Why are foreign keys in EF Code First marked as virtual? - entity-framework

public virtual Student Student {get; set;}
Why does a foreign key constraint need to be marked as virtual? I've seen examples with both virtual and lacking virtual. Does it matter?

By looking at this : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj574232(v=vs.113).aspx, and the link that has been provided in the comments by #Shoes.
I would say this :
1. if you declare your property virtual :
Your virtual property (by default) won't be loaded right away when querying the main object. It will be retreive from the database ONLY if you try to access it, or access one of it's components.
And this is called lazy loading.
2. if you declare it non-virtual :
Your property will (by default) be loaded right away along with all the other property in your main entity. This means your property will be ready to access : it has already been retreived. Entity won't have to query again the database because you access this property.
This is called eagerly loading.
My opinion :
More often i choose eagerly loading (non-virtual) because most of the time, i need every property of every entity to be used along without having to query back (faster in the case you really want everything quick) but if you access this property only once in a while (your not listing anything) and you want more often just the rest of the informations exept THIS one, then make it virtual so this property won't slow down the rest of the query just for a few access.
Hope this was clear...
Exemples :
Where I would NOT use virtual (Eagerly) :
foreach(var line in query)
var v = line.NotVirtual; // I access the property for every line
Where I would use virtual or lazy loading :
foreach(var line in query)
if(line.ID == 509) // because of this condition
var v = line.Virtual; // I access the property only once in a while
one last thing :
If you don't query over 1 000 lines of a database, then whatever you choose won't have a big effect. Also, you can declare these property virtual and if you want to test the other way around, you just have to do this (Entity 4.0) :
context.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
It will cancel the virtual effect.
For newer versions of EF :
WhateverEntities db = new WhateverEntities()
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;


How to properly Delete fields of an Entity?

I am having trouble when trying to delete a field of an Entity using Entity Framework (version 6.1.3).
Let's say I have two Entities: Person and Work.
I can change the work of a person without any issue, but when I try to express that the person is unemployed it does not work properly:
person.Work = null;
After running this code the person still will have the previous work, but if I use the debugger and check the Work property of person before running
person.Work = null;, everything will behave as expected.
Can someone please explain why reading the value first makes the code work properly and how to correctly delete the field?
var work = person.Work; \\ with this line here everything works as expected
person.Work = null;
Two things that are contributing to your issue:
Entity Framework determines what needs to updated during SaveChanges by tracking changes to property values.
You probably have lazy loading enabled (both in general and for the Work property), which means that if the person has an associated Work, that associated entity doesn't get loaded until the first time you access that property.
Putting those together, when you set person.Work = null without accessing person.Work (which would trigger a load), the context thinks nothing has changed. But if you load the property first, setting the property to null tells EF to remove that association. Edit: According to the page that octavioccl linked, this is true for .NET 4.0., but for .NET 4.5+ (and EF 5+), loading first is unneeded.
Possible solutions
If you want to remove the association without loading the related entity, you'll need to add a foreign key property to your Person entity, then you can set that to null instead of setting the navigation property to null. For example:
public class Person
// other properties...
public int? WorkId { get; set; }
public virtual Work { get; set; }
person.WorkId = null;
octavioccl's answer quoted another option:
context.Entry(person).Reference(p => p.Work).CurrentValue = null;
From this msdn page:
To delete the relationship, set the navigation property to null. If
you are working with the Entity Framework that is based on .NET 4.0,
then the related end needs to be loaded before you set it to null. For
context.Entry(person).Reference(p => p.Work).Load();
person.Work = null;
Starting with the Entity Framework 5.0, that is based on .NET 4.5, you
can set the relationship to null without loading the related end. You
can also set the current value to null using the following method:
context.Entry(person).Reference(p => p.Work).CurrentValue = null;

