Github Orgs on Jenkins - github

I've added new GitHub Organization Folder Plugin item on Jenkins. It successfully added all repos with all branches, but no pull requests. I see special tab for each repo there with 'Branches' and 'Pull Requests': branches are properly collected while Pull Requests are empty no matter what I tried.
What should I do for to get them?
I'm using latest Jenkins LTS (2.19.3 + GitHub Organization Folder Plugin 1.5)

If your pull requests are based on branches in the origin repository (instead of a fork) they will be skipped.
If you want PR coming from origin branches to be processed, then you have to activate Build origin PRs (merged with base branch) in the additional settings section in the branch source configuration.


How to work on a project fork when having the original in Eclipse?

I'm trying to create a pull request on GitHub for project "original/QWERTY" so I forked the repo to "Mark/QWERTY". In Eclipse, I already have a repository set up for "original/QWERTY" and that project is in my workspace, named QWERTY.
Now if I create a new repository pointing at "Mark/QWERTY", I'll have two projects with the same name and both Eclipse and me won't like it.
I thought that it should be possible to have a branch or another remote under a repository and switch between them instead of having two copies (I mean just store the diffs). The problem is that they are different projects on GitHub so I'm not sure how to do it.
What is the correct way to set up two GitHub projects to create a pull request from my fork to the original one in Eclipse with EGit?
The usual workflow for forked repositories is to have a single local repository with a single work directory that is configured to fetch and push from/to multiple remote repositories.
With this setup, you can switch between branches that originate from different remote repositories.
The Fork a repo documentation of GitHub explains this setup when using CLI Git. Most of it should also apply to repositories hosted elsewhere.
Using the EGit documentation, it should be possible to translate these instructions into the corresponding actions in EGit.
How to manage multiple remotes with EGit is documented here: https://wiki.eclipse.org/EGit/User_Guide#Remote_Repositories
Using the information from Rudiger's comment and answer and my trial and error with branches I made my own steps. This picture also helps with terminology.
First, do these 2 things in any order:
fork the original project in the github website so now you have the original and the fork. They have the same code and branches.
create a local repository pointing to the original repo on github. Let's say you decided to select only the master branch.
Remotes: you get a new remote I'll call origin (default). configure its fetch if it's not done for you, the default specification is +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*. This ref spec maps all the repo branches to Remote Tracking branches with the same name. If you want to only fetch the master branch then use +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master.
Branches: you get a "Remote Tracking" branch called origin/master and a local branch called master with configuration of "Remote: origin" and "Upstream Branch: refs/heads/master". You will be working under the local master as it's the only branch right now.
Now you want to be able to push to your fork so you can create PR. You can and already did pull from the original to keep getting updates from other people's work.
Right click on "Remotes" and create a new remote, I'll call it fork (call it whatever you need). Configure its push.
the URI points to your fork the same way the origin Remote URI points to the original.
The ref mapping maps the branches. Go to "Advanced" and click "Add All Branch Specs" if it isn't done for you. You should get the spec refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*. It's easy to work with this spec but you can change it to whatever you need.
Create a local branch (right click -> switch to -> new branch) whose source is the local branch named master and the branch name is whatever suits what it does. it can be the master branch or a new branch that let's say fixes a bug, so bug 123. You do not have a Remote Tracking branch because those are used for pulls. If you also pull from fork then you will need to configure that in the Remote fork and get a remote branch.
Now you are working on a local branch bug 123 (you can see a checkmark next to it). Fix the bug in your code and in the Git Staging view you should see the files changed and the title is <Repository name> [bug 123]. Make sure you are going to commit/push to the correct branch! Stage whatever you need and commit (adds the changes to the local branch bug123) and push (creates a branch on the github repo called bug 123 if you stayed with the default spec).
Now go to the GitHub repo page of either the original or the fork and the UI will tell you that you can create a PR. From there GitHub will guide you.
Once the PR is merged into the master branch of the original on GitHubm, you will want to fetch from the master.
Right click on the Remote origin or its fetch "subdir" and choose fetch. The will fetch any changes in all the remote branches because the fetch spec we used maps all the branches (we used the * character).
That's it. Continue to switch to a local branch which maps to your fork based on the updated master, fix bug, commit and push, create PR, wait for merge into the original, fetch and pull from the original.