EntityFramework with Repository Pattern and no Database

I have a web api project that I'm building on an N-Tier system. Without causing too many changes to the overall system, I will not be touching the data server that has access to the database. Instead, I'm using .NET remoting to create a tcp channel that will allow me to send requests to the data server, which will then query the database and send back a response object.
On my application, I would like to use entity framework to create my datacontexts (unit of work), then create a repository pattern that interfaces with those contexts, which will be called by the web api project that I created.
However, I'm having problems with entity framework as it requires me to have a connection with the database. Is there anyway I can create a full entity framework project without any sqlconnections to the database? I just need dbcontexts, which I will be mapping my response objects and I figure that EF would do what I needed (ie help with design, and team collabs, and provide a nice graphical designer); but it throws an error insisting that I need a connection string.
I've been searching high and low for tutorials where a database is not needed, nor any sql connection string (this means no localdb either).
Okay as promised, I have 3 solutions for this. I personally went with #3.
Note: Whenever there is a repository pattern present, and "datacontext" is used, this is interpreted as your UnitOfWork.
Solution 1: Create singletons to represent your datacontext.
I found this idea after going to BreezeJS.com's website and checked out their samples. They have a sample called NoDb, which allows them to create a singleton, which can create an item and a list of items, and a method to populate the datacontext. You create singletons that would lock a space in memory to prevent any kind of thread conflicts. Here is a tid bit of the code:
//generates singleton
public class TodoContext
static TodoContext{ }
private TodoContext() { }
public static TodoContext Instance
if (!__instance._initialized)
__instance._initialized = true;
return __instance;
public void PopulateWithSampleData()
var newList = new TodoItem { Title = "Before work"};
var listId = newList.TodoListId;
var newItem = new TodoItem {
TodoListId = listId, Title = "Make coffee", IsDone = false };
newItem = new TodoItem {
TodoListId = listId, Title = "Turn heater off", IsDone = false };
//SaveChanges(), SaveTodoList(), AddTodoItem, etc.
{ ... }
private static readonly Object __lock = new Object();
private static readonly TodoContext __instance = new TodoContext();
private bool _initialized;
private readonly List<TodoItem> _todoLists = new List<TodoItem>();
private readonly List<KeyMapping> _keyMappings = new List<KeyMapping>();
There's a repository included which directs how to save the context and what needs to be done before the context is saved. It also allows the list of items to be queryable.
Problem I had with this:
I felt like there was higher maintenance when creating new datacontexts. If I have StateContext, CityContext, CountryContext, the overhead of creating them would be too great. I'd have problems trying to wrap my head around relating them to each other as well. Plus I'm not too sure how many people out there who agree with using singletons. I've read articles that we should avoid singletons at all costs. I'm more concerns about anyone who'd be reading this much code.
Solution 2: Override the Seed() for DropCreateDatabaseAlways
For this trick, you have to create a class called SampleDatastoreInitializer that inherits from System.Data.Entity.DropCreateDatabaseAlways where T is the datacontext, which has a reference to a collection of your POCO model.
public class State
public string Abbr{ get; set; }
public string Name{ get; set; }
public class StateContext : DbContext
public virtual IDbSet<State> States { get; set; }
public class SampleDatastoreInitializer : DropCreateDatabaseAlways<StateContext>
protected override void Seed (StateContext context)
var states = new List<State>
new State { Abbr = "NY", Name = "New York" },
new State { Abbr = "CA", Name = "California" },
new State { Abbr = "AL", Name = "Alabama" },
new State { Abbr = "Tx", Name = "Texas" },
states.ForEach(s => context.States.Add(s));
This will actually embed the data in a cache, the DropCreateDatabaseAlways means that it will drop the cache and recreate it no matter what. If you use some other means of IDatabaseInitializer, and your model has a unique key, you might get an exception error, where you run it the first time, it works, but run it again and again, it will fail because you're violating the constraints of primary key (since you're adding duplicate rows).
Problem I had with this:
This seems like it should only be used to provide sample data when you're testing the application, not for production level. Plus I'd have to continously create a new initializer for each context, which plays a similar problem noted in solution 1 of maintainability. There is nothing automatic happening here. But if you want a way to inject sample code without hooking up to a database, this is a great solution.
Solution 3: Entity framework with Repository (In-memory persistence)
I got this solution from this website:
He first sets up an edmx file, using EF5 and the code generator templates for EF5 dbcontexts you can get from VS extension libraries.
He first uses the edmx to create the contexts and changes the tt templates to bind to the repository class he made, so that the repository will keep track of the datacontext, and provide the options of querying and accessing the data through the repository; in his website though he calls the repository as MemoryPersistenceDbSet.
The templates he modified will be used to create datacontexts that will bind to an interface (IEntity) shared by all. Doing it this way is nice because you are establishing a Dependency Injection, so that you can add any entity you want through the T4 templates, and there'd be no complaints.
Advantage of this solution:
Wrapping up the edmx in repository pattern allows you to leverage the n-tier architecture, so that any changes done to the backend won't affect the front end, and allows you to separate the interface between the front end and backend so there are no coupled dependencies. So maybe later on, I can replace my edmx with petapoco, or massive, or some other ORM, or switch from in-memory persistence to fetching data from a database.
I followed everything exactly as explained. I made one modification though:
In the t4 template for .Context.tt, where DbSetInConstructor is added, I had the code written like this:
public string DbSetInConstructor(EntitySet entitySet)
return string.Format(
“this.{1} = new BaseRepository();”,
_typeMapper.GetTypeName(entitySet.ElementType), entitySet);
Because in my case I had the entityset = Persons and entityname = Person. So there’d be discrepancy. But this should cover all bases.
Final step:
So whether you picked solution 1, 2, or 3. You have a method to automatically populate your application. In these cases, the stubs are embedded in the code. In my case, what I've done is have my web server (containing my front end app), contact my data server, have the data server query the database. The data server will receive a dataset, serialize it, and pass it back to the web server. The web server will take that dataset, deserialize it, and auto-map to an object collection (list, or enumberable, or objectcollection, etc).
I would post the solutions more fully but there's way too much detail between all 3 of these solutions. Hopefully these solutions would point anyone in the right direction.
Dependency Injection
If anyone wants some information about how to allow DI to api controllers, Peter Provost provides a very useful blog that explains how to do it. He does a very very good job.
few more helpful links of repository wrapping up edmx:

EF Code first problem - related entity not loaded

this is really annoying
I have something like this:
class Person {
..properties id, name etc..
class Task {
..properties id, name etc..
Person Moderator {get;set}
public class DataModel : DbContext {
public DbSet<Task> Tasks { get; set; }
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
I can then create new tasks and add People objects to the task and save, and I can see the data correctly saved in the sql backend - each Task saved has the correct Person id saved
with it and the Person with that id is saved back as well.
But when I try and get back a task, the person object is always null.
using (DataModel db = new DataModel()) {
Task t = db.Tasks.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == 22);
assert(t.Moderator != null) // always null!!!!!!
What do I have to do to get the whole object graph bought back? Do I have to do a join in the SingleorDefault call? seems a bit wrong somehow.
Did I mention this is really annoying.
Two options for you. By default the code first / dbContext model returns a proxy object that derives from your model (this is important to understand when you run into JSON serialization issues). The proxy object uses lazy loading of associations but only under certain circumstances. The Moderator property has to be declared as virtual so that the proxy can override it and do the lazy loading for you.
However lazy loading can create a problem called Select N+1. If in most cases you only need the Task and not the Moderator, this won't be a problem. However if you frequently display a list of tasks and their associated moderators, you will effectively have to run an extra round trip to the database for every task in that list in addition to the 1 for the original list(e.g. for a list of 100 tasks you would do 101 queries to display the tasks and their moderators).
To get around this, EF provides the Include operator, this forces the relation to load. Use it as such
Task t = db.Tasks.Include(t=>t.Moderator).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id ==
Hope this helps.
You have lazy loading turned off for your Moderator property, so it will only be loaded if you explicitly do so using Load().
You can force EF to eagerly load your related Person entity by using the Include() method in your query like this:
Task t = db.Tasks.Include(x => x.Moderator).SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == 22)
There is a pretty good overview in this article.