"Disconnect" forked Git repos in VSTS

In VSTS, I forked a repository to develop a separate product from the original repo.
When I make a PR from a branch into master in my forked repo, VSTS defaults to merging into the original repo. I have to be sure not to mistakenly merge into the original repo with every PR.
VSTS seems to think that I may want to merge changes from my forked repo into the original one. I have no plans to do so. How do tell VSTS to 'disconnect' my forked repo from the original?
No, there isn’t such feature in VSTS, there is the user voice that you can vote: Allow option of converting forks to repos
As a work-around (in Visual Studio) until it's fixed:
Pull the repo.
Delete the remote repo.
Create a new remote repo with the same name.
Push the repo.
You might have to create a temporary remote repo (named temp if you'd like) in order to be able to delete the remote repo. You can delete the temporary remote repo, named "temp", after you've pushed to the new remote repo.
You'll most-likely break anything (pull requests, work items) linked to the repo and also have to re-apply any policies and security stuff.
repo = the faulty fork in VSTS.
temporary remote repo = a temporary tepo created if you cant delete the fork repo.
new remote repo = the new repo to be used instead of the fork.
It seems like one should disconnect the old remote origin and set the upstream before pushing. Maybe the push with the --set-upstream overwrites that?
Here's what I'm did:
git clone ACCOUNT#vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:v3/ACCOUNT/PROJECT/FORK-NAME NEW-NAME
git remote rm origin
Create the new repository on VSTS for NEW-NAME
git push --set-upstream ACCOUNT#vs-ssh.visualstudio.com:v3/ACCOUNT/PROJECT/NEW-NAME develop
This worked for me to change from a fork to a repo. I can see the full history and open changesets from the web viewer. I did this in Azure DevOps (formerly Visual Studio Team Services AKA VSTS). I did not test against GitHub.
Pull requests and pushes are lost. Commits are still linked
I'm not sure if you need to do the push multiple times for different branches. My fork only has a develop branch anyway. I only create a master branch so git flow doesn't complain.

Jenkins 2 GitHub Organization: Automatic Rebuild for Pull Request

I am creating jobs using Jenkins Organization Folders.
I want to continuously build against pull request.
However, when I create a pull request, it will be built automatically only the first time.
Even if I add commit to pull request, Jenkins does not build automatically.
I expect that build will work again when the commit is added to the branch that created the pull request.
I am using the following version of Jenkins / plugin.
Jenkins: 2.89.1
GitHub Branch Source Plugin: 2.3.1
GitHub Branch Source Plugin has the following settings.
Discover branches: Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs
Discover pull requests from origin: Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Discover pull requests from forks: Merging the pull request with the current target branch revision
Also, although I am using Github Enterprise, I think that the configuration of webhook is okay as the build runs instantly when creating the pull request for the first time.
There is two way to resolve this issue
You have to configure your github repository so it inform jenkins of a new version: yourRepo/settings/hook&service/service ( the best practice)
2) you can configure your jenkins jobs so it check for diff time-to-time if the repo have been update :
yourJob/configure/Scan Repository Triggers/Periodically -> 10 min
In my project, we configure both, with a Periodically check of once a day
If you were talking about GitHub Organization folder, then
there is a section where you can configure automatic branch triggering.

Checking out a github release in Eclipse egit?

How do I set egit to pull a release from github, rather than just the master?
I'm looking to checkout a release 0.4.0.
In the attached, the item checked out isn't pulled from remote - in properties the rebase, remote and upstream branch aren't set. I got this checkout from the tags, but it isn't correct.
You have already checked out the right commit: the head of your current branch v0.4.0-branch is the commit 23d3472 that is tagged as v0.4.0.
In Git a tag references a commit, not a branch. One commit can be in or even the head of multiple branches. For a release, a tag instead of a branch is usually used if the release is not intended to be maintained. Instead, contributions are welcome on top of the latest stage/commit of a specific branch (to avoid merging or rebasing), mostly on the master or on a dev(eloper) branch.
In your case, to contribute to VCVRack/Rack:
In GitHub fork the VCVRack/Rack repository (assuming you are not member of this project)
In Eclipse clone the forked GitHub repository
In Eclipse commit and push your proposed change as a single commit to the master branch of your forked GitHub repository (currently, there are 177 commits to master since the v0.4.0 tag)
In GitHub create a pull request based on this commit

Merge GitHub branch into local branch

I have the following situation: I have an application checked out from GitHub, made some changes and checked it in a local repository (Bitbucket). During months I added new functionality into this local repo.
In the meantime, the GitHub project has been further developed.
Now I'm looking for a way to merge the GitHub master branch into my local master branch. It would be nice if I can do it in eclipse. How should I proceed and how can I avoid conflicts?
In the Git Repositories view:
Add an additional remote/upstream repository: right-click the node Remotes and choose Remote Remote...
Fetch from the GitHub repository: see EGit User Guide - Fetching from other Repositories
Merge changes from a remote branch of the GitHub repository into a local branch
Consider also to contribute back your changes to the GitHub project.