Problem with EF STE and Self-Referencing tables

This is my first post here, so I hope everything is fine.
Here is my problem:
I have a table in my database called UserTypes. It has:
The relevant ones are the first and the third one.
I have another table called UserTypes_T which has information for the different types, that is language specific. The fields are:
What I'm trying to achieve is load the entire hierarchy from the UserTypes table and show it in a TreeView (this is not relevant for now). Then, by selecting some of the user types I can edit them in separate edit box (the name) and a combo box (the parent).
Everything works fine until I try to persist the changes in the database. EF has generated for me two entity classes for those tables:
The class for the user types has:
A navigational property for the self-reference (0..1);
A navigational property for the child elements;
Another navigational property for the UserTypes_T table (1..*);
The class for the translated information has:
A navigational property to the UserTypes table (*..1);
A navigational property to the Languages table (*..1);
I get the data I need using:
return context.UserTypes.Include("UserTypes_T").Where(ut => ut.IsPrivate==false).ToList();
in my WCF Web service. I can add new user types with no problems, but when I try to update the old ones, some strange things happen.
If I update a root element (Parent_ID==null) everything works!
If I update an element where Parent_ID!=null I get the following error:
AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object’s key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager.
I searched all over the internet and read the blog post from Diego B Vega (and many more) but my problem is different. When I change a parent user type, I actually change the Parent_ID property, not the navigational property. I always try to work with the IDs, not the generated navigational properties in order to avoid problems.
I did a little research, tried to see what is the object graph that I get and saw that there were lots of duplicate entities:
The root element had a list of its child elements. Each child element had a back reference to the root or to its parent and so on. You can imagine. As I wasn't using those navigational properties, because I used the IDs to get/set the data I needed, I deleted them from the model. To be specific I deleted points 4 and 5 from the UserTypes entity class. Then I had an object graph with each element only once. I tried a new update but I had the same problem:
The root element was updated fine, but the elements, that had some parents, threw the same exception.
I saw that I had a navigational property in the UserTypes_T entity class, pointing to a user type, so I deleted it too. Then this error disappeared. All the items in the object graph were unique. But the problem remained - I could update my root element with no problems, but when trying to update the children (with no exclusions) I got a null reference exception in the generated Model.Context.Extensions class:
if (!context.ObjectStateManager.TryGetObjectStateEntry(entityInSet.Item2, out entry))
context.AddObject(entityInSet.Item1, entityInSet.Item2);//here!
I tried to update only the name (which is in UserTypes_T) but the error is the same.
I'm out of ideas and I've been trying to solve this problem for 8 hours now, so I'll appreciate if someone gives me ideas or share their experience.
The only way I succeeded updating a child object was using the following code to retrieve the data:
var userTypes = argoContext.UserTypes.Include("UserTypes_T").Where(ut => ut.IsPrivate==false).ToList();
foreach (UserType ut in userTypes)
ut.UserType1 = null;
ut.UserTypes1 = null;
return userTypes;
where UserType1 is the navigational property, pointing to the parent user type and UserTypes1 is the navigational property, holding a list of the child element. The problem here was that EF "fixups" the objects and changes the Parent_ID to null. If I set it back again, EF sets the UserTypes1, too... Maybe there is a way to stop this behavior?
OK everybody, I just found what the problem was and I'm posting the answer if anybody else encounters the same issue.
The problem was that I was making some validation on the server in order to see if there isn't a circular reference between the user types. So, my method on the server looked something like:
using (MyEntities context = new MyEntities())
string errMsg = MyValidator.ValidateSomething(context.UserTypes,...);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg)) throw new FaultException(errMsg);
//some other code here...
context.UserTypes.ApplyChanges(_userType);//_userType is the one that is updated
The problem is that when making the validation, the context is filled and when trying to save the changes, there are objects with the same key values.
The solution is simple - to use different context for validating things on the server:
using (MyEntities validationContext = new MyEntities())
//validation goes here...
using (MyEntities context = new MyEntities())
//saving changes and other processing...
Another one can be:
using (MyEntities context = new MyEntities())
using (MyEntities validationContext = new MyEntities())
//saving changes and other processing...
That's it! I hope it can be useful to somebody!

entity framework navigation property further filter without loading into memory

I've two entities with 1 to N relation in between. Let's say Books and Pages.
Book has a navigation property as Pages. Book has BookId as an identifier and Page has an auto generated id and a scalar property named PageNo. LazyLoading is set to true.
I've generated this using VS2010 & .net 4.0 and created a database from that.
In the partial class of Book, I need a GetPage function like below
public Page GetPage(int PageNumber)
//checking whether it exist etc are not included for simplicity
return Pages.Where(p=>p.PageNo==PageNumber).First();
This works. However, since Pages property in the Book is an EntityCollection it has to load all Pages of a book in memory in order to get the one page (this slows down the app when this function is hit for the first time for a given book). i.e. Framework does not merge the queries and run them at once. It loads the Pages in memory and then uses LINQ to objects to do the second part
To overcome this I've changed the code as follows
public Page GetPage(int PageNumber)
MyContainer container = new MyContainer();
return container.Pages.Where(p=>p.PageNo==PageNumber && p.Book.BookId==BookId).First();
This works considerably faster however it doesn't take into account the pages that have not been serialized to the db.
So, both options has its cons. Is there any trick in the framework to overcome this situation. This must be a common scenario where you don't want all of the objects of a Navigation property loaded in memory when you don't need them.
Trick? Besides "Try both?"
public Page GetPage(int pageNumber)
// check local values, possibly not persisted yet.
// works fine if nothing loaded.
var result = Pages.Where(p => p.PageNo == pageNumber).FirstOrDefault();
if (result != null)
return result;
// check DB if nothing found
MyContainer container = new MyContainer();
return container.Pages.Where(p => p.PageNo == pageNumber && p.Book.BookId==BookId).First();
There's nothing to do this automatically except for the specific case of loading by the PK value, for which you can use ObjectContext.[Try]GetObjectByKey.